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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 198 KB, 1327x511, Screenshot_20161201-114458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1647007 No.1647007 [Reply] [Original]

We talk about our real estate and /biz. We laugh at the pump and dump stock fags and shitcoiners.


>> No.1647099

Kek, OP

But yeah, i don't own shit but i'm going to buy real estate in the US (Alaska) and Canada (Quebec maybe) for the global warming BS so i can profit from that

>> No.1647102

>buying real estate because of global warming
>buying real estate in canada because of global warming

This board...

>> No.1647127

Cool. Gl. I got 2 houses losing money. 1 personal crackhouse. Rental crackpots next door I got because it shares the yard has a shed and I can pick the neighbor 3 feet away. And they painted to match. Renting to a buddy just to not have it empty. Selling both and moving next year. Then gonna hit the streets hard in real estate.

>> No.1647131

>getting pumped and dumped
I thought by this point every normie has at least seen wolf of Wall Street...

>> No.1647135

goddamn you're retarded

>> No.1647139

Hope you intend to hold those properties for 150+ years
Fucking retard.

>> No.1647154

Lol. Yeah but fuck these faggots push stocks hard. Why the fuck would you trust a stock over a slot machine.

>> No.1647159

>Why the fuck would you trust a stock over a slot machine.
because over a long enough time frame stocks in general are a guaranteed win while over the same time frame a slot machine is a guaranteed loss?

Not taking sides here but if you seriously equate stocks with gambling you're probably not smart enough for this board.

>> No.1647163

If someone is trying to push stocks on me hard that would be my first red flag

>> No.1647164

You're talking about secure investments.
There are plenty of risky stocks that would be considered a gamble, I just probably wouldn't buy them.

>> No.1647167

>You're talking about secure investments.
no. I'm talking about how stocks in general pay you money while slot machines in general cost you money.

>> No.1647170

i thought I was retarded for losing 200 bucks yesterday... but you.. holy shit

>> No.1647171

My apologies I misunderstood.

>> No.1647178

>Laugh at bitcoin holders
>Just as it's pumping for the fifth consecutive month

Next level coping right there

>> No.1647197
File: 1.75 MB, 1652x3056, NocoinerSuicideWatchNeverStops.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can still buy while it's under 4 figures. The more you delay it, the more painful it will be.

>> No.1647202
File: 400 KB, 1433x1410, Screenshot_20161201-154446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not smart enough to to be on a fucking Mongolian Yak Herding fovum. Kek. Maybe you are right.

Or maybe the great depression happened, 2008 happened, and u have 0 fucking control in stocks. Don't even get me started in the fucking mutual fund scam.

>> No.1647204

I may buy stocks but only if my hedge fails and I have to. And only with money I can throw in a trash.

>> No.1647206
File: 1015 KB, 1130x1806, Screenshot_20161201-160901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


He has 0 investments but even worse he screams cope every 10 minutes while I on the other hand am doing real world investing starting businesses and investing in real estate.

The method of wealth proved time and time again for hundreds of years.

Have fun with the short lived neetbux. I will continue learning how to actually invest.

>> No.1647207

>Or maybe the great depression happened, 2008 happened
you saw them go down but didn't notice them go back up?

>> No.1647210

LOL. I wouldn't buy shitcoin for 1 penny each because then I will make a few grand or even millions and be stuck with that over learning how to handle my shit. My way is harder. My way is better

>> No.1647212

Not very fast and not in the levels they were. If u know how to invest you can make ass tons in the downfall too.

U can even make money in a sideways market.

>> No.1647219

>My way is harder. My way is better

I think I'll hang that on my office wall.
just need a picture to go with it. Maybe that starving Ethiopian kid with the vulture behind her.

>> No.1647260
File: 13 KB, 167x166, 1478652685752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Realestate > Stocks

>fall for the stocks meme
>cant borrow low interest money to buy stocks legally
>cant take basic tools and increase the real value of stocks with your own effort
>dont get title of landlord when you buy stocks
>cant kick non-paying scrubs to the curb with your stock holdings
>cant buy tax depreciable "equipment" through your property LLC/corp
>cant force tenants to pay in goods and services in the event of happenings/the apocalypse

I did the index fund shit for 6 years, garbage compared to what I make doing real-estate deals in my spare time.

>> No.1647275

Bitcoins are done. It's all DigitalNote XDN now.

Buy now or cry later.

>> No.1647316

c-can I accept sex as payment from tenants? Maybe I will give this a try..

>> No.1647320
File: 82 KB, 508x504, 04858080789787 - Copy (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>real estate

>> No.1647699
File: 186 KB, 1080x840, 20161201_211845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is depreciation, aprecitation, forced appreciation, 40 different ways to profit from your property.

Amen brother.

These fucking try hard kids can't beat my LETERAL autism.

>Pic related.

>> No.1647702

Yeah but not legally.

>> No.1647704
File: 39 KB, 500x645, FB_IMG_1480311404628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1600'a till the future...
>not using real estate

>> No.1648117

How much of that nerd gold can you stuff up your ass?

>> No.1648498

Probably all of it since it'seems fictional.

>> No.1648569
File: 554 KB, 1604x985, AverageCoinerPurchase.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So fictional it can buy you a Lambo by paying directly with it, so inb4 "you exchanged it for dollarinos" cope

>> No.1648573
File: 193 KB, 499x478, frogpunch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>learning how to invest
>missed on obvious bitcoin dips