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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16468809 No.16468809 [Reply] [Original]

You have hours left to accumulate anons

Use them wisely

>> No.16468862
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>> No.16468921

We going kaioken x20 eom

>> No.16469014

i've gotta see some price action before i accumulate any more. im at my personal risk tolerance

>> No.16469018

yo i know they're only paying you guys like 10 FTM an hour but putting the FTM logo over a gif is not the same as a meme, you guys are being really lazy about your jobs and i don't appreciate it

>> No.16469041

I say it's a meme, kill yourself

>> No.16469057

I cant wait to read all of the grovelling, apologetic posts from the anons who previously fudded this token.

>> No.16469065

they're all bagholders though

>> No.16469090

it's decided.. kys

>> No.16469099

To FUD is to have a stake in the token. FUD is bullish.

>> No.16469159
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this. the only thing anyone should be paying attention to is the fact that fantom is the second most talked about crypto on /biz/ after chainlink itself. the hivemind has spoken and you would have to be a fool not to hold at least a suicide stack by now

>> No.16469164


Over 700 Million FTM tokens held on exchanges.


>> No.16469209

what is it about being poor that you enjoy so much?

>> No.16469216


What is about being stupid that you enjoy so much?

>> No.16469231

Fantom is just the new Holochain. Get out while you can

>> No.16469252

Fantom is the next swift

>> No.16469257

Fantom is the next iconx. Holy shit how delusional

>> No.16469289

So 200x from here then slow bleed? I'm fine with that lol

>> No.16469391

This will hit new lows in 2020.


>> No.16469410


anons this thread is for the financial elite, you may have stumbled here by accident but you should really go back to driving your ubers

>> No.16469413

I am down about 50% from when I bought. Good thing I only spent 100 usd kek. I expect nothing from alts.
you play dokkan?

>> No.16469419

I still leave mine on kucoin while waiting for the new wallets and staking, who's gonna hack my ftm lmao

>> No.16469428

Naw just an og fan

>> No.16469449

Fantom marine reporting for duty

>> No.16469486

If you dont buy fantom soon next month you are going to be crying

>> No.16469578

Holochain like 20xed from ico

>> No.16469746

nobody is gonna hack your account. more likely trump will put some kind of bullshit ban on foreign-hosted crypto exchanges and you won't be able to access your fanties anymore. people who hodl their crypto normie-style get exactly what they deserve

>> No.16469780

New wallets are supposed to be released this month but ok

>> No.16469826

All my fanties are safely stored in trust .

>> No.16470332

Fantom will be huge if you dont see it you deserve to be poor

>> No.16470893


>> No.16470942

>I’ve gotta wait until a girl who is suing to fuck me is married to another man before pursuing

You are a beta risk averse bitch. Kys

>> No.16470944

Scam.Lied about everything in their ICO. Chink team exit scammed and hired some Russians to produce "something", all while they were dumping. Constant unexplainable "delays" and "revision" of promises plus some weird "partnerships" with "banks" etc from corrupt third world hell holes to give poor "investors" some hope while team are dumping.

>> No.16470969

Give up you obsessed homo

>> No.16470977

You're desperately try to fud to the same 20 people that post in these threads every day, you really think you're ever gonna move the market even 1 sat with your garbage pastas? Try screaming it from your rooftop

>> No.16470985

Kek this. Absolutely seething fantomnlet trying to accumulate more

>> No.16471029

Everything I said it factual. It's a clear and open scam. I got the same hysterical and emotional reaction when I warned against Bitconnect. Your mainnet is supposed to be live and you were promised 300K TPS, so what did you get? You have no clue do you, they didn't care to tell you and throw some new site design, "partnership" etc at you instead, hoping that you never ever will start to ask hard questions about all their lies, failed tech, exit scamming team etc.

>> No.16471068

XAR is literally live dumbass

Just market buy you aren’t getting a better price

>> No.16471159

OK, so it has been tested and you got insane 300 000 TPS with smart contracts, unheard of in crypto with current technology, right? Ooooor, you got nothing but new internet design and "partnerships" with failed state Afghanistan health authorities, corrupt third world banks etc.?

>> No.16471162

i thought the discord moved to FRM?
why are there still some shill for this here

>> No.16471197

You. Aren’t. Getting. A. Better. Price.

>> No.16471279
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It's a scam. Andy is a scammer. He demanded to get access to private codes as a "code reviewer". If he didn't get it, he would trash the project. Then suddenly this "code reviewer" run off and get hired by the competitors of those that gave him their codes. Super slimy guy. Uneard of in crypto. A scammer. Everything with this project signals scam. Why did the whole Korean team exit scam? Did they inform you? No? Just one day every dev was a Russian-for-hire? What better red flag and indicator of a scam can you get?

>> No.16471309

You keep bringing up 300k tps like you think anyone invested in the project is still expecting that. That was an estimate given their proposed consensus model that wasn't even built yet. They're very honest about current throughput which is about 25-40k which is still a massive leap above anything else on the market. Afghanistan decided to build on fantom tech to combat against counterfeit drugs, that's not a partnership that's called real world adoption. And screaming that a south African bank is corrupt doesn't make it corrupt, that only makes you look like a screeching retard. Show any proof that banks using xar are corrupt, I'll wait. Get a life DAG schizo, no one's going to pump your razor thin orderbook

>> No.16471333

Please don't fud Andrew anon, he is our jesus

Low blow

The rest is funny so carry on

>> No.16471398
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>That was an estimate given their proposed consensus model that wasn't even built yet
No, that was an ICO promise. They even were so retarded that they compared empirical output with their own estimate. You can't just promise something in ICO and then underperform 90% or less. ICO whales are preparing class action lawsuit.

>> No.16471416

ico whales kek

this is a new one, i like it


>> No.16471421

>he is our jesus
Blasphemy is not a very good marketing strategy, anon. Brings you bad karma. Unless you are talking about false pedo-"prophet" Muhammed of course.

>> No.16471434
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>> No.16471443

Maybe Hades?

>> No.16471456

Look up the definition of a whitepaper you absolute brainlet. Still waiting for any source on that corruption and let's get a source on your class action lawsuit while you're at it lmao. You have absolutely nothing and you're seething. What else are you going to pull out of your ass?

>> No.16471544

Based as fuck, your doing gods work anon
Seething MTV schizo has no chance

>> No.16471657

Seriously, what are you trying to accomplish
There are only 10-30 of us fanties on here and we're not going to sell
Most of your fud is stale, incorrect, or nobody cares
If you're trying to fud to accumulate you're wasting your time. If you're trying to fud to prevent others from buying you're wasting your time because this board is dead. If you're fudding for fun you're a faggot who needs better hobbies. If you're trying to get us to buy your micro cap scam coins with no volume then congrats on making $40 from some random newfag dumb enough to buy your bag of MTV. If you sincerely believe that you're some kind of saint trying to save people from fantom then congrats you've wasted hours of your life every day for the past few weeks to accomplish absolutely nothing.
Delete your fantom fud folder that you upload daily and go outside. I spend 30 minutes a day on here and see you every time

>> No.16471845


>> No.16472018

The fact that you call it a partnership just shows how fucking retarded you are. Anyone can choose to build something on the Fantom network, that doesn't automatically make you a partner of Fantom. You don't have to enter a prior agreement with the foundation to do so. You should know this, and you do know this, you just decide to mislead about it to make it look bad. This is what REAL adoption is, and so far this is the best adoption case crypto has seen.

>> No.16472195

The schizo rat scurries off everytime he's challenged to provide evidence for his retarded claims, what a pathetic existence

>> No.16472980

Not trying to FUD. FTM bag holder here, but I'm fairly certain they already said Opera wasn't happening this month. What makes you think otherwise?

>> No.16473003

It’s happening dumbass, Chen took it back

>> No.16473136


>> No.16473152

fantom keeps announcing and deploying all this shit with Cool Names to an audience of 0 people. nobody, NOBODY, gives a FUCK about this project.

>> No.16473162

don't have the screenshot but the anon is right, there was a miscommunication between Chen and the rest of the team. He apologized, it's coming out this month along with xar

>> No.16473183

I've been wondering, what wallet could you store your tranny tokens in? I have mine on an exchange too

>> No.16473761

Well you'd better fucking find it then anon! Don't give me false hopes

>> No.16473824

Are you in the telegram? If you ask there someone should have it for you, sorry I didn't save it and can't give you proof but he wrote a whole apology about it and clarified everything

>> No.16473914

Just go back and look at some of the Fantom fudd threads, the rebuttal kept being posted where Chen apologized for being an idiot that "speculated" that it might be postponed to January instead of checking with the team, that told him it's on schedule for this December.

This attitude he displayed is one of the reason there's far less Koreans than before. They have a certain arrogance in their culture leading to stuff like this.

>> No.16474003


This korean thing. Andre changed the whole team ages ago and you will find out why very soon

>> No.16474124

Yet here you are giving a fuck.

>> No.16474128
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Just. Keep. Holding.

Michael fucked up, yes. Is it bad? Yes. Does it show there is a problem with communication within Fantom? Yes. But that's an easy thing to fix, and wont matter when the tech is here and being adopted.

>> No.16474467

Hold the line !!!

>> No.16475022

Chen fudded to fill his bags one last time

>> No.16475037

No idea, that's why I'm waiting for official wallets but some anons are saying Trust

>> No.16475210
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I'm gonna let you in on some insider info... sell at 200 sats. Buy back when it goes back to 140. I'm not kidding. Unless you dont care about not capping profits like that, whatever hold. It will eventually moon next year, but at 200 sats you will see a drop. Buy again. Make money. This is going to happen in 6 days from what I understand, no I'm not Michael Chen

>> No.16475261

We're going to need a reason if you want us to risk losing fanties

>> No.16475412

an insider pnd group

less than 20% pump


>> No.16476082

200 sats is nothing.. it was more than that 3 months ago.

>> No.16476110 [DELETED] 

ikr? everything about the price movement looks organic as fuck. if this is a PnD scam, it's the lamest one ever

>> No.16476165

Already got a million fantoms, waiting for a major pump to dump it. Not going to sell until next march atleast.

>> No.16476273

>not holding till 100 dollars

not gonna make it

>> No.16477200
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mega ultra big dick $FTM whale here. i've got 40m and i can't wait to take a big ol' cleveland steamer on 300k "make it" bagholders. prepare your anuses

>> No.16477285

60m checking in will vore your stack for the even hundo mil

>> No.16477917

Why is Fantom FUD so shit? With Link FUD I often shit myself but Fantom FUD makes me feel chill.

>> No.16478142

because FTM fud isn't based in anything real and literally all of it can be proven wrong, someone might as well say Andre left the team to live in the Alaskan wilderness. There's no weight behind it

>> No.16478149
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This desu