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File: 224 KB, 1932x1086, used car salesman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16464575 No.16464575 [Reply] [Original]

>that guy who can't make real money because he can't contain his impulse to grift people for pocket change

We've all known this guy in one form or another, right? Why do they do it /biz/? What makes them tick?

>> No.16464590
File: 31 KB, 660x574, _91408619_55df76d5-2245-41c1-8031-07a4da3f313f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still can't believe a billionaire conman got voted into office because "he's just like us and wants to help the average american".

>> No.16464606


People are suckers.

>> No.16464612
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>> No.16464966


I mean you've got suckers like >>16464612 who buy into the con hook, line, and sinker. It's not that surprising.

>> No.16465030

It has taken the elite 60 years to build up a society this stupid for optimal grifting and meat puppetry. It's pretty impressive.

>> No.16465049
File: 95 KB, 630x628, IMG_20191122_155226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He didn't get elected for that you dumb troglodyte. He got elected because he kicks leftist ass every damn day and is a beautiful crazy man who is endlessly entertaining.

>> No.16465067


Let me ask you something. Do you really think that Hillary Clinton is in any shape, way, or form a leftist?

>> No.16465116

Nope, she is a corporate shill backed by career bureaucrats, tech CEOs, and the bought off media.

>> No.16465131


So in what way has Donald Trump ever kicked leftist ass?

>> No.16465180
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It's so beautiful

>> No.16465212
File: 37 KB, 553x413, 7D1136FB-CC13-4A4E-BF9D-D6B1CD65FC5B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Voted for him because he’s funny, that’s it. I’ll be voting for him again in 2020 if he keeps the energy going.

>> No.16465216
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So triggering a few nutty feminists is worth putting the largest nuclear arsenal in the world in the hands of this guy? Do you feel that's a responsible decision?

>> No.16465231

'responsible' look where you are Charlie, lol

>> No.16465245

Also, actually, yes. It's been totally worth it.

>> No.16465255

>but in all seriousness we can't let this guy keep the nuclear codes
no one's been nuked and as much as they deserve it no one has been put in death camps. get help with your schitzo phobias

>> No.16465256


See what I mean >>16464590?

>> No.16465537

Do you ever have original ideas or do you just constantly repeat what you're told to think?

>> No.16465790

"white people can't be poor" sealed the deal for me to actually go out and vote Tbh. This isn't about policies its about demographics.

>> No.16465797

politics is demographics

>> No.16465806

Rather the world end then slowly get more and more cucked and demeaned as a white male in this clown world.

>> No.16465819

He got voted into office because he wasn't Hillary Clinton. He's also been a pretty good President.

>> No.16465888

Agree but there is still a faction in the republican party that make boomer jokes about socialism instead of realizing the actual demographic issue of this country.
>I'm sure there are enough educated well paid niggers and not bitter left wing purple haired dykes that think white men are the enemy that will vote the same as i as a white male will

>> No.16465945
File: 1.73 MB, 209x213, 9C185FA9-9A5E-456E-9D1E-A131564D2CC5.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Youre all idiots. Ill make this short. Before trump, 50% of working americans lived paycheck to paycheck. Now its 78%, you down syndrome idiot. I dont care about who is left or right, BUT I LOATHE retards like you that cant think critically and just think "trump is gud" despite him being a failure. Brainless retard sheep like you is why america is a shithole.

>> No.16466170

>Before trump, 50% of working americans lived paycheck to paycheck. Now its 78%

>> No.16466217

The powers that be decided to print trillions of dollars to prop up our bullshit economy at the expense of the common people. Doesn’t sound so responsible, does it?

>> No.16466236

grifters are based as fuck
some type of autist needs to punish the normies for their crimes

>> No.16466239

And there you have it folks. The dumbest of the dumb, weeknights at 10 only on /biz/

>> No.16466250
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>> No.16466253

what kind of logical fallacy is this

>> No.16466273

The alpha male.
I agree with you but I voted for trump even though civilian votes don't matter at all for 2 reason
1. Riots.
2. I'd vote for a turkey sandwich over hilary hangem clinton

>> No.16466309
File: 632 KB, 1242x2208, 49F1FEF3-06FB-4239-BEDB-856CB9AD962D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. https://youtu.be/s7gDXtRS0jo
2:27 - 2:34
before trump was president.

2. Current stats (after 4 years of being president) are in pic related. Various articles if you google the key words.

>> No.16466316

Literally wasn't based on "hes just like us" bullshit it was the fact that he was going to change the overtone window on illegal/legal immigration. It was a long shot as everyone had said because of the amount of negative reaction to him being elected you retard. Only reason. He also did move the overtone window its just now hes fucking doing absolutely nothing because he signed up to suck up to the kikes. he may have been doing it before but it doesnt matter what mattered again was the fact he brought up the white displacement shit and illegal immigration.

>> No.16466392

Interesting, didn't know about this. How does it get that bad in just several years?

>> No.16466500

No clue, really. I just follow some big picture stats. I usually dont look at the details as to why certain things happen. I just know that people that say stupid shit like "its just a coincidence" are dogmatic people that cant be reasoned with.

>> No.16466655
File: 49 KB, 500x607, 2kmqeu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people spending money they don't have on shit they don't need

>> No.16466713

Lmfaoooo read this >>16466500
> I just know that people that say stupid shit like "its just a coincidence" are dogmatic people that cant be reasoned with.
only a total RETARD thinks things got worse "out of a coincidence". You're the npc, dumbass. I on the other hand back up my thoughts with at MINIMUM one brain cell. Try it some time, dogmatic sheep.

>> No.16466726
File: 3.69 MB, 1242x2208, 6416497A-B6B5-43FE-B18E-25028DECCA09.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Youre one of the npcs from pic related, huh? :)

>> No.16466755

You retards are too predictable.

>> No.16466777

Nice strawman. And you wonder why you fail to move people lol.

>> No.16466828

What does "living paycheck to paycheck" mean, and how do you know both sources used the same definition? You don't, of course. Because your source for the first data is, "some guy said so on tv".

>> No.16466857
File: 820 KB, 1242x2208, CB2D6837-6F0B-444D-B12E-9F3CFD2D592D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"some guy on tv" that was proctoring the presidential debates LMFAO, you sheep.

Also, living "paycheck to paycheck" is sef-explanatory, but here. Pic related. There's only one definition for it, brainlet. Imagine trying to defend your false prophet this badly kek.

>> No.16466862

never gonna make it

>> No.16466869

Again, retard. You are one of the npcs from these stats >>16466726
Not your fault. You were just born with trash genetics. I pity you. Some people truly are sheep by nature.

>> No.16466878

Imagine nitpicking something so utterly irrelevant to try to gain leverage. Kek, I am destroying these fools.

>> No.16466883

>I pity you.
he said from his mother's basement

>> No.16466887
File: 38 KB, 654x565, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He doesn't care because all he cares about making trump look bad by implying causation with no arguments to support him. It's about as valid as saying that Trump is good for the economy because he has greatly removed unemployment. Hell, rate of unemployment is more clearly defined that the vague idea of living paycheck to paycheck, so his data, which may very well come from two different defintions is worthless.

>> No.16466891

>I am destroying these fools.
that's quite an accomplishment. do you also dress and feed yourself or do you require help with that?

>> No.16466896

>he said from his mother's basement
he said from HIS mother's basement

I can argue like a down syndrome retard too. Let's keep changing the topic at hand and go full retard!!! So fun acting like a dumbass with 0 brain cells!!

>> No.16466910
File: 84 KB, 533x700, 75bd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16466913

Nope. It only has one definition. Keep coping, sheep. 62% of trump supports will support him no matter what. You are one of them. My arguments are sound. Sorry ;(

Huh? How is that even remotely related? That's not even clever in the slightest.

>> No.16466917

how could one presidential term be responsible for people spending more of their paycheck? i am extremely interested in why you think the rate has increased.

>> No.16466929

That meme applies to brainlets like you. Sorry.

Also retard, wanna know how I know youre a total retard? Because you misunderstand how unemployment stats work :)
Those stats are actually highly misleading.

1. Discouraged workers (someone that wants a job, but gave up and hasn't applied in over 4 weeks) are NOT counted as unemployed.

2. People who make HARDSHIP wages (so little, they can't survive on their own which btw account for 30% of jobs) ARE counted as employed.

3. Students are NOT counted as unemployed

Putting those 3 together = makes the unemployment stat look better/lower than it actually is. It is a lie that fools without critical thinking believe. Total retard

>> No.16466932
File: 56 KB, 600x400, deloqtrump_huuge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think trump likes big blocks or small blocks?

Alot of maximalists are havimg conflicting feelings because they know the answer.

>> No.16466935

Simply stating things got worse during his presidency :)

You honestly believe it was just a "coincidence"? Absolutely coping.

>> No.16466963

>"There's only one definition for it."
>The definition provided is vague as fuck and could be interpreted in many different ways. It also relies on a vaguely defined sense of "significant financial stress", which can be defined in many different ways.
So, do you just ask some guy if they feel that not receiving their next paycheck would cause significant financial stress--they are free to interpret that as they wish? Are you then sure they did the same test on both data sets?
>"some guy on tv" that was proctoring the presidential debates LMFAO
Some guy on tv must be absolutely correct because he is proctoring the debate. We must believe him unconditionally, without thought, or I will accuse you of being sheep for thinking! Do not dare question his definition. It must be the absolute perfect definition I require to say it's the president's fault, as if the world is that simple, and the president is the only thing affecting spending habits!
>I am destroying these fools.
Declaring your own victory is pathetic lol.

>> No.16466999


>> No.16467007

1. Idk and I dont care how the stats are collected. I give the benefit of the doubt to people who's job are to make statistics. Dont go full retard by cherry picking stats unless you will actually go into actual detail (such as what I did with the unemployment stat). Dont be those types that ignore stats that hurt their narrative unless you have solid grounds to work with.

2. You're a cherry picking idiot. He probably got those stats from a governmental website or somewhere credible. What kind of retard just spouts fake stats at something formal like this? CBS news would have lost credibility, idiot.

3. I am destroying you :)

>> No.16467019

:) truth hurt, dont it?

>> No.16467042

checked, reverse satan

>> No.16467044
File: 43 KB, 960x960, 9142A353-D992-41BE-8B8C-54D29153AE27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey everyone. Notice how the trumpanzees have no real counter argument to what I say? They just say "i-it could have been a different definition of paycheck to paycheck!!!!" in order to cope with reality.

I swear if that stat went down from 50% to say 10%, THEN the trumpanzees would say "man, this economy is booming!!!" (in that case it would be an accurate statement).

You see. They only believe what they want to believe in. They hate the truth. Hence why 62% will vote for him no matter what. Trump is their god that can do no wrong. You cant argue with dogmatic clowns.

>> No.16467049

Yes yes. Mob mentality. We get it, trumpanzee. Truth is irrelevant. It's the loudest person that wins, right? Statistics are fake news unless they fit your narrative, right ;)?

>> No.16467051

>Nope. It only has one definition
Show us how you would objectively determine if a man is living paycheck to paycheck. Also, since your one true definition relies on other vague definitions. Show us how you would objectively determine if a financial burden is significant

>3. Students are NOT counted as unemployed
How is this relevant? Are you trying to twist how a greater percentage of the population is being educated into a bad thing?
> Discouraged workers (someone that wants a job, but gave up and hasn't applied in over 4 weeks) are NOT counted as unemployed.
How do you know this number is greater than past presidents, and how do you know it's trump's fault.
>You honestly believe it was just a "coincidence"? Absolutely coping.
Do you have any arguments for why you think Trump is the cause of things, or will you merely resort to namecalling to promote your simple view of the world, where the president decides how much of a person's paycheck a person spends.

>> No.16467092

So is he getting impeached?

>> No.16467097

Made-up stats, don't care.

>> No.16467101

fuck you bitch, everyone should tip at least $1 (depending on the service given)

>> No.16467102

>Idk and I dont care how the stats are collected. I give the benefit of the doubt to people who's job are to make statistics
You are the person "making statistics" now by interpreting the data on the assumption that they have the exact same definition. You don't know how they determined whether someone was living from paycheck to paycheck, but you're sure because.... why exactly? Because it conforms to your narrative? So far all you have done is post a googled definition. It's as if posting one definition automatically means everyone subjectively judges their own lives the same way. You can't be this dumb.
>CBS news would have lost credibility, idiot.
"The news wouldn't lie to me!"
And you call other people sheep.

>> No.16467115

>hey just say "i-it could have been a different definition of paycheck to paycheck!!!!" in order to cope with reality.
It's to examine your data. You have made no argument on how their definitions align despite requiring them to be exactly the same or else your arguments turn to dust.

>> No.16467125

>Statistics are fake news
Another strawman. What is in question is your interpretation of the statistics you have made from two different sources, which could have different definitions and methods.
> Statistics are fake news unless they fit your narrative
You are behaving as if news are always true if it fits your narrative, and are projecting your own faults.

>> No.16467133

lesser of 2 evils
we would be in war vs russia right now if hillary won
you'd be miserable on the front lines, probably dead actually
trump is a godsend compared to hillary

>> No.16467172

1. Literally googling the fucking term. Im not going to make a criteria for a word who's definition already exists.

2. Look, dumbass. If you REALLY want to, go ahead and fucking ignore students. It is still misleading for the other 2 reasons alone.
Also, getting "educated" is a meme unless it's stem. Believing you go to college to "learn" shows you fell for the propaganda. I have over 140 units dont btw. Literally the whole point of college is to get a piece of paper for jobs irrelevant to your degree as that is how employers screen people out now. You can google basically everything anyways. I mostly have used chegg for instance. I got more out of a 15 dollar subscription than I ever did from an overpriced class.

3. I dont. My POINT was using the unemployment stats and claiming they were "transparent" was retarded. My point was saying they are "low" is misleading. I actually hate that stat for the 3 (or 2 if you want to ignore students) reasons I mentioned. It's a stat that can sound pretty but in reality doesnt tell you shit.

4. I dont believe in "convenient coincidences". Feel free to believe in something unrealistic.
> where the president decides how much of a person's paycheck a person spends.
when the fuck did I say that's the cause???????
My actual argument is people are doing more shit now then they were before

>> No.16467219

You're fucking retarded and clearly know Jack shit about statistics. You're comparing a vague idea between 2 different sources with 0 idea of the definitions they used, let alone the methodology either source used. God you're fucking retarded.
> Durrrrrrr 28% more people are living paycheck to paycheck
> I don't worry about specifically why tho because I already know

People like you can't be reasoned with, because you believe you're intelligent, and focused on data and facts, and are in reality a manipulated retard.

>> No.16467252

Based Trump still making demotards and lolbertarians seethe every day

>> No.16467269
File: 1.24 MB, 1242x1881, 978ADDC2-6728-46E2-9546-E298694C60B5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I literally cited the stats in a later post. Keep coping.

1. Im not "making up" anything, retard. I am stating those stats straight from sources, fool. So far, youre argument is just "different definitions were used!".

2. Ya ya. Trump supporters always say everything against trump is "fake news". Mkay, stay ignorant.

it literally has one definition. Keep arguing semantics tho.

>2 different sources
literally google this shit on cbs articles and they will say the same shit

You can ignore the vid here if you want. What is important is the pic related. Sorry. Same source. You cant argue semantics now :(

>> No.16467275

>between 2 different sources with 0 idea of the definitions they used, let alone the methodology either source used. God you're fucking retarded.
Imagine having this much down syndrome :)
same source, sperg :). What now? Same source. Same source. Same source. Cbs news.

>> No.16467326

See, you're proving my point for me. You were explained the problem several times now, living paycheck to paycheck, and all the terms they associated with it are vague, meaningless terms. Your counter to this was to Google living paycheck to paycheck which shows a single definition, because you're retarded. You even admitted you don't know the methodology, and don't care, because you're a manipulated retard and if you came upon understanding methodology you'd be looking at evidence that you've fallen for fake poll after fake fake poll, because you're a manipulated retard. I don't expect you to get, or really let yourself admit all of this of course, like I already said manipulated retards who think they're intelligent are impossible to reason with.

>> No.16467334

>19 posts by this id
lol when Trump wins 2020 imagine how mad these people will be

>> No.16467335

correction. Hofstra University hosted the debate. I thought it was a cbs representative. Anyways, because of this and despite the fact VARIOUS sources say the same shit, trumptards will argue semantics the whole time. I get it. 62% will vote for trump.

You guys can keep your semantic argument to cope. p.s. various articles you research now from various sources will use the same stat of 78%. VARIOUS. Literally google that shit, you lazy fucks

>> No.16467351
File: 127 KB, 380x524, IMG_0262.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Schrodinger's Trump, to the deranged leftist, he is simultaneously a filthy rich conniving villain, and a dirt poor debt-ridden buffoon, whatever is most convenient in the current argument

>> No.16467356

Ya ya ya ya I get it. Everything you hate is fake news and it doesnt matter is a plethora of different sources use the same stat. Its all tucking fake. We get it. Facts are fake news. We get it. You trumptards argue semantics and cherrypick stats you dont like. We get it. You hate anything that attacks your god trump. Again, VARIOUS sources say the same shit. Dont like it? Whatever. I cant change the mind of a dogmatic person.

>> No.16467379

82% of all statistics are made-up on the spot in order to try and "prove" a point. Sad!

>> No.16467394


>Wow anon, can't you see all of these various sources I cited that are all from highly liberal coastal urban Jewish shitpapers, can't believe you don't take their stories at face value after an openly biased anti-Trump crusade for all of the past 4 years

>> No.16467410

huh? Literally google the same words I used and you'll fond the stats yourself, lazy fuck. Actual credible sources. Various fucking sources saying the same shit. Fool

>> No.16467416
File: 8 KB, 613x257, LOWINTELLIGENCE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Literally googling the fucking term. Im not going to make a criteria for a word who's definition already exists.
"If you can google a term, it must only be understood only one way, despite how subjective it is, and all research that use that term must it, and test for it the exact same way."
"If you can google a term, it must be measured the exact same way by every person on the planet."
You are exactly this dumb.
>I dont believe in "convenient coincidences"
That's a convenient way to avoid having to establish causation after implying causation for so long. It's no different really, from saying, "It's trump's fault because correlation is always causation if it supports my biases."
> Im not going to make a criteria for a word who's definition already exists.
"If a definition exists, everyone measures it the same way, and comes to the same conclusions."
You making up a definition is not as relevant as knowing how the data you relied on determines if something fits in that definition. You were not asked to redefine, you were asked how to determine if a person fits the definition objectively.

Since you're fucking retarded, I'll simplify it for you.

Let's say I create a survey of idioicy. On the first survey I define being an idiot as an IQ of less than 80. The headline says, "X% of all americans are idiots."

Another company makes a survey. This time , they define stupidity as an IQ less than 70. The headline says, "Y% of americans are idiots." Y is greater than X.

Nobody knows how the research was done. Someone like you comes around, looks at the data, and says everyone is dumber, it's the president's fault, and all his fans are making things worse.

Someone asks you if stupidity is defined the same way. You google a definition, then post pic related. You then use it to imply that if a definition exists, everyone must use it the same you.

>> No.16467425

All the various sources say the same shit meaning they are using the same fucking definition. Holy fucking hell, what the fuck is wrong with you?
Not every fucking stat is made to conspire against your god, trump. Imagine being this fucking dogmatic.

>> No.16467431

I'm not even a Trump supporter, I say the 2016 election as I actually understand the value of my vote, and wouldn't give it to a single person running. You're so retarded you live your life obsessed with stats you don't know or care about the methodology behind, definitions of their terms, any fucking information at all about the poll, it could literally be 1 household polled with the most retarded questions imaginable asked, and you wouldn't even know it because all you cared about was the 'conclusion'. You don't even understand what a fact is.

>> No.16467441

looked at pic. Didnt read the rest. I can tell where this is going. Long story short, you cant accept facts. Various sources use the same fucking stats. Same fucking working of "patcheck to paycheck". Same fucking numbers. Its all fake news though, right? Lazy shit cant even look up the numbers themselves out of fear of not being able to cope with the truth. Keep being a retard. I wont stop you.

>> No.16467445

I stayed home during the 2016 election*

>> No.16467450
File: 280 KB, 1200x675, greta retard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trusting google
>literally an Alt-Left corporation
>top fucking kek

>> No.16467458

Okay, this is clearly bait now, well done.

>> No.16467470
File: 667 KB, 1242x2208, C56B1835-F2B8-492D-AFEE-55480630CA30.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ya ya all stats are fake despite various sources using it. Careerbuilder must be full of shit since thats where a lot of the 78% stat comes from. They actually did demonstrate the methodology behind it btw, faggot.

>> No.16467480

Google isnt a fucking "source", retard. I use google to NAVIGATE *TO* the sources. Fucking kek

>> No.16467507

> Doesn't post the definitions they used or the questions they asked
> Doesn't compare to the other source
> But they're the same trust me
> Even though we don't have the careerbuilder one

>> No.16467533

Dunning kruger effect

>> No.16467550
File: 31 KB, 646x326, democrat_epithet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ya, keep trusting Google dumbfuck
>top fucking kek
don't ever do this shit kids...

>> No.16467554


Trump is the greatest president to ever live


Leftists and liberals are the same thing: progressives. /Thread

>> No.16467591

>They actually did demonstrate the methodology behind it btw, faggot.
Great, now post the methodolgy of the guy from tv, and see if they used the same one! That's the whole point.

The bone of contention has always been your interpretation based on the assumption that they use the same definition. Your obsession with insisting the stats are credible is irrelevant at this point. Because they aren't making the comparison you are. THAT'S ALL ON YOU. Everything is just going over your head because you are pretty fucking dumb.

>> No.16467596

with clowns™ you can. honk

>> No.16467640

If only you had the self awareness to realize how it applies to yourself. You've spent the whole thread declaring how you were smarter than your political opposition, and how you have destroyed them. All the talk about how your opposition is dogmatic and doesn't think, as you take whatever truth is spoonfed to you without thinking.

>> No.16467643

i was hoping he was just trolling but now i'm thinking that he's just really stupid

>> No.16467674

> you are pretty fucking dumb

no u

>> No.16468540

Must be joking. Trump biggest importer of h1b aryans.

>> No.16468584

So you give trump props for lowering unemployment 1.1% in 3 years. Do you give Obama the same props for doing the same in literally one quarter?

>> No.16468595

What coins do you hold?

>> No.16468597

The amount of pedos he took out is mindboggling.

Are you a pedo yourself ?
Are you shaking with fear ?
You should.

>> No.16468655

We're still going to be Brazil in 20-50 years. Trump is just a wrench in the plan. He isnt a full reversal. The reason my range is so long is because it highly depends on the immigration policies of whoever takes office next. Demographics are destiny and our destiny is to become a shithole.

>> No.16469492


>> No.16469529

This is why Im voting for Bernie

>> No.16469535
File: 101 KB, 500x1150, 1575519509598.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16469547

I liked the topic of this thread. Now it's all political bullshit.

>> No.16469568

This kind of misreading of popular sentiment is what may yet cost the democrats what could have been the easiest landslide election of recent years and propel Trump into the illustrious two-term club.
Trump, like Brexit, like Macron and en Marche in France like Syriza in Greece, like Podmemos in Spain were votes against the establishment. It wasn't "they're just like us" it's "they're NOT LIKE THEM".
And when you consider how much controversy and condemnation Trump is soliciting from the establishment, sounds like he's delivering on that.

Then again I bet you're the kind of person who doesn't realize that all cars are soft and bubly now to sell to housewives.