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16458157 No.16458157 [Reply] [Original]

after that i still pay 19% VAT on everything ( 7% in food ), like 80% additional taxes on fuel, energy, gas , is the highest in europe.

this is legal theft and you cucks complain about "only earning 100k" while paying 28% taxes or even less while you can rent out an apartment 20 miles away from orlando florida or houston.

i don´t know man why are you muricans complaining?
every job is payming almost twice as good while paying almost no taxes.

>> No.16458231

i net 1800, working 40 hours and 3 shifts.
still only spend about 800 per month, so i can save 1k in crypto.

>> No.16458258
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Someone has to pay my neetbux hehe

T. Sozialschmarotzer

>> No.16458268

Sozialversicherung, rentenvorsorge etc you mongo
Burgers have to pay that as well if they don't want to take a huge risk but they pay with their net income, not their gross income like you do

>> No.16458296

Nach der nächsten wirtschaftskrise wirst auch du arbeiten müssen

>> No.16458375

quatsch. wir deportieren einfach alle asylschmarotzer. dann ist auch wieder genug geld für uns deutsche da.

>> No.16458395

werden wir nicht brauchen, die ostfront wird das erledigen

>> No.16458406

before or after tax?

>> No.16458422

Much worse here in Spain bro. I guarantee you that.

>> No.16458447

net = after tax

>> No.16458463

much worse?
the median net income in spain is like 1600€.
you pay less taxes
you need less energy
your real estate market is much cheaper

what is so worse in spain?

to be honest i plan to make a roadtrip from germany all the way down to gibraltar i will check it out , do you air bnb for anychance?

>> No.16458467

Have you seen Dutch taxes on fuel? There's a reason people near the border fuel up in Germany. Can't imagine you pay more.

>> No.16458502
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Stfu nigger, you got better schools,infrastructure,healthcare etc etc.
while here in the US people are dying because they can't afford basic healthcare or going bankrupt because of it, the roads are fucking shit and the gov is using tax money to fight useless wars for big money.

>> No.16458564

Same here in Italy. People drive all the way through Switzerland and Austria just to fuel up in Germany

>> No.16458593
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>Same here in Italy. People drive all the way through Switzerland and Austria just to fuel up in Germany

you drive like 175 km to germany, then you have to pay for using the roads in austria and go back to italy?
that is like 350 km.

the price in germany have to be almost 50% lower and you need to fuel at least 80 liter.

this seems to be bullshit to me.

>> No.16458595

fuel in Germany is more expensive than in Austria

>> No.16458605

no, italians just have to be retarded for it to be true. checks out.

>> No.16458613

1700€ 14 times a year you mean. that is pretty good if you live at home, considering you dont pay for school, hospital, autobahn

>> No.16458639

You have to pay for those immigrants mister shekelberg decided that you need to accept into your community, Hans.

>> No.16458641

no true he's a faggot

>> No.16458648

Yes, we all go to the school and hospital all the time in socialist countries. In fact its our most enjoyable pastime.

>> No.16458654
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all italians are niggers

>> No.16458655

>i don´t know man why are you muricans complaining?

This. Doing business in the current American economy is easy mode.

>> No.16458725

>amerimutt calling europeans niggers

>> No.16458745

I would add that money moves much more easily through the American economy. Whereas Germans, many of whom still don't even have credit cards, seem like they're barely past keeping money in their mattresses and the money that does move, moves through the corrupt cartel-like structures, e.g. the car industry.

>> No.16458828

And if you had more money what would you do? Probably move.. The problem is that there's barely anything enjoyable about modern German culture.

>> No.16458950

capitalism destroyed the majority of our culture and immigration did the rest.

>> No.16459034

Yeh, it was capitalism who destroyed the family through the welfare aka single mother state
It's also capitalism who takes a huge amount of money through taxation and hands it to unproductive people who end up with a purchasing power far greater of what they should have
Fucking retard

>> No.16459117

How do you avoid HarzIV sanctions?

>> No.16459118

at least you don't go bankrupt because you get sick or injured.

t. loving muh freedumb

>> No.16459137

Just save up some money

>> No.16459138


>> No.16459184

just go to any job interview with "look i know hiw busines is done i already saw in the waiting room most employers here do XYZ wrong"

if that doesn´t work you bring up political topic and say out loud that you want to be the boss right away.

nobody will hire you

>> No.16459194

You know there ia a thing called insurance, right?

>> No.16459254
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>fter that i still pay 19% VAT on everything ( 7% in food ), like 80% additional taxes on fuel, energy, gas , is the highest in europe.

But that is a GOOD thing Hans, you are letting the State control your money for your own benefit. You can't be trusted with it and thats why you are a first world nation with FREE healthcare unlike poor amerilards with their low taxes and private healthcare and gun rights and property rights and free speech laws and an anti globalist president and all those horrible things you are lucky to not have!

>> No.16459265

I have been a neet for a while now and paying some of my bills by freelancing sometimes. I never saw neetbux as a option in germany because it just seems like a headache to get it in the first place. Can you redpill me on the process you have to go thru to get approved?

>> No.16459303

>what is so worse in spain?
weather ;)

>> No.16459307


We complain because we are on the slow path to your situation, hans. We too have seen large reductions in social mobility and huge increases in taxes just not to your extent. In the 1980s my father, a high school dropout working construction just above minimum wage, brought and sold numerous houses and great cars. Today that same job will barely cover your rent in the same city in a rundown apartment complex and you'll drive a beater car with 200k miles. In 20 years it won't even afford that.

>> No.16459390

as a german citizen you get 60% of your last net income per month for a maximum of 12 months it is called "neetbux1".
you have to work before, of course and you only get 12 months if you get fired without your own fault.
if you leave - you get a maximum of 9 months.

after that you get neetbux2 aka hartz4.
so basically your rent gets paid, your electricity, internet, expenses for TVs, washing machine etc. + 400€ cash every month.
but you have to be "cooperative" with regards to finding a new job, write applications and do some courses.

if you are not a german citizen you have to be muslim to get it nobody will refuse it because say no to muslims is "nazi ideology"

>> No.16459409

important thing is to have a cheap place to live wirst because if your rent is too high they can reduce to pay it and you need to search for another apartment. as you can imagine almost nobody will rent out his house to as neet therefore a lot of neets in germany end up homeless.

>> No.16459464


Ya if I stop working muh 100k plus job I loose my health insurance (after cobra at least) and die in the streets. Idk you could bum around and not die - I don't have the option.

Tbh tho I think the eu will collapse and you're gonna lose a lot of your gibs as even Germany implements "austerity measures." Eat a bag of karmic dicks, complainer

>> No.16459522


>> No.16459590

>as you can imagine almost nobody will rent out his house to as neet therefore a lot of neets in germany end up homeless.
lol what?
Landlords get their bucks directly von Jobcenter (who control neetbux2) and they like it.
Also most cities have plenty of social housing springled all over the place (not like in the US, where social housing is more or less segregated from better neighborhoods).

>> No.16459622

you tell me if you owned a house you would rather rent it our to some muslim trash who will destroy everything and throw their shit at the wands instead of some regular couple?

>> No.16459628

I thought Germany was way cheaper than most US cities

>> No.16459669

germany has the second lowest rate of people living in their own houses in the whole european region.
49% of people in germany rent.

due to mass immigration and fucking 0% interest rates big capital throws money into real estate. prices went up like 300% and now the costs for renting rised way more than the average wages rise.

>> No.16459802

Es ging Leuten noch nie so gut wie jetzt. Unterschied ist nur, dass Leute nicht mit Geld umgehen können.

>> No.16459809

Du lutschst gerne Schwänze, oder?

>> No.16459834

Dude, here in Vienna more than 75% of people are renting, its pretty insane if you ask me

>> No.16459837

>Es ging Leuten noch nie so gut wie jetzt.
noch nie war Kinderarmut größer
noch nie war Rentnerarmut größer
noch nie waren Mieten teurer
noch nie war Strom teurer
noch nie war Gas teurer

Kannst du dein "noch nie ging es den Leuten so gut" auch belegen?

Ich gehe über den Weihnachtsmarkt in der Mittagspause und entweder durchwühlen Rentner den Müll nach Pfand oder essen Bratwurst für 5€ es gibt kein dazwischen mehr.

>> No.16459891

Lots of losers in this thread but thats what losers do, complain and blame others or the government. Aside from having too many mudslimes, Germany is fine and everyone can be successful here regardless of whether you're a wagecuck or not. You want to be a doctor? You can do study medicine for free, all you have to do is be good at school (which is piss easy nowadays) and even if you're not good at school, you can wait 6 years or study something else that doesnt have similar requirements. If you want to be self employed (the path I chose), the government helps you as well (most people don't know this).
Aber sehe ständig Wagecucks mit iPhones rumlaufen . Macht sinn. Jeder kann hier was erreichen, man muss nur den Arsch hochbekommen.
>entweder durchwühlen Rentner den Müll
Aber zuhause nen Hund haben und jedes zweiten Abend ein Bier trinken. Ja ja, ich kenne diese Stories.

>> No.16459912

Well, you lost last world war; it supposed you pay for it at least till next attempt to overthrow current geopolitical system.

>> No.16459913

I live in krautland for 28 years now, there are not much possibilities to make it here. I wont to try it on Switzerland or Norway.

>> No.16459939

>I live in krautland for 28 years now, there are not much possibilities to make it here.
What the fuck? What exactly is stopping you from making it?

People in the US have it 10x more difficult. You want your kid to study medicine? Have fun dropping 200k (or more?) for college alone. You work somewhere and your boss doesn't feel like having you anymore? He can fire you way easier than here. Here you've got a shitton of laws that prevent employers from firing their employees unless there's a significant reason to do so. You people have no clue what the fuck you're talking about.

>> No.16459940

we have paid enough already, fuck off world

>> No.16459968

>Aber sehe ständig Wagecucks mit iPhones rumlaufen . Macht sinn. Jeder kann hier was erreichen, man muss nur den Arsch hochbekommen.

Ein gebrauchtes iPhone für 300€ ist für dich ein Argument für den "Wohlstand" der Gesellschaft.
Oder eine Ratenvertrag für 40€ im Monat...

Die Leute haben keine Hoffnung auf Haus und Garten, was sollen Sie mit ihrem Lohn sonst kaufen?

>> No.16460003

>Ein gebrauchtes iPhone für 300€
Jemand der behauptet arm zu sein, kann sich sowas nicht leisten.
>Ratenvertrag für 40€ im Monat
Für solche Leute besteht von vornherein keine Hoffnung.

>was sollen Sie mit ihrem Lohn sonst kaufen?
Gar nichts. Muss man sich unbedingt was kaufen? Wer mehr verdienen will, kann sparen und entweder in mehr Bildung investieren oder sich etwas aufbauen. Die meisten Leute haben aber keinen Bock darauf. Tja.. wer nicht will, der muss mit weniger leben.

>> No.16460020

there are 2 ways to pay for a house, either your parents already own one and they will take a mortage on it to pay for yours (you will pay the rates ofc, which are way lower then) or you are able to do most of it yourself.

>> No.16460065

kennst du die Arbeitslosenzahlen für Akademiker?

Die Jobs die früher ein Bürokaufmann gemacht hat, machen heute "Bachelor" und du sagst wer sich etwas aufbauen will muss nur sparen und in Bildung investieren?

Wie genau soll das gehen, Krankenschwestern, Altenpfleger und co. können nicht alle Chefarzt werden. Irgendjemand MUSS die Leute pflegen und die sollten fair bezahlt werden.

>> No.16460085

>Die Leute haben keine Hoffnung auf Haus und Garten, was sollen Sie mit ihrem Lohn sonst kaufen?
Silberunzen, Pandas usw welche nach 4 bis 5 Jahren für 50 bis 100% mehr verkauft werden um neue zu kaufen z.b.
oder LINK, CL, bzw. BTC, ETH wenn mehr Risiko gewünscht ist.

Fakt ist Ottonormalo rennt besentfalls zum Anlagenberater der ihm 5% im Jahr sagt und Otto freut sich..........

>> No.16460098

Capitalism is the only reason you aren't living in fucking mud huts. Hopefully you vote in some commies that gets rid of another retarded nation to compete with

>> No.16460113

>kennst du die Arbeitslosenzahlen für Akademiker?
Das liegt daran, dass Leute sich verarschen lassen und an Fachhochschulen bzw. "Akademien" gehen, sich versuchen das Leben leichtzumachen, indem sie irgendwelche Meme-Studientänge wie "Medieninformatik" studieren.
verdienen nicht schlecht. Ist ein Irrglaube.
>können nicht alle Chefarzt
Verdienst schon als Assitenzarzt gutes Geld. Einstieg mind. 4k Brutto.
>Capitalism is the only reason you aren't living in fucking mud huts.
Yup. One thing commies don't want to realize is that there are losers in life. It has always been like that and it will always be like that.

>> No.16460123

Vienna is a bad example due to the insane subsidies you are able to get.

>> No.16460139

Arbeitest halt nur 120 Stunden in der Woche als Assistenzarzt. Wer in DE Arzt wird, hat den Schuss nicht gehört. Schlechteste Bedingungen allewo.

>> No.16460143
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Assistenzarzt hier kein LARP. Gehe mit 2,7 netto raus. Dafür habe ich aber auch Wochenddienste die ich nicht bezahlt kriege (sog Hausdienste) und muss überstunden schieben ohne Ende. Den Stundenlohn kannst du dir dann schönrechnen du homo

>> No.16460146


Fuck off, commie

>> No.16460147

>drive 200km just to save a few Euros in gas
Italians confirmed for retarded

>> No.16460149

Irgendwelche empfehlungen für einen gestressten Assi? Schweiz? Ich hasse meinen Chef übrigens. Er mich aber auch.

>> No.16460154

>What is brain drain

>> No.16460209

>he doesn't drive 3 hours per direction to fuel up for a loss


>> No.16460262

So ist das Leben als Angestellter nunmal, war vor 30 Jahren auch nicht anders. Als Arzt musst du nunmal durch die Facharztausbildung. Niemand hat jemals behauptet, dass eine Facharztausbildung nicht anstrengend sei. Wenn du durch bist, kannst du danach aber je nach Richtung aber richtig gutes Geld verdienen, aber auch hier sind die meisten sich wieder zu bequem, einen neuen Schritt zu wagen. Welche Richtung, wenn ich fragen darf?

>> No.16460272

>Wenn du durch bist, kannst du danach aber je nach Richtung aber richtig gutes Geld verdienen, aber auch hier sind die meisten sich wieder zu bequem
*je nach Richtung richtig gutes Geld verdienen. Auch hier sind...

>> No.16460297

Bin gerade in der Kardio Rotation, mach Common Trunk Innere, Dann ggf. Praxis Allgemeinmedizin. Überlege trotzdem das sinkende Schiff Deutschland zu verlassen.

>> No.16460323
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Welche Richtung machst du?

>> No.16460350
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Und welche Coins hältst du?

>> No.16460399

Bin kein Arzt, sondern Softwareentwickler. Älterer Bruder ist Nephrologe. Musste früher in der Klinik bzw. inneren aber ziemlich schuften. Jetzt in der Dialyseklinik ziemlich gechillt.

>> No.16460425

Dialyseklinik ist ja auch ne Gelddruckmaschine. Hab trotzdem keinen Bock auf Nephro.

>> No.16460468

Ich hätte auf gar nichts in der Medizin Bock. Vor allem heutzutage, wo jeder mit einer Internetverbindung denkt, er wäre schlauer als du.

>> No.16460485

Ist voll fürn Arsch. Welche Firma, was verdienst du?

>> No.16460520

Selbstständig. Entwickle und vertreibe Marketingsoftware z.B Automationstools für Social Media Platformen.
>was verdienst du?
letztes Jahr etwas über 90k brutto.

>> No.16461497

Go to bank, get a loan at ~0%, pay 800 month. Buy bsv now, hold for 1 year, then it's tax free, thank me later.

>> No.16461835

how germany can complain if they have destroyed half of the fuckin europe and didnt pay a fuckin dime, than actually rob other countries by creating socialistic federation of niggeerope.

>> No.16461857

Yeah they search the trash for some pfandflaschen and then take out their 1000€ iPhone.
Man how unfair!

Also net income has increased in this decade.
I have a shit job and still enough leftover money to save 1600€ per month.

>> No.16461866

>net income has increased in this decade.
after literally decades of stagnation and exploding living costs keep coping you bootlicker
>I have a shit job and still enough leftover money to save 1600€ per month.
that will change as soon as you move out of mommys basement

>> No.16461898

I moved out 5 years ago faggot.
I rent a place for 400 bucks.
I dont need american 70m^2 for one person in city center.
Also I dont live in munich which is literally just "money drain town".

Thats literally all you have to do.
Dont be a fagoot how needs to be hip and live in the super expensive city centers.
Once you stop wasting money on rent, you start having leftover money.
From there you can build up and generate wealth through investment (ETF/Crypto/etc).
Dont waste your money on fucking iphones just because you think "there is nothing better to buy".

>> No.16461911

germany got setup in world war I, wasnt our damn fault and wwII is a direct result from that.

also germany never wanted this damn euro as currency, it was a requirement of france to reunited with east germany.

the EU has been a great success until the euro was introduced.

>> No.16461916

then you obviously dont have a shit job if youre socking away 1600 every month thats literally what the average wagie makes after taxes. you might be ok with the government taking 70-80% of your income and giving it to abdul and tyrone but not everybody is a gutless little cuck like you some people would like to keep the money they earn and not have it handed to NEETs and shitskins

>> No.16461943

>moving goal posts
Fact is if you stop wasting money and start handling it properly you can live well in germany.

>> No.16461945

I always say: I can work with a 65 year old asshole yelling at me, so mustafa can rail a blonde 18 Year old with my Taxmoney. Greetings from fellow Germancuck

>> No.16461955

afair it was about germany getting to strong and not respecting pacts from 1815 about power equality. You germans just need the supremacy, u have to control everything. u just cant let things happen alone, uve tried at the ww1, ww2 and no u r trying again with EU. god, u will doom us all. but it is in ur heart. deep down in ur core.

>> No.16461968
File: 382 KB, 1337x1337, 2CE41447-9CC3-41D9-BC81-8845FAC18F30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw german wagecucks wake up every day early in the morning to support niggas and lazy shitskins with government bux
>mfw niggas and shitskins rape, kill and fuck your women while wagecuck is working
>mfw your cuck government can not kick them out of your country
>mfw your country will transform slowly into an absolute shit hole
>mfw you can not do anything about it
>mfw i am living a comfy life in a based country without niggas and shitskins
>mfw my 8/10 gf sucks my cock everyday

>> No.16461973

You know medical bankruptcies happen to people with insurance all the time right?

>> No.16461984

you are still a fucking retard because you make above average money, live in a tiny apartment and think putting 1.6k away every month is building wealth. at this rate you would have to save 20 years just to buy a house. I save about the same amount every month except Im not delusional enough to believe I will get wealthy this way. look into compounding interest rates, it works both ways. for every euro you pay more in taxes it takes exponentially longer to build a fat stack of money.

>> No.16461996

in the US you can get a job in the six figures, you have tax sheltered investment schemes and you pay way less in taxes. you could literally work 10 years and retire, good luck trying to do that in cuckmanistan where we dont even have roth ira, 401k and all that shit

>> No.16462021

That’s what happens when your country is responsible for supporting every lazy broke faggot in all of Europe. You should just give up and collect gibs like every other europoor but you can’t because you’re the only country that produces anything and the EU would collapse immediately. Sucks to be cucked.

>> No.16462182
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you're probably mixing up terms. The statistic average is the raw sum of money divided per worker, the median is the middle number of the range of all salaries, and the mode is the peak of the distribution graph. Pic related: the gaussian curve ensures most of the people get payed around 1455€ per month before ~16.5% taxes which results in 1225€ net per month.

>> No.16462373
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First of all sorry for my english my fellow biz/chaners

Wait till the Pension Boomers and baby boomers begin to apply for their gov pensions.
The german gov already spends most of its funding into the pension system.
The German gov give 100 Billion Euro 2018 to pensioneers.
The sum is going to increase to 105 Billion Euro in 2019 with more and more takers than payers for the social pension system in total sum means 1 worker has to pay for the equal of 4 Pensioneers pension.

38 Billion is paid for the gov neets.


The german system is doomed from the foundation on, because in the next years there will be millions of new Baby boomers retiring and taking their social security pensions from the state.
You can tax until a very moment and cant tax all the money from workers b, because on the other hand well paid jobs are getting outsourced of germany (e.g german Car Industry leaving germany because of Green scum). And on the other Hand you would have voters getting radicalised because of too damn high tax
I dont know man but i wouldnt buy any property in germany since its a sinking ship. Everyone who says "germany is stable" today should kys.
Its not, its slowly drifting into right liberal wing aka AFD .
As a foreigner i would try to take every apprentice and expertise in this shithole and move elsewhere.

>> No.16462431

I earn 31k€ before tax, thats 20k after tax. I chose a horrible career path that I did my B.A. in so I'm kinda fucked in this hellshow.

I safe 1k a month tho, thats like 60-65% savings rate. I will exit out of this shit as soon as i can.

My gf worked in the same shit field like me, then did a coding bootcamp for 3 months and now earns almost double of what I make. Like what the fuck dude, I wish i wasnt dumb as shit

>> No.16462514
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Here is what i earn:

I earn rougly around 24k€ after tax per year.
I work since last year february and saved during my apprentice like 12k€ which was over 4 years...
Now i have saved starting at february last year around 50k€.
50% in stocks bonds etf
5% crypto
5% gold
40% cash.

Dividend cash flow per year currently at 1.5k€.

Withdrew from College a month ago because i aint go to fucking study 4 years just to pay half of my hard earned cash to fucking Boomers and Mohammeds.
I keep on saving until i can retire somewhere else than this shithole

>> No.16463505

Literally no point in having 20k in cash.
You need max 10k just in case you lose your job.
Should invest everything else.

>> No.16463698

>city centers
The thing is tough that not everyone wants to spend his 20s alone in his rural basement jerking off and saving. You won’t get laid beeing frugal.
German thots are stuck up cunts that are not worth the time. Therefore so many people, work blue collar, hating their life on weekdays and make up for it with brand new leased C-classes/ bmw m-series Cars and the newest iPhone, enjoying city night life.
Shit boomers could blow all their money enjoying their prime from age15-30. then start saving and making it till 45. not today

>> No.16464148

Why would you want to get laid by a german girl.
Just save money, focus on yourself and not woman, and when your 35 fuck a 20 year old asian girl.
Also you dont need to live in rural areas.
Pick a smallish 200k pops city and get a place at the outer city ring.
Theres usually plenty of connection to the inner cities and the prices in general in these cities have not increased as drastically retarded like munich & co.

>> No.16464255
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Germans are made to provide food / wealth to 3rd worlders.
Germans are fantasy like creatures that like cucking themselves for no reason.
And yes fucking Pay DOSE TAXES WHITE BOI...

>> No.16464294
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Here it's $230 and I have to live with criminal favelados
Brazil is worse than hell

>> No.16464305

singaporean (low tax) cousin find happiness in db-land

>really makes u think

>> No.16464356
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You need to get out of there asap. How about moving to portugal, they speak your language

>> No.16464539

das ist halt peak staats propaganda. seit den 90ern hat sich die industrieproduktivität verdoppelt, aber löhne haben sich teils halbiert (siehe psychologen). der einzige grund warum dass noch nicht richtig eingeschlagen hat ist weil boomer noch ihre alten verträge laufen haben. ich hab teils in unternehmen gearbeitet wo neue ingenieure weniger als 10 euro bekommen haben und boomer ingenieure bei genau dem gleichen rang 40 euro die stunde bekommen haben.
entweder du erbst in unseren system oder du bist gefickt.

>> No.16464571

die kanaken geben teils 2 monatslöhne auf nen iphone aus. die sind gezüchte konsumenten. ihre freizeit verbringen die in friseursalons oder handy shops um das neuste iphone anzuglotzen während ihre kinder von nudeln mit ketchup ernährt werden. was denkste warum die kapitalisten nach mehr „fachkräften“ schreien

>> No.16464600

Die Leute die nach mehr Zuwanderung schreien sind nicht Kapitalisten, weil die wissen, dass dies eine höhere Staatsquote bedeutet
Was du meinst sind Kooperatisten (vllt mit nem C geschrieben, kA ob man das WOrt eindeutschen kann)

>> No.16464622

You know the reason, Hans. Mother Merkel needs all the cash to save the world and the climate.
Don't be so greedy.

>> No.16464634

maybe you should move to a country with 0% tax so when your house gets broken into or your mom has a heart attack no one will come to help, taxation is theft after all XD

>> No.16464649

so wie rumlaberst hast du halt safe geerbt oder bist selber mischling. utopischer bullshit der nichts mit der realität zu tun hat. 80% sind halt nicht zu hohem berufen, weil ein scheiß überangebot an allen arbeitern besteht und sie gleichzeitig keine koryphäen sind. früher konnte ein postbote eine familie ernähren und ein haus abbezahlen. heute kann er das nichmal wenn die frau arbeitet, währenddessen schmeißt merkel das geld zu kanaken die ihr ganzen leben auf hartz sein werden. was ging hier also so gut wie noch nie?

>> No.16464680

With $300 monthly wage and $350 monthly expenses I can't

>> No.16464699

ich mein das großkapital. die, die die medien besitzen und diesen bullshit überall pushen und die ganzen npcs lenken.

>> No.16464718

Ja, ich stimme dir zu, aber das sind keine Kapitalisten, das sind zum Großteil Antikapitalisten
Ist wichtig das nicht zu verwechseln

>> No.16464839

Kapitalismus und Sozialismus sind zwei Seiten der selben Medaille. In beiden Systemen bist du als Normalsterblicher der GEFIGGTE!

>> No.16464866

Was ein Blödsinn
Schauen wir uns die Sachen an die momentan die Leute ficken
.) Nullzinspolitik der EZB
.) Überregulierungen
.) Hohe Steuern
.) Leistungstransfer von produktiven zu unproduktivem Abschaum

Alles sozialistischer Mist

>> No.16464896
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>Have public goods ranging from universal healthcare to free college
>Thinks he'd be better off as an American

You take so much for granted it's not even funny.

>> No.16464917


fucking germans eu commuints

>> No.16464932

>muh public goods

We are getting taxed TOO DEATH
Average worker is paying about 70% of his productivity in taxes. And our healthcare system sucks. It takes weeks/months to see a specialist. If you aren't bleeding to death you have to wait for hours in at the emergency room. (literally, my ex gf had a seizure and she had to wait hours before seeing a doctor).
Good luck getting an MRI appointment in under a month. And you know what? Us people who are working are STILL PAYING FOR HEALTH INSURANCE MONTHLY. I PAY 300€/month FOR THIS SHITTY, USELESS PUBLIC HEALTH INSURANCE.
But oh wow, single moms, ahmeds and students get it for free, what a great country to live in.

>> No.16464945

>median net income in my country is 1700€ per month
>median net
>19% VAT on everything ( 7% in food ), like 80% additional taxes on fuel, energy, gas , is the highest in europe
> fuel, energy, gas
Desperate bait. You forgot to mention many utilities (like internet, data, and the web) are half what Americans pay because of stronger anti-trust regulations. And infinitely better public transportation. And nearly free university/health care. And 30 hours/week = full time.

Stop cherry picking bullshit to contrive a narrative.

>> No.16464952


You have zero idea of how much worse off you would be here. I almost hope you gut your own system in the name of tax cuts just so you can find out the horrors of privatized healthcare for yourselves.

>> No.16464959
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>38 Billion is paid for the gov neets.
meaning government workers?
Literally the same amount as for Fugees which costs around 30-40 billion annually depending on the way one calculates it. (around 15-20k€ per head). Literally 10% of our government budget. For 1€ in taxes 10 cents go to the Fugees. Fuck that.

>> No.16464983

What you burgers have is anything but privatized healthcare, your gov spends like crazy on healthcare and is regulating it to death
Despite that, I'd gladly take your healthcare system if it means I can also have your wages and your low taxes. Yes, I'd be paying overpriced premiums, but I would still have more money left at the end of the month and also have much better healthcare services.

>> No.16465002

>so wie rumlaberst hast du halt safe geerbt oder bist selber mischling.
Vater war Elektriker, Mutter Krankenschwester. Mein Bruder und ich sind die ersten Akademiker in der Familie.
>früher konnte ein postbote eine familie ernähren und ein haus abbezahlen
Kann man heute immernoch, wenn man richtig mit seinem Geld umgeht. Früher haben sich Leute nicht jeden Scheiß gekauft. Man hat sich alle 10 Jahre einen neuen Fernseher und evtl. eine Waschmaschine geholt. Ein Auto, das nicht mit Kompressor/Turbotechnik und anderer Elektronik vollgestopft war und von jedem mit etwas handwerklickem Geschick gewartet werden konnte. Keine teuren Smartphones, keine teuren Handy-, Festnetz- und Internetverträge. Kein Netflix, kein Proteinpulver, keine Spielekonsole + Abo usw. Man kommt auch heutzutage mit sehr wenig Geld zurecht, man muss nur eine Weile auf die ganzen Gimmicks verzichten, die die Neuzeit so mit sich gebracht hat.

>> No.16465006


No you wouldn't. You have zero idea what you're talking about.

>> No.16465038

That's all nothing when you're infested with niggers

>> No.16465078
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>I almost hope you gut your own system in the name of tax cuts just so you can find out the horrors of privatized healthcare for yourselves.
Well the system is gonna gut itself because as one can see from this thread it fucks with the incentives of people and every young person that can contribute to society is sucked dry. This is not sustainable.

>> No.16465129

I actually really wish YOU lived in Germany/Austria for a while.
Slaving away for 1600, seeing most of it going to the government. Living in a tiny box, spending tons of time in public transport with smelly niggers. But at least you have healthcare (again, which SUCKS, you burgers have no idea how bad the healthcare here is and how ridicolous the waiting times are)

>> No.16465144


Actually I've lived in both Europe and the US. You should come here sometime and see how horrible things can get for people at the median income bracket.

>> No.16465210

Where in Europe? If you'll say Switzerland, Norway or Liechtenstein it doesnt count
And why didnt you stay here if its so great?

>> No.16465228


UK. I'd like to get stationed there again actually.

>> No.16465252
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How then come that many studies show US burgers are better off than Europoors?
I agree that maybe the poorest 5% in the US might be worse of than in Germany, but especially the
>median income bracket.
in the US is infinitely better of than in Germany unless they are some weird edge case.


>The average "poor" American lives in a larger house or apartment than does the average West European (This is the average West European, not poor West Europeans). Poor Americans eat far more meat, are more likely to own cars and dishwashers, and are more likely to have basic modern amenities than is the general West European population.
>38 percent of the persons whom the Census Bureau identifies as "poor" own their own homes. (How many of the German poor?)
>62 percent of "poor" households own a car; 14 percent own two or more cars. (How many of the Germman poor?)
>Nationwide, some 22,000 "poor" households have heated swimming pools or Jacuzzis. (This kills the German)

>> No.16465316


>some random site
>unironically using car ownership as a measure of wealth in a country that doesn't have functioning public transit in most places
>rednecks can afford some land for their double-wide trailers and spent their tax returns on the downpayment for a jacuzzi and an ATV

Man, you don't even know.

>> No.16465329

I would love to be able to afford a a car, more land (or land at all) or a jacuzzi

>> No.16465357


Land here is cheap. Cars are a mandatory expense, and at the bottom end they're a black hole that you dump money into in order to keep them running so that you can keep going to your menial job making 35k a year. Meanwhile your teeth are rotting and you're picking between which utility they're going to shut off this month because you had to get your appendix taken out.

Like I said. You have no idea how it actually plays out.

>> No.16465394

Interdasting. I guess you could just work consulting online for XMR too, and eventually just cash out and leave the country.
Assuming you live cost free, make $10k a year in crypto, you should be able to retire to SE Asia in like 10 years.

>> No.16465640

germanfag here. it is fucking 2:30 AM and I worked until now because of high availability in IT and customer called me out of my sleep.
now I can't sleep again and have to wage cage tomorrow again starting at 8.
sure I earn 75k (3,4k net/month) but is this shit really worth it?

>> No.16465678
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Can we agree on this one:
1. GENERALLY speaking, the average living standard in the US is considerably higher than in Germany.
More people own their home, houses are bigger, people own more luxury items and have more disposable income.
2.Two caveats are in order: first, the variation in the US is a lot larger, and the very poorest in the US are poorer than the poor in Germany.

My experience with taxes:
In the US when filling out your tax form, you can always call a toll-free telephone number and friendly people will help you or send you easy-to-understand instructions. The tax forms are quite easy to fill out, and at the end you know exactly how much taxes you owe. You can even file your whole taxes over the phone.
Compare that to complicated Byzantine tax forms in Germany which are much longer than those in the US. The instructions for the German forms use nearly incomprehensible legalese. Once you have filled out everything, someone checks it all and computes your actual tax load which you only learn much later. By German standards, taxes in the US, at least for medium incomes and above, are laughably low, which makes the constant American complaining about high taxes seem rather funny to me.

>but is this shit really worth it?
You know the answer.

>> No.16466382

>average living standard in the US is considerably higher than in Germany
What drugs are you on?

>> No.16466906

>nicht privat versichert
Riecht nach Verlierer. Du wärst in den Staaten genauso aufgeschmissen wie hier. Zieh doch weg, wenn's hier so scheiße ist?