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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16459639 No.16459639 [Reply] [Original]

>Here is How I Got Rich Thanks to the Dotcom Bubble
The Book

Holy shit am I mad at this faggot. This and the one who wrote 4-hour work week. These shits just got lucky AND profit from books describing their experience. It's as if shitcoin millionaires from 2017 started writing books about making it. Fucking faggots

>> No.16459654


>> No.16459667

Being lucky is only half of it. You have to have capital, and you have to have the balls to put on the line.

For every successful millionaire from the dot com era there are plenty of failed businessmen who didn't get out before the bubble burst.

The NASDAQ 100 deflated 80% from 2000 to 2003 IIRC.

>> No.16459680

It's not. All he did was make a website when there was zero competition and then sold it.

>> No.16459734

I know a guy like this in real life through my mom. His website was bought out by EBAY for millions back when they were buying out competitors. He is a fat faggot who has so many health problems because he can't stop eating, has a fat wife and four far daughters, can barely fit in his mazerrati, and does nothing but bitch and moan. His dream was to be an elementary school teacher so he went back to school for three years but could only handle teaching for two years.

Then people wonder why the world sucks. A bunch of random assholes getting rich for no reason leads to disaster.

>> No.16459787

Thanks for the soul-crushing story, bro.

>> No.16459869
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>A bunch of random assholes getting rich for no reason leads to disaster.

>> No.16459974

It doesn't matter.
If it was so easy, why didn't the rest do it?
He was able to detect an opportunity, and you are not capable.
Envious faggot.
There are always opportunities waiting, but you probably won't see them because of your loser mindset. kys and keep sucking shekelstein dick.

>> No.16460044

How to hone this ability?

>> No.16460150

what website

>> No.16461220

I've read the book. It was a website for folks to book limousines in advance. He sold the site for 1.2 million and rebought it 2 years later (after the crash) for $250,000.

>> No.16461291

>These shits just got lucky
everybody whos rich jsut got lucky
every market is saturated
merit doesnt matter
jesus christ just fucking kys already you defeatist loser

>> No.16461309

>jeff bezos just got lucky all he did was builda bookstore
>bill gates just got lucky all he did was fuck around with computers
>steve jobs just got lucky all he did was study caligraphy and drop acid in college
you are an absolute fucking loser and the only reason you think this way is so you dont actually have to try shit yourself and realize how hard it is to build a business. eat a dick and die you slack jawed faggot

>> No.16461318

why is /biz/ infested with such beta losers?

>> No.16461393

Caligraphy really? That's so based.

>> No.16461448

>If it was so easy, why didn't the rest do it?
bro stop being retarded please.
You still haven't understood that life can do anything it wants with you with your life?
You can even die tomorrow if it's written in your destiny.
Stop acting like a retard.
There is obv a strong deterministic element in life along side with a non deterministic element. Sometimes prevales the first one sometime the second one
and this based on factor that we are totally obscure of.
Probably it's somenthing correlated to the particular mission ech one of us have on this phisical realm

P.S. I believe-... that the guy was a fat rated.
I now a guy who became rich in 2000 years wth websites and zero competition. From 0 to millions. But this guy it's a little bit above the average and he was conscious that he could make money with porn webites in 2000 and so he did.
We can say that here the non determinismous made its part? Or it was just written that he had to have those ideas? Who can tell this?

>> No.16461492

none of your "philosphical" rambling matters.
you are still poor, and he's rich.
NO ONE cares about determinism or whatever bs you're coming up to, even if it's true.
At this moment he is:
1. Living in a mansion.
2. Fucking 10/10 whores.
3. Doing whatever the fuck he wants.
4. Being respected by everyone.
At this moment you are:
1. Arguing on 4chan about muh determinism and why it doesn't matter what you do.

I agree, don't do anything, just keep whining like a little bitch.

>> No.16461526


They all were lucky as hell, fag. You don't get rich by working hard, nigger.

>> No.16461529

>bill gates just got lucky
His mom was friends with an executive from IBM.

>> No.16461551

So in other words he got lucky

>> No.16461559

I don't know man. Take Mark Cuban for example. He build a company from the ground up online streaming sport events during the Dotcom era. He could have sold for like 50Mln or smth and declined the offer to then take that company to billions of dollars in evaluation and exited. Luck certainly plays a part but you can't say everyone who is rich simply got lucky. They had to perform some actions and had to risk something to get what they got.

>> No.16461574

Yes. Cocky faggots ITT should read Outliers by Gladwell and educate themselves.

>> No.16461577

>They all were lucky as hell, fag
read steve jobs bio you loser the guy got completely BTFO several times he got kicked out of his own company and every time he turned it around and came back stronger than before. you have to be a complete retard to chalk this all up to luck. yes there is an element of luck but all these motherfuckers were relentless in pursuit of their goal and they literally made their own luck. something something the harde you work the luckier you get. of course some shitposting NEET loser wouldnt know the next thing about hard work
>You don't get rich by working hard, nigger.
depends on what you actually work on but your chances are infinitely higher than when youre just some sore loser posting on /biz/ abiout how everything is saturated and dead. I wish all you whining cuts would just lay down and die so I dont have to listen to your horseshit anymore

>> No.16461587

There were people performing just as hard and risking just as big. But they didn't succeed.

>> No.16461602

how many people have moms that are friends with IBM executives and how many of them are billionaires? I hope for your own sake youre just baiting because it takes a lot more to build an empire like that than just getting ONE connection through your mom. if you retards would actually start reading some biz-tycoons biographies you would start to realize how much goes into it. its a lot harder and more complicated than just hurr durr they got lucky. most of these guys got completely rekt at one point or another but they kept chasing their dreams long after every biz loser wouldve given up already

>> No.16461611

Bro most executives in the dotcom era, just like in 2017 in the shitcoin bubble were to busy partying their ass of to work. Cuban, if you want to believe the story says he was working and sleeping in his office while there was a launch party going every night. And what happened? The executives never exited and got stories of once being worth millions and Cuban exited before the pop and took home the bacon. He knew what he was doing, that's not being lucky. I think you're mistaking luck for risk. He took the risk and it paid off.

>> No.16461703

>NO ONE cares about determinism or whatever bs you're coming up to, even if it's true.
Nah... this is not good way to think... there are a lot of smart people poor and retard people very rich. Life is 50/50 (maybe) between determinismous and /non determinsmus.
There are a plenty of experiments that demostrate this thing.
Did you now for example that has been measured that the brain send the impulse to make you do ''somenthing'' a little bit before you even think about the thing you're gonna do.
this is Determinismus textbook. Basically your action ALREADY happened in the universe. It's only that you still don't now. This is science not philosophy.

On the other hand in the quantum world it's the opposit of determinismus.

So you don't really know and you can't really tell how much of the life i based on your will and how much of it is based on script

You just gotta live bro. And do your shit the bet you can do

>> No.16461737

the story of how we made it will be prompted by some sort insanity (either violence or sexual depravity)

>> No.16461895

Guys it's exactley the same with crypto.
How many retards and drug delears got rich overnight simply because they forget coins in their wallet?
Example Vitalik sold most of his eth way before 1300$ this because the shit that was going to come in 2017 was simply a nosense... luck out any conception..
an infinite coin supply to 1'000$ ?
You had to be retard to think that

the same with bitcoin. If someone would have told you in 2009 guys that that shady meme currency with that ''B'' as log would have been valued 20'000$ some day would you have believed him?

>> No.16462027

>when there was zero competition
Incorrect. There were many people doing what he wanted to do, but they all did it wrong. He took the idea he had and other people already tried and made it work with a superior business model.

You're just mad that you are not rich and are trying to misrepresent him (or have shit reading comprehension).

>> No.16462536


luck it's a meme bro. If you start 10 business for example, at least 1 of them is gonna be successfull

>> No.16463537

>got lucky
brainlet detected

>> No.16463662

Pretty sure you're the one coping since you're still poor.

>> No.16463680

You do understand the self help genre is just a form of new age mysticism right? It's even sold right next to the spirituality section in bookstores.

>> No.16463934

Youd have to be damn lucky for 1/10 hit rate to cover 9 of your losses
Literally going to the casino

>> No.16463974

>it cant be luck if he won!!!
But really this talk of luck vs skill is useless. From a practical standpoint, luck and skill are the same thing -the winners all tell you it was skill and the losers all complain about bad luck.

>> No.16464199
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That's the most risque ur mom joke I ever heard
Well done

>> No.16464296

lmao most people do not even realize they are in uncharted waters

>early mining btc and forgetting about it then finding the walley
>making gameplay videos in jewtube in 2010 for fun then finding out it was a goldmine
>making a website for people to upload selfies that goes viral

and so follows

>> No.16464334

Someone from biz should write a book about streetshitting. Gap in the market.

>> No.16464347
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>It's as if shitcoin millionaires from 2017 started writing books about making it

>> No.16464352


>> No.16464417

Yep life is luck anyone else saying anything different just doesn't /get it/

I couldn't fathom how people would want to watch some fucking retard like pewdiepie fail at playing games while screaming doing so. Sure I watched YouTube of top players in supreme commander to learn gameplay tips but just watch some dumb fucks face superimposed over the screen... Who the fuck would have known some of these kids ended up making millions. People that quit jobs to pursue YouTube shit full time were probably seen as retards. Sure they took the risk and some were rewarded but only a very small portion. I mean look at the kid report of the week who reviews fast food on YouTube. I remember seeing him posted on 4chan and he had a few k subs as a joke because people were shitting on him being a retard... Yet now at 1.7 million subs. Fucking unreal. Also I checked out that fast lane forum and holy fuck it seems more cultish than here.


>> No.16464434
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one exception

>> No.16464473
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>being this upset
Stay mad, sidewalker

>> No.16464482

>read steve jobs bio you loser the guy got completely BTFO several times he got kicked out of his own company and every time he turned it around and came back stronger than before. you have to be a complete retard to chalk this all up to luck.
Bingo. The dude sunk $50 dollars out of his own pocket into Pixar across 10 years. That billion dollar IPO wasn't an overnight success and Toy Story wasn't a stroke of luck, in fact it was him probably emotionally blackmailing John Lasseter to stay with the company which gave him a bargaining chip to make a deal with Disney who tried to poach him.

Tonnes of folks get lucky, but exploiting your luck requires skill and resources.
Look at Juciero - 300 million dollars for a batshit insane idea, imagine being that lucky and then blowing it on a useless idea. Sounds like wastred luck.
Look at Elizabeth Holmes - skinny blonde, mentored by a pajeet conman, got millions of dollars in funding and tonnes of free press... fucked it all up. Sounds like wastred luck.
Look at Pastor Maldonado, he had dictators like Hugo Chavez and Maduro personally approving the state oil company bankrolling him with millions of dollars in sponsorship to get F1 racing seats, yet he only managed a single victory in his entire racing career.
So many folks get oppurtunities and still fuck it up! Steve Jobs is interesting in that he adapted, pivoted, and learned from his mistakes.

>> No.16464753

I regretted buying this garbage even on a discount.

>> No.16465235
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Elizabeth Holmes tried her best. You cannot fault her, as she almost put together the most revolutionary step forward in science of the 21st century. Long Live Theranos.