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16451346 No.16451346 [Reply] [Original]

How good is your interpersonal skills? Do you get along with people?

>> No.16451356

Imagine fucking him and his girlfriend

>> No.16451364

Getting WORSE with age and exposure

>> No.16451368
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>called my mom a kike because she wouldn't fund my link investment
Now where am I going to get the money

>> No.16451425

Now that's a fine girl I would date

>> No.16451483

I'd say I got ok/good skills. My skills got a big boost when I was 17 and started scamming people face to face. Made about €45 per scam. Total of €3.5k. Mostly old people, so I took it as them investing in the younger generation. Anyway, that gave me lots of experience. Then going to parties, drinking and socialising with other drunk people gave me a lot of experience as well.

>> No.16451977


>> No.16452004

I used to, but when I started my business and had to deal with people constantly I felt my people skills erode into nothing as I developed a genuine hatred of the people around me.

>> No.16452037

i get along great with peeple, but my relationships with them never get deeper than the surface level

>> No.16452089
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I get along great with strangers, laughing and cracking jokes with people I've never met before.
I also have a lot of acquaintances that know me and greet me whenever we see each other, but I can never make real friends or have close friends for some reason :(

>> No.16452279

males usually only want to fuck or get money in 2019

>> No.16452482

i sperg too much
the worst comes out when drunk and can be kinda harsh, really upset my sister once

>> No.16453099

how do you guys get along with people?

need to fix this personal weakness or I'll never get anywhere

>> No.16453126

not really, I've always been weird but attractive and had lots of gfs. now I'm old and sometimes don't say a word for days. I used to talk to my computer all the time but then I started hearing voices talking back and stopped

>> No.16453132

I hate everyone and everything

>> No.16453134

I'm pretty chill. Introverted, but I can get along with people.
When I'm in a large group where everyone knows each other but I don't know them (like going to gf's family Thanksgiving) I go quiet and shy
But I'm okay with one-on-one interactions. I'm not charismatic or anything, but people generally seem to like me, probably because I don't try to dominate them or make them think I'm cool.
The only friends I have ever had were people who approached me and said, "Let's be friends. Let's hang out."

>> No.16453169


Used to get along with everyone, charismatic and no trouble with girls. Now due to 4chan normies repel me and I still have the ability to get along with them but I just can’t be bothered with all this superficial shit anymore.

>> No.16453216

Same. It's hell

>> No.16453280

Not good. I dont.

>> No.16453298

Its eh.
Everyone has trust issues.
If I had more things like boats and other resources, of course it would be easier to have people's company.
I use to want a lot of friends and bla bla bla, as I get older I realize friends are for cucks.

>> No.16453303

Can you prove that's a man?

>> No.16453306

I don't really know how to get on with people my own age.

>> No.16453315

I'm in Sales as part of my job so I have had to learn to be good with people. It comes with practice and in general I do like being on the phone and talking to people although I am more introverted.

If anything, i'd say if you have trouble talking to people you'll have to push yourself to get out more. It's the little interactions that help you along the way over the years when you deal with people in public at the store, etc. Throw in a "how is your day going?" kind of thing and people are generally quite friendly to shoot the shit with you for 2 minutes.

Otherwise learn to read people so you know when they're interested in talking to you or they want to leave. Try to smile. It sounds cliche but it goes a long way. I used to scowl a lot being pissed off at the world. But realize we're all fighting the good fight, it ain't the world trying to get you, it's trying to get EVERYBODY.

Good luck anons!

>> No.16453324

I'm exactly like you

>> No.16453400

she so hot

>> No.16453414

want to meet up and buttfuck?
(no homo)

>> No.16453559

>I'm in Sales as part of my job so I have had to learn to be good with people.
is there any literature you can link us to?

>> No.16453607

That's a women.

>> No.16453615
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Id would love to just slap the shit out of her and make her question her exsistance. All modern women need a nice beating.

>> No.16453619
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people fucking disgust me

>> No.16453635

Your cat needs to lose weight.

>> No.16453665

Are you me?

>> No.16453676
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why do you always post gay faggot shit op