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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 2.73 MB, 4160x3120, IMG_20191203_144518113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16449546 No.16449546 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.16449557

This looks fucking sick bro's

>> No.16449566
File: 175 KB, 600x600, 1573474640877.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What am i looking at?

>> No.16449583
File: 131 KB, 1280x959, IMG_20191203_155824_324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Quant unironically gonna push crypto adoption forward. Look at these Treaty contracts

>> No.16449593

And Payrails

>> No.16449595

QuantX is going on right now in london

>> No.16449615

Interchange can swap derivater. He literally just said that. Game changer, nobody can do that

>> No.16449626


>> No.16449679

If this was link this board would be on fire with hype

>> No.16449695

sadly yeah, hopefully some people understand how big this is

>> No.16449816

Quant is a scam, Gilly just confirmed.

>> No.16449834

but this is link

>> No.16449912

>If this was link this board would be on fire with hype

well, since Quant will be an interface to LINK's network it's bullish for LINK.

>> No.16449946

This is why /biz/ is shit now

>> No.16449977
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>> No.16449998

>This is why /biz/ is shit now

why? because i stated a fact? i'm all for impartial discourse on Quants great fundamentals but if you wanna just write all discourse off without refutation of my statement then fuck off back to your circlejerk telegram.

>> No.16450024

Quant is an erc20 token used for accessing their app store. no blockchain, no buying pressure.

>> No.16450046

does quant has an own oracle solution?
didn't think so

>> No.16450050

>i'm all for impartial discourse on Quants great fundamentals
This board only cares about something if it's related to chainlink, that's why it's shit now. Quant threads dealt with linkie spam for months and now that we're partners we have to deal with "quant is a link startup" nonsense
There's no point in trying to have a real conversation with linkies because you all have already proved you don't want to have an actual conversation about what our partnership means and how it benefits the both of us. Anons don't care about big announcements unless it directly benefits link.

>> No.16450058

Point proven

>> No.16450059

>Quant collapses under scrutiny

>> No.16450072

Nah, we're just tired of explaining ourselves every single thread to the dozens of linkies who'd rather just spam memes.

>> No.16450073

you cant buy QNT on robinhood or coinbase so no one on /biz/ will care. im probably going to buy $1k at ~$5

>> No.16450074

jfc mate, stop being so emotional and crying about fucking linkies and talk with me about the fucking tech.

>> No.16450096

it's quite obvious why though
which project had the highest gains the last year
its link
so people who invested in link were more likely to stick around compared to other projects
do you think many reqies are still left? no they all suicided or moved on or are delusional bagholding on reddit
also new people and people from other projects jumped over to link

just give it some time

>> No.16450097

Not going to spoon feed you, the information is easily accessible if you want to find it
I remember when we could have actual conversations on here, now there's no point because you'll just be yelling into the void

>> No.16450104
File: 46 KB, 734x1024, 2DEA4382-B8C1-4917-BE91-97F6C15B00CB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ive never seen a retard seethe as hard as you do

>> No.16450120
File: 40 KB, 640x640, nm8l67j19v141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the state of /biz/

>> No.16450121

too real

>> No.16450124

>there is no discussion about quant all people care about is link stupid board
>we can talk about quant though
>not gonna spoonfeed you retard

amazing contribution anon

>> No.16450129

Literally all you have to do is google "Quant overledger medium"
Start there

>> No.16450157

you get wrecked every single time

>> No.16450175
File: 160 KB, 988x1059, 0A03E2D4-BC81-4FC9-B2DA-AC4C446C709E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>8 posts by this ID
dude, chill lol. How old are you?

>> No.16450205

Linkie get out

>> No.16450216

I don’t even hold link you retard

>> No.16450217

No bully

>> No.16450219

>stop criticizing my shitcoin! It can't withstand scrutiny

>> No.16450227
File: 118 KB, 500x680, q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not going to spoon feed you, the information is easily accessible if you want to find it

i don't want spoon feeding you fucking spastic, you wanted a thread with an earnest discussion about quant then get pissy when i try to actually talk about it with you. absolutely fucking schizoid.

>> No.16450231
File: 89 KB, 805x851, 1573530007424.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no bully

>> No.16450239

See >>16450129
Literally spoonfed you already

>> No.16450253


what part of 'i don't want spoon feeding you fucking spastic' dont you understand?

>> No.16450287

>"you wanted a thread with an earnest about Quant"
>we can't have one when linkie spam makes up half of our threads, read about quant and then come back
>"I don't want to be spoonfed"
You see the problem here

>> No.16450310
File: 2.56 MB, 1920x1080, 4a47a0db6e60853dedfcfdf08a5ca249.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


tell us about quant you fucking aspie.

>> No.16450316

the problem here is that you presumed i know fuck all about quant, i did my fucking research months ago like many people on this board. fucking mongoloid retard, and you wonder why linkies spam your threads?

>> No.16450348

You need to learn to cope with the facts.

>> No.16450349

>tell us about quant you fucking aspie.
honestly after this thread i'm pretty convinced they know fuck all, it's just another *product* for them to get emotionally attached to, they treat it like a football team or the latest iPhone ffs.

>> No.16450358

>the problem here is that you presumed i know fuck all about quant
Maybe because in your 6 posts you've basically shown nothing to prove that you do know anything about Quant and rather than try and have a real conversation you got mad that I don't like linkies

>> No.16450359

>This board only cares about something if it's related to chainlink
Protip: Quant is also related to Chainlink.

There's a reason people are still scratching their heads trying to figure out how /biz/ managed to pick the one project that would take crypto by storm back in 2017.

>> No.16450373

It's not hard

>> No.16450377

derivatives, 1000T market nuff said

>> No.16450429


honestly kid, do youself a favor and turn off your computer and go take a walk outside. i wanted to talk about it here >>16449912 and here >>16449998 until you started screeching like a kike taking a shower.

>> No.16450456

I wish I could make you believe how not mad I am, I just don't see a point in trying to have a real conversation with you when you open with "this is bullish for link"

>> No.16450487


It unironically is. The network of networks benefits everyone participating. Let go of your preoccupation with QNT's value and let others participate.

>> No.16450495

>when you open with "this is bullish for link"
How is it not?

>> No.16450513

I'm not saying it isnt bullish for link, I'm saying that we have 20 link threads and 1 quant thread, not everything has to revolve around chainlink

>> No.16450529

You complain about that guy "opening by saying this is bullish for Link", while in reality you're the one who opened with "if this was Link this board would be on fire".

How pathetic is that.

>> No.16450543
File: 181 KB, 1280x960, IMG_20191203_120437_030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yup and it was a dumb move, I'm not gonna pretend like it wasn't. My point is that if this news was directly about chainlink this board would be on fire, but since it's about quant nobody on here cares.

>> No.16450549

If this was Link, this thread would've been wall-to-wall fud.

>> No.16450554

To be fair it's wall to wall fud now

>> No.16450560

No it isn't.

>> No.16450571


>> No.16450613

the only good link threads or even threads in general were people spoonfeeding and giving their autistic opinions about something
and then maybe some other autists came along and gave their opinion or try to challenge
while semi intelligents asked good questions at least and then a bunch of retards spaming and lurking

you on the other hand post a single pic in a "haha if only you knew what that means" manner and complain that it's not a quality discussion already
when asked about just reply with
>im not spoonfeeding
>i already gave a link just read it
you didn't provide a single thing yet complain about the state of this board
go fuck yourself

>> No.16450718

People trying to explain to you why this also benefits Link =/= "fud".

>> No.16450726

You had one year to research and buy Quant

>> No.16450747

>you on the other hand post a single pic in a "haha if only you knew what that means" manner

>> No.16450797

i already own quant, thats not an argument
i know that you are not op but still you post in a thread like this complaining about the lack of fire
my point still stands
stop nitpicking

>> No.16450844

i'm all ears if someone wants to tell me why i should stick my neetbucks into this

>> No.16450845

I normally never post in Quant threads because most of them end up like this, link holders trying to make it all about chainlink. Any actual attempt at discussion usually is just a waste of time because people will end up spamming "just buy link" or "scam"
My frustration comes from the fact that /biz/ can't have legitimate conversations anymore like we could before late 2017. The autists who tried to spoonfeed the board different promising coins left, this is all we really have now, so is there even a point?

>> No.16450853

>yelling into the void
let me explain to you why. Everyone got sick of giving out free top tier info just to have some low iq shithead suck the greatness from here and post it on twitter like it was their idea. Imagine how frustrating that it. Everyone that comes here now is here to take they do not contribute to, just take. Now where are left with people lurking and looking to take shit to twitter and idiots.

>> No.16450854

You had one year

>> No.16450868


>> No.16450881

Also derivatives swaping shitcoins with other shitcoins is not real world adoption. It's shit coin trading.

>> No.16450906

You had one entire year to accumulate anon

>> No.16450911

tl;dr a few months ago Quant partnered with SIA, a union of ~500 banks in order to provide them interoperability between their their own blockchains. They've expanded and have added 2 more international banks as well as a bank in south America, a company in India, and have partnered closely with the Rockefeller foundation. The product is already working and they're expanding into healthcare in Europe and trying to get more banks in America on board. They were also invited to SIBOS
There's a lot more that can be said but that's the bare bones of it
Yup, there's no point anymore

>> No.16450920

but i dont want to buy it

>> No.16450921

that's a fair point but it has been like that for almost every thread even link threads for about a year now
i can't think of a good thread for the last 3 months
the real question should be why are we still here then

>> No.16450926

You had one entire year

>> No.16450952

i dont want to buy it

>> No.16450956

>the real question should be why are we still here then
I sincerely don't know, I come on here less and less but god this board is complete shit now
This is the first time I've been active in a thread since summer, every time I come here I'm disappointed

>> No.16451021

interesting, thanks. i'll do some reading on it

>> No.16451140

how come it's not on binance?

>> No.16451422

Cause Quant sucks!

>> No.16451487

because Quant is not a scam company, and therefore they wont pay the scam exchange Binance 1 mill in listing fees of quant tokens. You had one entire year

>> No.16451508

lmao literal cope

quant is useless dogshit without chainlink

>> No.16451523

You had one year to research and buy Quant. You are priced out and absolutely seething

>> No.16451534

>every time I come here I'm disappointed
Do you try to start a flame war every time you come here?
If so, that would explain it.

>> No.16451545

you're the priced out one kek
quant is literally one of link's startups

>> No.16451551

You are priced out. You cant afford Quant, stay withyour stinkies and moabtoken. You had one year

>> No.16451577

you had 2 years

>> No.16451584










>> No.16451605

nope, you're the priced out one

have sex and cope more incel!

>> No.16451616

I dont even post

>> No.16451643

Dilation of priced out cope defence mechanism. You had one year and now you are priced out of a make it stack of Quant

>> No.16451668

Chainlink is also a Quanttoken, soooooooooooooo

>> No.16451692

No. Quant token is a universal utility token, however, your security network token with no usage is an absolute scam. You are priced out and will have to dilate in order to have priced out sex. You had one entire year to research and accumulate Quant

>> No.16451722

Man your shitcoin doesn't even have appreciable volume. It's good that you defend your investment but comparing it to Link only hurts your case. If I would swap my Link gains for Quant I would empty the whole order book so stop talking shit nigger

>> No.16451751
File: 411 KB, 623x909, quant chainlink tweet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16451762

the whole point of oracle using shitcoin projects was to advertise for oracle

>> No.16451778

>the things companies do tend to be in their own interests
whoa, you don't say?

>> No.16451799

I'm sorry you are priced out from the order books

>> No.16451824

are you that stupid to point out exactly what i was trying to say? They do not care about a shit coin so posting that picture means nothing

>> No.16451839

What are you trying (and failing) to cope with, anon?
Tell us, maybe we can help.

>> No.16451875

>They do not care about a shit coin

>> No.16451889

How does that change anything?

>> No.16451903

why are you posting a picture with the word "chainlink" and "oracle" and implying that its more then just an advertisement for oracle. Im bored so i can go along with your fake or real stupidity all day

>> No.16451910

>why are you posting a picture with the word "chainlink" and "oracle"
Because that's a thing that happened.
The word "Overledger" is in there too btw.

>> No.16451944

and thats my point you shit lord. They strung a bunch of words together that they found using analtyics software to get as many hits as possible. They do not give a shit about chainlink other then getting attention.

>> No.16451949

>i-i-it's just words!
Peak cope.

>> No.16451958

there we go thats what i was waiting for. next your going to post a reaction image right?

>> No.16451963

Drink less.

>> No.16451988
File: 57 KB, 300x360, 1563894883695.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

c o p e

>> No.16452492

Honestly if we're so all in on LINK then we should consider investing in the ones who will benefit the most from their oracles, but like you said /biz/ is shit anymore.

>> No.16452581
File: 69 KB, 345x199, A60FFF47-5BF1-4B27-97D4-49499CCE9A27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16453363

>This board only cares about something if it's related to chainlink
From the crypto perspective this is because all the others are useless. Link can still fail.

>> No.16453575

damn that looks like a chainlink whitelabel.