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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 64 KB, 483x433, Cleared Up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16449817 No.16449817 [Reply] [Original]

Michael fucked up. Buy back in now before you regret it.

>> No.16449833

Except I never sold bitch

>> No.16449846

Good. Neither did I. Even the original messages from Michael didn't confirm a delay, he only said that to him it seemed unlikely they would reach the Q4 goal.

>> No.16449864

I didnt sell but this is embarrassing, hopefully we can move past this when opera drops

>> No.16449865

Fuds done the damage Valhalla is cancelled

>> No.16449896

It is indeed no the best look, Michael really did fuck up. But the tech and adoption will speak for itself in due time.

We were lower than we are now a mere week ago. Price is going back up. Nothing is cancelled.

>> No.16449934

The team really does have to communicate better, not sure why Michael would make an assumption like this and then outright say it before confirming

>> No.16449938 [DELETED] 
File: 7 KB, 250x241, 1535251885709.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are panicking. They are doing what scammers always do before they exit scam, - lie through their teeth to their gullible and low IQ victims. Pic is NO confusion, just admission. Now with the price in freefall they scramble to get more money out of you victims, while they are dumping on you.

>> No.16449953

Already told you to just get back in once.

But you hate money. Stay poor.

>> No.16449956

>Yesterday I, Michael Chen,


>> No.16449964

Kek, stay poor dumbass bitch

>> No.16449974
File: 23 KB, 516x162, 1575352614689.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are panicking. They are doing what scammers always do before they exit scam, - lie through their teeth to their gullible and low IQ victims. Pic related is NO confusion, just admission. Now with the price in freefall they scramble to get more money out of you victims, while they are dumping on you.

>> No.16449985
File: 486 KB, 640x640, 1566053186272.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much crack to you have to take to think it's a good idea to buy a used car from this guy, pic related. You have been scammed fancy panties. Deal with it.

>> No.16450012

Rekt pleb

>> No.16450023

Stay poor Shopvac schizo

>> No.16450065

I am not exactly poor, pajeet.

>> No.16450081

That is very hard to believe with all the shilling you do for shopvac coin. Unless they pay you the big bux for your daily FTM fud Shopvac Shilling? Either way, with you holding Shopvac and ETH, you will be fucking poor soon.

>> No.16450263

Thanks for you financial advice. You really sound like an expert.

>> No.16450319


This and i dont understand people who sell at the bottom, whats the point? Will holding fantom worth 500 dollars ruin you? Lmao im poor as hell with zero money yet this cant ruin me. 57k ftm owner here, i buy everytime i have spare money, Been buying from april

>> No.16450424

I hope you make it bro, good luck

>> No.16450488

kek, kikes fudding this so fucking hard, ftm must be the right buy.
youre not getting my shekels faggots, go and pray that i’ll sell at 5$ shlomostein

>> No.16450630

Thanks, you too.

>> No.16451720

this copy pasta marketing hype project is going from bad to worse. dont understand me, dig deeper. follow the 4000 breadcrumbs, you dicks have all been scammed by chen and cronje

>> No.16451737

>we are investigating
so wait this chink says the team itself doesnt even have a clue whats going on with thsi shitcoin? lmao keep coping you fantards

>> No.16451821

stay broke

>> No.16451894
File: 52 KB, 1182x754, 1571333064115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This gook chen is so fucking based hepalys them like bitches kek

>> No.16452420
File: 39 KB, 333x703, IMG_20191202_061600_232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shame their prestigious advisor and lead developer of the "unrelated" blockchain implementation of their consensus is a hack and a thief.


>4,155 deletions.

>> No.16452668

is it over?

>> No.16452731

This was sorted out days ago, pretty sure they used someone else's public code to test something. The creator only just now put a license on it and ftm deleted it when requested. Pretty sure it was old and not being used anymore

>> No.16452844

uh you realize this is a patent troll right?
people who don't work in software engineering or compliance shouldn't talk about this kind of shit
you always end up making problems out of nothing

>> No.16452860

This. Chen is a based high IQ 5D chess shit poster.
Hopefully he shook out some weak handed faggots, we only want pure blood fanties coming to Valhalla

>> No.16452999


Oh sorry I didn't know patent trolls had the ability to force strangers to lift their code.

>> No.16453073

It’s over mate, find some fresh fud because no one gives a fuck about that anymore

>> No.16453114

yeah that FUD is "only" two days old.
New fud today mate. By the CMO himself
>my sides

>> No.16453129


Michael Chen < liar mlm/pnozi scammer.


>> No.16453387

1. Andre Cleared it the same day, wasn't needed, so he deleted it.
2. When he used the code, it was under a public fucking license. It was just some faggots that saw the big boys using their code, so decided to switch license to get some attention. What they didn't count on was Andre being like "k. We dont need it anymore, fuck off troll"

It's truly sad that what make people on here sell is fud that only works when taken out of context. But in the end the tech will prevail and these people will end up buying in high as fuck.

>> No.16453407

>Michael Chen
he is sketchy but Andre is legit

>> No.16453446

Sad! No one is going to buy your bags ;)

>> No.16453765

What’s the new fud? Also been cleared up. Mainnet scheduled for Q4.
You can buy my bags at $1 fag boy