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File: 538 KB, 950x534, uploads%2Fcard%2Fimage%2F79782%2FScreen_Shot_2016-05-04_at_10.47.52_AM.png%2F950x534__filters%3Aquality%2880%29.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16441994 No.16441994 [Reply] [Original]

when did u realize that everything hes said has been WRIGHT?

>> No.16442087

I bought my first 100 Bitcoin in 2013, didn’t follow any of the fork drama, sold all in late 2017, and started paying attention again around the November 2018 hashwars. Watched some CSW lectures and read his Medium posts and I instantly got it. All in.

>> No.16442098

Your shilling isn't working pajeet

>> No.16442104

based and satoj pilled

>> No.16442110


>> No.16442126

one month after bch forke off. That's when I first decided to find out what all the fuzz was about. I was convinced after listening to just a few of his interviews. I've never hear anyone more knowledgeable about bitcoin before or since

>> No.16442133
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>> No.16442137
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Hi Greg. How are you (plural) doing today?

>> No.16442140

The moment everyone was talking shit

>> No.16442200

>I bought my first 100 Bitcoin in 2013, didn’t follow any of the fork drama, sold all in late 2017, and started paying attention again around the November 2018 hashwars. Watched some CSW lectures and read his Medium posts and I instantly got it. All in.

fake and gay

>> No.16442325

i realized in 2015 that he is a conman.

>> No.16443365
File: 255 KB, 800x439, EKo5SarXkAE9pZC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Pay attention to the honest signals. There is an extremely organized, almost militarized negative campaign against BSV, the exact same type that was levied against BTC back in 2011-2012.

Notice how many actual scams, ponzis and pyramid schemes that are dominating the crypto space. But there is only ONE coin that the entire so called "crypto establishment" all agree to attack.

(((They))) fear the real Bitcoin.

>> No.16443400

no dude sv is shilled hardest and in the most obnoxious way fr the longest time of course the lashback is proportional to that. we had quiet enough of your retarded shit.

>> No.16443690


>> No.16443717
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>> No.16443723

Maybe that has something to do with him being a proven serial forger, I guess that part sits totally fine with you guys

>> No.16443773

>a proven serial forger,
Wrong! He is a proven serial killer

>> No.16443794

yes retarded shit like that exactly what i'm talking about. then when you get your shit pushed in you start whining about how you are harassed and prosecuted by the illuminati jews you fucking brats.

>> No.16443797
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>> No.16443809
File: 278 KB, 645x756, 1517425773280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I fucking LOVE Biz memes.

Biz is soooo fucking based lol. Craig = le god.

We need to meme him into emperor status lol, how frickin based would that be guys?

It's like... he's just as based as Trump and MoonMan. I think its because he's so sassy and non-sequitorious.

This is TOTALLY the next, most epic and righteous BASED meme.... get this:

He's on the internet...

He's contrarian to what seems reasonable and admirable...


Quite silly and ironic...

But actually a super fun and great guy.

>> No.16443822

you are one minute away form the DOUBLE DIGIT SHITCOIN status that actually makes me stiff but in a good way.

>> No.16443884

No, just sad, embarrassing forgeries that have destroyed everyone's trust in any project he's apart of but you heard him speak at a conference once so he must be satoshi

>> No.16443898

Do you refute he is a serial killer?

>> No.16443946

i know nothing about that unless guzzling cum counts as such.

>> No.16444019

>i know nothing about that unless guzzling cum counts as such.
So you deny having seen proof of the fact he is a serial killer? Seems to me like your peddling? Are you afraid of something? Your not complicit are you?

>> No.16444039

>So you deny having seen proof of the fact he is a serial killer?
i only seen him guzzle cum

>> No.16444056

you are deflecting

>> No.16444102

i swear to god

>> No.16444144

You mean like ethereum, or BTC, or link, or everything ,come the fuck on

Again like every coin

>> No.16444267

>Again like every coin

>> No.16444290


Actually, the so called "forgeries" are what made me believe it was him. Go look at all the old Reddit posts "debunking" him, it's the same Blockstream shills and literally Greg Maxwell every time, the same unethical fuckwads that are actual proven fraudsters and liars.
I wasn't born yesterday...this is smear campaign 101 and the guy happens to understand Bitcoin better than anyone else. He's obviously Satoshi, Ira Kleiman wouldn't be suing him for 4 billion dollars otherwise
Anyone who doesn't see what's happening is a naive retard lmfao it's so obvious

>> No.16444474
File: 64 KB, 618x597, 1575052539750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So explain why the deed of trust between him and kleiman that was dated 2012 had a 2015 font copyright

>> No.16444595

sv cucks never learn they just don't know when to shut the fuck up

>> No.16444617
File: 453 KB, 1074x1355, 1575334257871.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That's what happens when you make a PDF, try again

>> No.16444677


>> No.16444916

Did the Craig administration release this doctored photo??!!

>> No.16445074

>I've never hear anyone more knowledgeable about bitcoin before or since
it's funny because people that are actually knowledgeable about bitcoin call craigs sperging technobabble.

>> No.16445194

Projection. They are flight attendants who think they know how to design and build an airplane.

>> No.16445334

bullshit. i know enough of this shit myself to see craig is full of shit and his arguments are nonsensical or even when they make sense he draws totally false conclusions. i have read some of his articles especially in the beginning lately i don't have the patience for it but that man is a fucking fraud 100%. he put so much fucking effort into trying to wiggle out of signing right and proper - while it makes zero sense because signing as satoshi would maximize his profit and insulate him from legal trouble - that you could move a mountain with less time and effort.

>> No.16445369

>insulate him from legal trouble
you can't be this retarded can you?

Ya, what could go wrong by undeniably declaring yourself the creator of bitcoin in a *legally binding* manner. That's why all the ways he verifies his identity are in non public ways with individuals because it's hearsay and he can legally still deny it.

>> No.16445392
File: 92 KB, 700x690, 1575336054087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meanwhile you have retards running around in the community believing this legit scammer over Craig. Can't make this shit up.

>> No.16445400

no you don't get it
craig has plausible deniability in court as nobody can prove that a message signed by satoshi "i'm craig wright btw" is actually been signed by craig and not satoshi trying to fuck with him.
it's literally impossible to prove. meanwhile he would get what he wants. recognition adoration influence probably a lot of investors too.

only a brainlet can't see that signing is his best move. and by not doing it he is actually proving himself to be a fraud.

>> No.16445406
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Bros... I'm starting to lose my faith, I don't think he's satoshi anymore

>> No.16445413

>he can legally still deny it.
he fucking stated it under oath in court you fucking mongrel i can't believe how ignorant you fucking brainlets are. which is btw perjury as he is not fucking satoshi.

>> No.16445433


And that hard lesson you are apparently yet to learn. He is a scam artist.

>> No.16445465

>because it's hearsay
also no a witness testimony of the first hand observation is not hearsay stop trying to parrot words you heard form tv and don't undrestand.

craig did all the wrong things that can land him in trouble but very unlikely to bring him any profit or recognition from the community again and again and again. he fuck off himself legally while not proving shit.

there are two possible explanations here
1 he is an utter brainlet who don't know shit about the law
2 he can't fucking sign which means he never could which means he is not satoshi just a fraud

>> No.16445476

Saying you are satoshi vs the owner of keys to 10 billion dollars is not the same thing.

>> No.16445496

not really, it's a pretty sound assumption supported by blockchain analysis that satoshi mined solo in 2009 pretty much.
but he could also sign with the pgp key known to belong to satoshi and sy he lost the bitcoin keys a long time ago (which again nobody could prove otherwise).

Version: GnuPG v1.4.7 (MingW32)


>> No.16445524

I'm sure you have random email private keys from back in 2009 laying around still too right? I've probably gone through 50 key pairs since then. What planet do you live on? Let me just pull that off my 20gb SCSI drive, one sec.

>> No.16445615

Signing doesn't prove he's satoshi.

Oh anon. You dont know about the 2009 bitcoin tax info?

>> No.16445633


Never doubted him.

>> No.16445739

really? more than holo, sky, link, etc etc etc?

>> No.16445744

Guy pretending.. next

>> No.16446160


None of them do, or they'll claim it's fake somehow

>> No.16446183

Yes, just not on 4chan.

It doesn’t work as well here because he’s already ousted in the mainstream media

>> No.16446196

I knew he was right when cz delisted bsv, but kept it in their cold storage.

>> No.16446469

kek out loud soooo hard