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File: 170 KB, 320x299, Thenamelessone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16440477 No.16440477 [Reply] [Original]

What's the best strategy for defeating the office sociopath?

This guy is just setting fire to the hive every day. He gets away with it every fucking time, too. People agree he's creepy but for whatever reason they still practically worship him.

>> No.16440557

A sociopath can only wreak havoc with widespread complicity.


Most normies are sheeple that just blindly follow. If this is the case where you work, all you can do is minimize how much damage is done to you personally.

>> No.16440707
File: 850 KB, 1126x1399, namelessonefourteen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It seems to me that people are very tired of their lives and it's sufficient that this man is entertaining - regardless of the impact he ultimately has on those who spend more than six months around him.
I cannot condemn him myself, my own sin weighs too heavy and the disruption would be unwelcome.
I don't want to spend my life dodging his shitty cult of personality.

>> No.16440749

How about having the Lady of Pain sit down with him for a nice chat?

>> No.16440775

It sounds like he's alpha, and you are a seething beta

>> No.16440831
File: 32 KB, 474x601, namelessonefour.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A king here doesn't even have one eye so fpbp

I've updated my journal.

>> No.16440839

Whoop his fucking ass!

>> No.16440846

You play the knockout game with them, always works.

>> No.16440857
File: 9 KB, 224x225, thenamelessoneeleven.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could probably take advantage of his tiny wrists... But is it wise to play with a man of fire?

>> No.16440875

Just punch the fucker in the head and tell him there is more where that comes from.

>> No.16440883

Case Study: A Reddit user's perception of a male friend who harasses women (with lessons)

>So here's the issue: there's a difference how asshats like Ted treat their male and female friends. If Ted doesn't want something from you, yeah sure you'll get truckloads of respect! The moment he wants to get laid by someone, you see Ted's true self. This is where I see a lot of victim blaming/false accusations coming from. A lot of guys think that their Ted treats them well, so how could Ted treat anyone else badly? Because Ted doesn't want sex from you, that's why.

>I came here to vent and to discuss my experiences with Teds. As we talk, I'm compiling a rather disturbing list of women who Ted has wronged but never came forward since so many people, even women, would jump to Ted's defense. I had confronted Ted about this briefly many years ago, but I'll be honest, I was rather timid in the conversation. Ted played it off like it was a miscommunication. I talked to the girl herself, and there were a lot of dickpics and outright vulgar requests/verbal depictions. I've never felt more betrayed in my life. After the accusations started piling up, I started to see Ted for who he really was, but I can't let go of all the things he's done for me and I feel so fucking lost and broken. None of the women he has hurt, are aware of each other and don't care enough to make a big deal about it since it was all over the phone. I'm so god damn angry and yet...he's been one of the few people who's had my back and I've been abandoned so many times. I'm waiting for that one big accusation, where some girl comes forward saying Ted did something to her. I'll be there...with this compilation. I'll look that man in the eyes while sealing his judicial fate and I'll hate every fucking minute of it while doing it without hesitation.

>> No.16440912
File: 110 KB, 798x1600, namelessoneimagineskipping.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've updated my journal.


>> No.16440916

You gotta go ham, I mean really whoop his fuckin ass, so bad that he's scared to go to work!

>> No.16440933

Is this about Ted Kacysinski?

>> No.16440967
File: 158 KB, 640x480, thenamelessoneten.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've updated my journal.

I have no need of a fire wizard for this, but thank you for the offer.

>> No.16441039


>> No.16441117
File: 12 KB, 480x360, thenamlessonesix.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doubling down on cringe
I... am sorry for your loss, for what that's worth.

>> No.16441196

being a direct asshole asshat with vulgar suggestions and such is a get-laid tactic.
so long as it's over the phone and that he never forced himself upon someone or grabbed a woman it should be ok.
Ted sounds like a hateful individual but so long as it's only dick pics and "why won't you sit on my face already" lines it's not rape so get over yourself

>> No.16442217
File: 74 KB, 852x480, asleep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why yes I just died again, how could you tell?

>> No.16442554

based daily pst poster

>> No.16442596

I was that guy and I told everyone that I could do everything that all of them combined do and now I do that and it's hilarious. Sorry that you are normie swine OP. It only gets harder.

>> No.16443094
File: 438 KB, 1920x1080, namelessonefifteen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please... please make it stop.

>> No.16443116

OP is samefagging this entire thread

>> No.16443488
File: 45 KB, 262x466, namelessoneeighteen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's okay, come join us. Schizo posters are allowed here... In fact, they're welcome.