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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16439927 No.16439927 [Reply] [Original]

How likely it is that Chainlink hits $10? I've already blown 3k on it and im thinking about buying more. But /biz/ seems like an echo-chamber, so i'm not sure if Chainlink really is that good of a bet as this board makes it seem. Seems like nobody outside of /biz/ is interested in smart contracts let alone oracles.

>> No.16439974

$100-1000 is basically guaranteed if you’re willing to wait 10-20 years. No one is going to get rich over night anymore in crypto, the market has matured beyond that point. You can equate this to the 90’s and computer oriented stocks. Buying Microsoft at $2, etc.

That’s why I laugh whenever people make comments that the idiots on this board can’t all become millionaires. On one hand, they’re wrong. On the other, they’re right - most people will sell, especially given the incredibly low level of patience millennials have. Asking someone to wait the equivalent of their lifetime to be rich beyond their wildest dreams seems like a pretty easy thing to say “yes, obviously” to, but it’s a big ask and most can’t stomach it. The people who got rich off the 2017 run weren’t lucky. They took incredibly high risks or were just really early and believed when no one else did. The game is much less risky now. For the large part it’s already easy to see where the winners are. You don’t get the same reward without waiting the appropriate amount of time.

>> No.16440022

$10 is possible.

>> No.16440032


>> No.16440036

this is the first non pajeet or low iq post ive seen in a while.

>> No.16440045

I think adoption will come much faster though.

>> No.16440051

>$100-1000 is basically guaranteed if you’re willing to wait 10-20 years.

>> No.16440056


You both are retards.


>> No.16440067

How likely is it that a basement dwelling incel will have sex before eoy? There’s the answer to your question.

>> No.16440076

We miss high IQ posts like this

>> No.16440079

$100 by end of 2020

>> No.16440083

dude my dick won't work in 20 years.

>> No.16440111

3-5 years is a reasonable estimate. 10-20 is nonsense.

>> No.16440115

Ahhhh fuck man what am I supposed to do for that long?

>> No.16440195

10 years is very reasonable

>> No.16440197

Not very lucky, learn how to do basic math

>> No.16440290

By 2025 we may see 10% of global gdp stored in dlt/blockchain tech. Personally I believe it will happen but it could take longer. But 10% is a little more than $8 trillion. Total market cap now is roughly $200 billion. We will have a better idea when the product is finished until then it is all speculation.

>> No.16440296

Fuck off boomer scum.

>> No.16440337


The old, "Just you wait nay-sayer, the legend is coming!" paradigm.

>> No.16440340


>> No.16440386
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>$1000 is basically guaranteed

>> No.16440457
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I've blown 75 k you fucking selfish nigger.

>> No.16440464

very unlikely

>> No.16440473

in ten-twenty years legacy companies will be on blockchain if this shits really works. no need for an oracle when that data is on the blockchain.

>> No.16440485



>> No.16440533

>10-20 years
The Link singularity and the AI singularity will both have happened by then

>> No.16440539
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>dude just wait 20 years lmao

>> No.16440551

It's just bullshit fud. Means were close to something big happening, haven't seen this much coordinated fud since right before the google announcement.

>> No.16440570

3-5 years might be enough time to see $10+ price, but full adoption will take longer than that. Industry adoption is not a quick process. Industry adoption is what will be responsible for $1000 chainlink, and that will happen between 5-10 years from now

>> No.16440589

You fucking fudding nigger, the corporations in question are the ones who orginally ordained the creation of LINK in fucking 2011. Shits just about ready, get prepared to get your anus annihilated.

>> No.16440594

>coordinated fud
any source or you talking out of your asshole?

>> No.16440623

>1+ वर्ष परीक्षण नेट
>5 महीने का मुख्य जाल
>कोई भी उत्पादन में चैनलिंक oracles का उपयोग करने वाले उपयोगकर्ताओं के साथ एक भी नाम नहीं दे सकता है
>के साथ प्रूफ लिंक के साथ
>(dapp.com/dappradar/etherscan के प्रूफ लिंक के साथ)
>लिंकर्स: यह तेजी है!

>> No.16440633

>get prepared to get your anus annihilated
Ive been all in link for 2 years, and probably have a bigger stack than you do. If we hit $1k in the next 1-3 years then I will be very happy, but I’m not expecting that to happen. I have enough patience to hold for the next decade if that’s what it takes

>> No.16440651

Once the marines start hyruleposting it will pop double digits and then some

>> No.16440670

>willing to wait 10-20 years

Fud, Facebook had 1 billion users within 5 years. now fuck off peasant

>> No.16440678

You're never going to make it.

>> No.16440689


This is the average Linky. What you are doing now is asking him for financial advice. Just something to keep in mind....

>> No.16440693

The FUD in August was ridiculous as well. That was discord fags constantly spamming it non stop

>> No.16440826

Have you all lost your minds? Chance at $10? It's 1000 eoy, maybe even tonight

>> No.16440838

In this thread:

>t. Zoomers who are too lazy to look at what the standard time to market maturity is and actually think 3-5 years is not just realistic but LONG.

10 years minimum. But you zoomers won’t make it.

>> No.16440854

It's already been about 8 unofficially, do you even take black pills?
I wouldn't be surprised if this shit has been in development since the 80s.

>> No.16440915

Wait for 50 cents / 2K BTC. you had literally 2 years to buy at 20 cents. don't go buying biz's bags as they panic sell.

go buy some FRM as a hedge.

>> No.16440927


Chainlink desperation thread? LOL it’s over retards look at the chart jesus christ

>> No.16441049

I am not even a Chainlink holder. I am just watching this mayhem and reading for a long time. Chainlink will definitely go to 10 dollars. At least. I don't know when. And I don't know more than most of you. But I think there is a hidden surprise within Link. I bought months ago... a few link, not worth mentioning. And I will sit on them. Just to see what happens.

>> No.16441071


>> No.16441279


Regarding the Fud

People are just way too impatient with LINK. Many here don't quite understand Segeys strategy.

If you've every gone to a few of Sergeys talks he emphasizes one thing and he repeats himself over and over and over.


He says the word "security" so often you start to realize that this is his #1 goal of right now. Sure, the first nodes needed to be approved because of what? "Security". launching the network isn't about decentralization..YET. It was the plan all along to decentralize as soon as they know the product is working and it is Trusted and Secure. If your smart, youd know why already. But let me break it down for the brainlets in here.

Basically as he stated himself. Chainlink has 1 shot to make this thing work. With Synthetix going to be the first Defi dapp using the oracle network and others soon following it puts Chainlink in a position where it CAN'T fail. If in some way Chainlinks oracle network is compromised the whole thing collapses. Not just Chainlink but yes, you guessed it. Every other project in crypto will be years behind. THEY ARE ALL WAITING TO USE CHAINLINK.

Think about it. If and when we start to see millions of dollars transacted through smartcontracts being fed data through the oracle network and somehow that network fails Seucrity wise. Well, that would be it. NO INSTITUTION will trust this whole process. Because in the end its about TRUST. TRUST IS HUGE when it comes to finance.

Crypto people losing millions due to a hack is one thing. A financial transaction done by an legacy institution getting hacked for 10s of millions? A WAY BIGGER DEAL.

Anyways. Still though, its true what they say. Crypto succeeds if Chainlink succeeds. If you are not at least 90% all in chainlink, your doing it wrong.

>> No.16441324

Also, notice, all the tech advances that Chainlink is pushing out DECO, Mixicles, Homomorpic encryption, TEE, TownCrier etc. is all about Security. Security and audibility. Thats all they talk about.

You guys in here trying to talk about "decentralization first" don't have a clue of whats needed in the real world. Without Security and Audibility chainlink would not be able to tap into the trillion dollar market if not dare I say...the Quadrillion market run by main-street.

Think about that for a second. So many projects in crypto are unregulated. If they stay unregulated they are missing out on the goal of this whole space and thats to replace legacy systems.

Chainlink, because its built to support Main-street has this opportunity like no other crypto project. People are excited about Defi but it only makes sense if you can meld the two worlds, crypto to fiat, off-chain data to on-chain data all with Security, Auditability and Regulatory compliance. Chainlink is the only project that has the capability to do this.

Anyone that isn't all in or close to all in is wasting their time and money.

>> No.16441336

Cisco took 10 years. Why would you think Chainlink would move at same speed or even slower?

>> No.16441346

someone who understands

>> No.16441366

How is it a fud? He's actively telling people we are going to make it, he's just being a little extreme with the timeframe.

Honestly you people seem to think any deviation from the party line is an attempt at sabotage.

>> No.16441372

Guys i have 10k link and .52 linkpool. Thats all i can afford atm. Will i make it even a little bit anons?

>> No.16441401

if you don't make it nobody does

>> No.16441413

>haven't seen this much coordinated fud since right before the google announcement.

Kek, time sure does fly. That shit was funny. I remember linkers barely even replying to the FUD at that point since it was spammed all over the place.

>> No.16441417

Yes, you will make it. You still have some time to add to your stack but if that's all you can manage then you will still make it out with a pretty penny.

>> No.16441420

You just answered your own dumbass question.

>> No.16441426

动 态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

>> No.16441436



>> No.16441465

i was about to call you a retard nigger

but, it does make some sense, the point of chainlink is to put real world data on the blockchain, but what if the companies that provide the data put it themselves on the blockchain?

>> No.16441497

When did they announce work on homomorphic encryption

>> No.16441663

Most data is only relevant because it's current time data.

>> No.16441674

ok boomer

>> No.16441720

In crypto, I'm doubtful about such a slow rise

>> No.16441950


I have 2500 links, will I make it? I just want to be financially independant and retire early.

>> No.16441975
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It will work if you would stop masturbating

>> No.16442097


You know, boomers have actually got everything in their hands. Instead of befriending them, learn, young Padawan, learn

>> No.16442149

Starting next Gear german banks will legally be able to store and provide a platform for the trade of crypto. Chainlink has reached 4, how much do you think it'll reach when crypto is made legit by the banks?

>> No.16442240

It literally dumping now is right

>> No.16442254

next year it will go to $10.

>> No.16442288

>coordinated fud
no idea what you're talking about, discussion of LINK has been as dead as the price action for the past three weeks or so. No larps, no shills, no FUD, just radio silence. Which has honestly been a lot scarier than the fud campaigns ever were (like the 'pump and dump scam' campaign from september)

>> No.16442297


Yes. I think so too. And if not next year then 2021... or 22.. I just hope until then we won't have daily threads of link down or etf was that any longer

>> No.16442306
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> t.

>> No.16442344

Anyone care to red pill me on synthetix? I remember fags posting about it a few weeks ago but I just ignored it like I do by default since crypto is a scam. Is it legit?

>> No.16442355
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>> No.16442380

It's just another defi project. The exciting part is that it uses chainlink for its pricing data. Solid buy if you're bullish on defi, but I dont hold any since I'm all in link. As link's first defi customer, it's worth familiarizing yourself though

>> No.16442427

wow, my mind is blown at how dumb these posts are.

>> No.16442460

A lot of us have already been holding for two years, fluctuations at this price don't phase us.

The fundamental proposed value of blockchain/defi & likely total market cap for the entire space will reach into the trillions easily, watch eth 2.0, DeFi regulations / institutional adoption / halvening occurring simultaneously over the next 18-24 months. Weak handed moonboi's and "traders" once again will not make it.

>> No.16442574

100% chance, but we'll hit $1 first. We will not break ATH before touching $1

>> No.16442731

>t. brainlet, can't argue so just types the usual biz insult

never gonna make it, brainlet

>> No.16442871

Nobody knows how likely it is, the coin was fucking pumped into oblivion /biz/raelis, for fucks sakes. Stop posting about this stupid fucking token all the time, stop hyping yourselves up and then crashing into a fucking despair, you will go insane that way. Just fucking wait, I think bear market is going to continue untill end of January.

>> No.16442916

I know. 0%. Chainlink is confirmed vaporware

>1+ year test net
>5 months main net
>nobody can name a single dapp with users using Chainlink oracles in production
>(with proof link to dapp.com/dappradar/etherscan)
>Linkers: this is bullish!

>> No.16442963

Those responses were dumb because they entirely ignore the purpose of blockchain and what oracles do.

>> No.16442980

It is possible. And by no means do I want to support this insanity of link threads all day... but we have not yet found a single clue that link is actually a scam. How did an associate say earlier? Ah... the essence of /biz/ ... IMPATIENCE...

Just shut up retards, talk about women on the new /b/ or go /pol/ and argue about the jews... do not make daily threads about if link fell or rose ... it is moot

>> No.16443082

If you invest the proceeds wisely and have a low cost of living then you should be okay. I'd get more to be on the safe side if you can, however.

>> No.16443109

>just wagecuck for another 10-20 years
kek i'll be 48 in 20 years faggot so either spam hopium or go back to r edd it

>> No.16443669

I make six figures currently and I'll wait this out as long as I need to. Link is guaranteed wealth, at this point it is simply a waiting game. If it touches $1.50 or lower again, I'll up my stack to 175k-180k ish. I already have a top wallet, but if people insist on giving away this treasure then I'll scoop em up.

>> No.16443738

Still need a gateway to communicate between blockchains

>> No.16443752

Even now, at $2.11, an investment of $5000 is enough to guarantee financial success.

Even if it takes a few years, the hype behind Chainlink is not unfounded and I for one feel we are being hella conservative with our final target price.

>> No.16443830

Legit projects can still pump hard tho

>> No.16443862

people define success differently. anything other than generational wealth will not satisfy me. Of course I will never sell most of my position, but if I can sell 20% for $4-6 million that would be enough for me to coast for a long time. So I will wait until around $140-200 before selling anything at all

>> No.16444208

>Of course I will never sell most of my position, but if I can sell 20% for $4-6 million that would be enough for me to coast for a long time.
Why only 20%? Why not sell it all at that point?

>> No.16444224

>How likely it is that Chainlink hits $10?
/thread and thanks for buying my 20 cent bags at $4. bye

>> No.16444233
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I hope it stalls for another few years so I can accumulate at least 40-50k $US of LINK at its current price - I only have about 15k at the moment.

>> No.16444238
File: 1.26 MB, 1003x1606, Patricia .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hillary Clinton Body Count.

>> No.16444248

>So I will wait until around $140-200 before selling anything at all
LMAO have fun holding down to $0 then you delusional stinky

>> No.16444289

So jealous, my stack is only 1/3 of yours. REEEEEEEE

>> No.16444335

Yeah, triple 000


>> No.16444340


Wait to buy under $1.20

>> No.16444416

Trips confirm

>> No.16444452

Link partnered with a known vaporware PnD scamming their own community. They have 4 employees and lost all their investor funds. They have no working product and hired Satsgang to fleece their own community. As long as they partner with companies like DAG nobody will ever take them seriously. It reflects poorly on Link to pick such obvious failures as partners.

>> No.16444726

Source: my ass

>> No.16444808

ever notice how similar link, vechain, nano, omisego supporters are? they are delusional and link is no different

>> No.16445073

Source, ask anyone in the DAG community that isnt a paid Satsgang internet troll pushing the scam on biz. Look at the fake volume, look at the handful of wallets holding all their shitcoin in SE Asia. Look at the USAF contract lie they got caught pushing. They have 4 employees and no on staff engineers after raising $33M. Their own cofounders and 15+ employees abandoned Constellation Labs. Do you need more or does that sound like a healthy company to you?

>> No.16445854
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stop spoonfeeding these fucks...we have been through this forever.

>you had 2 years. and now u might have another chance because there are retards selling. LOL

t. top 300 wallets

>> No.16445880

>1+ varsh pareekshan net
>5 maheene ka mukhy jaal
>koee bhee utpaadan mein chainalink orachlais ka upayog karane vaale upayogakartaon ke saath ek bhee naam nahin de sakata hai
>ke saath prooph link ke saath
>(dapp.chom/dappradar/aithairschan ke prooph link ke saath)
>linkars: yah tejee hai!

Do the needful sir.

>> No.16445902


>10-20 years

If whatever stink does is actually useful, a superior competitor will have copied and improved it by then.

>> No.16445907

trips of truth. 3-5 years tops. shit moves fast in cryptoville

>> No.16445932

kek learn to code, you have no clue what you're talking about. Chainlink is not only centralized, it's incredibly insecure. Hence why:

>1+ year test net
>5 months main net
>nobody can name a single dapp with users using Chainlink oracles in production
>(with proof link to dapp.com/dappradar/etherscan)
>Linkers: this is bullish!

There is one and only one reason Chainlink had a temporary pump: The fake Google partnership. It's slowly going back down to sub 0.5.

>> No.16446042

$20 mil is not generational wealth in America, that's why

>> No.16446046
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this is FUD

chainlink will be at least 3 digits, perhaps even $1000 within 2 years.

>> No.16446052

Try blowing 200k pussy and then get back to me.

>> No.16446056

45k is much more than most people here. You can always take outa loan if you want more

>> No.16446128

Always do the opposite of what the tards say. Hint: they are the loudest.

>> No.16446135

This doesn't make sense.

>> No.16446373
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>> No.16446453

Thank you OP I just bought like 10 bucks of chainlinks hopefully it takes off!

>> No.16446491

It is 1,000% likely that LINK will hit $100 because it is 100% likely that LINK will hit $1,000.

>> No.16446590


what a nigger.

hey Newknewambwosa...go fuck urself

>> No.16446594


>> No.16446838

1 bajillion pajeet dollars by EOY

>> No.16446865

>people still think it's going over 4 dollars ever again

>> No.16446896

>We miss high IQ posts like this
it's not an high IQ post.
It's not 10-20 years the time frame.
The time frame is between 4 -6 years from now
this hing's gonna bump like crazy especially because it's still so unknown

>> No.16446940

I heard that link started out as a side project of Bill Gates back in the early 90's, not the 80's

>> No.16447048

Well I hope you get priced out next week faggot