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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 126 KB, 860x430, 1575234534004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16432587 No.16432587 [Reply] [Original]

Why aren't you running a full node yet, Anon?

>> No.16432696

I have zero incentive to

>> No.16432704


Don't you want to protect the network?

>> No.16432710

look at that islamic beard

>> No.16432727

No, not really. Although randomX in Monero might fix this problem if cpu mining is viable

>> No.16432762

i am

>> No.16432768

Why would I want to do that?

>> No.16432793

it actually gives you a lot more privacy than an spv node
doesn't matter for poorfags

>> No.16432810

Imagine believing this... i can see your nodes IP, retard

>> No.16432819

>it actually gives you a lot more privacy than an spv node
If I wanted privacy I wouldn't use bitcoin.

>> No.16433467

but you have no idea if i hold anything or it's my real ip you retard

>> No.16433493

not incentivized to

>> No.16433512

then you are not an adopter nor a visionary just a weak handed faggot who will get rekt like all bobos in the end.

>> No.16433515
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>it actually gives you a lot more privacy than an spv node

The entire folder.

>> No.16433530
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I respect jannies more than full node operators.

>> No.16433532
File: 1.82 MB, 4000x3000, 1_R2HK-BMvW_cbd817JPDqKQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

full node + LN node all the time

>> No.16433550

these are well known facts. when you run a full node nobody can see your balance or what addresses you own. running an spv client means you have to ask for specific merkle branches revealing your holdings.

>> No.16433572

>dont you wanna waste money to protect the millions of dollars that me and other early adopter have ?

>> No.16433575

>then you are not an adopter nor a visionary
I'm not a miner and you're a faggot.

What part of public ledger do you not understand? Go buy Monero, retard.

>> No.16433587

>What part of public ledger do you not understand?
nobody knows what you hold man if you run a full node that is. unless you buy coins under your name because then the exchange knows.

>> No.16433610

Running a listening node doesn't make you anymore private than someone doing transactions. Actually it makes you less private for reasons laid out here >>16432810

Again, public ledger. Stop coping and buy XMR retarded Corecuck nigger.

>> No.16433629

your balance is the point nobody can tell if you are holding 0.01 btc or 100000 btc when you do transactions you can send them to a service for broadcasting via a secure tunnel.

>> No.16433652

>public ledger
yes that's a feature not a problem. doesn't have your name on it tho it's also impossible to prove ownership after a few hops even if your identity gets compromised at one point.

i never bought btc under my own name nobody knows what i own.

>> No.16433675

>nobody can tell if you are holding 0.01 btc or 100000 btc
Running a listening node doesn't aid this in anyway whatsoever. I can't even imagine trying to argue this. You guys get more pathetic by the day.

>> No.16433690


You should be fucking ashamed of yourself.

>> No.16433911

really faggot then how can you tell if a network nodes owner holds any funds or if he holds any funds on the wallet associated with that node? you fucking can't.

>> No.16433927


>> No.16433929
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Something about hashrate being in a bubble comes to mind

>> No.16433952
File: 79 KB, 1057x767, satoshi pool July 2018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like Satoshi has explained it, non mining full nodes are parasites on the network because miners have to waste resources communicating with them

>> No.16434040

fuck off with that retarded bullshit! craig is no more satoshi than some random nigger from zimbabwe.

also p2p nodes actually help miners decrease their network load by allowing nodes to sync up. in a distributed system that is in a centralized scenario where only like 3 miners are there communicating only with each other sure you don't need them.

>> No.16434063

omfg I never said anything about a wallet being associated with a listening node. You're the one asserting that running a listening node magically prevents de-anonymization or at least boosts privacy, which it doesn't at all. Arguably has an opposite effect because your internet activity involves pinging and downloading the ledger from miners literally all fucking day. While this doesn't revel addresses, it does show you have a particular hardon for cryptocurrency, so much so that you literally store ledgers FOR FREE.

>> No.16434068

looks fine if you stop cherry picking scales

>> No.16434072

Listening nodes do not add security or aid the network's resilience in anyway whatsoever. In fact they get in the way causing more hops than necessary to get transactions to a miner.

>> No.16434078

>You're the one asserting that running a listening node magically prevents de-anonymization or at least boosts privacy, which it doesn't at all.
it does compared to spv nodes that's my point. whenever your spv node is querying your balance or subsequent transactions it reveals your holdings. a full node is completely passive doesn't leak any information aside from you being a bitcoin enthusiast.

>> No.16434088

>or aid the network's resilience in anyway whatsoever
that's not true for obvious reasons.

>> No.16434152

>whenever your spv node is querying your balance or subsequent transactions it reveals your holdings
Using an SPV doesn't revel your holdings in any identifiable way unless you're uploading a picture of your retarded face and a picture ID along side your query. You holdings are already there for the world to see because ITS A PUBLIC FUCKING BLOCKCHAIN. How they connect it to your real world identity has absolutely nothing to do with an SPV, you complete moron. By all means, go buy drugs with your Segwitbux. I'm sure you're LISTENING NODE will protect you from identification, you fucking moron.

It doesn't. Cope harder.

>> No.16434217

>Using an SPV doesn't revel your holdings in any identifiable way
of course it does, whenever you are querying an address for tx-es and the merkle branch for an incoming tx for verification you reveal your interest.
>It doesn't.
of course it does a full validating network acts as a load balancer and an anti-dos measure as well as an insulation between miners and financial nodes

>> No.16434229

it's funny you sv cucks and cashies pretend you understand bitcoin but you truly are brainlets that don't know shit... amazing.

>> No.16434258

Hashrate is clearly in a bubble. If you don't like the comparison I would say you fit nicely in the denial bubble.

>> No.16434329

7nm asics just came out i would say you are full of shit. but you already know that.

>> No.16434487

>of course it does, whenever you are querying an address for tx-es and the merkle branch for an incoming tx for verification you reveal your interest.
>an address pings interest in itself, this means your identity is now compromised

Do you breathe manually?

>load balancer
>anti-dos measure
Not at all.

>> No.16434503

Global recession just came out and I would say you might need those 7nm asics to warm your hands and cook your food.You can get a better deal on some more economical heaters on Monday.

>> No.16434610

Its pretty much a guarantee that anyone running a bitcoin node holds bitcoin

>> No.16434624
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>thinks you can actually hold a bitcoin
Can you show me what one looks like?

>> No.16434715

not really

>> No.16434790

It's far more likely someone running a node holds Bitcoin than someone who isn't. I'm sure you have some Blockstream narrative to try and combat this simple logic though lmao

>> No.16434832

i have been running one since 2010 whether i held a balance or not. many institutions block explorers etc also run a node without balance.

>> No.16434850

also if you are so worried just use a vpn that way only the guy running the vpn business knows you are interested in bitcoin. he still won't know what amount you could possibly have so he will just assume next to nothing like most nuggets. if you use spv tho he will know exactly what you have.

>> No.16434907
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>he works for free

>> No.16434920
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>if you run a node its more private than not and nobody will scrutinize you harder if you do because if you run a node it isn't even likely that you hold bitcoin

The absolute mental gymnastics of this fucking shill.

>> No.16434936

it's not really work in fact i waste a few billion times more on this board than on my node.

>> No.16434947

compared to spv or worse a thin client using a server in a trustful manner to interact with the blockchain.

>> No.16434975
File: 2.32 MB, 960x540, Bitcoin Core.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he just keeps going

>> No.16435252

no need to freak out m8 just process this shit slowly. take your time!