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16433083 No.16433083 [Reply] [Original]

Why so much hate for them? It’s not like they’re abundant. Fact is that somewhere around 30 tones of natural diamonds are mined every year, half of which are gem-quality. Roughly 100 tones of synthetic diamonds are created every year. In total 130 tones of diamonds are added every year. In comparison 3500 tones of new Gold is mined every year. Before you say they could just create more diamonds they really can’t without money. For instance the cost per carat of mined diamonds is $110 while for artificial diamonds it takes $300 to create a carat. Diamonds are important because they’re used for drilling oil and gas and other industrial matters. If costs rises than practically the cost of everything else rises. I think diamonds are a decent investment.

>> No.16433099

when moon ?

>> No.16433398

Diamonds are used for industrial reasons as you say but they don't use the pretty shiny ones you think of. Usually brown diamonds because they're the most common color of diamond and because they're not as pretty so even people who fall for the diamond scam wouldn't want to pay a lot for them. That changed a little bit in more recent decades when diamond companies started just calling them "chocolate diamonds" and selling them as jewelry to easily impressed retards, but the idea still stands that industrial applications just use whatever diamonds people think are ugly at the moment.

So if you're buying extremely overpriced $20,000 diamonds expecting them to hold any value then I'm sorry but you just got scammed by marketing. The only people who would buy it from you are other people falling for the marketing scam and they definitely would rather buy it from a real diamond company over you. You could buy the cheaper ones that have real uses but at that point there's any number of minerals and materials you could be investing in

>> No.16433503
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The industry was founded in the late 1800s on the false scarcity of shiny rocks and literally everyone knows it. The price of diamonds is literally controlled by a cartel. siamonds are just compressed carbon, so it's not even a rare element like platinum, gold, or silver.

>> No.16433513

I get that. I’m still amazed that so few diamonds are produced each year relative to the amount of new gold and silver mined. I expected millions of tones but it’s around 130 tones. I guess you don’t need that much diamonds for your drill bit.

>> No.16433526

Are you suggesting that the figures are wrong? 130 tones a year of new diamonds both natural and synthetic is very little, in contrast new gold mined is 3,500 tones and new silver mined is 35,000 tones.

>> No.16433540

>130 tones a year of new diamonds both natural and synthetic is very little,

They could get more. They just don't because again, cartel.

>> No.16433593

240 tones are below ground reserves for natural diamonds. Very little. Synthetic diamonds might be produced more but the costs are more than to mine. Again are you suggesting the numbers are fake and there’s actually more? I think that expensive gem quality diamonds are a racket but diamonds are indeed RARE.

>> No.16433607

Well either way I don't trust them as a store of value compared to Gold and Silver. You've got your preferred shiny rocks, and I've got mine.

>> No.16434086

no one fucking mines for diamonds, you can literally just walk on the surface of african rivers and pick up a diamond. they aren't rare and are very abundant.

The reason we don't have 500ghz computers today is because of the diamond cartel making a rock into a worthless Jewelry.

synthetic diamonds are 1000x more perfect and cheaper than diamonds you pick up on the side of the road but no one wants a "synthetic"

>> No.16434180

Because I am a Buddhist monk on a Tibetan basket weaving forum. I have no desire for your rock.

>> No.16434230

You posted it yourself genius, 1 carat of synthetic diamond costs $300. And yet a 1 carat diamond costs at least $1500 (and can easily be $20k+). Gemcutting is not a difficult skill either, all the added cost is mostly anticompetitive behavior by cartels and normies getting memed on by marketers.

Diamond tipped tools would still be cheap as fuck if all diamond deposits disappeared from the earths crust tomorrow. Diamonds are not a good investment, you haven't cracked the fucking code. Stop.

>> No.16434232

wrong. Read and stop being stupid. Average price of natural diamond 1 carat to mine is $110 while average price for produced 1 carat synthetic diamond is $300.

Im into gold and silver. I dont own diamonds. Im just curious about it's scarcity.

>> No.16434261

You're not being smart. You're confusing gem quality natural diamonds with synthetic diamonds. Gem quality natural diamonds are rare and cost more naturally as they are primarily for jewelry for rich fags. Diamonds are rare, theyre scarce and they cost $300 per carat to make artificially as opposed to mining 1 carat for $110.

>> No.16434313

Holy shit retard, have you done any research at all? "Gem quality" is a fucking meme invented by marketers. When synthetic diamonds were first invented, the jewel sellers talked up how the synthetics had more internal flaws. Now that synthetics have drastically FEWER internal flaws than mined diamonds, they've reversed the sales pitch and they talk about how defects in mined diamonds are a source of 'natural beauty'.

Synthetic diamonds are literally better in every fucking way, but I guess you're a good example of how easy these sorts of scams are to pull.

>> No.16434346

why are synthetic diamonds cheaper?

it's extremely difficult to distinguish between natural and synthetic diamond. you need specialized lab equipment. as long as it's real and not a recognizable heirloom or something, you could still value it at karat price.

>> No.16434368

So you're interested in imperfect, industrial-quality diamonds, which are apparently worth about 10 times as much per unit mass than gold. Where can you buy and/or sell them?

>> No.16434385

OP There's literal metric tons sitting in vaults but they only let out a couple a year to keep the cost high

>> No.16434398

>they cost $300 per carat to make artificially as opposed to mining 1 carat for $110.
also, please post your source for this information

>> No.16434411

oh could we make cpus from diamond? thats dope af

>> No.16434528

How much?

>> No.16434555

price is a function of supply and demand. if the demand is 120 tons, doesn't matter if it's less produced than something else, the price will be lower.

>> No.16434693
File: 64 KB, 663x309, ever try to sell a diamond.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Diamonds are one of (((their))) most successful rackets. They created the demand for diamonds via an advertising/pr campaign and the market is totally controlled by a cartel. Pic related.

>> No.16434872

synthetic diamonds can be created for less than 5$

>> No.16434888

a diamond is mined for about 10$ it is sold to diamond buyers for about 100$
it is sold to the consumer for about 2000$

>> No.16434898

Many documentaries on this. ((They)) rule diamonds from the bottom to the top. De biers.

>> No.16434934

Diamonds are excellent conductors of heat, meaning you can ramp up the cpu speed to hundreds of ghz.
The current clock speed limit is around is 3.6ghz


>> No.16435067

>no one fucking mines for diamonds
Laughably untrue.

>> No.16435137

Not fungible and price fixed

>> No.16435202

Gem quality over 1.5 carats are rare, because larger natural "gem" quality stones are more rare, and lab grown/made synthetics can't be made larger than that at a price that could be recouped, or at least they couldn't, last time I was reading up on it. If you have millions to throw at it, you can make big ass diamonds, but you won't be able to scale the process up for what you'd need to run a business.
The whole industry has so much fuckery going on, "value' is a slippery scale to try and pin down anyway. Diamonds are not that rare. The demand for them for industrial uses is more than met, and prices for synthetics has been dropping steadily. The gem side is cockblocked by you-know-who (in this one specific case, it's not conspiracy theory at all), and prices are whatever they can push them to - and they've destroyed value for synthetics as nobody will insure them, and there is literally no resale value - you buy a $2k lab diamond from one of the companies that focuses on "gem" quality, it's worth exactly $0 after your check/payment clears. (((they))) made sure of that.