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File: 122 KB, 1200x849, 1200px-Hooters_logo_2013.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16430153 No.16430153 [Reply] [Original]

All they have to do is to hire some male waiter and trap waitress. Then no one can shit on them anymore.

>> No.16430162

>trap waitress
Please. I nominate you as the next ceo of hooters.

>> No.16430172

SJWs hate hooters because it stereotypes women as sec objects.

I like your idea, but let's make all of them trannys. Make it a platform for them to "find themselves and explore their sexual lives as women". Kek.

>> No.16430195

there's that meme word incels keep using

>> No.16430259

Honestly though it probably has more to do with atmosphere its like a cheap shitty boomer roadhouse. Looks horrible in there. and something something left wing discrimination, something something e-porn for omega's who dont even leave the house, and the rise of the non-degeneracy living a perfect storm for a stupid company

>> No.16430270

Real talk though I would legit eat there every week if they had hot males and traps working there

>> No.16430285

Or they could make food that doesn’t give everyone diarrhea

>> No.16430286
File: 62 KB, 450x610, 641b0b479c5b0295374e4b7fc5567f82.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because the Irish Nachos at Tilted Kilt are GOAT.

>> No.16430363
File: 88 KB, 500x438, 079845367413.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They aren't against objectification. They're against the fact that they're ugly and receive no attention, therefore they need something anything to bitch about.

With the new Hooters everyone is equal. No one can criticize it without being chauvinistic, feminazi, transphobic, or any combination of them.

>> No.16430544

This is a very good idea.

>> No.16430564

Ahhh, a man of culture. I go to my local Tilted Kilt, eat and drink, then I go home and beat my dick like a nigger.

>> No.16430728

go to a real restaurant then a strip club, why combine the worst of both of these establishments and go there

>> No.16431395

What's the difference? Better beer?

>> No.16431434

i've never felt objectified when wahmen oogle my body. what makes me feel objectified is when they say "so what do you do?" (this is the female equivalent of "do you like anal?")

>> No.16431644

i can tell you the food isn't that great and the girls won't have sex with you. open a version of hooters where you pay to fuck the girls and get better food.

>> No.16431933


Because you no longer have to go there to see women dressed in trashy skimpy clothing. All you have to do is go outside

>> No.16431949
File: 162 KB, 1000x700, AF8C28CF-52BF-4A7F-8A05-0C434D8AB35B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16432823
File: 22 KB, 220x330, Warwick_Davis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a tilted kilt just opened down the street from me. tfw when all the chicks are brown or black and kind of busted

>> No.16433743
File: 2.40 MB, 1280x720, 0 points in cooking.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

terrible idea.

male and transvestite waiters would kill off 90% of the customer base and the people complaining about Hooters would STILL not go there.
the best they can do is ignore criticism and carry on.

why'd you even make this thread, is there some fake outrage on twitter or something?

>> No.16433783

It's probably because the food fucking sucks

Oh wow french fries and hamburgers that taste like they're from the same factory as Applebee's trash, draft Budweiser beer, and 95% of the price of the shitty food/beer goes toward the hundred or so 75" televisions that have niggers running around on them

>> No.16433797

Hooters is peak Boomer.

>> No.16433865

they should rebrand it to SHOOTERS and start countryscale shooting range chain with maid outfit instructors and double targets imitating tits

>> No.16433902

This. Problem is that it's boomer as fuck. and very Americana in a bad way.

also OP your idea is bad because dudes who like traps are huge weeb homos (myself included)

If you want to capture the trap-loving audience you need to start an upscale Japanese fusion restaurant and hire only catgirls (male)