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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1642776 No.1642776 [Reply] [Original]

>someone asks how much money you have
what do

>> No.1642780

Even though I'm poor I still look well dressed. So just reply with
>Oh I got enough ;)
It works.

>> No.1642790

questions nobody will ever ask you thread?

>how did you get so damn gorgeous?

>> No.1642795

someone did ask me how much I have though and I didn't know how to respond

>> No.1642859

I would exclaim "excuse you!"

>> No.1642865

How much money you need to get a gf like that..?

>> No.1642868

become f1 world champion

>> No.1642876

A few million dollars, I won a lottery. They will think that I'm joking and I don't want to tell.

>> No.1642882

I'd say, "enough"

>> No.1642884

"Fuck off" would have been an acceptable reply. Where do you live that blunt questions about personal finances isnt considered rude?

>> No.1642889

family desu

>> No.1642903

only poor fags are content with the amount of money they have

I'd say not enough

>> No.1642922

Draw gun. Motherfucker is trying to mug you.

>> No.1642951


Depends who is asking, but I don't have a big issue with telling people if i know them.

>> No.1642954

"more than you"

>> No.1642968

"How much do you think you'd be willing to take for the ape?"

>> No.1642979

Since /biz/ is 99% trolls, I'll give you the correct answer:

"More than I need, less than I want."

>> No.1642988

>t. low net worth

>> No.1643270

>dat photo

There is literally only one subreddit I visit, and you expect me not to call you out as a Plebbit migrant?

Enough to pay for the massive deficit in your personality

>> No.1643293
File: 82 KB, 565x462, Cv_Q346VMAAFP_2.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


When it's my gf I say less than you think, because I might have as much as she thinks but I'm not going to blow it on dumb shit and I know if I said an exact number it'd end up with her wondering why we're not going on vacations and shit. But for family I just tell them I'm doing ok so they don't worry and drop it there. And to strangers I say more than you just to fuck with them.

pic unrelated

>> No.1643303

I like that pic. That's exactly the kind of infographic we need to see more of on /biz/. To understand how we're marketed to, and how to market to others!

>> No.1643690

In 7 years I'm going to be an extremely successful entrepreneur. Get in while you can.

>> No.1643692

doing what

>> No.1643706

why should it. it should expose the unfair wealth driven model of your organisations wage system

>> No.1643776

tree fiddy

>> No.1643779

So that's fucking why I hate these characters! All these fucking years eve hated their stupid smiles and stances and how they just smile at you and shit. I've always had a sixth sense for people trying to sucker me in

>> No.1643798

I like that pic because milfs in yoga pants.

>> No.1643802


What a time to be alive

>> No.1643833

Have a (You)

>> No.1643835


see I have about 250K and I dress poor

poor fags always pretend to be rich

>> No.1643902

Yoga pants and super long hair.
I'm always amazed by super long hair guys and girls, it's like 6 years of no-haircuts... at some point surely they get sick of waiting for their hair to try and impulsively cut it off, right? But no, 6 whole years they persevere. That's not laziness, that's a fucking statement.

I dunno what I'm saying, I'm drunk.

>> No.1644480


>> No.1644994

if its very close family you trust 100% you can tell but if its not so close just walk around and say stuff like its enough to come around.

>> No.1645072


What about actual super rich people who pay thousands of dollars for ugly shit like Hermes and Louis Vitton?

>> No.1645137


Generally if you earned the money, you don't buy into that stupid expensive bs. Its all the people who didn't directly make the money themselves that buy into that shit to make them look like they had the success.

A true from the bottom to the top person won't give a shit what they wear to show they made it because they know they made it themselves.

>> No.1645187

only people who want to look rich buy this stuff

people who are actually wealthy buy long lasting quality stuff, regardless of name/look

>> No.1645194

this. look at bill gates/warren buffet

>> No.1645232

Tell them I have too much money to waste my time with them.

>> No.1645249
File: 324 KB, 512x512, Sa5YobP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only people who want to look rich buy this stuff
Or people who recently got high income or got rich without knowing much (so mostly people who imho didn't deserve it)

These brands are basically honeypots.

>> No.1645458
File: 808 KB, 1200x1800, 57023c54712f03151edb1e5caae556a0-57e42936e50a2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What about actual super rich people who pay thousands of dollars for ugly shit like Hermes and Louis Vitton?

I like some LV stuff. It's playful, it's Pop.
Haven't looked at Hermes in years.
Then again I foam at the mouth for Miu Miu almost every season, but my point is people may be buying it not because of that endlessly repeating pattern of LV but because they uhhh... like it.
>Fashion houses are businesses too, they are under incredible pressure to respond to their very niche clientele of very wealthy middle aged women who know exactly what they want. They get direct feedback from them through their networks of stores.
>Those designs aren't arbitrary they are literally what the customer wants.

I usually hate Versace.

>> No.1645460

>what do you want from me?
>none of your goddamn business.

>> No.1646337

You mean crypto?

>> No.1646339

does she have something sticking out of her arm??

>> No.1646350

If you have money tell everyone you're really broke. If you're broke get a fucking job.