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16425983 No.16425983 [Reply] [Original]

What are you thoughts?

>50% earn less than $36k CAD ($27K USD)
>40% earn between 36K-$100K CAD
>10% earn more than $100K CAD ($75k CAD)

Buying a home that’s $5 million and earning $100k will take you 80 years to pay off. Thoughts?

>> No.16425989

>>10% earn more than $100K CAD ($75k USD)


>> No.16425992

>50% earn less than $36k CAD ($27K USD)
this isn't true though lmao, especially if you're counting people who were born after 1990

>> No.16425993

At least you don't go bankrupt looking in the general direction of a hospital.

>> No.16425998

instead you get to wait in line for 2 years to see a specialist if you have any serious problem at all, no matter how rich you are

>> No.16426015

Canadians are crab people, they're happy if everyone around them is as poor as they are.

>> No.16426024

Look at the median income bozo.

>> No.16426057
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>> No.16426070
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>> No.16426126

My maximum out of pocket is $4000 a year. Only poors don't have insurance.

>> No.16426142

>tfw in the top 40%
making 52k a year

I am based

>> No.16426197

>52k a year
So basically $39k USD (real money)

>> No.16426216

it fucking sucks I'm heading south. It's not even a real country. What kind of pile of shit country doesn't allow its youth to flourish? A terrible country. Have fun financing your 800k condos underwater that will be worthless when the boomers get liq'd in the next financial crisis.

>> No.16426218

is 40k usd considered decent in the states?

>> No.16426261

Depends on where you are. In a big city that's poverty wages. Further out I would say lower middle class wages.

>> No.16426264

>Is Canada poor?
All you need to see is our insane grocery store prices

>> No.16426267

have you ever seen trailer park boys

>> No.16426278

But that’s in New Brunswick.

>> No.16426361

Yikes and this is from working for the government

>> No.16426400

Dude the credit cycle is about to end, what the fuck are you doing.

2-10 is inverted, Vancouver real estate topped out at a clean inflection point like 16 months ago, Toronto is currently on a 1 year lago behind Vancouver and will follow suit (shift the graphs of avg sale price over time by a year and put them on top of each other, it's actually hilarious), avg mortage: median wage is like 15x when anything under 5x is typically unstable, China is a net seller of global assets for the first time in a decade aND they were half the reason Canadian re ever pumped in the first place... there's some factors I'm forgetting but you get the idea. It's only going one direction from here.

>> No.16426406


>> No.16426407

Yea, but your rich people just come to the US for healthcare.

>> No.16426413

in California, new york and some other select areas you may as well buy a tent and live on the street. or you could rent for ~2k/month.

in basically all other states that aren't like those two, you can live pretty well - until you run into any unfortunate event, such as a health care bill or uninsured car wreck, then you're suddenly in debt you can't pay.

>> No.16426415

My maximum out of pocket a year is $7 because I normally only get sick once and that's what it costs to fill a free presciption in Canada after seeing my free doctor.

>> No.16426420
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It's decent if you have no ambition in life.

>> No.16426423

I don't think you understand the meaning of that word

>> No.16426430

Wow that's fucking sad. How are the taxes there?

>> No.16426432

>15 percent on your first $45,282 of taxable income;

>> No.16426456

Yea collapse

>> No.16426477

Yeah if you need immediate surgery for a life threatening condition, you might get in right away. As a kid, I had to sit in the sick kids hospital for 12 hours with a bursting appendix, throwing up and shitting myself. After I woke up post surgery the doc said it was that close to blowing inside me.
So no, you don't want what we have.
You will not get non-life threatening treatment quickly.
You will not get cancer treatment quickly.
You will more than likely die before you receive the care you need unless it is immediately life threatening (you lost an arm and your artery is now squirting blood).

>> No.16426486

ON TOP OF WHICH, you will not get ANY vision or dental covered by the state AT ALL - that is completely privatized. So you still need fucking insurance or you're still gonna go fucking bankrupt!

>> No.16426498

If you have a sick tooth that's killing you you can have it removed by a hospital for free. You cannot go bankrupt from having no eye+dental coverage.

Highly unlikely story.

>> No.16426508

Sounds like somebody who hasn't had a serious medical problem in his life, fag. Why is it always people without experience in the thing they're talking about who shit the loudest?
Unlikely story?
Ok, I can't prove it to you but it's amazing to me that faggot Canadians cling to this absolute terrabad system because the media told them it's good. The funny part is ALWAYS when they actually have to go use it for a serious illness.
Then your illusions get shattered ricky fucking tick.

>> No.16426531

To add to this, there are low income programs for dental care, and I can only assume there are low income programs for vision and hearing care also. In my experience most dentitsts will work with you to set up fair financing payments for their services. In some cases, they won't even charge you for the more expensive things. Believe it or not, dentists aren't heartless, they're just in a very lucrative industry.

You're trying too hard. I had a non life threatening surgery in Ontario free of charge for a health issue that could have been a precursor to cancer, and my surgery was scheduled a month after my appointment with my GP. Went off without a hitch.
We have one of the best healthcare systems in the world, with some of the best children's hospitals in the world.
I wouldn't trade the system we have for anything else (however we can talk about a socialized dental care program).

>> No.16426663
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Americans spend more tax dollars per capita on healthcare than Canadians.

>> No.16426678

It's in NS

>> No.16426686

>Vancouver real estate topped out at a clean inflection point like 16 months ago
Keep dreaming

>> No.16426721

I'm a college grad in canada making 22 bucks an hour, which is about 16.5 american. And my 22 bucks an hour is considered half decent for my age (23). We're poor as fuck. At least I have 11.3k link.

>> No.16426728

>16.5 american
amazon's slaves make about that much in merica in some areas

>> No.16426740

Wages haven't kept up with inflation AT ALL. 40k used to be a good starting salary for a college grad, and now it's barely average warehouse worker pay. Entry-level jobs really don't pay much.

>> No.16426749

Lots of fresh uni grads will seek jobs in the US for the better personal tax policies. Its tough getting a start out of Uni/College.

>> No.16426820

26 and making 65k and still feel like I barely have enough money to save.Trying to get my finances in order but everything is so expensive fuck. I can only improve my net worth by like 8k per year and its just not much money anyway.. really starting to hate this place.

>> No.16426855

Bc bro here, (fuck the climate tho) I am 23 and also have exactly 11.3k lenks. I only make 16 an hour though because I can’t leave my job from how comfy it is and how many cute ladies I meet and have sex with from there.


>> No.16426875

fellow leafs, how are you buying your crypto? seems most banks are banning it? is this true?

>> No.16426923


Never happened, I got specialist appointments for myself and my mother within weeks in some of the best medical facilities and great staff.

America healthcare is literally a savage fucking wild west with no standards, no one gives a rats ass about your broader health records, they just want their fees for looking at you.

America is an impoverished shithole.

Stop watching retarded videos from conservatard bloggers.

>> No.16427025

>I got specialist appointments for myself and my mother within weeks in some of the best medical facilities and great staff.
Exception that proves the rule, but remember Sanjot, health care is governed by the province. https://www.fraserinstitute.org/studies/waiting-your-turn-wait-times-for-health-care-in-canada-2018

>> No.16427046

And with all that, Canadian healthcare still ranks above American. Nice try Bryce.

>> No.16427056

Also, rofl I just noticed

>Fraser Institute

>> No.16427071

Pretty much everyone is poor outside of USA. Canadians are way more civil than the dirty Mexicans but they are almost as poor. I hate being surrounded by poor people it’s disgusting.

>> No.16427078

>The Institute has received donations of hundreds of thousands of dollars from foundations controlled by Charles and David Koch, with total donations estimated to be approximately $765,000 from 2006 to 2016. It also received US$120,000 from ExxonMobil in the 2003 to 2004 fiscal period.

>> No.16427112

You’re right but if and when I’m diagnosed with cancer I’m glad I live in America where the best doctors are compensated for their skills and I can actually live vs dying in a Canuck hospital like a broke faggot

>> No.16427415

>vs dying in a Canuck hospital like a broke faggot
Saying 'broke' there is meaningless since we all die the same. You're absolutely right that we are all faggots, however

>> No.16427433

Agreed the ‘broke’ part of that post was referring strictly to Canadians who think they have good health care but will die from shit that I won’t because I’m a rich amerifag. That’s just how life works sorry faggots I wish I could save you all with me kek jk

>> No.16427552

Canadians can get treatment in the States if they have money.

>> No.16427868

Dirt poor.

>> No.16427883

why do canadians always go muh healthcare? it even shows in OECD stats. i'm a frog so we have better healthcare than you do (although it's still shit), and yet we're not healthcare-obsessed like you

>> No.16428135

because its like the one differentiating thing between us and the usa and 99% of canadians are in a constant state of seething and coping