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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 72 KB, 501x504, jew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16425339 No.16425339 [Reply] [Original]

Why do you guys mention the jews or post jewish caricatures in every thread? "schlomo", "moishe", "goyim". why are you people so obsessed? why did the jews ever do to you? even in threads where the topic is completely unrelated, there is always at least one comment alluding to the Jews. why?

>> No.16425362


>> No.16425364

because thats how people work. what people need to understand is that you can only beat (((them))) by competing them out in their own game. (((they))) outcompete everyone else in the game of money. solution: outcompete (((them)))
in case of failure: stop playing (((their))) game

>> No.16425367

Are you new?

>> No.16425369


>> No.16425371

You want a real answer?
They're from /pol/.
Also you're exaggerating how often it's used. It's probably done once every 100 posts on average.

Like this post that means nothing

>> No.16425374
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>> No.16425378

Read a book you stupid fucking nigger


>> No.16425383

Ignore it and it goes away.

>> No.16425400
File: 72 KB, 768x1024, 724D915F-9955-49D4-AE79-8BDCC8D61FB6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are two types of Jews, there are war Jews and there are sodomy Jews. War Jews dictate US foreign policy which leads to the collapse of nations like Iraq, Libya, Syria and soon, Iran. Sodomy Jews makes Hollywood movies and push the LGBTQ agenda which aims to normalize pedophilia. Both these kids of Jews will scam you out of your money and leave you in debt.

This behavior comes from the Talmud. Some people blame this behavior on “Jew blood” or their genetics, but this is a trap made up by eugenicists. Do not fall into this trap. The true demon is not the Jews themselves, but rather the Talmud and Talmudic reasoning.

We are obsessed with Jews because they are behind lots of negative aspects in American society. Look at the congressmen who have duel citizenship with Israel. Look at the credits of any porn film. Read the name of the journalist who writes articles about LGBTQ matters, demands open borders, pleads for war or encourages bad spending habits. Weinstein, Epstein, Zuckerberg. There is much more to Jews than mentioned in my post, but I hope this answers some questions.

Also, look up the book 200 Years Together by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn.

>> No.16425432

I rationalize it as fud. They fud the jews because they know the jews are better than them and they secretly want to be jews but they are giant pussies who will never admit it to themselves that that is their true desire. It's also pretty difficult to convert so they feel it's better to just promote genocide while claiming the holocaust wasn't genocide.

>> No.16425436

nobody gives a fuck about jews anymore. people are speculating over shitcoins and get rekt and then they complain about jews. Jews are based and they keep together even though they probably hate each other more often than not. Most of the nobel prize winners are mostly jews. those that nominate them are also mostly jews. But who cares? Jews have a culture which most westerners lack or even care about until shit comes and they ask "who's fault is this"?
well, your own shit always smells better so it has to be someone else's fault right?
Most of the media is jewish, but who watches that shit?
So many books are written by jews, who reads them? Ideologies are thought up by jews but who goes to the protests?

people need to get their shit together. thats it. thats what my post was referring to. I respect jews for outsmarting everyone else (except the chinese).

>> No.16425442

tell me one jew who learned a craftmanship

>> No.16425444


>> No.16425453
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>> No.16425474

jesus of nazareth was a carpenter.

>> No.16425486

>why did the jews ever do to you?
Genital mutilation

>> No.16425513

why dont you blame your parents first?

>> No.16425541

Because it's not the parents fault. It's the Jews, don't you understand who is pulling your parents strings?

>> No.16425545


>> No.16425550

dey took mer money supply

>> No.16425596

JIDF field day again

>> No.16425864

did you know that Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk, Steve Jobs and Bill Gates are Jewish?

>> No.16425877


>> No.16425882

Meaningless? Sure.
Effective at keeping the lower classes chasing bogeyman and never unifying? Of course.
Another successful psyop that funnels wrath to the top?

People have bought into shit like this for thousands of years, and the stupidest and most paranoid always will.

>> No.16425923
File: 67 KB, 651x500, German-Empire-1918.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Destroy Germany, twice.

>> No.16426068

>Germans still can’t into economics
It’s been hundreds of years, and now they’ve lost their ability to art and science as well.
Germany and France used to lead the world in creative thought, it’s wild to see that they’re shadows of their former selves.

>> No.16426079

to be fair, any on-topic thread in /biz/ is probably only a couple degrees of separation from da j00s

>> No.16426107

Fucking hate JIDF end of month quota rush

>> No.16426482
File: 1.16 MB, 1208x2700, Jesus_not_a_jew.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He was a Judaite and the first Christian, not a Jew. Read the bible. There is a reason why the Jews killed him and Jews hate him and reject him even to this day.

>> No.16426882

No they're not

>> No.16426994

1. You can't kill god.
2. They allowed god to symbolically "die" for our sins.
3. That was all a part of gods plan.

Also if you think about it the real ones who nailed jesus to the cross were the romans and it was the romans who listened to the plea of the jews.

If you go to court and you tell the court that some guy you think is spouting blasphemy needs to be given the death penalty and the court actually listens even when clearly no death penalty should be given it's the courts fault. That's exactly what happened to jesus.

>> No.16427009 [DELETED] 
File: 380 KB, 723x575, 1570213743813.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, the non christian romans thought jesus was destabelizing society so the romans in government needed a reason to get rid of jesus because alot of the country was already christian so they blackmailed the jews to come to court and argue against jesus so they could make his death a public lesson to the people.

>> No.16427020

not this jesus wasnt a jew shit again

>> No.16427029
File: 380 KB, 723x575, 1570213743813.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also the non christian romans thought jesus was destabelizing society so the romans in government needed a reason to get rid of jesus because alot of the country was already christian so they blackmailed the jews to come to court and argue against jesus so they could make his death a public lesson to the people.

>> No.16427032

ever heard of crypto-jews?

>> No.16427066

because of /pols/ influence, these are some seriously retarded brainlets who conspiracies crumble under the tiniest scrutiny.

>> No.16427080
File: 138 KB, 881x703, 1545821401234.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean the truth? You think these filthy degenerate satanic long nose kikes of today who we call "Jews" who believe their supposed savior and messiah is boiling in hot excrement are the same tribe of Jesus Christ?

just lmao

>> No.16427092

They don't have jewish last names they come from christian families. They have christian friends and celebrate christmas and I know for a fact bill gates donates to christmas gift giving holidays

>> No.16427095
File: 3.34 MB, 250x198, jews.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16427113

>t. Kike

>> No.16427115

just how stupid are you fella? educate yourself

>> No.16427630

lol at these fairy tales

>> No.16427795
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>> No.16428098

it is widely speculated in Asia and many I guess eugenicist influenced circles, that on average, Jews have the highest IQ's of any ethnicity. It's not a well researched claim but there has got to be at least substance to this claim for it to have been imagined or feared from.

>> No.16428107

>see someone ragging about Jews in a goofy, stupid way
>It's invariably a Jew
The self-hating Jew trope is a thing for a reason

>> No.16428111
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>> No.16428281

Getting desperate now are we?

>> No.16428287

Jews are not based, they are ultimate cowards.

>> No.16428318

Just on the surface the Jewish culture is the most subversive, slimy, elitist thing there is. When you try to join, they tell you no multiple times as a matter of motherfucking ritual. They might even mean it if you don't bring something obvious to the community.

In sum and on average, they have the nerve to espouse ideals, but also claim to be a race, gathering protections for both freedom of religion and freedom from criticism in one fell swoop. This is patently absurd, and it enables incredibly privileged white girls to talk down to brown people while also spewing those tired lines about intersectionality and bias. If you call her out, she'll instantly transform from "white girl" teehee into a full blown Rebbe in three seconds flat.

What's worse is that as a community they actively seek to organize in an exclusive fashion. Whereas Christian churches hold fish fries and potlucks to drive recruitment and provide community service, Jewish communities often gather in private venues to make discussions and finance agreements exclusive to their religious race.

It's absurd right on the nose of it. It is basically exactly what everyone fears from the Stonemasons or Illuminati. In fact, knowing what I know today about Jewish culture, I'm not surprised at all that those organizations arose in the form that they did. Once upon a time, it was probably all but necessary just to preserve some level of local economic competition in certain areas.

TL;DR - Disgusting religious culture, not a race.

>> No.16428324

It's because white people are obsessed with scapegoating and never taking reponsibity.

A lot of poor unemployed white people frequent this board and they can't possibly fathom that their woes in life were caused by rich white people in power, so it has to be the Jews! Or the Mexicans! Or the Muslims!

No you idiot. The absolute majority of oppressors in this world (at least until the Chinese take over) are shitty, entitled rich white people born into wealth and power.

>> No.16428438

Fud is only a tactic used to push people away from something good. People fud everything worthwhile. Btc, eth, monero, link all fudded like crazy. You fud the jews for being smarter than you. You fud muslims because you like how much control they have over their women. You fud the chinese meanwhile their country has had amazing growth over the last few decades and they will likely outgrow the US economy in the next decade. You fud jews more than any other culture because they are the most based. That is the truth.

>> No.16428786
File: 1.26 MB, 898x900, rideanddie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every single crypto discord I follow has a fucking jew as a part of the mod team. wtf is that shit? Can I get a jew here to explain this to me. Did you guys have a meeting or something?

>> No.16428800
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>> No.16428871
File: 509 KB, 1180x1491, 1525807551053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hello moshe

>> No.16428916
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>> No.16429325

Like German banks, they were able to destroy the international banking infastructure simply by using (((their))) rules against them.

>> No.16429336

actual kike here. yeah its true we pretty bad in some regards and amazing in others. one thing i know from going to friday and passovsr dinners all over the world is that we put our ppl first 100% of the time. also real jews racist as fuck.

>> No.16429401

I see so this belief depends on a lot on the idea that whites are a race, based on skin color. biologically speaking jews are more of a race than "whites" are so while a lot of the issues you have with the culture are legitimate there are also perfectly reasonable arguments related to the jewish race, that overlap unfortunately with a particularly shitty religion and culture.

>> No.16429422

>What did the jews over do to you?
>makes religions to subvert people which sparks wars and crusades from all sides that kills millions of people including nords and gentiles
>They steal gold and silver by force from people who already rightfully found it over centuries
>I just don't understand why anyone hates them!

>> No.16429598

>Be me
>Born a jew
>Joined the army
>Deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan
>Burglar breaks into my house
>Gets arm chopped off and have to get it reattached
>Leaves army with severe nerve damage
>Decides to open a bistro
>Very successful
>Decides to move to California
>Gets brainwashed by lefies
>Gets married to psychology professor
>Gets divorce raped and forced to liquidate retirement
>Moves to Georgia
>Can't find job
>I sure wish jews ruled the world

>> No.16429633


Your arm was chopped clean off? Explain

>> No.16430406

autists from pol trying to
> red pill
the other autists about
> space reptilians that larped for 3000 yeara or so

>> No.16430436

Its illegal to do that though.

>> No.16430445

>they're from /pol/
This website is /pol/ just as it is /a/. Now shut the fuck up communist leftist newfag. I bet 10k you browse plebbit.

>> No.16430451

The only thing true about this is that a jew did write it.

>> No.16430455

All i want is a couple million so i can play video games and neet it up. I don't want trillions so i can genocide a race of people.

>> No.16430470

Yet another newfag. Do you think you are fooling anyone with such an obviously coordinated thread lmao.

>> No.16430480
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>> No.16430496

You can't invest in jews. You cant fud jews you stupid fucking tranny. Learn economics.

>> No.16430505
File: 124 KB, 583x643, 14fd2e0964d18f4a8543e6992bd7920b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its just a meem bruh.

>> No.16430540
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Its been far too long.

>> No.16430565
File: 1023 KB, 1242x1393, F58C6E66-B324-4056-A055-DA3B9C987EF0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goyim are jealous of our power.

>> No.16430607

Holy fuck you’re retarded.