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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 47 KB, 467x700, safex police.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16421622 No.16421622 [Reply] [Original]

For a year Safex Exchange Coin has been migrating from the old Omni layer to the new purpose build two tier Safex Token and Safex Cash built using cryptonote.

The final day to migrate old coins is today. Migration also brings a small airdrop of Safex Cash.

Also, the SFX mining will fork to RandomX in 2 days. This should make cpu mining feasible and profitable again.

The main exchange for Safex is Xcalibra. It is purpose built by the Safex team to avoid more delistings and other corporate nonsense. If you wish to sell straight after migration, you'll find the heaviest buy book there.

Lastly, marketplace is in testnet. Launch is imminent.

Any questions, feel free to post below. and do not disappoint the Safex Police.

>> No.16421670

Is the SAFEX scam still going on? I thought they got arrested for fraud

>> No.16421691

Useful sites are Safex(dot)io and trade(dot)xcalibra(dot)com

>> No.16421709

No you didn't think that. you're just shilling against it. Balkaneum is a registered corporation in the Balkans owned by the former chief council for Libra shipping Stephen Kines.

They are legally more water tight than your younger sisters...

Well, you get the idea.

>> No.16421735

Hahahahah great man.

4chan filled with autists at usual. I shilled SFT at 20sat but those keks wouldn't buy. You are missing 100x, bizlets.

>> No.16421749

So SAFEX is a centralized scam own by some faggot name Stephen Kines located somewhere in the Balkans, Kek, imagine someone dumping their link bag to buy the SAFEX scam shitcoin, btw there is internet in the Balkans?

>> No.16421768

Thanks OP.
I lost my SafeX on Trade Satoshi.
I'm going to beat those trade satoshi Whites when I find them.

>> No.16421775

Yes Safex will be worth billions soon.

>> No.16421784

Safex is a decentralised protocol created by Balkaneum - a corporation.

Apologies in advance if this gives you a confusion headache

>> No.16421801

Safex will become so huge that I will hire linkies like you as my personal 24/7 house slaves. Let's see what gains more % within a year. Safex or your overvalued faggot erc20 shit token.

>> No.16421828

Any serious requests for migration help? We can walk you through it via Discord or advise here.

>> No.16421845

Yes post the discord tranny link

>> No.16421864

Are you Daniel "The PayCheck Dabek" Post time stamp

>> No.16421878
File: 113 KB, 1080x612, Screenshot_20191017_122007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These plebs will miss out (again)
Already shilled at 20sat. Now it already tripled.

>> No.16421894
File: 8 KB, 300x225, 1490285998823.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Safe sex?

>> No.16421915

No I'm not. He's busy coding. I'm just a concerned anon trying to help you trannies out.

>> No.16421916
File: 173 KB, 1200x674, DanielPayCheckDabek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I lost all of my safex from trade satoshi
I want back in - can you post the discord invite ?

>> No.16421930

I bet is one person shilling with multiple mobile phones, sad

>> No.16421934

It's coming shortly. A discord anon will post it.

>> No.16421939

I lost all my shit -
Your xcalibra exchange is confusing compared to mainstream exchanges. There is no indication of any volume moving

>> No.16421970

How exactly did you lose it? Xcalibra works fine, I have more than 100 cleared orders already. Of course you have to have knowledge about orderbook depth, market and limit orders, deposits and withdrawals.

>> No.16421980

No Lost some 6k safex tokens on TradeSatoshi.
Also is there a minimum balance on Xcalibri?
My ETH Test Deposit of 10.00 is not showing in my wallet after completed blocks

>> No.16422003

Get into contact with the support. Sorry to hear that TS screwed you.

>> No.16422062

she pretty

>> No.16422084

I have completed blocks into my ETH Wallet - How long does it generally take on Xcalibra to show the transaction balance ?
I want to drop a few ETH coins into SAFEx today

>> No.16422097

So the people that run the coin also run the exchange and forum? This is a very elaborate scam masquerading as a capitalist venture. Garbage investment, if your coin is using a chan to promote itself you got fooled.

>> No.16422108

Imagine believing this.

>> No.16422150

Imagine being a brainlet like you.

>> No.16422163

They been pumping and dumping this shit since 2015.
Last year they re-branded from safex to SAFEX Cash.
And now they are planning a new pump and dump,
You been warned.
Don't buy this scam

>> No.16422166

Daniel "The Paycheck" Dabek was one of Jeff Bezo scholarship recipients from what I understand

>> No.16422169
File: 21 KB, 692x313, IMG_20191130_191206.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty much github activity for a scam.

>> No.16422182

They did not "rebrand". They migrated from the omni layer onto their own PoW chain.

>> No.16422295

Xcalibra ETH deposits can take a bit longer than usual at present.

>> No.16422317

Safex got multi million dollar funding in 2017. There are currently around 40 staff in various countries.

The only thing getting pumped and dumped in your life are your female relatives.

>> No.16422331

Imagine not understanding why a privacy coin which will let anyone sell anything with anonymity might want its own exchange to avoid punishment delistings....

>> No.16422471

Imagine not understand the difference between privacy and anonymity

>> No.16422591

Safex Marketplace is set to launch in Q2-2018.


Mr Dabek said so. Therefore it's true.

>> No.16422847


>> No.16422853

it is launching before end of year, bizraeli.

>> No.16422866

no, it's launching in Q2-2018. Watch the video.

>> No.16422892

Don't put your money in this.Good idea, poor execution. Lots of people are ready to dump this coin the moment there is enough volume to do so. Besides Bittrex this coin has never been on an exchange that wasn't run from someones basement. Everything about Safex is shady AF.

>> No.16422897

Quit your FUD.

Once this thing launched in Q2-2018, we're all going to be trillionaires.

>> No.16422919
File: 5 KB, 286x176, Dabek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its been 3 hours since I made a test deposit to xcalibra and still no balance in my ETH Wallet

>> No.16423202


Oh no a delay in crypto. Heaven forbid. Has such a thing ever happened before? Surely not.

It's almost like you don't know that every crypto project is hugely behind schedule.

>> No.16423214

show me a transaction. Not saying I don't believe you, it's just that there's a lot of fake claims FUDsters.

>> No.16423228

Tell us the difference as it applies to this issue oh great sage. We await your enlightened criticism.

>> No.16423263


What a sad troll


Yep, no kyc.


Eth deposits take longest.
Holy shit, the amount of butt hurt here is unreal. You stupid fucks probably hopped on the XVG/NEO/Tron train but missed out on 20 sat Safex because your paid leader didn’t shill it.

We’re here to make money. Every coin is a scam (even btc). Trade it and get out.

>> No.16423270

tell us your favourite crypto?

>> No.16423311


>> No.16423326

I submitted a help ticket with the png to the xcalibra support. The person who replied was Mako . Not sure if he is in your office or not. I'm guessing it might be a network delay of some type ect.

>> No.16423330

try bitcoin, instant deposits.

>> No.16423375

Excellent. They'll get it sorted. you've probably got time to get in under 100 sats too. Congrats.

>> No.16423393

I am trying the livecoin exchange as well

>> No.16423411

Watch out. Lots of bad reviews.

>> No.16423470

Livecoin is pretty quick but the books are thinner. Coindeal is another option.

>> No.16423483

Have it used for years, working like a charm.

>> No.16423515

I will spread it out .
I wanted to drop a few hundred dollars this week and get some more. I bought back in early 2018 before getting ripped off by TS

>> No.16423533


When is the actual safe exchange market expected to come online ? I sell on ebay as a side hobby and quite frankly I am tired of the fees. I believe small sellers are ready for an alternative to Ebay.

>> No.16423537

Wow I guess I should gibs him my money then. Only people making money on shamcoins is the creators that just can't help but pump and dump for the short money because they don't really believe in their product. They need naive new money to keep the scam going.

>> No.16423593

It’s coming in quarter 2 of 2018

I can’t wait.

>> No.16423617

It's taken years of work but we're running a testnet now. I'd imagine it could be before Christmas but if not then January.

Dissatisfaction with ebay and Amazin is a major selling point. There are some huge Amazon sellers waiting to get on board too.

You could look into setting up Safex title markets. You create and curate a market for other sellers to operate within and can set a percentage stake to collect on all transactions.

Lots of possibilities.

>> No.16423626
File: 38 KB, 1200x700, Storiqa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A lot of other products I would agree with you
and I think you are right in challenging them at every facet. I would much rather you challenge me here shit posting.
I would not expect a crypto market place to be instantly successful dabek gives updates on youtube.
Also - don't forget about Storiqa which who the fuck knows where that is now ?

>> No.16423635


Late again, like your sister's period...

>> No.16423642
File: 241 KB, 1200x630, STQ_Team.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does your group consider Storiqa a competitor ?
Why do you think Storiqa has no momentum ?
Why is Safex different ?

>> No.16423715
File: 89 KB, 473x487, rich bate bigger vision safex.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Storica seems to have done nothing. We're barely aware of it. Particl seems more active though they seem to be burning cash like mad.

Safex seems in a different league. Dabek has already finished one blockchain product (Maidsafe) which brought him in. He left to run his own project and cut all ties with Maidsafe when he disagreed with their practices

He and his team are regularly lauded for the quality of their code and Safex's tech seems to be on a whole other level. (pic related)

With Dabek's tech and the backing and financing of Kines (and seemingly lots of other rich investors - there was a Medium article listing Panama Papers connections which was pulled after about 30 minutes) then Safex seems to have everything necessary to onboard vendors.

And even if Particl and Storiqa do succeed it's a win for all three as crypto ecommerce is still barely into infancy

>> No.16423738

Look at total Safex supply (c.1.7 billion)

Now look how much is on the books.

It's less than 10 million

EVERYONE in the community is getting ready to lock their tokens in for dividends. This is the least pump and dump project any of us have ever seen.

>> No.16423780
File: 271 KB, 960x540, LinkiManiaBrother.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does your group for see any applications for SafeX to utilize Smart Contacts

>> No.16423783

It’s coming in 2018. This will be HUGE.

>> No.16423838

Said your mum in 2017 when booking her Sex Tourism trip to Jamaica.

>> No.16423895

It is expected to be released this year still. Keep yourself updated by following the weekly updates (every monday) in the forum: https://safe.exchange/c/updates

>> No.16423920

how fucking retarded can someone even be. By buying coins on the free market (exchanges) you don't give any money to the devs. Do you give Jeff Bezos money by buying amazon stock? No, you brainlet. Actually, Dan is buying the coins on the exchanges himself. This is commitment, this is believe in his project.

>> No.16423939

exactly, if everyone wanted to get out of the "scam", you would see hundred million coins sitting in sell orders... There are 3 million for sale on xcalibra right now.

>> No.16423957

Dan himself fuds this coin

That should tell you all you need to know.

>> No.16424168

brainlet detected

>> No.16424262

Remember when that marketing guy did that super long audio explaining all their marketing plans and then months went bu and nothing happened?

>> No.16424270

Yep marketing starts when the marketplace launches.

You missed that?

>> No.16424283

Why do you lurk if you hate the project so much? You seem almost like a jilted ex. Did Safex hurt you in some way? Did you buy high and sell low?

>> No.16424285

Marketing starts August 25.

>> No.16424292

They pushed marketing back to coincide with release.

Also answer this please >>16424283

>> No.16424321

Where was this announced?

>> No.16424387

We all seem to know about it so why don't you fuck off and DYOR?

Anyway, back to the point of this thread.

Does anyone need any help with migration or have any constructive questions about the upcoming Safex Protocol?

>> No.16424415

Yes What is the migration ? What is required ?
I'm currently about to purchase another few hundred tonight in safex or safexcash which do you recommend ?

>> No.16424449

Migration is swapping your old safe exchange coins for safex token. You don't have long left to do it.

If you're buying now you don't need to worry about migration.

I'd recommend mostly Safex Token with some Safex Cash. People prefer different ratios but remember that in the future, holding locked in Safex Tokens will earn you Safex Cash dividends.

>> No.16424485

TWM all chnage the world

>> No.16424489

Sft and sfx are like gold

>> No.16424620 [DELETED] 
File: 67 KB, 790x472, SafeXWalletAddy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does the safex wallet for desktop only have one address ? But holds both safex and safex cash ? Is it safe to send both of these to the same address ?

>> No.16424679

All in SFT

>> No.16424927

But personally I'd go for a minimum of 95% sft

>> No.16425229
File: 167 KB, 500x594, BackTracedIt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post list of companies that have confirmed the participation in listings on Safe xchange eCommerce website

>> No.16425510

Rudy from Alpha Investments will use it.

>> No.16425562

Please remove this scam from 4chan

>> No.16425588

Balkaneum's whole mission once the marketplace is launched is helping onboard vendors. There will be plenty.

>> No.16425594

The only scam here is the paternity attribution on your birth certificate.