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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 3.43 MB, 608x640, 1575132873500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16421610 No.16421610 [Reply] [Original]

(previous thread >>16385403)

“The nature of Bitcoin is such that once version 0.1 was released, the core design was set in stone for the rest of its lifetime.”

– Satoshi Nakamoto

Bitcoin SV is the original Bitcoin. It restores the original Bitcoin protocol, will keep it stable, and allow it to massively scale. Bitcoin SV will maintain the vision set out by Satoshi Nakamoto’s white paper in 2008: Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System.


https://youtu.be/IOlvOiGPPio (The Crypto Blackpill)

https://archive.is/kjuLi (The Satoshi Affair)

https://youtu.be/i95kSYVUJIo (Genesis of a New Century)

>> No.16421621

Fuck off already pajeet faggot

>> No.16421681

it must be costing craig millions to run this weather app. he would have came out much cheaper just buying a server and hosting his own weather service.

>> No.16421696

I guarantee any anti-BSVer or anons not in BSV shit their pants when they watch this gif, This is Metanet in it's earliest infancy but already exploding exponentially. Some of these apps you see here will fade but others will be worth thousands of BSV in in years to come

>> No.16421724


They literally have no idea what's actually happening on BSV.

>> No.16421746
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>> No.16422016
File: 2.08 MB, 1176x1764, 1574177575044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just look at the gif you're showing pajeet. Most of the transactions are from exchanges that banned the scamcoin. Those are people withdrawing them to trade them away for the real bitcoin

Forced meme. You also need to be 18 to post here.

>> No.16422061


>Forced meme.

Speak for yourself

>> No.16422101
File: 236 KB, 1072x975, bsv-financially-ruined.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
