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16419734 No.16419734 [Reply] [Original]

whats life like in the top 20%

>> No.16419740

You're asking in the wrong place, fren

>> No.16419748

they get a job

>> No.16419768
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I'm in the top 5% last month a 9/10 that I went to school with left here boyfriend to try and get with me.
Ask me anything.

>> No.16419771

If you had nothing else to worry about you would probably just think about death all the time, like no matter how rich you are you can't buy your way out of that

>> No.16419774

if you have access to the internet you are in the top 20% globally.

>> No.16419787


>> No.16420025

Eventually untrue, if not already.

>> No.16420043

Kys faggot

>> No.16420070

Unless you are literally in the 1% of toppest tier looks, it is no substitute for having some game.
I only realized in my mid 20s. Its funny before that I always thought its normal to when you like a girl to eventually be with her. Never managed to go on one night stand sprees before that though.
After I realized and worked on my game and lifted and did some looksmaxing it became normal to go to a bar and pull a chick if I feel like it.
If you have a decent face and are above 5'8 just make sure you have 10-12% bodyfat and some muscle and you are in the 20%.

Im still a depressed bitch though. Pussy is overrated