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File: 18 KB, 496x359, just fucking kill me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16417522 No.16417522 [Reply] [Original]

>never got to tell her how much I love her
>she's engaged to someone else now

What's even the point in financial gain when you want to kill yourself every moment you live?

>> No.16417530

Did you e we smash or was the whole thing a fantasy you were playing out in your head?

>> No.16417531

Cheer up buckeroo turn that frown upside down
Sit up straight and put a little pep in your step
Alright now you got it. Good

you are free

>> No.16417536

>whole thing a fantasy you were playing out in your head

>> No.16417544

jesus, who fucking cares then. it's all good anon, living with shit loads of internal pain is the human condition, a right of passage. almost all of us do it. i've been thinking about my ex for probably 3 years now.

>> No.16417551

> there's only one good woman

Trust me on this. There are thousands of women that can make you happy.

>> No.16417559

Why have I never met more than one?

>> No.16417561

So you mean you ae a poorfag and alone?

>> No.16417574

>What's even the point in financial gain when you want to kill yourself every moment you live?
You can stop worrying about surviving and have time, freedom, and resources to work on reprogramming your mind and somatic responces to less suicidal thoughts, habits, and states of being.

kek, good question

>Love is the delusion that this woman is more special than any other
-Dick Masterson

>> No.16417604

Boohoo, quit acting like a faggot. Go make some money and find someone else

>> No.16417611

Wait...you never dated her and you "love her"? This is a joke right? Go back to r9k this is /biz/ stop shitting up our board with your stupid larps

>> No.16417631

There are billions of women. Get over yourself retard and gtfo muh biz

>> No.16417657

>never been in love
>never even touched a girl other than professionally

>> No.16417701

>never got to tell her how much I love her
>she's engaged to someone else now

check out 'the rational male' by rollo tomassi

>> No.16417702

let's be honest here. she would have cucked you for a black guy

>> No.16417732

Literally find and date a BPD girl for a week, it will solve all your problems.

>> No.16417740

Fuck off faggot if you can't prioritize your goals and work towards them you don't deserve Fuck all.

Socialist policies have cucked this generation. Minimum wage is in place so losers know they can get by with the bare minimum skills, government gives you housing and good stamps if you can't provide for yourself, unemployment programs find you a job if you can't get one yourself...

The sexual marketplace is the only real free market left and some of these cucks have literally no idea how to operate in one.

>> No.16417752

What's the point? There's nothing rational about commiting your love to one person.

She wouldn't. She went to catholic school and wouldn't even wear real leather shoes.

>Literally find and date a BPD girl

Fuck off and kill yourself faggot.

>> No.16417760

Answer the fucking question did you even date her or was it all on your mind

>> No.16417764

I can't kill myself yet, I have a date with a girl I actually talked to later tonight. And no I don't mean I talked to her in my head like a pathetic worm.

Maybe after.

>> No.16417795

Of course it's fucking delusion.

She was in a relationship with someone she met when she was 15 when I met her.

>> No.16417820

>letting a woman control your emotional well being
You’re such a faggot you really should just neck yourself. I’d tell you to send me your linkies before you do it but you’re probably a nolinker. Because you’re a little bitch.

>> No.16417865
File: 106 KB, 312x452, daaww.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I never worked at a company but they promoted someone else how do I deal with it I want to kms
>I never had a child but a random kid I know is growing up without me I want to kms
>I never went to a school but they elected someone else as valedictorian I want to kms

Do you realize how fucking absurd this sounds? You cannot love someone if you have never been with them. It is impossible. You might have had a crush and be infatuated but you are absolutely delusional if you think you love this girl. If you cannot understand how ridiculous and delusional you sound then unironically kill yourself because you are as brain damaged as women who "imagine" pregnancies. Either way get the fuck off our board and go jerk off to traps on r9k you absolute faggot that poor girl dodged a bullet

>> No.16417894

But she's absurdly beautiful and I miss her every day.

She used to work with me and I miss the inconsequential shitty conversations we would have, she's so amazing. The lowest I've ever felt in my life is when she resigned, I cried for about an hour in the bathroom where no one would see me.

>> No.16417927

Shut the fuck up faggot you are as insane as hr roasties who are "in love" with brad pitt

>> No.16418792

Share more of your fantasy.

>> No.16418812

>telling a girl you love her
so you didn't suffer a humiliating rejection. that's good. always invest in a harem, not a single woman.
a bitch is a harem girl and that's it. if you don't have 6 girlfriends you're a loser in every girl's mind

>> No.16418867
File: 127 KB, 480x351, 4bf9b83901b9d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not too late. Think of it this way, if it's meant to be she'll break off the engagement and run to you.
If she is like "uhhh awkward, I hardly even know you" then youse a bitch.