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16417239 No.16417239 [Reply] [Original]

Been seeing a lot of press about Ross Ulbricht today.

What law or laws, in specificity, did he break? (ignoring anything related to the whole "he hired a hitman!!!!" thing)

From what I can tell, all the nonviolent charges ultimately boil down to "Vicarious Liability":
(forgive the obviously biased source)

aka, being held responsible for the illegal actions of others.

How does this work legally? Is there a certain code or law that defines it? For example, when some retard decides to post some CP on /b/, why don't the owners/operators of 4chan instantly get charged with possession or distribution of CP? Obviously, it will surely be reported & deleted by mods within say a few minutes, but what absolves them from responsibility since they were technically hosting that content during that time? And if it was instead left up for e.g. a day or a week (mods were unironically asleep/they're pedos themselves etc..) 4chan's server farm would get v& without a doubt. So where's that line drawn?

>> No.16417267

Like Shkreli he was very bad goy.

>> No.16417272

The trial was a farce, a show trial. When his defense raised the point that putting the drug supply chain online instead of face to face reduced violence,the judge dismissed it out of hand with totally bullshit reasoning.
The judge had been told to go hard and not accept any grey area. Ross is a political prisoner.

>> No.16417275

Facilitation of drug traffiking
anyway the original DPR or the second was karpeles

>> No.16417320

he didn't co-operate

>> No.16417336

This. He was looking at 10 years max if he co-operated. They made an example of him.

>> No.16417349

I agree 1000% and am vehemently on Ross's side. But I'm trying to get my logic straight for informing braindead NPC's and normies, on twitter etc. And while overall, he definitely didn't deserve as severe of a sentence as he got, he clearly must've broken SOME small laws.

Which is why I'm asking what exactly those were. I mean if you go and list some of your grade-A black tar heroin in the Health & Beauty section of Amazon or Ebay, you'll probably get a knock at the door and your seller acct banned. But Amazon can't prevent people 100% from doing this anyway if they really want to, so in such a case, how does Amazon get a pass even though technically, they would be (for a few brief moments) hosting the site providing a service to transact illegal drugs? And given the answer to THAT, if whatever the legal justification is there somehow absolves Amazon's responsibility and deflects it onto the rogue seller instead - why can't they just throw their hands up and deflect that blame from the start? At what point does it become illegal for them to continue saying "whoa FBI, sorry about that, but yeah we can't keep people from listing that kind of shit, we just provide the service so...not our fault man"

>> No.16417383

Literally tried to hire hitmen. He knew the risks, kept doing it anyway, probably blinded by money and the sense of power, fucked up and got caught. Let him rot in a prison now. Who cares

>> No.16417399

Ok, but just because one of the henchmen got scared into snitching doesn't mean he wasn't still guilty of the same shit Ross was, whatever that may be. Just means the cops looked the other way, legally speaking, which is arguably even worse than the bullshit "justice" received by Ulbricht & the others involved. Cops pull that kind of technique all the time, especially in drug cases, despite it simply being nothing more than a dirty trick in the pigs' toolbox.

>> No.16417407

I'm asking about only the nonviolent charges, as I said in the OP.

>> No.16417409

He knowingly allowed people to list illegal substances on his site and did not ban them when they did so. That is the difference. Of course most of those substances should not actually be illegal, but that's an argument for another time.

>> No.16417420

Right, (and agreed on the 2nd point) but what are the particular laws that were broken there? How is "knowingly" defined; see my 4chan or Amazon examples

>> No.16417436
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He was an ego driven nerd with poor opsec that thought he could get away with anything, including muh hitmen. Once he got caught he was stupid enough to plead not guilty with a bullshit defence the jury wouldn't fall for. I don't think drugs should be illegal and I think he was a pioneer, but this dude was asking for trouble.

>> No.16417454

this guy's letters from jail are depressing as fuck

>> No.16417459
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If this accusation is true the judge deserves to hang.
IANAL but DPR/Ross was very explicit regarding his intent to allow the free flow of all goods and services. Where he got in legal hot water is that, unlike Amazon and eBay, he did not have any policies or mechanisms in place to take down illegal listings.

>> No.16417471

Allowing to co-host a semi-anonymous online marketplace where the sale of internationally controlled substances was actively occurring on a regular basis. You can't do that. They got into his laptop and that was the end of it.

What made Silk Road great was not just Bitcoin having what was technically its own place to exchange it for something, but that non-central bank money was exchanged for stuff that was normally valued in fiat. This was all done through cryptographic pgp messaging and p2p exchange of btc.

The whole thing was one of a kind. It kind of opens your eyes to what retail business could be if you cut out the eyes above looking down on what you're buying and selling. It was the perfect storm though because there was a lot of distrust in how trustless it was. Instead of one company and employees, it was each employee being their own store. This could be how we do business together, but there's laws that still apply unless they change. The war on drugs is bogus. It could b safer to sell as things were on Silk Road. Proper verification of the exchange of goods and services but identifying enough about each other without exposing our full identities.

Ross should be free by now. The system is fucked. Government agents can orchestrate a lot of criminal activity themselves without ever going to jail. You have to be certified to do bad things.

>> No.16417584

Yeah, it was fucking awesome. It still is fucking awesome, actually. Empire is still kicking and literally uses the same frontend as Alphabay did (lol). The markets aren't what they used to be, but they still work for most people who need personal amounts of something, with a sufficiently low risk of getting caught or scammed.

You should take a look at OpenBazaar, I'm not sure how it works technically but basically I think it's sorta like its own protocol for allowing decentralized hosting of the marketplace itself. So you have to install the (terrible) desktop app; or, recently this android app Haven hooks into the OB infrastructure and basically looks & works a lot like ebay with bitcoin support. It's still in development but as someone who was very underwhelmed by OB a couple years ago, I'm honestly blown away with how slick Haven is in its current state. Watching that one closely

Anyway, yeah it pains me to see Ross's mom's twitter account tweeting his letters from jail every week. And even moreso the level of ignorance that all the NPC's have in the replies (muh hitman!!!!11!!one!!) Clearly (((they))) did an excellent job getting the sheep to believe he was an evil dude.

Hence why I made the thread, I want to get my argument straight and hit em with the facts.

>Allowing to co-host a semi-anonymous online marketplace where the sale of internationally controlled substances was actively occurring on a regular basis.
>You can't do that.

Why can't you do that - what is the exact law that says so?

I'm looking for a specific code that I could open up a law book and point to.

>> No.16417586

Dude, quit trying to pass Ross off as some kind of weed libertarian, and he couldn't be guilty of anything 'because he only ran the site'. Protip: Conspiracy to Distribute Controlled Substances IS an offence. You start compounding that with Conspiracy to Distribute All Sorts of Other Shit, fake currency/passports, guns, whatever - you are gonna land up shit creek. Safe harbor laws, as applicable to ISPs, which indemnify them against carrying illegal content (to an extent) and which you appear to be attempting to claim here, are non-applicable. Ross knew EXACTLY what the site was selling, most of which was seven shades of illegal, and made no attempt whatsoever to stop any of it, rather the opposite.

All this (drugs+counterfeit+bla) mixed is gonna land you 10 years easy - but when you start doing it on a fucking industrial scale, you won the 'Play Stupid Games' Jackpot Bonus Multiplier, CCE statute charges:
- no bootlicker, JUST stating facts. CCEs have indeed harsh reality punishments (the double life sentences etc) BUT tbf, the qualifying conditions (at LEAST $10m p.a. earned from dubiety, etc.) are fairly fucking hard to clear as well. But qualify, with flying colors, Ross did. NOW, when you facing double fucking life and KNOW someones dying to make an example of you? - you see the fucking light and come to Jesus for forgiveness. Sharpish. He was badly advised IMO, but, even discounting hitmen here or there and other assorted dumb shit - Ross was and is no fucking innocent

>> No.16417602

This is I know you never even looked at the site you are so vehemently against.
Fucking glowagents

>> No.16417612
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>What did Ross do wrong?

He didn't build the silk road using Beam smart contracts.

>> No.16417639


Yeah...I know. It makes sense all the reasons why he got convicted, I’m not really arguing that. Just asking for the particular laws he broke, in order to make somewhat of a case for why he’s not pure evil.

It’s pretty easy to understand at the high level why he got got. Any idiot can tell you what would happen if Amazon didn’t ban sellers who list heroin on their site, or if 4chan suddenly started clearly ignoring CP posts & waiting a day or 3 days or more before removing them - the FBI would bust down the respective doors and seize their servers, most likely. But where is it defined legally where the line is drawn before a hoster becomes the guilty party?

Is there a sentence in a law book somewhere that says “if you’re a website hoster and leave an illegal drug listing or CP post up for more than <X amount of time>, then you will hereby be in breach of <law name>, <code Y subsection Z>?

>> No.16417690

Wyou can't give raise your shoulder and say "hey, it's not me, other people are doing illegal activities".
Does it deserve to spend his all life in prison? No. But they probably wanted to give an example.

>> No.16417699

Ross was the example they needed. Let's do something

>> No.16417728

There were many jurisdictional and chain of custody questions which weren't addressed. Like why wasn't the trial in Iceland when the server operated from Iceland? Why was it considered to be crime taking place in America? The answer is because laws don't really exist. They are a tool for the elites to use against the peasants to make them believe there is a moral and correct process occurring. They serve no other purpose than to enforce what religious laws before them did, to solidify the position of the elite.

>> No.16417763
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Youre showing how little you know about the Silk Road case. He was charged with murder and conspiracy to murder, nothing to do with drugs or CP.


Use XMR kids

>> No.16417798

The judge was a woman and women are cunts.

>> No.16418111

The whole fiasco was and still is awry topic to discuss because there's a lot of misunderstanding of Ross and the general public are unaware of the potential of p2p business. I don't the government should intervene in what people do as long as nobody gets killed as an end result of a business transaction. We can't have a society like that because the ones at the top in control won't give up power to individuality and thorough reasoning without a babysitter.

I don't think Ross is wrong, but eventually the government latches on to conspicuous activity that doesn't abide by the law. I would hope we can change that and be responsible enough to allow open use of guns, drugs, and a lot of things that with proper awareness and education, people won't do harm on purpose.

Ross can create a marketplace, but you can't break the law and that still applies to the internet. Amazon used to sell kratom and bath salts before they were scheduled or not allowed on regular marketplaces.

Ross isn't an evil person. The evil people are controlling others intentions in life and are concealing their own questionable activities that are more harmful to society. Epstein, the Clinton's, the CIA, the FBI, deep state, and all around elite's who get away with conspiring their own evil and hypocritical actions.

This world is always on the wrong side of justice, fairness, and equal opportunities.

>> No.16418120

He broke the e law of "your mama was a snow blower".

>> No.16418145

Junko foretold this

>> No.16418742


>> No.16418789

What are you talking about dude lmao

He knew what he was doing. He hired a hit man ffs. There were allegedly child slaves being sold on silk Road

Fuck you privileged western pussy with your drg addictions

>> No.16418802

You are a fucking retsrd

>> No.16418858

>Ross is a political prisoner.
This. Also, he kept a journal of his activities and had a shitty lawyer. Nothing to justify life in prison though.

>> No.16418871

>He hired a hit man ffs
Ah bloo bloo. There isn't anything ethically wrong about violence. What are you, a fucking child?

>> No.16418873

>child slaves
kek wow, boomer

See >>16417602

>> No.16418887

No argument you cringy faggots

Hur dur Ppl sgud be able to do whatever they want anarchy duudeee

So move to some slum in Africa stupid, bye bye

>> No.16418904

Yeah yeah nigger, anything you just typed is invalidated by the fact that you unironically believed the CHILD SLAVES shit lmfao

The cognitive dissonance is deafening

>> No.16418908

>So move to some slum in Africa stupid
Why is Ulbricht not given the right to do so if an African country accepts him and he promises not to return to America?
Do you see how enslavement is fucked up?

>> No.16418919

The issue is not about ethics but he has broken laws and as a citizen he agreed to follow those laws. You legally cannot spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to kill chemists and failed distributors that is a crime and therefore he should be punished for me. Recalling from memory Ross tried to push a hit on 3 people one who ended up being faked by the SS agent and another two who were faked by the redandwhite user.

Trying to judge morality based on this fact is up to you but once again thats not the point. Point is of course the laws which we must follow as citizens of the country.

>> No.16418934

The "problem" he was trying to resolve was created by undercover police and the hitman he hired was a cop.
I think it's safe to chalk the whole thing up to an invented crisis to corner him like an animal and be forced to do something that could be framed as irrational in a courtroom.
Kill yourself. Not a joke. Commit suicide and die immediately.

>> No.16418944

No argument
Because he already broke the law here, retard. Are you baiting?

>> No.16418961

Why? Because you have no argument? Seething fag

He hired a hitman to have someone murdered. He's not "evil" btw though. No, not sweet Ross. Not Good Boy Ross. He was a computer scientist don't you know. He "dindu nuffin", right? He was a good boy!

He knew what he was doing. The punishment is harsh but that's too bad imo.

>> No.16418971

you do not know the full story. he ordered for multiple hits after the first SS hitman where he clearly gave the order and put in the request to issue a hit on a chemist who threatened to leak mass amounts of user information along with his accomplice. however the person was playing ross with three different accounts one of them being redandwhite who was the hells angels member and two other accounts who i have forgotten the name of. if you read the messages he sent ross knew exactly what he was doing and acted just like a crime boss would in protecting his enterprise.

>> No.16419097
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I'm honestly not fully read-up on all the hitman shit... was the situation not like >>16418934 said, where they cornered him into a tough situation (faking some guy saying he needed X amount of bitcoins to pay some other guy or he'd leak serious info or kill someone or something)?

If so, and I'd need to understand all the details but, that sounds like something just...mean..I guess.

Like all-in-all, really just plain malicious and slimy on law enforcement's part; as in, they abused the meta (so to speak) in a way that, without TECHNICALLY "cheating"/breaking the due process of law or whatever, the whole setup served no direct purpose to prove Ross's guilt.

Other than ya know, simply to (literally) frame him, by essentially forcing him to do something "bad enough" to pin a legitimate and serious charge on him beyond just le autistic internet hacker who created a shitty secret website where you can buy pot. Which is essentially what the entire case is if you were to leave out the entire hitman part of it.

>> No.16419099

So we are allowed to keep him as a slave the rest of his life because we say so?

>> No.16419103

His conviction has nothing to even do with the murders.

>> No.16419109

>The "problem" he was trying to resolve was created by undercover police and the hitman he hired was a cop.
>I think it's safe to chalk the whole thing up to an invented crisis to corner him like an animal and be forced to do something that could be framed as irrational in a courtroom.
This reminds me of 1984. They make Winston say "I will throw acid in a child's face to overthrow the party." Who is "they?" The party. They then play this back to him when he tries to say he has better morality than the party. They gaslit him so bad.

>> No.16419144

Who do you mean by "we"? I don't agree with the harsh sentence since it's not likely to rehabilitate him and is just making an example out of him probably yeah but he deserves to be in prison in my opinion. If he didn't hire the hitmen then maybe it's a whole other argument but even then he lived in the us, he knew the law.
>but drugs should be legal
Maybe you can argue that but as it stands they're not so what are they supposed to do?

>So we are allowed to keep him as a slave the rest of his life because we say so?
The US government is permitted to do that clearly. Who is going to stop them even if it was 100% injustice? They do that for mass serial killers too. Why is it any different for your boy Ross? He's tried having people murdered, he's not a non-violent offender. He could have just as easily left the US and ran sr from somewhere else outside of the law of the united states unless they dragged him back

What's the difference between Ross and someone like El Chapo?

>> No.16419149

literally all of hollywood is into pedophilia, and you cheer and clap for those movies every year
ross' real mistake was not being born jewish. a shrewd man dedicated to crime would have made connections to protect himself, but ross views himself as an idealist
^ doesn't matter if he's right or wrong, and matters even less if you think he's right or wrong. faggots who go muh morals on this are retarded, he got the jail time because he's a bad goy (and if it happens to make the crab-in-the-bucket goys happy, win/win)

>> No.16419161

Serious question. Do all of you >muh still have to follow the law! kikes (>>16419144,>>16419149 as the last 2 examples) own any crypto? If so what are your reasons for it (or are you just nocoiner boomers, also an acceptable answer)

>> No.16419174

the first murder was one that was faked by secret service that other ones which i am referring to are ones done by an elaborate scammer. he choose to make his drug network and he knew what he was getting into it. high profits comes high risk just like crypto.

you do not know what you are talking about and you have done no studies into the case. i know this based on what you have posted because ross ulbritcht was not successful in killing anyone, all of the attempts he got scammed out of by the government or redandwhite

>> No.16419235

I never said follow the law though. What I'm saying is you cant really expect them to not throw the book at him. You cant turn around and say "but I did nothing wrong" after you've already been caught for breaking the law and going through all of the efforts to not be caught breaking the law which you knew existed and you knew would probably land you exactly where Ross is now. Maybe he wanted to be a martyr or whatever which is probably worse than someone like El Chapo or a cartel leader who is doing it purely for survival to a certain extent.
By all means break the law if you don't like it that much and don't believe in it but surely you know in advance you're risking your life for it
I'm not a boomer
jews still go to prison too lol

>> No.16419247
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>so vehemently against
jog on. You also just made me read Gawker.
They (SR) were also afaik, not 'entirely unconnected' with a spin-off called The Armory. I wonder what that sold. CGAF about people buying drugs online either - prob. entirely sensible arrangement, all things considered - but this Ross as literal 'Good Boy, Dindu Sheeit, No, Sirs' - it ain't doing anyone any favors

>> No.16419271

I agree, he broke the law and must face the consequences of our current legal system. And I think a life sentence is too harsh for what he did.
But what the justice system is doing is saying this man has no choice, we will enslave him for the rest of his existence within these arbitrary borders of a country that we have and anyone outside of these borders cannot accept him even if both parties agree.

There’s a different between doing some time and being released vs life in prison. One is a poor attempt at prevention and rehabilitation, the other is cruelty.

>> No.16419335

shut up you fucking retarded philosopher you are a dumb piece of shit and arent as smart as you think you are

>> No.16419370

I agree with you but do you genuinely believe he will ever be rehabilitated? Its not like hes some crackhead that went into a liquor store and robbed the place at gunpoint

He will probably always believe in that so it seems the US (and its laws) is not the place for him and what he personally believes in. Most people can't freely leave because they're broke but he was briefly in a position where he could have comfortably left the united states and maybe even bought his own island but he didnt do that. Unless he was attempting to fight the us justice 'system' with the precious years of his own life like cannon fodder

>> No.16419393

>instantly get charged with possession or distribution
if the site had a CP category, they would. there weren't people simply using the site in an illegal way. site specifically facilitated that. i'd say that's reasonably criminal. but being very genius libertarian, he thought us gov would see things his way. they did not.

>> No.16419457

Easy to say this when you don’t have your freedom taken away from you the rest of your life.

He literally wrote a letter I think it’s on twitter saying it’s been 7 years and there’s no point keeping him locked up he doesn’t want to commit any crimes anymore. I’d say rehabilitated, just give him 20 years probation or something so he’s careful not to fuck up again.

>> No.16419464

Nice to see a bunch of BTC OGs in this thread amongst the 2017 newfag retards.
>he hired gunmen
I actually believe he did but that doesn't matter if the court can't prove it you faggots.
I don't care that much about this guy, but having a court where a bitch can make up accusations and give you a sentence based on them without using them in the actual trial - you need to be scared about that part.
Not to mention that the cops who provided the proof were later found guilty of extortion so it's very likely that the whole murder for hire part was made up.
In regards to the law it's 100% made up.
He was given a life sentence for non-violent crimes.

>> No.16419467

he knew what he was getting into you act as if he was framed

>> No.16419472
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The letter

>> No.16419474

you can prove it you fucking complete plebbit faggot. if you look at the messages that ross had between him and redandwhite he send the exact amount of btc that they talked about at the exact times at which ross said he would and redandwhite confirmed that he received it and ross confirmed that he sent it

>> No.16419480

He knew he’d be enslaved for life?

>> No.16419488

why are you such a retarded piece of shit? are you mentally deficient? i beg to god that you arent above the age of 25 because if you are your IQ is on the far left of the distribution

he was not thinking of the consequences at ALL. he was only thinking about how much money he could make from this operation.

>> No.16419503

both Shkreli and this guy are blatant Jews you retard

>> No.16419512

It’s called empathy and understanding the psychological cruelty of enslavement for the rest of one’s existence for a non-violent crime. Put yourself in his shoes. I’m not scared of him at all if he was released tomorrow.

>> No.16419527

Would that be the morally just decision for you

>> No.16419547

He sounds rehabilitated in his letter. 6 years is a pretty long time. Why do we put people in jail? To protect society. Is he a threat to society anymore? I don’t think so. So what will more years in jail accomplish?

>> No.16419580

I suppose so to be honest. Perhaps life is too much

>> No.16419598

But make no mistake he is no "slave to the system" thats just BS he is guilty and you should at least give him shit for that he profited from others being slaves to the drug all that libertarian BS that he had was bullshit because he clearly cared about having profit his number one objective

>> No.16419635

go to bed you weird 13 year old moralist

>> No.16419690

google and read the ars technica 2015 article sunk-how-ross-ulbricht-ended-up-in-prison-for-life
sub-section 'embracing violence' gives some detail but the whole article is well put together and factual

>> No.16419703
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Do you guys think the blacks let Ross play ps4 and xbox one or does he just have to sit and watch them play sportsball games?

>> No.16419711
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Mexicans, Blacks and Aryan Brotherhood are all his frens

>> No.16419845
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>you can prove it you fucking complete plebbit faggot
I can't and if you could - you'd be a 500k/year prosecutor instead of a cumbrain hater on /biz/.
The judge couldn't prove it.
>if you look at the messages that ross had between him and redandwhite he send the exact amount of btc that they talked about at the exact times at which ross said he would and redandwhite confirmed that he received it and ross confirmed that he sent it
wow bro you're so smart, you should have been the judge. You came up with this briliant idea while the actual judge dropped the charges because she thought they wouldn't stand in court.

I don't get how these geniuses on /biz/ mastrurbate all day long instead of making millions in a reputable job. NOT.

(yes, that's a plebbit joke)

(and plebbit spacing)

deal with it


>> No.16419888

>jews still go to prison too lol
They get their own private wing and are allowed to leave whenever they want as long as they check back in but it doesn't matter if they don't.

>> No.16419905

Red pilling intensifying

>> No.16419915

>attempt to hire hitmen to kill other people
>noooo he was a goodboy who dindunuffin he is very sorry not because of his morals but because he was caught and promises to not do it again you cant put people in jail for conspiring to commit murder!

The absolute state. Imagine if he was a black gangbanger arrested for attempting to pay undercover agents to kill other people who were interfering with his business. All the retards itt would be calling for him to be lynched.