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File: 54 KB, 670x392, Screen Shot 2019-11-27 at 8.30.24 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16414999 No.16414999 [Reply] [Original]

Holy fuck !


>> No.16415075

based trips

what a fucking dumb-ass LOL, he fucked his life up.

>> No.16415091

>thinking this isn’t bullish

>> No.16415154

that's probably good for ethereum in the marketing sense, but bad for him

>> No.16415166

pretty based i hope he will see sunlight again

>> No.16415171

He is one of the smartest technical ppl in the ETH community and a core ETH 2.0 researcher,

>> No.16415175

This lol wtf is up and biz shiting on eth feels like 2016 again

>> No.16415179

is he actually doing anything technical on the eth2 side?
Helping NK evade sanctions with ethereum is based as fuck

>> No.16415187

Hes not top 30 lol he is most chatty and twitter trigger happy (guess not anymore kek)

>> No.16415194

Time to port over to ONE.

>> No.16415211

LOL this guy thinks NK is just some other country

>> No.16415213

these mETHeads will do anything to pump their bags lol

>> No.16415215

port what, the north korean banking system?

>> No.16415225

This doesn't have anything to do with ETH though. He could have told them to use BTC to evade sanctions.

>As alleged, Virgil Griffith provided highly technical information to North Korea, knowing that this information could be used to help North Korea launder money and evade sanctions,

Also what is highly technical information? Did he show them how to create a wallet lmao?

>> No.16415235

>U.S. authorities alleged that at the conference, Griffith and other attendees "discussed how the DPRK [North Korea] could use blockchain and cryptocurrency technology to launder money and evade sanctions."
That would be pretty stupid and I'm very skeptical that these otherwise intelligent developers would do such a thing.

>> No.16415257


It was drama back in april ef declined NK invitation but he "went on vacation solo" and "did presentation"

I have no fucking idea wtf that means lol

>> No.16415265

based, north korea is a nice country. Fuck the media for creating this image that it somehow is the worse place ever.

>> No.16415270

Yes, this is a hit on a hacktivist. They killed Aaron Schwartz who he used to work with.
Fuck these cunts.

>> No.16415271

Conference webpage:


>> No.16415281
File: 244 KB, 614x835, 2019-11-29 15_14_30-Virgil Griffith _ 𝚟𝚒𝚛𝚐𝚒𝚕.𝚎𝚝𝚑 on Twitter_ _Is it that all of the entries.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like we won't be able to claim ignorance of NK sanctions

>> No.16415287

it's funny because ETH would probably do more to fuck up the regime than any sanction ever could lmfao

can't wait till smart contracts put all faggot bureaucrats out of a job

>> No.16415289

Who can join?
Any interested person except passports from: South Korea, Japan and Israel. Journalists are not allowed to attend.


based af

>> No.16415301

It's not real money bro. The government told me so.

>> No.16415305

I think this will lead to blowback.
This will be national news in N. Korea where they will look into eth en masse.
Meanwhile eth is gaining a prolific proponent as a martyr.
Hacktivists everywhere have now found a rally point.

>> No.16415308


>> No.16415314

Google cache'd his tweets about North Korea.

>> No.16415318

>cost: 3400 EUR

>> No.16415323

Doesn't he live in Singapore - where did Freedum Inc. arrest him? Agreed also, bullish for ETH. Nothing like a martyr's tale to inspire the faithful masses

>> No.16415326
File: 9 KB, 520x325, 2019-11-29 15_23_22-Virgil Griffith _ 𝚟𝚒𝚛𝚐𝚒𝚕.𝚎𝚝𝚑 on Twitter_ _I just put down my deposit fo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vitalik telling him to enjoy his "vacations."
I hope Vitalik isn't implicated.

>> No.16415338


Someone asked if he thought it was a good idea and he said probably not and now the land of the free is locking him up for 20 years

>> No.16415349


this turbo nigger actually paid to join a blockchain conference to end up getting arrested

>> No.16415355
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now that I think of it, bitcoin has nothing comparable. It's maxi faggots on twitter larping about decentralization vs telling north korea how to evade the law
virgin bitcoin larpers vs chad ethereum developer

>> No.16415356

absolute fucking retard now my eth is going to keep going down in sats after recovering last night, fuckin nigger

>> No.16415391
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>virgin bitcoin larpers vs chad ethereum developer

>> No.16415392

>absolute fucking retard
The problem with autistic developers is that, despite being highly intelligent, they lack moral clarity to understand that you can't just travel to an autocratic state (responsible for the murder of hundreds of thousands of people) and teach their leaders about making private blockchain transactions.

>> No.16415404
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>you can't just travel to an autocratic state (responsible for the murder of hundreds of thousands of people) and teach their leaders about making private blockchain transactions.

>> No.16415420

Bro, you need to learn to have empathy for the people who died of starvation in the regime's labor camps.

>> No.16415445

> Masters bad
> So country doesn't deserve commerce
Ack fuck off. Transacting is a fundamental human right and US is violating it.

>> No.16415453
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>Bro, you need to learn to have empathy for the people who died of starvation in the regime's labor camps.

>> No.16415463

The US is not violating anything. They have all the right to impose sanctions against whoever the fuck they want.

>> No.16415488

They are violating human rights of the residents of the sanctioned countries because they don't like the oligarchs of said countries.
One oligarchy vs another at the expense of the people.

>> No.16415548

>>human rights
>>traitors to the DRPK

the DRPK has the full right to exterminate traitors to the revolution and I don't even unironically believe in communism, it's a failed state and an evil actor but if we followed their laws of execution, not a single white country would have a jew or race mixer.

that said the US can do whatever the fuck it wants, it foots the bill of a super power so it's entitled. this mETH head was super dumb, violating law as a US citizen, despite proactively being fucking TOLD NOT TO and does it anyways and flaunts it. You're not john dillinger or Hamza Bendelladj, just a dumbass dev who thinks he's fucking cool breaking international law because of "muh freedom of economics." Well here's 20 years dumbass.

>> No.16415552

>They are violating human rights of the residents of the sanctioned countries
You know nothing about human rights. Several other countries have imposed sactions against NK. The European Union has sanctions in place. These sanctions exist precisely because the North Korean government violates the human rights of its citizens. Sanctions are a humane way to inhibit this sort of abuse and force a regime change.

>> No.16415574


>> No.16415587

Bullish af. Just bought 10 more ethereum! Thanks, I can't wait to profit from North Korea and Iran money laundering!

>> No.16415601
File: 57 KB, 594x439, 67710B07-6B37-411F-870A-25F3CC5B9A86.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trump administration doesn’t like ETH
>blockstream and corecucks all push BTC, LTC, and ETH in their pastas

>> No.16415616
File: 78 KB, 980x1024, CE5CCFE0-3143-47BA-8533-E66058189A82.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut up commie . Commies don’t have human rights because commies aren’t humans

>> No.16415999

He is now a war criminal dumbass. the US is still at a state of war with North Korea and this retarded communist just helped North Korea develop weapons (cryptography) of war... what a dumbass. he is going to jail...

>> No.16416046

Special Projects Research Lead at Ethereum Foundation

>> No.16416128
File: 54 KB, 800x450, yo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how long until this nigger pulls a 6ix9ine and snitches on our boy monkey skeleton for his initial claims that it would take a century for ETH supply to hit 100 million.

spoiler alert: ETH supply is currently at 108,740,314 ... 100 years AHEAD OF SCHEDULE.

>> No.16416131

as a representative of the ETH foundation... I think this is going to be a major problem for ETH.

>> No.16416150
File: 156 KB, 771x857, virgil.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>war criminal
Not a a war criminal. He was charged with violating the sanctions. 20 years in prison.
See pic related. They took his cellphone and got access to all his e-mails, which show that he was aware that North Korea wanted to learn about blockchain tech to evade sanctions. I wonder if the person he was exchanging e-mails with was Vitalik...
He paid very little concern with encryption for a self-described "hacker."

>> No.16416187

I want everyone to be able to participate in commerce as a fundamental right. It's the exact opposite of communism.

>> No.16416199
File: 10 KB, 200x200, 1575032494457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you want a tyrannical regime who tortures people because of offenses of distant relatives to be able to evade sanctions...erm... allow people to participate in commerce as a fundamental right

>> No.16416203
File: 236 KB, 450x350, 1574202713670.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16416206


The CIA says it’s tyranny so it must be true

>> No.16416231
File: 133 KB, 1360x910, 2017_02_03_20745_1486084902._large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how heavy are your commie ETH bags anon?...

>> No.16416268

Yes, I want everyone to be able to engage in global commerce on open source money without the permission of oligarchs, no matter their self-assured correctness.

>> No.16416290

look up "extraterritoriality of US sanctions"

>> No.16416297
File: 15 KB, 644x800, d90.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes I support helping a tyrannical communist nation that murders people for not clapping long enough to avoid sanctions by providing weapons of war to them. do you support that anon?

>> No.16416325
File: 569 KB, 539x706, 8VRmxNDEen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ETH helping authoritarian regimes and helping keep the oppressed people under control.
mETHheads will defend this.

>> No.16416333
File: 32 KB, 301x365, God of crypto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ironically Bullish, Ironically virgil lives in singapore so nothing will happen free publicity. Eth will Flip BTC 2020

>> No.16416341

>"extraterritoriality of US sanctions"
It's not just the US, it's dozens of countries that have imposed sanctions against North Korea. By the way, the sanctions were approved by the United Nations Security Council. This is not a case of the US imposing its jurisdiction overseas. The sanctions are multilateral.

>> No.16416364

>It's not just the US, it's dozens of countries that have imposed sanctions against North Korea
there is a difference. the EU doesn't give a shit about other countries or about EU companies doing business there. meanwhile, you simply can't do business with the US AND sanctioned countries. the US is, literally, the world police. and it's ironic how US people defend that shit.

>> No.16416372

why in the fuck did the ETH Foundation send one of their top devs to North Korea to do something so stupid illegal? training North Korea to evade sanctions was not okay - these ETH commies think they can do anything it seems

>> No.16416386


>> No.16416398
File: 464 KB, 670x387, firefox_Darkness.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

btc is going to 0 , but BitCoin will absorb all the market cap while eth will get crippled and abandoned over time

>> No.16416408
File: 140 KB, 462x422, Gains.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They can do anything because blockstream cant stop them anymore.

>> No.16416418

>international emergency economic powers act
can't think of a more obviously evil name for a law

>> No.16416421

The US govt can stop the ETH foundation pretty damn fast anon. You can count on ETH Foundation partners to kiss those partnerships goodbye at the first call of a congressman or the US Attorney's office asking questions. The foundation is FUCKED.

>> No.16416424
File: 39 KB, 600x600, 0e9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

False BTC will be abandoned like Wright Bros Shares in the 1920s, refused to innovate and got flipped by euro airbus and then got bought out at pennies, hodlers lost everything.

>> No.16416437
File: 34 KB, 354x504, 1o42xg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not if they have nodes in NK.

>> No.16416470

How is it anything other than dumb?

>> No.16416472
File: 129 KB, 886x736, dPkZu2EkKM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


with this level of reading comprehension it doesnt surprise me that you wont make it ,
inb4 picrelated are patents on BitCoin applications by satoshi himself.

>> No.16416477

Why else go
To North Korea? Beaches?

>> No.16416482

the gook starving pussy

>> No.16416499

I don't give a fuck about the nation.
Crypto + brain wallet empowers the people of the nation.

>> No.16416502

All encryption is compromised by NSA. It's a meme to be concerned about it on normie platforms.

>> No.16416505

The Foundation anon, not ETH itself. although losing the foundation would be a big blow to the ecosystem, as well as losing all of the foundations partners. this story is just getting started. better hope the us attorneys aren't too hungry for a big show.

>> No.16416514

I love ETH but ALGOs Layer-1 is now incomparable.
>Single tx Atomic swaps, Single tx multi swaps (cryptography breakthroughs) all on Algorand 2.0 at Layer-1

>> No.16416544

He's talking like they can't just go on fucking google and look up how to make a monero wallet. Kim Jong Un speaks english and was educated in the west ffs.

>> No.16416552

>evil actor
>Our best chance of wiping california off of the map.

>> No.16416555

this sounds too stupid to be true

>> No.16416584


>> No.16416586

He got arrested at LAX yesterday, ironically probably flying in for Thanksgiving

>> No.16416588


The EU literally depends on US protection to survive. It's been like this since WWII. Europe is a US protectorate.

The Ethereum foundation discouraged him from going, he went there anyway.

>> No.16416613

Just allegations.

also 1 person doesn’t represent all of 16 billion market cap/109 million ethereum.

>> No.16416619

griffith did nothing wrong

>> No.16416639

Eu doesn’t need USA from protection from Russia. If Russia wanted to invade, it would have already and cut off energy supplies during the winter .

>> No.16416647

And also he didn’t tell them anything any other coin could do.

>> No.16416660

>putting people in jail for teaching other people how to use open source software.

Wew. Burgerland’s in for an uphill battle

>> No.16416663

are you all retards? this is pretty good because it shows that eth is going to be able to get stop and the US from trying to take control

>> No.16416675

In case you guys don't understand much about North Korea, let me fill you in.
One of their primary forms of income is money laundering. That is almost certainly what this was about.

>> No.16416691

looks like another false flag to demonize crypto. i'm sure they didn't need some punk to teach them about cryptos lol.

>> No.16416747

>t.doesnt understand sanctions

>> No.16416757
File: 73 KB, 800x586, daddycellie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he would need to ask his cellmate daddy permission not to be a fuck toy for 1 hour

>> No.16417163

>justifies putting people in jail for retarded shit like this
as if the koreans couldn't learn by themselves.
muh freedom

>> No.16417171

the US killed just as many civilians in the middle east
you have no moral high ground top kek

>> No.16417185

This. crypto isn't some obscure tech anymore. it's pretty common knowledge now days.

>> No.16417280
File: 17 KB, 480x532, 1573527576409.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't like ethereum but this is absurd if i am reading the situation right this guy has been arrested for teaching in a north korea conference about blockchain and how it can be used to avoid sanctions.

Which is more or less as to be arrested for explaining how solar panels can be used to not depend on the local power company.

What kind of charges can they put on this guy?Is the us really such a totalitarian shithole now?I tough he would be arrested for sharing secrets or some shit , not for giving a conference.

I am reading the situation right or there is more to it?

>> No.16417296

Shitskins deciding to murder each other when a power vacuum occurs is not the same as a government rounding up and executing its citizens. You are not clever, your comment was ignorant.

>> No.16417302

Oh dear..

>> No.16417312

you retards actually think the price of altcoins are manipulated long term by anything other than bitcoin? sure there may be a few pumps but they're all ultimately btc's bitch, eth is no exception.

>> No.16417337

It also shows that ETH devs are idiots who break the law.

>> No.16417368

There are sanctions in place bro. He broke the law. You're not supposed to give technical knowledge to North Koreans...
He might claim that the knowledge he shared is publicly available online and thus he did nothing wrong. I think this is the only way he could get away with it.

>> No.16417373


>> No.16417376

NK is actually opening a resort city/Vegas on their east coast. It will be walled off from the rest of the country, but its going to make them a boat load.

>> No.16417385

The title of the speech was "Blockchain and Peace"

>> No.16417388

>Is the us really such a totalitarian shithole now?
I've never lived in the US, but from what I've read, the US govt and judiciary have always been this arbitrary and perverse.

>> No.16417396

I know there are sanctions and as a burger i would not even think of going into best korea.

But let's be realistic all this shit is publically available even fucking maduro in venezuela showed his trezor a few weeks ago.

As much as i dislike commies i think this is peak boomerism , as i said teaching about blockchain to avoid sanctions is like teaching about solar panels to avoid the electric grid.

The guy should be kept under scrutiny for being a shaddy as fuck character that deals with a commie government but let's be realistic he did not leaked the manhattan project and all he could ever say to best korea is open source , that's not a defense that's a fact and boomerism retardation will lead the us into a very dark place if this kind of shit is allowed.

>> No.16417413

Glad I flipped to UPT last week. Comfy.

>> No.16417421

The us always had good reasons to do so to be fair , look at the ammount of spies on the manhattan project or shit like that.

But when it comes to economic sanctions post 9/11 they went full retard , it's probably harder today to do an international transaction than it was in 1999 due to burger post patriot act regulations.

They can't keep pulling this shit with crypto so they seem to be sperging out and this shit is pure retardation.

The reason why tyranical governments can't use bitcoin is because if nicolas maduro for example wants to bypass sanctions with crypto he would need to buy them for bolivars in the local market which he can't because he won't allow his citzens to do so , same for iran or other shitholes.

So in order to use crypto to avoid sanctions they need to buy them first in another nation and go through the banking system first.

The idea that cryptos can be used to bypass sanctions in large scale only applies to democracies.
Tyranical governments won't be able to do so without allowing their citzens to create such supply.

But then again boomer retardation won't get it and they will continue to pull shit like this.

>> No.16417520

You talk about BTC and bitcoin as if they were the same thing. They are very much not.
Bitcoin is meant to be p2p CASH for the world, not boomer gold hodled and not used.

>> No.16417582

>Teaches a dictator how to avoid sanctions
>Calls it "blockchain and peace" to disguise his true intentions

>> No.16417588

the only person with a brain on this thread. its unironically over for eth you think the usa will ever adopt a blockchain that would tie them to the commies lol they would instead create their own and try to force the commies to bend the knee and use theirs via political influence

>> No.16417618

Bearish af desu. NSA will be snooping through all things ETH. Expecting more Ethereum hacks and fuckery now from government agencies

Well done mETHlets for supporting communist
autocrats and dictators

>> No.16417633


>> No.16417642


>> No.16418233
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How bad is this for the ETH team?