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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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16412138 No.16412138 [Reply] [Original]

Are you prepared?

>> No.16412172

already priced in,

>> No.16412187

I heard that same bullshit before the last two halvings.

>> No.16412966

already prepared at 10k

>> No.16412990

Cycles are getting longer. But I am ready

>> No.16413025

Pic is showing this cycle as shorter than the others, which is pretty unlikely.

Either way, it sure as fuck won't be a simply 4y jobby.

Things shift out of phase, there'll be a bubble sooner than we expect (already was!) and then again not when we really expect it as people front-run. I'm calling a mini bubble, minibear, then major bubble and major bear maybe 2022 who the fuck knows just keep your finger on the pulse, lads.

>> No.16413040

Seems like the easiest trade of the century to bet that the price of Bitcoin will be higher in 2021 than it is now.

>> No.16413090

>Pic is showing this cycle as shorter than the others, which is pretty unlikely.
youre reading it incorectly. price doesnt rise on any of those charts, it rises after. so the next bull run should be in 2021

>> No.16413126

What about muh altcoins though?

>> No.16413145

idk, altcoins are gambling. theres no way to predict what might happen with them.

>> No.16413148

>youre reading it incorectly

I am absolutely not, sir. It's not very difficult to understand.

But good luck with your genius "four years just like last time" plan, I'm sure that's exactly what will happen.

>> No.16414007

I am ready anon.

That was the case this one will start becoming faster again due to an inflationary effect of having lower inflation than fiat.

There won't be a bubble this time only up and crabbing.


1_BTC will have lower inflation than fiat

2_Stablecoin speculating faggots will smooth the ride upwards to the point it's going to be a 3 years bull market and by the time the momentum is lost we will be 365 days away of the 2024 halvening , probably less if the hashrate increases faster.

>> No.16414020

Altcoins using satoshi game theory will go up.


Besides that eth and doge will also go up even if they don't use satoshi game theory and have infinite inflation their inflation levels are breaking down bellow 3% when btc and xmr will go bellow fiat.


>> No.16414027

Last two halvings didn't have competing forks or thousands of shitcoins.

>> No.16414233

If everything is already priced in, then why isn't BTC $infinity right now?

>> No.16414262

last pic stopped looking like the other two since july OP

lmao we are bear mode for another few years.

>> No.16414503

all of the past movements of bitcoin happened during an economic boom period with massive monetary easing of all developed central banks

the big question in the coming 2 years regarding bitcoin is less the halving but very much more the place of bitcoin in a depression tier economy and god knows what fiscal fuckery the various states will attempt
if bitcoin will be seen as a safe haven asset, the next bullrun will rip your face off

all that is needed is deutsche bank being cyprussed, peoples bankaccounts frozen across europe and when you are going to see capital flight out of the entire euro that is when shit is really gonna start to go vertical

>> No.16414540

You forgot the part where BTC still hasnt scaled and transaction take days while costing hundreds of dollars to process.

>> No.16414545

Because it's a shitcoin with no use.

>> No.16414568

Thanks for this post. Selling now. Crash is imminent.

>> No.16414593

your first sentence sums it up- BTC is a highly risky and speculative asset. When times are good( no major recession, like 2009-present) BTC and other speculative assets like weed stocks go up.
When times get tough people stop speculating and start trying to protect what capital they have left, millions will lose jobs and dip into their savings to pay their bills, not buy 1s and 0s on the internet

>> No.16414605
File: 111 KB, 894x693, Hash_collapse_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Are you prepared?
For hashrate to collapse?


>> No.16414609

As if that's supposed to matter
Even so, remember namecoin? Peercoin?musiccoin? Trumpcoin? Hempcoin?

>> No.16414641

The new cycle will start with the re-election of Trump

>> No.16414660

Drumph is getting impeached and has zero chance to be reelected.

>> No.16414695


Imagine still Fudding trump and the unstoppable momentum of the economy right now. I can’t wait to bet on trump winning

>> No.16414742

The Obama economy is literally about to go into a depression because of Trump.

>> No.16414794

New asics are released in two days faggot.

>> No.16414801

>the denial phase
What does it feel like?

>> No.16414943


>> No.16414957
File: 404 KB, 342x342, 1555330661119.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New asics are released in two days faggot hashrate is actually delayed and bellow what's expected.

Check btc hashrate between the halvenings eras

2009- 2013



Hashrate has grown by 120x between each halvening era more or less.

This one is just starting boomer.

>> No.16414959

Haha, gambling, yeah. Not at all a safe bet like BTC

>> No.16415013

Flush yourself down the toilet, penis chopper.

>> No.16415224

Like others have mentioned, still a year and a half away.

What happens in a bullrun is that altcoins are the last to gain. Imagine your first time buying crypto. What did you buy on the exchange? BTC, ETH? Bitstamp for example has like 5 major coins listed only, which people buy during the rush. After the top coins are pumped to insanity, the money starts flowing into alts, which are the last to gain. BTC, ETH etc... are always the first to dump with altcoins lagging behind a bit post euphoria

>> No.16415241


>Congestion in the Bitcoin network doesn't matter
>Up to 10 days for blocks to confirm during 2017 bullrun
>Lightning Network doesn't even address the problem

>> No.16415253
File: 148 KB, 660x882, strong_buck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinks he's immune to global recessions
Come home anon

>> No.16415282

The correction after the 5th wave should be longer than wave 2/4, not shorter

The fundamentals are still shaky:
LN still isn't ready for mainstream use, so BTC will get flooded when alt season begins
Sharding isn't ready either, so ETH will probably shit the bed if a ponzi game really catches on, despite the usefulness of DeFi
Even semi-centralized systems like EOS were broken by a single shitcoin airdrop
Reddit's favorite coin, Nano, also had difficulties with high transaction volume along with issues like Binance accidentally sending double transactions

>> No.16415443


Poor people cope.
If ur willing to pay transaction is confirmed really quickly. Go be a satoshi peasant somewhere else.

>> No.16416360
File: 72 KB, 595x447, 1548944401136.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Thinks the global recession won't make the only currency that won't inflate gain adoption.

Besides the global recession will be out of the table if the solar minimum ends as predicted in the next 8 months.


The third charts shows the solar minimum as peaking soon.

>> No.16416624
File: 119 KB, 392x379, 1562814967962.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>due to an inflationary effect of having lower inflation than fiat

>> No.16416735

BTC inflation next year will be bellow the inflation of all fiat currencies and gold.

Maybe the usd goes full deflation if the fed is retarded but btc will be 100% bellow the inflation target.

>> No.16416754

>10 days
Still better than fiat

>> No.16416791

2020 some big shit will happen bois.itll be the trigger for the bullrun. 2020 us presidential elections bois major events will take place.

>> No.16416799

This is what must be factored in regarding the BTC halvening next year: unlike past halvenings, this one is going to occur while the U.S. is in the midst of a full-blown stock market crash when people will be desperately searching for safe places to put their fiat. Obviously precious metals will surge. The question is, to what extent will people who never were interested in cryptocurrencies acquiesce and start buying cryptos for the first time? I believe they'll start doing to on a scale never before seen. The reason will be that they've lost confidence in their nations' fiat currencies. It's happened before elsewhere but for most Americans who are alive when the crash hits (in 2020) it will be unprecedented.

>> No.16416923

Big shit to 1k.

>> No.16416949

I don't remember any Presidential elections in 2013 or 2017.... So nope, no bull run in 2020, sorry but those are the facts.

>> No.16416994
File: 86 KB, 1280x720, avalon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>satoshi game theory

what the fuck is this.

>> No.16417007

>what the fuck is this.

Satoshi game theory is the part that shitcoiners never take into account.
Think what would have happened to crypto if bitcoin never had things like artificial scarcity.

Coins that replicate that tend to gain in price long term or orbit at a certain price in btc such as ltc or xmr having a more or less stable price in btc(and gaining in usd over time).

Coins that are inflationary or have fixed supply tend to die fast as fuck.

>> No.16417056

Satoshi Nakamoto was a thinktank of 160+ IQ game theory masters, it is PERFECTLY designed

>> No.16417713

Solar minimum ends mid-late 2020’s, it just started few years ago. Stop with the mainstream physics lies.

>> No.16417738
File: 120 KB, 705x703, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am prepared.

>$23,000 loan secured
>put $21,500 of it into crypto so far

Roughly 50% BTC, 25% ETH and 25% LINK.

Most comfy in ledger nano hard wallet, plus some more funds scattered around soft wallets, in shitcoins & some odd btc + eth stashes.

Plan on picking up a few low caps here as I go, to make up probably ~10% of portfolio when all's said and done.

>> No.16417775

>BTC inflation next year will be bellow the inflation of all fiat currencies and gold.
how do you know? genuinely curious

>> No.16417839

Here you go https://bitcoin.org/bitcoin.pdf

>> No.16417855

The halving is projected to be sometime in late May. It should add some upward price pressure to bitcoin.

>> No.16417883

im aware of halvening, so that's the cause? thanks for clarification

>> No.16417889

Buying internet gambling tokens with real debt.

You sir are completely deranged.

>> No.16417941


>> No.16418108

Need to dip below $4k again first

>> No.16418128

yep priced in faggot, learn how to TA

>> No.16418129

It didnt need this to go x100000 in 10 years, so why would it matter now?

>> No.16418159

That is bullshit. Even if you choose the smallest transaction fee (0.000001btc) it only takes a couple hours to confirm.

>> No.16418165

Eth is a shitcoin that doesn't need to exist. It only does because Core limited BTC both in scale and functionality.

>> No.16418170

I wish you were right but it probably won't happen this time. Basically everyone who mines has upgraded to miners 4x more efficient and selling their old ones at a mega-loss meaning even the poor can afford to mine now

>> No.16418175

BSV is literally the only coin on the market that works.

>> No.16418183

>implying handing someone a twenty takes 10 days

>> No.16418198

This anon right here is a future homeless person.

>> No.16418202

You newfags have no fucking idea how bad BTC gets.

>> No.16418252



Max inflation after may next year will be 1.80% yearly assuming ALL MINERS SELL, so probably 1% per year.

It does not the cause but it's a plus that will increase the price rise.

What incentive will people have to cash out when btc will have lower inflation than fiat?

Before with 4% yearly infaltion you had 16% between halvenings while with fiat in that timeline you would have 8%.

Now it's going to be less with btc than fiat so the incentive to cash out will literally disappear as you will have a guaranteed bigger loss by cashing out.

Specially if you include taxes and kyc.

>> No.16418258

The monthly payments are like $500 for a few years, I just got a new job and can afford it.

>gee whiz, I wonder if BTC will appreciate more than low double-digit percentages over the next 5 years???????

It's either this, leveraging debt; or take the "safe" route and kick myself for not taking out a small loan for the easiest fucking investment decision of my life.

>> No.16418261

The supply created per block is reduced every 210k blocks(aproximately 4 years)


Next one will reduce the supply by half again but since there will be only 21m coins now the inflation is very low.

>> No.16418279

You're going to lose all your money and go into debt. Good job, retard. You should have just put in $500 a month.

>> No.16418361

dilate tranny

>> No.16418609

Thanks, my nigger. You’re alright.
Boomer detected!

I’m already in debt, smart goy, that’s the point. Putting in $500/mo would take me 46 months or 3.83 years to reach the current $23k sum. BTC is not going to stay at sub-$8000 for that long. It’s literally a no-brainer; in fact, I was hoping for more when the loan got approved.

>> No.16418689
