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File: 20 KB, 400x400, myNewWatch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16411467 No.16411467 [Reply] [Original]

Fem Anon here i bought a new wrist watch this morning with my linkies for black Friday. I was able to get to the 4am sales. isn't it nice boys ?

>> No.16411479

imagine being a consumer instead of just stacking gains into Ferrum to secure generational wealth

is biz really this uneducated?

>> No.16411530

looks cheap, something a tranny would wear, so its ok I guess.

>> No.16411546

I prefer transgender

>> No.16411557

How do you intend to profit from this bait thread OP? Time = Money, and you're going to waste a lot of time dealing with morons getting triggered by a femme jew

>> No.16411599
File: 617 KB, 536x571, wrist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just bought this a couple days ago, 20% off

>> No.16411633

Love your hand it is so hairy and masculine

>> No.16411670
File: 248 KB, 588x882, Jewish prostitute - only Aryans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Strange, you look like the Jewish prostitute I know, that will only have sex with Aryans and sometimes she pays for sex, while telling how small, in every way, schizophrenic, hairy, balding, boring and smelly Jewish men are. Their non-masculine passive-aggressive evilness and vindictiveness, does not help.

>> No.16411676

Did making this post make you feel better about white genocide, goy?

>> No.16411678

Shite bait

>> No.16411682

What the fuck is this a shill dogwhistle thread under the guise of a larp? This is the weirdest thread I've ever seen

>> No.16411687

There will be no white genocide, but a civil war, Shlomo. Sorry.

>> No.16412214
File: 102 KB, 822x1024, 434324324545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

EVERYTHING is a dogwhistle for Jewish shitzophrenic, pic related. If I take a glass of milk, it's dog-whistling. If I don't use extra-strong deodorant, it's dog-whistling. If I don't have a hairy back like an animal, it's dog-whistling. If I am polite and not a sex pervert, hitting hysterically on every blonde girl I see with slimy comments and crude Jewish hand-gestures, it's dog-whistling. Everything is dog-whistling for the hysterical and power drunk small hat tribe.

>> No.16412228

Based jew schizos dabbing on christcuck normalfags

>> No.16412542
File: 292 KB, 586x476, 42523523.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Based jew
No such thing, go tell Soros you are too stupid for biz. He will punish you with a typical very long and hard Jewish assrape, but at least you don't make a Jewish fool of yourself anymore.

>> No.16412548

> wah wah why aren’t jews cucked like us goyim?

>> No.16412611
File: 139 KB, 693x770, 32432432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because we have been too kind to you and we are descent people. It was hard for us to understand that you Jews operate as sociopaths on a group level. Also, our societies are based on meritocracy and not tribalism. You Jews, of course, couldn't care less about fairness and just exploited our great and well functioning meritocratic societies with your crude and sociopathic tribalism, while whining about "racism" and "anti-semitism" constantly. Plus guilt tripping with your fake Holocaust. That time is over Shlomo. Sorry.

>> No.16412619

> wah wah why aren’t jews dumb and cucked like us goyim?

>> No.16412629

>jews aren't cucked
best meme ever
their entire life ends up overcompensation for the fact no woman wants them physically

>> No.16412642

> muh diqq muhfugga

>> No.16412648
File: 771 KB, 1546x1118, 35435435.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jews are the only group that are so slimy, evil and sociopathic that they do whatever the hell they can to stay away from their own country, to avoid living among their fellow countrymen. Jews flooding USA from Europe, so they can live as parasites on whites, did whatever they could to avoid being shipped to Israel. Jews fleeing Turkey go to the U.S. or Russia, according to Jewish virtual library. You are so disgusting that even you Jews yourself don't want to around your fellow Jews. How pathetic and pathological is that?

>> No.16412661

> noooooo you can’t just migrate to other countries you need to die 10 miles from your birthplace

>> No.16412686 [DELETED] 
File: 3.72 MB, 5000x5000, 5354354355.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a sad excuse for living among whites as parasites and avoiding living among your fellow Jews in Israel, as you have been whining about for 2000 years.

>> No.16412732
File: 3.72 MB, 5000x5000, 43543543543.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a sad excuse for living among whites as parasites and to avoid living among your fellow Jews in Israel, as you have been whining about for 2000 years. What's even worse is that even though you love living among whites as parasites, you still hate whites, pic related. That's absurd, evil and sociopaths. But you hate your fellow Jews even more, so you will lick every boot and do whatever you can to avoid getting deported to Israel to live among fellow slimy Jews. That's just pathological and mental on a whole new level. Time to kick you evil sociopaths out of our white countries, and take your beloved third world immigrants with you to Israel. Open borders for Israel.

>> No.16413026

best watches are casio