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File: 245 KB, 589x488, sats.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16412057 No.16412057 [Reply] [Original]

satsgang BTFO

>> No.16412103
File: 117 KB, 1440x1080, sick of this shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is actually bullish for bitcoin more than anything. The fact the Russians would ban crypto shows that Ivan fears it could genuinely replace their weak ass currency. Authoritarian shitholes feel the need to ban it in order to maintain control over the economy, whereas everywhere else just figured out it'd be smarter and easier to tax crypto in case it actually does take off.

t. no coiner

>> No.16412118

The fictitious satsgang, congrats anon you have come full circle with your larp

>> No.16412124

This lol

>> No.16412128

>Country showing support for crypto is bullish
>Country banning crypto is bullish

There really is no such thing as bad news with you bagholders is there?

>> No.16412159


>> No.16412160

I literally just said I don't hold any crypto. A country banning crypto shows that it has become a serious enough topic where the government had to step in and do something about it.

So it's more like

>Country acknowledging crypto is bullish
But if you're a brainlet who can only read what was written instead of what is implied than I don't blame you

>> No.16412175

Where are all the whiny fags bitching about small blocks and segwit? "Hurr durr, they killed bitcoin to prevent adoption". THIS is your adoption, fags. The government can cut off retail use of cryptocurrencies just like that, in a snap of fingers. No gigabyte blocks will make a difference.

>> No.16412212
File: 38 KB, 377x377, 1488326342819.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a group that conspires and works together to pump and dump crypto shitcoins? Nice tinfoil hat buddy

Do you even know what LARP means you retarded faggot?

>> No.16412218

For real, it's not even a secret that crypto is rigged as fuck lmao

>> No.16412233

Yes, but apparently you do not. It's ok anon, you can keep pretending that every bad investment choice you make is somehow the result of some super elite non existent crypto group.

>> No.16412239
File: 62 KB, 501x800, thick-russian-milf-2__Copier_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is old news. ЦБ announced their crypto ban a longass time ago. that's why we didn't get the "crypto rouble" which sucks because i really wanted to baghold that shit

i love russia but they're like the country version of the trailer park boys - everytime it seems like they're making progress and are actually going to get somewhere, they do something stupid and sabotage themselves. it never fucking fails

>> No.16412243

god you nigs are easy to fool. ivan is just trying to larp like ching chong that "we gonna ban all deez coins!!!". they are all trying to accumulate cheap coins....this is just what /biz-level fud looks like when it hits the real news.

>> No.16412247

The bad news would be them ignoring Crypto entirely, but even then it could be taken as them valuing it as a threat and not wanting to publically discuss.

>> No.16412562

Any government acknowledging crypto in any way is bullish.

>> No.16412893

Satsgang operates a pump and dump scam with Fantom. They openly brags about it on Twitter and calls critics of Satsgang for anti-Semitic racists.

>> No.16412904


>> No.16413723
File: 145 KB, 901x368, 9732AEC3-24C3-44D5-A28B-FC8563D933C4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No crypto for peasants is what they really mean.

>> No.16413735

This nigger gets it.

>> No.16413752

Crypto is so dumb, governments of the world will never allow them to become a real currency. Everyone who doesn’t get out will get burned hard. Pretend to act surprised now and continue living in la la land...

>> No.16414209

The Russian central bank is basically controlled by (((non Russians))). The bailout terms after Russia collapsed were designed to impoverish the populace whilst enriching (((the oligarchs))) and ensuring the Russian people were beholden to (((the bankers))) for ever.

Then Putin stepped in. It's taken him decades to purge the (((Western))) interests from Russia and at some future point they will take back control of their central bank from (((the city of London)))

Waiting to do this, whilst they accumulate Gold and the dollar struggles on is a tactical move. In strategy it is often more useful to keep a potential threat hanging over an opponent rather than realise it.

>> No.16414239

Why are Asian shitholes so corrupt?

>> No.16414279

Hahahahahahaha I remember just 3 months ago omg cunt on zerohedge writing that the Russian central bank was buying bitcoin.. fucking pump and dump shilling scammers

>> No.16414387

>Country showing support for crypto is bullish
>Country banning crypto is bullish
Country acknowledging crypto in general is bullish, brainlet

>> No.16414432

a random guy on the internet that is invested in bitcoin writes that without any sources to back it up? how shocking why would he do that