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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 18 KB, 320x240, 8DD7454A-B468-467E-B18A-59D58D30360B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16404454 No.16404454 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else here make it but still autistic and lonely?

>> No.16404496

Use the money to improve your social skills faggot

>> No.16404498
File: 65 KB, 640x480, 69ED6945-0210-4834-B33B-6E5B80F60D66.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mm bread was really good. Foie gras and lobster risotto coming up next.

>> No.16404502

improve social skill
> you are pandering to lower beings
> you want to be with the lower beings
> you rich and spend moneys on lower being only to their benefit, only so they can use you

piss off

>> No.16404512

>He admits that he considers himself a lower being
But in all seriousness—preaching to the choir bud

>> No.16404514

>lower beings
You will die alone.

>> No.16404523


I mean it is ok
you are literally better dead, than smelling these things

>> No.16404548


Consider getting a mate have children continue your legacy dieing alone with no heirs to continue your legacy is doing the jews wotk for them.

Are you could be a soulless sack of shit either way doesn't bother me in the slightest.

1/10 Made me post

>> No.16404550
File: 59 KB, 640x480, 57430373-518B-41D2-B1D2-28BB2AAA19C6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Foie gras is here. Better be good.

>> No.16404558

>hopeless loser regardless of wealth
>just have kids bro
You’re part of the problem

>> No.16404560 [DELETED] 

Bud, geta

>> No.16404567 [DELETED] 

Jesus christ dude, that shit's blurry. Get a new phone instead of crap gourmet shit.

>> No.16404594

>Get a new phone instead of crap gourmet shit.
absolutely bluepilled. you are never going to make it.

>> No.16404601

Foie gras production is barbaric. Just goes to show that money doesn't buy class

>> No.16404613

I know this feel all too well OP

>> No.16404621

If the gavage ain’t savage I decline to ravage.

>> No.16404630

>t. Elliot Rogers

>> No.16404633

Solve the loneliness from inside you anon. Start listening to all of ram dass’ old talks from the 60s starting with episode 1 of the here and now podcast. Good luck, find that peace

>> No.16404637

I make a shitton of money these days and have no idea what to spend it on

>> No.16404642

If I were you I would spend my money on herdshares. You can buy milk and meat from cows that had a healthy diet and a relatively good life.

>> No.16404650

Self improvement doesn't pander to anyone but yourself. You're making excuses to not improve.

>> No.16404654

>Foie gras

>> No.16404663
File: 407 KB, 1080x1920, 1574957290438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sooo you gonna self improve to socialize with this ?

>> No.16404666

Play video games, Buy VRchat and meet an autistic girl who is as stupid as you.

>> No.16404690

What is for pudding fren?
There should be regular biz meetups in exclusive restaurants and bars, where we can enjoy luxury meals.
Have you /madeit/? Do you sleep with whores if you get lonely?

>> No.16404692
File: 33 KB, 657x527, 1537048040497.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ywn own a pastoral village in france or somewhere with cows and chickens and villagers
Why even live

>> No.16404695

nice try satan

>> No.16404714
File: 3.34 MB, 336x640, ezgif-5-fa03f90093cf.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tfw no conservative gf to spend christmass eve with her sitting on my laps near the fireplace made of italian marble

>> No.16404720

>only so they can use you
This is very true, past a certain age nearly all people are just looking to use you for personal gain. Makes me feel so good being an extreme introvert that can entertain himself.

>> No.16404723

yeah i understand your feeling man, i haven't really made it but i am miles higher than where i started and it seems to me the further up you go, the more time you end up spending on skills and interests that are either 1. solo tasks or 2. team tasks no one really wants to do so they don't make for good conversation. spend enough time doing that and its hard to know what to even talk about with other people.

hope you have a good holiday tho, friendo

>> No.16404725
File: 2.40 MB, 3024x4032, IMG_9047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you were rich you would have a decent phone

bring me more martini's fucking wagie

>> No.16404729 [DELETED] 

Already made it sand nigger. :3

>> No.16404733

Dude you're not even trying.

>> No.16404734

this is pretty bad advice just to be real with you
all this does is put you in a tunnel of social skill degradation and when you come out you can only talk about a stupid podcast, or whatever you sank yourself into

finding inner peace doing anything other than solo meditation is stupid, you're better off just building a better and better social network

>> No.16404754
File: 36 KB, 399x399, D1WEBkee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey I had to try, Give it a try, You might like it

>> No.16404778

Reminder that this condo is for sale and you don't own it. You did not rent it either.

Probably bribed and/or fucked the real estate agent to stay the afternoon.

>> No.16404788

Yep exactly. I was pseudo normie in high school but my interests have changed so much as a result of isolation (Russian classic-lit, right-wing politics, cryptocurrency) that I don’t even know how to connect with others any more. Also thanks for the well wishes same to you.

>> No.16404800

yes yes the real estate agent bring you to the condo with martini and drink it with you

wake up loser

>> No.16404810

You are living my dream.

>> No.16404815

>>16404725 Well I can at least be happy that I don’t live in the third world which isn’t the case for you judging by the ugly ass architecture blocking your “view”

>> No.16404822

I know you're a cheap scammer, I see through your tricks, don't even try Zinedine.

>> No.16404827
File: 557 KB, 1930x1862, FullSizeRender (7).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nothing can block the view from your mom's ass

your typical real estate appointment when you get naked and drink martini you know... ahaha jealous mutt losers

>> No.16404838

>Russian classic-lit, right-wing politics, cryptocurrency
You're a lonely, pretentious autist.

>> No.16404860

I can’t help what I’m into. The very fact that you react that way to my interests is highlighting exactly my point.

>> No.16404863 [DELETED] 
File: 54 KB, 600x450, 86c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dig your place, bud. The view must be pretty chill.

>> No.16404877
File: 7 KB, 225x225, 435363463463464.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first use your 'money' to buy a better quality camera

>> No.16404886

you pull that off your wifes boyfriends tinder?

>> No.16404895

Help people in need
Help orphans
Help animals in need, shelters for stray dogs for example
There's so much you can do and the loneliness vanishes

>> No.16404907
File: 2.25 MB, 4032x2268, 1DE06B0A-DDFE-4445-83A9-E58D42D927E8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Camera is fine guy. I’m just uploading on low resolution. Just took this out my window.

>> No.16404915

nah, that's frenchbro tripfag that hangs around here

>> No.16404944

A better camera would take better low resolution photos. Even a normal camera would. What phone do you have? A Nokia 3110?

>> No.16404955

Are you retarded? The software compresses it for upload. How far I’ve fallen. Arguing on 4chan about camera specs.

>> No.16404957

>faux wood floors
>palm trees and red tile roof in the background
Is that Israel
Everything aside from the time zone being slightly off, but that pic could have been taken earlier

>> No.16404959

Real Estate agents are easily bribed and a lot of them will fuck their customers.
I mean you could also be there as fuckboy for the gay owner (although it's obvious from the pics that no one lives there, so it's quite improbable).
One thing is for sure you don't own the place and didn't even rent it.

>> No.16404965

how many link to you hold?

>> No.16404967
File: 107 KB, 1024x576, Untitled-32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what city is that? tel aviv?

>> No.16404984

Bangkok. I’m on permanent vacation living out of hotels.

>> No.16405009

What's your favourite Russian classic? What language you read those in?

>> No.16405013

Damn Mumbai almost looks like it isn't a shitehole

>> No.16405021
File: 5 KB, 248x250, 1573159124370s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how does that work? visas and shit? how does one learn nomad capitalism?

>> No.16405029

300k isn't making it faggot

>> No.16405040

maybe do good and don't expect too much in return as the give-take concept is almost never symmetrical
you will feel better
if you want to only take like many people you will stay lonely probably
don't be like that one cunt that only takes and never gives, or gives and expects in 10x as much in return

>> No.16405046

Yeah because G-d forbid he owns anything other than LINK..

>> No.16405048

how did you make it anon

>> No.16405049
File: 83 KB, 212x218, 1556707428447.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Foie gras

>> No.16405061

How about a timestamp to show us you're real (unlike Zinedine)?

>> No.16405065

why is foie gras so much worse than any other meat? you're still killing an animal to eat it

>> No.16405079

Eh they basically force feed the ducks until their liver is almost nothing but fat.
Tastes delicious though

>> No.16405080

Ah brother, I'm part black otherwise I'd say we should connect, sounds like we have a lot in common in terms of trajectory. Since you're in SE Asia, have you had any chance to check out the higher end clubs? You might find a group of likeminded people hanging out in the back. They'll look like part of the scene at first but typically they feel the same way if you get to talking.

I have read Brothers K, Crime & Punishment, and some of Anton Chekov. Got any good recommendations for more obscure stuff I can impress people with?

>> No.16405090
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>> No.16405091
File: 355 KB, 500x470, 1435244762609-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

>> No.16405092

Not sure I could name a favorite as it’s always the last book I’ve read. Just got done reading Torrents of Spring by Turgenev. Really enjoyed it as I’m pretty sappy at heart.
USA I don’t need no Visa.
Yep, Chainlink is my only investment. Retard.
This is actually probably good advice.

>> No.16405157

Nouveau Riches are cringe. Go buy yourself a wife OP. Maybe your great-grandchild will have something in resemblance of class

>> No.16405255

Nouveau Riches are cringe. Buy yourself a wife so maybe your great-grandchild gets some semblance of class

>> No.16405320

What did you do to make it, Anon?
I'm isolated anyway so it's no big deal to me.

>> No.16405345

>(Russian classic-lit, right-wing politics, cryptocurrency)
Fucking lmao

>> No.16405395

I fucked myself didn’t I. The trifecta of autism.

>> No.16405403

What kind of fucking french faggot would eat something like this?

>> No.16405414

It's eaten everywhere on the planet.

>> No.16405415

Just forget about all that and try to have some fun. You are in bkk after all. It is a good city to improve social skills

>> No.16405417

>eat a duck turn into a duck
>a wild pack of savages appears
>they take you hostage
>torture you and force feed you
>you suffer
>slaughter you violently for your fatty organs
>eat you or throw you away because your meat is of bad quality
>needlessly murdered you so that these monsters can gloat
your fate in a nutshell

>> No.16405426

I'm a complete failure and lonely. At least you get to have nice things.

>> No.16405433

gas yourself shlomo

>> No.16405445

Ever heard the song mama don’t let your babies grow up to be cowboys? A real man is always lonely

>> No.16405494

>having a family means anything
>surrounding yourself with people means anything

Ah yes, keep following that genetic script. It is only by passing on DNA that your life becomes meaningful. It is only through having high social status that your life becomes meaningful. It is a convincing bit of internal propaganda naturally selected for isn't it, but within our lifetimes your genetic distinctiveness will be made trivially redundant by genetic engineering.

Whether you're in a room with 100 people, 10 people or on your own, it's all equally meaningless so don't pat yourself on the back too much if you do have a family. It all just comes down to how you like to spend your time until the real game starts: superhuman AI.

>> No.16405515


>> No.16405537

lmao calm down soi master

>> No.16405540


Holy shit have sex dude might cure some of that autism

>> No.16405908
File: 111 KB, 1080x1111, 1574532253431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get some sugar babies on seekingarrangement.

>> No.16405970

do you really have autism? i have autism and i dont get lonely. i ditched all my friends many years ago and avoid contact with people. but im very happy.

>> No.16406068



Confirmed faggot. Die in your sleep.

>> No.16406080
File: 6 KB, 240x240, 1568648165185.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>foie gras
low iQ subhuman

>> No.16406110

I'll be your friend for a free private room and internet connection

>> No.16406203

already more than 20 moles on your upper body. enjoy your skin cancer in a few years.

>> No.16406478
File: 173 KB, 750x1334, IMG_2520 copie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1 year of my life = 10 years of yours

>> No.16407323

says the loser who constantly tries to impress people on the internet because his life sucks that much.

>> No.16407331

nobody past 20 is impressed by a fake instagram reality.

>> No.16407369

Trying to cope with your shit camera. No software compresses that badly.

>> No.16407452

>Doesn’t have an iPhone

>> No.16407476

You keep posting from that forced zoomer condo. Looks like a damn startup office. Kek. Nice try, though.

>> No.16407491

Why so many fans? Can’t afford central A/C? Also, nice touch with the IKEA garbage can sitting in the open. Or is it Zara home?

>> No.16407513

Based negroni. Best cocktail available

>> No.16407544

ironically true, if you live for pleasure you burn out your brain and die earlier

>> No.16407551

The fact that you faggots are this triggered by these light hearted humorous posts is absolutely cringe

Go the fuck back to plebbit and have sex

>> No.16407622

Get a dog. It’s the only loyal thing left in the world

>> No.16407626
File: 1022 KB, 1024x689, 1523881632358.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is no sight more pathetic than a man eating alone at a restaurant.

>> No.16407651

norman detected

>> No.16407659

You're living the dream.

>> No.16407669

It's to protect future generations from kike behavior, Moshe.

>> No.16407712

No he's right, if you were rich you wouldn't waste your time posting about it on here you would be living that dream life but this dude is such a loser or unhappy he still comes here of all places for attention. The anon you replied to is not actually "triggered". Also nice reddit spacing faggot. You have to go back

>> No.16407733

Only normans go to restaurants

>> No.16407966

When do you think we will see $10 and $100 link? You must have budgeted for that right?

>> No.16408019


>> No.16408059


>> No.16408219

based and not autistic

>> No.16408239

Let me know what that tastes like? That's duck liver right?

>> No.16408309

Nice job man, highest level of respect for those who make.
Currently waging and about to do a presentation to a bunch of clients, ‘it’s very painful.

Ultimately it’s about setting up 5-7 friends in once circle that will accept you no matter what. If you’re suffering they are there for you and partying they are there. This goes both ways though once you’ve got that keep stacking those bars.

>t. Off to Nippon later next year to live degeno lifestyle for a week or 2.

>> No.16408410
File: 334 KB, 1255x1260, Screenshot_20191128-163325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's this guy again. Whats bothering you anon that you keep flaunting your degeneracy on here? Failed at getting people to give you thumbs up outside for immoral behavior so youre on here trying to get acceptance and jealousy from people who have difficulty getting a gf. Even if I was a Chad that's a path I wouldn't go down. Sexual immorality is path you shpuld stay away from. Virgin till I have a wife of my own if I even ever have a wife.

>> No.16408443

There are villages or little hamlets to sell for around 300-600k€ in France atm

>> No.16408451

You.... could be doing more with yourself right now. But first, you need a mirror. Actually not only do you need a mirror, you need the willingness to look into one.

>> No.16408846

Dudes lonely, leave him be.

>> No.16409038
File: 172 KB, 500x772, CBAFEB7A-D09D-43EC-9B63-4AC77ED0E60A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True story

>> No.16409084

>Failed at getting people to give you thumbs up outside for immoral behavior so youre on here trying to get acceptance and jealousy from people who have difficulty getting a gf.
Most likely this. I'm wealthy but don't feel any need to show off to strangers online. Why would I? The only reason I can imagine is if I was extremely insecure and didn't get any approval irl.

>> No.16409097

OP, if you’re in NYC or London, we can start /biz/ parties

Think Eyes Wide Shut

You’ll meet a great golddig- I mean wholesome born again maiden and the rest if history

>> No.16409102

You're cute anon are you bi?

>> No.16409762

hes in thailand, of course he's bi. you think hes not diddling the cute ladyboys?

>> No.16409806

are you even in thailand

>> No.16409925

I didn't make it in terms of millions but I started making enough to live wherever I want and have been travelling. I am somewhat Chaddish and can meet girls very easily, but the lack of male companionship is hard. Tough thing is that as you get older, all your friends are either married or in committed relationships, or working/broke, and as such unable to join you on your epic travel adventures.
But I know enough to maintain perspective and be glad that I have a nice place to stay, a family that cares about me, a few good friends I keep in touch with over internet/some infrequent in person visits, and somewhat regular pussy.
I'm currently finishing up a two month stint in Vegas that's going to end just before Christmas, I think after the Holidays I'm going out to Boulder for a while to do a bunch of hiking/skiing.
Couldn't imagine doing any of this if I wasn't attractive enough to pick up new chicks on Tinder/Hinge in new cities.

>> No.16409934

What's there to do in Vegas?

>> No.16409945

Besides the obvious of gambling and hookers, Vegas has an amazing show scene. Just don't see R.U.N. it looks cool on the adverts and you think 'oh Cirque De Soleil made it, must be awesome' but it's actually garbage.
The dating scene is amazing for single men, and there's some good hiking/nature in the area if you're into that. You can also do shit like skydiving, paintball at adventure dome, water parks, etc. but desu it's much better during summer.

>> No.16410012

What were you spending per month.

>> No.16410073

All in probably like $3-5k, but if you want to 'do it big' you could double or triple that very easily. I'm just trying to stack PMs right now and save some cash for the real estate dip so I'm not spending too much.

>> No.16410083

Based and Linkpilled

>> No.16410625


bangkok is a COMPLETE shithole. red sky dining is the only place in the entire city that isn't fucking garbage

>open sewers, literal rivers of shit
>gook accents that sound like chainsaws
>everything broken and smells like shit
>the food is trash, cancerous, and smells disgusting
>the women are all aids ridden living corpses

you're a fucking loser

>> No.16410637

look at this farang who got scammed hard by his local bar girl still paying durian to all her friends with his ex-money

loser don't come back in BKK or I knock you out in a shady soi

>> No.16410681

I'll be your friend as good as any other shitty fake friend you might meet could be and teach you how to fuck hot sluts for a small fee

>> No.16410685

NO. Your a LARP or absolutely gutless.

>> No.16410690

It’s because “to make it” means doing what everyone else doesn’t/can’t do. Even if it were handed to them, it means sucking chub boomer dick and elbowing out siblings who can be worse than a herd of niggers at McDonald’s in Black Friday. So yeah it’s lonely. At least you don’t have a scumbag wife who sucks up all your money. People suck, anon. It’s a fact. Maybe that’s why the elitewant to kill us so badly and people still suck their dick.

>> No.16410824


>> No.16410893


>even talking to bar girls or eating that fucking trash durian fruit

The only reason I go to bangkok is for work, because I have business, unlike you. kill yourself you cowboy alley gutter scum faggot

>> No.16410945

You talk like a fag and your shit's all retarded.

>> No.16411055

i have enough to retire on right now and i'm so autistic i'm not lonely. it just seems normal. the few times a year that someone does come over to my house i find are really really stressful.

my family moved away in the last year, so this is my first thanksgiving completely alone. i eat the same things on a weekly schedule, so i was glad i could have my food for dinner instead of some giant meal.

>> No.16411077

I disagree, it's foul, it tastes to me like I'd imagine cat food to taste. Give me some prime bottom feeder shellfish any day of the week over this garbage.

>> No.16411078

you are a wagie, i live in pattaya and i retired when i was 24

don't be angry because you got scammed in Thailand, it's literally natural selection

only the strongest will survive

thank you for the money tho, I'm happy when I see a cute bar girl driving a brand new ducati streetfighter that she got scamming a loser like you

>> No.16411353

>Buy VRchat

>> No.16411373

>bottom feeders
>street grease

You guys aren’t gunna make it

Tomahawk steak once s month
Otherwise, veggies and whey

Otherwise, enjoy your colon cancer and kidney failure

>> No.16411379

Sounds kino.

>> No.16411403

im poor and lonely

>> No.16411405

How to be happy:

Lift weights 4/5 times a week, hit a punch bag occasionally

This will make you stronger than 99% of delusional cucked men. Men only care about who's stronger. Doesn't matter if you're a brainy nerd or rich when an alpha Chad can rip your head off

Get a qt gf preferably virgin or low body count to fuck and impregnate

Eat good food

Watch and listen to good shit

Fuck vidya, fuck porn, fuck masturbating

Life is about survival, food and sex

Every other mindset is COPE

Inb4 onions rage

>> No.16411414

>Doesn't matter if you're a brainy nerd or rich when an alpha Chad can rip your head off
One bullet or knife stab can end “Chad’s” life.

>> No.16411427

Booze | Avoid vodka, whiskey, anything super lush

Fap | u no fap study maths instead

Cheese | Avoid lactose; milk is for babes

>> No.16411437

Fuck off bitch, shellfish is bomb, you think oysters are bad? You think prawns and musssles are bad? Neck yourself faggot. Also I eat alot of beef and lamb and occasionally venison.

>> No.16411446

>calls me the faggot
>eats literal shit eaters

U like eat ass too, s o y b o y?

>> No.16411457

>One bullet or knife stab can end “Chad’s” life.
triggered betacuck cope

>> No.16411464

Oh god..that cringe cope

Chad kills you by mogging you to death when you stand next to him

>> No.16411469

i am pr autistic too.

>> No.16411490

Just do it
You'll end up ending your own all the same

>> No.16411505

Nope having 6 white babies is how you win at life. Shoo shlomo!

>> No.16411547

No need to get triggered.

>> No.16411553


>When Chad mogs you so hard you are driven to murderous rage

Chad still wins as he lies there bleeding out.
He will probably survive anyway because he's Chad. He will publicly forgive you, while you are sentenced to 10 years in prison.

>> No.16411563

Self defence isn’t murder and doesn’t need forgiveness

>> No.16411570

I guess I was referring to the VR set, Technically you can play VR chat but you there are women on there. You can be have your fantasies on their with underage women.

>> No.16411897
File: 49 KB, 510x495, cmon blyat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I can’t help what I’m into.

You actually can. Instead of exclusively reading whatever pretentious nonsense you're into, trying learning about and watching sports also. It's the easiest and most non-controversial topic of discussion. You can go to a bar and talk to just about anyone about their favorite sports teams over a few beers, and you'll have a made a friend.

It's perfectly fine to have weird have hobbies and interests. You veer into autist territory when those hobbies and interests are all that you know and talk about. To be a interesting person, you need a combination of common relatable hobbies/interests that can you help you talk to the normies, and one or two unique ones that give you something to teach and speak knowledgeably about during a conversation.

>> No.16411908

>Life is about survival, food and sex

t. literal low IQ animal

>> No.16412108

ourjeet is based you faggot, and he is trained to be social with autists

>> No.16412186

is there a dipping pool there too? how much does that cost? in what country? does the wind blow the pool water everywhere? do birds come into you house anon? can the neighbors see inside?

love the house though, happy for you.

>> No.16412215

Penthouse in Pattaya, Thailand, for sale at 2.5 million USD. There's a pool you can sort of see it bottom left of the pic.

>> No.16412339

can you post link for it, i really want to see more pics, its sort of my dream house

>> No.16412354

Keep calling people with a nice story niggers, that'll make you wealthy and nice enough to make friends

>> No.16412385

>If you kill your enemies, they win

>> No.16412530

Here you go.

>> No.16412541

Normalfags are literal animals.

You’re the normie.

>> No.16412617

thaks sir

>> No.16412635

Have sophistication.

>> No.16412663
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>> No.16412714

That's why you are bored. Bangkok sucks balls. I sold 10k link at 3.63avg and is going to spend a year in thailand. I have been vacationing there a month every year for the last 9 years ("business trip" to singapore. I have a few friends who have retired to thailand so I know more than tourists. Also spent 6months in Phuket and 2 in Chiang Mai.
But really, why the fuck would anyone who is not working there stay in bangkok?
I still hold 45k link and 3 btc and I resigned my souls crushing work as a glorified telemarketer.
I'm fuck you not going to spend more than a week in bangkok, that place sucks. Even Pattaya is better than bangkok. Bangkok is neither westernised nor authentic. Phuket, Chiang Mai is more interesting, I'm never bored I always end up meeting interesting people through my HOBBYIES - which do Not involve far-right ideologies, free market arguments and internet money. Those are my private oppinions I live out in my internet forums I frequent. I can advice you to do the same. Most expats are red pilled anyway.

>> No.16412783

*tips fedora*
Ah yes.. A fellow Nintendo switch connseour. My wife's son is a massive fan.

>> No.16412811

Why do you get mad about pointing out a simple fact?

>> No.16413073

I've never tasted foie gras in my life. You must be really rich to afford such gourmet food. I envy you.

>> No.16413108

>Lift weights 4/5 times a week, hit a punch bag occasionally
>This will make you stronger than 99% of delusional cucked men. Men only care about who's stronger. Doesn't matter if you're a brainy nerd or rich when an alpha Chad can rip your head off
I do this, but i still struggle with women. I can have women, and have some side chicks, but still get rejected a lot. Okay, most of them have i boyfriend, but still. Aren't i an alpha male now? I'm stronger than 98% of the males. Also, for those who wonder, yes, i have good facial traits. I think my personality is slightly awkward, which fucks everything up. Shit. I don't care, i don't give up.

>> No.16413136

>having babies is how you win at life
t. deshaqwan tyrone mbumbu

>> No.16413159

80% rejection rate is doing well as a guy, just saying, most dudes out there would be living closer to 99% if they asked out more than 5-6 girls in their entire lives

>> No.16413919

Actually for very pretty girls, my rejection rate is more like 99%. I once landed one, but she was a coke addict... Even for 40 years old pretty MILF, i get a 90% rejection rate. I feel that the unkown chad doesn't exist. I know a physical chad, very tall, smart, handsome, strong as fuck. The guy is slightly awkward as well, and women don't seem to drool over him.
Incels are wrong when they talk about Chad. Chad cannot be a nobody. To be a chad, you necessarily have to be somehow famous. Champion athlete, renown business man, some celebrity, or politician. I've seen women throwing themselves at famous politicians. But the nobody cannot really be a chad. I think if Jason Momoa was completely unkown, he would still struggle with pretty girls. Some will give the number, but in the end, the won't go to the date if they have a boyfriend, and 90% of pretty girls have a boyfriend. Even if you have success in life, like a very good job, or a successful small business, it won't make you a chad, even if you have a nice physique.
All you can hope to achieve is have some success, and capitalize on the number game. I feel that number game is the only hope.
OP might be the autistic incel type, but even if he wasn't, i could feel what it's like to have made it, but still have average success with women in life. That's the tragedy of the modern lone trader, alone behind his computer, he "made" it, but he is still an average guy, and of course he can't tell who he is and what he does, because it would only attracts the hyenas. You get to the paradox of having "made it", but still being an ordinary guy, with ordinary success with women. this era is strange. I think when successful men don't get the real fruit of their success, the era is ripe for a switch. 30 year old millionaire like OP, lonely, and without success with female, the system is in contradiction, and is going toward a tipping point.

>> No.16414067
File: 114 KB, 416x435, GzBMMN4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>life isn't about primally slaying as much puss as possible in the most degenerate way possible