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16411307 No.16411307 [Reply] [Original]

What is up with people who earn 250k+?
This is a very comfortable income. We’re talking take home 250k. Yet i have spoken to people like this and heard from others. They complain about it not being enough and whine. If you cant make it with 250k take home you must be retarded right? If you cant lice the life you want and find it fulfilling there has to be some issue.

They seem to only find fulfilment by looking at what others have and wanting more like them. For what fucking purpose? Sound like complete lack of internal desire or purpose.
I see value of making a shit load of money but at some point enough is enough

>> No.16411316

Fuck off, Bernie

>> No.16411324


I see nothing wrong with desire to make millions. Its the reason they i dont get. S large number of people in highest paying jobs seem to want more to keep up. Not because they want more.
If you put these people around those with less they’d want less too. What the fuck is up with that shit. Are the real humans? Do they have any internal drive at all or completely depend on others for knowing what they want.

>> No.16411333

They think the higher they get on the wealth ladder the more status they have ..

>> No.16411336

As someone who makes a good amount of money, people like this piss me off. Just find a level where you're comfortable and ride it. About 70% of my income is disposable at the moment and I wouldn't have it any other way. Sure, I could go out and buy a brand new truck or maybe try to flip a house, but why? Just means more bills and more to keep track of.

>> No.16411367


What use is this status for most though?
They won't become powerful or politically influencing. Most the time
They are just the highest paid wagies in finance jobs or law.

What use is it for your life? A lot of guys like that are beta as fuck and shit with women and dont realise its easy to get 10s even if broke.
Onky the biggest status whores seek them too(often old post wall women)

>> No.16411436

I make $250k but it's not enough for what I want to do and the potential for more is low.

If I work really fucking hard and put in 50-hour weeks for the next 3-4 years, I could hit $300k/yr. Fuck that.

For me at least, I have always wanted to retire early. I want millions of dollars so I can live off a small percentage and live a comfortable life without needing to have a boss or trade my time for money anymore.

>> No.16411449

The hours of a 250k job pretty much require a stay at home partner, so the money whilst good is covering 2 and a family. It doesn't go as far as you would think.

I'd be happy but some may certainly want more.

>> No.16411451

>They think the higher they get on the wealth ladder the more status they have .
A friend of mine went on a date with a guy at a tech company ten years older than her.

Dude made like $450k/yr. Must have put in a decade of hard work trading the best time of his life for money.

Dude was creepy as fuck and thought he was hot shit. Literally grabbed her head forced her to kiss him when she tried to turn away.

Not even, basically the body you'd expect of someone who was a middle-aged software engineer.

If he spent 10% less time working and put that into the gym instead he'd probably have gotten laid way more and wouldn't need to brag about his job to do it or force women to kiss him.

They are fucking dumb.

>> No.16411472

>As someone who makes a good amount of money, people like this piss me off. Just find a level where you're comfortable and ride it. About 70% of my income is disposable at the moment and I wouldn't have it any other way. Sure, I could go out and buy a brand new truck or maybe try to flip a house, but why? Just means more bills and more to keep track of.

I could ride $250k/yr forever or grind and busy my ass to try for $300k/yr. I'm gonna ride this shit till I get my $60k ($30k after taxes) bonus + stock in January and then quit my job and try to start lots of businesses.

I've got $500k I the bank.

I wanted the comfy, stable job, always telling myself I would just save most of my money and retire at 40 with a couple million but honestly I am so sick of working for someone else.

$500k is way more than enough to live off of for years while I validate business ideas and find one that can work.

>> No.16411519

I'm 25 yo from Europe. I went from being broke to somewhat wealthy (700k net worth, 150k-200k/ year post tax) over the course of 5 years.
One thing I have learned is that you (or at least I) always want more. When I was a broke college student I was dreaming about having just $20k in savings. Back then I unironically considered $100k in investments having /made it/.
When I reached $100k net worth I was happy and proud for a few days.. But then I quickly came to the conclusion that $100k really isn't much.. But having $250k now THAT would be amazing. But when I hit $250k I started dreaming about hitting $500k.. and so on..
Having income/ net worth as your primary goal in life will lead to a very unhappy life imo.. You will never be satisfied.

>> No.16411533

Them making that money in and of itself drives them to be this way, If they came from nothing and made it off crypto they would be more conservative.

>> No.16411540
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If you make 250k a year and invest 150k a year after tax for 10 years and invest it all in divid end stocks in 15 years would you make it?

Could you live off dividends and dedicate the rest of your days to your hobbies?

>> No.16411543 [DELETED] 

Also, when you're pure it's very easy to imagine that money would solve all your problems and make you really happy.. But in reality that's far from always the case. Of course money is great, but there are tons of unhappy wealthy people.

>> No.16411551

Also, when you're poor it's very easy to imagine that money would solve all your problems and make your life a lot better.. But in reality that's far from always the case. Of course money is great, but there are tons of unhappy wealthy people.

>> No.16411552
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idk most people in america that make 250k a year would have 200k+ in just student loans right? So that's like 5 years paying them off, then these people have to buy a family home, raise a family have 2.5 kids, buy 2 cars, save up for kids collage e.c.t

Unless your crazy rich having a family means you can't make it.

>> No.16411558
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This is dumb, most people would be happier if they had more purchasing power. Most poor people have money problems whilst rich people can afford to worry about other problems

>> No.16411573

It's really not and I'm sure most Anons on here who have gone from being broke to wealthy can confirm.
As I said, yes, money is great and can solve some problems, but a lot of poor people have this 'I'm miserable now but if only I was rich I would be happy' mentality. That's how I used to think myself. I don't know anyone who went from being miserable to really enjoying life because of money.

>> No.16411579
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Well I can't speak for everyone
but the things money has bought for me and the security it gives me is a blessing

>> No.16411588


You realise people do this with much less right?
Literally like most people achieve that on a fraction of 250k

>> No.16411589

For me it's mainly the freedom. I don't really buy very many things.
I was enjoying life just as much (if not more) when I was a broke college student. I can't say that going from a $250k net worth to a $700k net worth has made my life that much better.

>> No.16411595

There are some easy to use savings calculators online you can use for calculating this. Just google it.

>> No.16411680

>o that's like 5 years paying them off, then these people have to buy a family home, raise a family have 2.5 kids, buy 2 cars, save up for kids collage e.c.t

Yea, but the problem is that they buy multimillion dollar homes and 70,000 dollar cars instead of living cheaply. At all income levels people live beyond their means.

>> No.16411703

Actually I agree with you OP. If you have a lot of wealth, there should be a good reason for it that aligns with your passions or goals. But what if that passion is love of money? Its a game, and it can be such a pure challenge reward system.

Myself I have a goal for high wealth, and for it I will need minimum $5 Million but ultimately $100 Million. To create a revolution in food and housing systems, and the startup is very expensive. I feel that having a need, paves the way for means.

>> No.16411715

What business did you start that got you where you are now?

>> No.16411940

>he thinks 250k is a lot
literally lmaoing @ u rn

>> No.16411984

You are fucking clueless. You make more than a surgeon in Europe. You can easily achieve your goals on that huge salary. You are an idiot. Sorry just trying to wake you up.

>> No.16411992

They only take home 150K after taxes.
Can you imagine having 100K stolen from you each fucking year without any compensation ?

>> No.16412054

If you weren’t a neet you would know how expensive shit is. 250k is middle class in NY/CALI

>> No.16412099

>200k net

>> No.16412154

I'm assuming everyone here is larping with minimum wage salaries.

>> No.16412162

These people must have women in their lives affecting their finances, either as a wife/girlfriend, being in charge of the finances, or a spoiled wife/girlfriend/daughter/sugar baby that they let have anything they want.

Because only women play games like keeping up with the Joneses, or get envious seeing what other female friends/relatives/classmates/etc have "achieved", whether material things like cars, jewelry, designer brand things, or traveling.

When males see their buddies post such things on social media, sure there might be a bit of jealousy, but their reaction is nothing more than "that's awesome bro".

Other women will literally make the lives of their "beta provider" hell if they know they can coerce them to get them to a similar "status" they can use to brag to other females on social media.

I'm 100% sure that if you look into the lives of the people you are talking about OP, there is a woman/women in their life inflating their lifestyle.

>> No.16412188


Exactly. If you cantdo wtf u want on take home 250k you are retarded and just trying to keep up with other tards.
Exceptions for inventors etc but they arent wagies

>> No.16412200

It's true. I'm not a wagie and I live in a wealthy country.

>> No.16412223

As someone who went from broke to financially independent, I can say that money solved almost all of my problems.

The freedom is unparalleled. I don't ever have to worry about the time I get up, or any deadlines. I can do whatever the fuck I want whenever the fuck I want.

Most of my remaining problems are the that money wouldn't have solved anyway, like family/relationship issues and junk.

And even then, money gives me the option of just packing up and leaving everything behind if I get fed up enough (especially with the option of taking everything with me as crypto).

>> No.16412293

How did you make it?

>> No.16412319

Eh, he can still put time in the since he's rich. He's secured for life

>> No.16412333


>> No.16412346

Ok, what kind of business do you have?

>> No.16412367


Because niggers have no financial sense, that's why.

>> No.16412416

A 250k salary will barely get you a two bedroom with comfortable savings rate in places that actually pay that much. Ex brooklyn: https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/405-Dean-St-APT-1A-Brooklyn-NY-11217/68312923_zpid/

>> No.16412419

I remember Forbes tried to explain it once. Basically, as you get richer and rise in status, expectations are higher as well. You are expected to have a nice suit, car and house, all of which costs money. If you don't maintain that image, you risk people thinking less of you and not climbing any higher. Plus, as you earn more, you will probably have to work more, so you won't have time to clean, cook, take care of the children etc, so you have to hire a cleaner, nanny, order food all the time, etc.

>> No.16412425


Why do you need to climb more after a certain point? Its called diminishing returns

>> No.16412435

I don't know why they do it, I'm just recalling what forbes or whatever wrote.

>> No.16412441

>If you don't maintain that image, you risk people thinking less of you

Yes, but this is why normalfags are retarded. They care too much about what other people think. Buffet-sama lived like a pauper his entire life even though he's been making billions for decades.

You don't need a Mcmansion and an Escalade if you don't want one.

>> No.16412452

kys defeatist faggot

>> No.16412456

Maybe because not everyone can deliver results like buffet, most have to fake it 'til they make it, which is why image is important.

>> No.16412471

But Buffet works for himself. His status or image has little to do with his performance. While say someone at Goldman Sachs can't climb the ranks because he's not playing the status game and so his ''friends'' at goldman don't want to associate themselves with him because everyone's seeing and being seen, missing out on networking, opportunities and career improvements. I don't know if that's how it is, I can imagine it is.

>> No.16412473

Funny how you can people normalfags while extolling a casino hustler

>> No.16412742

I'll bite.. how is it easy to get 10s.

>> No.16412785

I want a yacht worth tens of millions of dollars as a joke of course. I need money for that, it is a inside joke, you wouldn't get it. But it has a good setup if I only had enough

>> No.16412793

At 6% return you'd have 2 million.

>> No.16412817

Be tall and attractive

>> No.16412830

You cant typically make $250K and be fine though unless you're a programmer working remote or senior management at a sattelite location and purposefully making less than what you're worth. Beyond that, most $250K+ jobs are in management and require longer working hours and the ability to be on call. As a result you typically need to live very close to your place of employment with on demand transportation. Take two seconds to realize that these jobs are often located in places like the heart of NYC or San Francisco and you have your answer as to why they want more than $250K.

>> No.16412833

>Living in NY

>> No.16412842

If you live in a HCOL city, and you have a house, your mortgage alone could be 5k. So assuming 5k in other monthly expenses, and 30% taken by taxes, 250*0.7 - (10*12) = 55k left over, which is not bad, but many people earning that much will have even higher housing costs+ property taxes+higher monthly costs

>> No.16412854

So conceivably, you could be making 250k and saving nothing

>> No.16412890


So what is it worth?
Your spending power is literally cut. You may be better off with a less paid job. That leaves the only reason retards take them being status or to say i earn X

>> No.16412908

You nailed it anon

>> No.16412925

I'd say its worth $250K. Its actually not a bad idea to grin and bear it, and then opt for a move to a sattelite location in an area with a low COL once you feel your salary is high enough. It's not uncommon for people to climb the ladder to say, $400K, and then relocate while hanging on to the $400K salary or maybe at worst taking a slight dock in pay and then live like kings in their new area on a salary that wouldn't have been obtainable otherwise.

>> No.16412929

Why don't you just live as if you only make $100k and then invest the other $150k into crypto/stocks/etc? Why do you feel the need to bloat your expenses so that you're just running on a hamster wheel? With $150k a neet could live for like 7 years.

>> No.16413272

>250k not enough

Assuming that is AFTER taxes I could easily retire with that.
>Save $220,000 a year due to low expenses
>$2.2 million after 10 years
>Mid 30's
>Stick it into very safe investments (2% interest)
>$44,000 a year pretaxes

Not enough?
>5 more years
>$3.3 million
>$66,000 pretaxes

>> No.16413339

>I said in mine heart, Go to now, I will prove thee with mirth, therefore enjoy pleasure: and, behold, this also is vanity. I said of laughter, It is mad: and of mirth, What doeth it? I sought in mine heart to give myself unto wine, yet acquainting mine heart with wisdom; and to lay hold on folly, till I might see what was that good for the sons of men, which they should do under the heaven all the days of their life.

>I made me great works; I builded me houses; I planted me vineyards: I made me gardens and orchards, and I planted trees in them of all kind of fruits: I made me pools of water, to water therewith the wood that bringeth forth trees: I got me servants and maidens, and had servants born in my house; also I had great possessions of great and small cattle above all that were in Jerusalem before me: I gathered me also silver and gold, and the peculiar treasure of kings and of the provinces: I gat me men singers and women singers, and the delights of the sons of men, as musical instruments, and that of all sorts. So I was great, and increased more than all that were before me in Jerusalem: also my wisdom remained with me. And whatsoever mine eyes desired I kept not from them, I withheld not my heart from any joy; for my heart rejoiced in all my labour: and this was my portion of all my labour. Then I looked on all the works that my hands had wrought, and on the labour that I had laboured to do: and, behold, all was vanity and vexation of spirit, and there was no profit under the sun.

>> No.16413359

Surviving on 30k a year, in a place where you're making 360k+ is the tricky part. Possible yes, if you have no family, no house, live with roommates, dont eat out for those 10 years

>> No.16413371

You can live a comfortable life on 100k AUD a year, let alone USD,LET ALONE 250k USD. This is what wealth does - it corrupts the moment you get a mere taste.

>> No.16413385

>A friend of mine
Spends the rest of the post shitting on this guy shamelessly without confronting the fact that she went out on a date with him and not YOU and you're just friends with her. Move on bro.

>> No.16413421
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At 2% interest you're still losing net worth to inflation.
Also, this plan only works if you never start a family

>> No.16413504


Financial independence and minimalism has been a great way to feel content.

A lot of the day to day problems most of feel can easily melt away in your mind when you take a deep breath and remember you're going to be fine because you don't have baggage dragging you down.

A lot of the times just having the money and not necessarily freaking out about my next payment to make means I could spend more time to focus my energy on other things like fitness or just finding the time to go out of my way to meet up with people. Small normal conversations feel even more valuable to me now and for what, the cost of a coffee and a half hour with a friend? If I was living paycheck to paycheck I'd probably say fuck the person I need to get ahead of my bills.

>> No.16413566

OP, the average american wastes 882$ a year on dollar shave club, audible, netflix, tipping waitresses and deliveries, twitch donations, steam games.
that is not including his mobile plan 30$ a month.
that is not including his iGadget he buys every year
that is not including his car lease and college debt.
that is not including his 50$ at the bar for 2 beers and peanuts.
that is not including waiting in line for his 5$ starbucks coffee.

now do you begin to understand?
and those who make 250k waste even more on useless shit. they have life insurance for fuck sake 80$ a month, can you imagine?

they have fucking nannies and housecleaners and buy "organic" shit.
the average american eats out 5 days a week.

and all the stuff i just said....are a complete waste of money and dont provide you with anything of value at the end of the day.

>> No.16413587

to continue my post:
can you imagine being drained every month for TV + mobile plan + netflix + car payment?
i would feel like all my money is being sucked away.

and the retarded americans pay for audible and dollar shave club on top of that.

consider this: a good quality metal cutters are 25$
a "ridge wallet" made from 2 thin pieces of aluminum is 70$

this is why the average american cant make it with 250k a year. you are simply too dumb and there are 10 different subscriptions made to suck your money away...as long as you are alive.

buying something once is one thing, but being drained every month like a blood tax? duuuuuuuuude

>> No.16413609

imagine on top of all that, you wasting so much money, imagine having a woman thats melting your money.

holy shit youre screwed.

>> No.16413702

This is what NEETs don't understand. They're thinking low six figs in whatever flyover they're in while living at home with mom and dad, while completely neglecting the fact that if that were an option, everyone would be doing exactly that in their hometowns instead of flocking to the cities.

>> No.16413718

The people complaining that 250k isn't enough usually have kids. And depending on what's going on with your kids, you can easily go bankrupt

>> No.16413720
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You aren't getting '10s' if you make $250k

You are getting a '8' who is calculating how to get the highest earner to pay for her kids' privileges.

>> No.16413834


Why do you need to live in the city center in a huge apartment?
You know you can live in places like NYC etc without being in the middle in a huge apartment and its a lot cheaper.

>> No.16413883

>t. 20 year old incel coomer
if you can't get a 10/10 on $250k a year take home pay, you are doing it wrong

>> No.16413961



Easy. Be attractive. You don't need any money other than not being homeless. That means attractive behavior more than physically, but physically magnify it. Attractive behavior and looks is extremely potent. Women will want to fuck you. the 10s desire sex with this sort of person.

Now money is attractive in a different way. It appeals to women provider instinct. thats it. They dont get wet from it or anything. they dont desire sex with a man because he is rich, but they will have sex with him in a kind of transaction to get access. its a different kind of sex and you can notice it.

So a rich bozo with no game who doesnt have that attractive behavior isn't getting any 10s at all unless he pay a hooker. as a rule 10s are 20-25. Those women dont chase money yet. the ones that do aren't 10s and that high value.
So you instead get women past their best, 30+ hunting for a provider. Thats all money really attracts on its own.

unfortunately for the majority of bozos in high paying jobs they completely neglected the attractive behavior side of the equation. so often times those 10s were sucking broke chads dick and loving every minute of it from 20-27, then chad wouldn't commit still and they decide they better find a rich guy before its too late.

>> No.16413967


A spending habit will make sure you never have too much money

>> No.16414477


Don't forget about social attractiveness.

Some people are just able to move through crowds and someone's bound to notice them and say hello.

>> No.16415120

>They are just the highest paid wagies in finance jobs or law.
True. It's not even status. Champion athlete is status. Hollywood celebrity. Well known business man. But yeah, earning 250k in finance don't gives you status, unironically. Girls don't give a fuck if you are some nobody guy working in finance. They would want your wallet, but not you. It's different of you are a NFL or soccer star player.

>> No.16415310

The most surefire was to get laid as an 18-30 year old man is social proofing. If you have a group of friends, particularly females, who will vouch for you and say you're a cool guy–you're gonna get laid.

>> No.16415381

I know right? I made $70k and felt like I was living like a millionaire. I assume the $250k crowd have high maintenance wives who spend thousands each month shopping

>> No.16415396

Like my dad has made $500k for the past 8years and before that $250-$300k for over 15 years. And they're still worried about having enough for retirement. That's not even taking into their 401k that they started putting money into like 30 years ago.

>> No.16415694


Pretty much, just in the same way as someone in the group can pull the plug on any chance you have.

>> No.16416070

Because they don't want to feel poor even though they're poor. They would rather keep an image of prosperity than live within their means.

>> No.16416105

This, and the sad thing is that the entire coin-operated instagram apartment lifestyle is perpetuated by like 10 kids with the legitimate means to do so (due entirely to familial wealth), and then regurgitated like a waterfall all the way down to lower-middle class people who get their first high income jobs in their 20s and can barely scrape by in that environment.

That last group of people are an easy demographic, they'll do anything to escape feeling or looking like their parents.

>> No.16416124

250k is the bare minimum to be middle class desu

>> No.16416133
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>t. doesn't have children

>> No.16416144

Too me, 1 Trillion isn't enough.
I want it all.

>> No.16416220
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They could be earning 500k a year and it would still be the same story. Their lifestyle would expand to meet the new income and they still won't be investing their money.

Staying in a 6 figure job forever and not using all that money to do something like start a business and/or put it into good investments is exactly what someone with no long term plans or self motivation does.

>> No.16416227

1 trillion is enough to spend 350 million dollars every day for the rest of your ife.

>> No.16416253

Girls don't want you if you're an NFL or soccer player either. They want exposure to your status.
If an NFL player goes homeless then all of a sudden no girls want him anymore.

>> No.16416422

The priority should be this assuming someone making 250K lives in a large city:
>move away from the ghetto and crime ridden areas
>start saving for your kids education fund (but also encourage them to take up trade school if that's what they want to do)
>save money to create memories with family

All those things are very expensive though. So depending on whether the family is hemorrhaging money, I can see how things can still be pretty tight.
As people make more money, they tend to also increase their costs when it comes to things like their kids.
Better health insurance, perhaps private school, setting aside money for college since there wont be any financial aid, mortgage for a house in a nice area (usually pay like that demands living in a metropolitan city so the housing costs are massive).
Also because of Trumps new tax laws, I think property taxes are no longer deductible on the federal level in California and probably some other democrat states as well. It has to do with a conflicting law. So that's a lot of money that is spent.

Usually the wife is going to want an expensive new car every 8 years, so that's also a sizable amount of money. Not to mention the cost of food, etc.

Generally I agree with you. 250K should ideally provide for a family of 4 or 5 comfortably even in a large metropolitan area. But I can also see why they'd still want to try getting a little more as they keeping raising their living cost.

>> No.16416460

>in a city where you can actually make $250k
>but not in the ghetto
>supporting a family of 4 or 5
U avin a giggle m8?

>> No.16416513

Nigger what the fuck are you even saying? Do you plan to spoil your children with 300 dollar toys abs 50k educations. Don't be retarded.

With a quarter million salary you could easily retire early within 10 years. Just invest in the stock market. The more capital you have the more you make. Live like a peasant for two years and invest all your saved money. Bam that's like 3 years worth of income after market gains.

>> No.16416518

>spoils his children
You're children are going to love soi

>> No.16416560

Is this a joke? I had all of that growing up in a expensive city with a household income of about 120k.

You are a retard. Why can't you just live a normal middle class life and save enough money to retire now. The chance that your child will have a 250k salary is very slim no matter what schools you send him to. Your kid would be a lot happier at 18 with a million dollar future inheritance than he would be going to some fine diner in a foreign country at the age of 10.

>> No.16416607

Wage slaving fucking sucks

>> No.16416643


instagram is amazing.
The entire keeping up with the jones shit used to be limited to your own neighbors. very likely to be in your own social economic level, or close to it at least. Or maybe your school mates etc. same stuff. If you saw a very succesful former classmate you wouldn't see much of them often. they were not in your bubble to keep up with.

Then Instagram came. suddenly EVERYONE is your neighbor. even celebreties. you all have the same real estate on instagram in the form of a profile. everyone is keeping up with the jones on a mass scale now but its fucked because as you mention, people are in vastly different leagues of social economic ladder. so for the most part, it just makes the middle class even more depressed and stupid.

>> No.16416731

Money is the great game everyone plays and some people are competitive. How fucking dumb are you?

>> No.16416759

If I just had money in 2006... I would have never had to work a day in my life.
Now I'm stuck at this awful job and a full lifetime ahead of hating it.

>> No.16416773

It all begins when theg start buying property instead of renting while flipping their money.
>real estate is dead
>buy the dip

>> No.16416790

eh he's been dressing rich and driven around in expensive cars forever. don't you worry about him

>> No.16416819
File: 27 KB, 317x499, 272FB066-88D5-4D89-8ACE-7433A7356D52.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I work in big tech. A lot of people have fragile egos. When your job becomes your whole existence, someone making more than you will fuck you up, not getting a promotion will fuck you up. Money won’t fix your life. Start working on your happiness now.

>> No.16416896
