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16402289 No.16402289 [Reply] [Original]

>family has a dozen houses total worth about 6 million euro poors
>mostly inherited
>we all live like poor people coz parents are not business minded and sisters are ordinary thots

I try to open my mouth and im greeted by either lethargy, extreme defensiveness, or straight up panic

I proposed they exchange 2 houses with a villa and stop living in a condominium and im told that it doesnt matter where we live

>> No.16402329

You need to prove over a sustained period of time that you are going to upgrade everyones lives. Dress well, speak well, act with purpose and boomers and roasties will just fall into line.

>> No.16402352

you spoke like a boomer

>> No.16402355

Just wait till the pension crisis hits they’ll be goose stepping in doubletime

>> No.16402365

Just tell them to sign this paper which gives you full ownership of all properties but tell them it’s so you can pick up their heart medication. Then sell all the properties and spend it on skanky white women while you masturbate to them getting gang raped by black men. Problem solved.

>> No.16402379

i have siblings. these senile boomers decided to have 3 children to make sure they ruin our only chance at wealth. also they cant use condoms properly; classic boomers

>> No.16402423

You asked what boomers respond to and thats it.

>> No.16402459

nar, boomers did me good. bought me and my sibling a house each. lent me interest free money to buy another house. when they die my sibling and I will basically be able to retire. based boomers is all I gotta say.

>> No.16402565

Just hold btc and ltc krautboi and you will make it.

>> No.16402588

> these senile boomers decided to have 3 children

You sound like a horrible little shit

>> No.16402637

lol why do you give a fuck?
they aren't giving you shit and you ain't changing shit. shut the fuck up, move out, and live your life.
wow holy shit!

>> No.16402667

>shut the fuck up, move out, and live your life

in other words; get cuck'd, move out in the streets, throw away family wealth, get no pussy and start shooting drugs. In my country average wage is 800 a month and average rent is 750 a month

Real solid advice from a board that's trying to ride on a collapsed ponzi scheme

>> No.16402689


>> No.16402705
File: 48 KB, 1000x800, GE793TY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not fucked that much, My jew dad demands that I pay 500$ rent but I refuse as I don't even eat at his house since i buy my own ramen and food. I use electricity,water and internet(which he uses as much as me). I've gained resentment against my dad that I'm not taking care of him or going to his funeral, Fuck him for trying to kick me out while I'm broke and investing in crypto.

>> No.16402708

>I proposed they exchange 2 houses with a villa and stop living in a condominium and im told that it doesnt matter where we live
What? In this case youre the boomer, why exchange assests against a liability, just to have a higher social standing or some shit?

Better question is what is done with the income of these 6 houses?

>> No.16402709

You're an awful son and you deserve nothing. Go do something, build something, work somewhere. Stop whining. Your parents owe you nothing. The world owes you nothing.

>> No.16402710

>these senile boomers decided to have 3 children to make sure they ruin our only chance at wealth.
Lmao what an ungrateful cunt. I'm no boomer sympathiser but fuck you for real.

>> No.16402711

You are in position to give advice to your family if you have no experience in dealing with real life. kys shitstain

You parents cringe whenever you open your mouth

>> No.16402712

Excellent goy. Break up the family unit.

>> No.16402716

Why are the tards that talk about "generational wealth" always the ones that would clearly squander it.

>> No.16402723


i hate people like you so much. You vermin just dont understand that money = power. I am on a higher strata than you are. part nobility

i avoid people like you in real life becaus you are just jail-bait

>> No.16402724

>family is just money
kys Jew

>> No.16402726

You are a sewer vermin. All people with money recognize it instantly. Your a laughing stock to all wealthy people.

>> No.16402727

>The world owes you nothing.
The world owes me genetically engineered cat traps with massive dicks, so fuck you faggot.

>> No.16402732

It's mainly a western idea for parents to disown their kids. The problem is, Our parents don't teach us shit. Asians, Nordic people have trades and cultures they carry out for centuries while westerns don't have anything. We are literally a lost generation with parents that don't care about their child's success. A complete failure on most parents part in the west right now, All thanks to the 60's.

>> No.16402738

>It's the 60sies fault for me not developing any marketable skills despite living a life of wealth.

This is exactly why you don't deserve money from your parents. Your a HUGE WASTER already

>> No.16402743

big words on an anonymous hentai forum lol hahhahaha. little insect flipping burgers

>All people with money recognize it instantly

u r so new to the world and my country. its easier to win the lottery than become a self-made millionaire

you are nothing

>> No.16402747

False, Parents are supposed to raise their children and teach them valuable skills, That's why it's called raising a kid. Western parents have failed at this where other parts of the world has not and america is proof.

>> No.16402758

the older we get the more we realize we are our parents product. have you ever met a lawyer or doctor that wasnt forced by parents to become so at age 18?

its all about guidance...when there's none you better have a family busines or else youre fucked

>> No.16402759

>projecting so blatantly
>lacking self-reflection while having a temper tantrum about not being owed his lottery-ticket
You would waste all money given to you. You should be given to a local dog shelter because you're not better than a dig. At least a dog is friendly, you're just a little shit.

>> No.16402766

Guess OP parents pampered him top no end. This is why they are at fault as far as his shitty attitude is concerned.

Disowning him is the panacea.

>> No.16402767

>because you're not better than a dog

so your gf fucks a dog?

>> No.16402771

>typical thought process of a waster with rich parents

>> No.16402772

Yea western parents have been real bad at guiding us. Case examples, Asian culture has a strong sense of family because their parents teach them valuable trades that will help them in life. Woodworkers, Craftsmen and builders in norway are taught by their parents. In america this does not exist. At the root of the problem it's the jews, But boomers fell for the bait of globalist propaganda in the 60's with this carefree attitude, LOOK at how it is affecting us.

>> No.16402781

Asian parents are ruthless tasks masters you little shit. You scream in pain when even a fraction of that discipline is applied to you, so shut the fuck up human refuse.

>> No.16402793

False, My parents never taught me anything and I was never a spoiled child and always listened to my parents. The truth is you are a boomer that cannot admit you failed in teaching your kids to be successful, It is something that is taught and is ultimately the fault of the parents. Kids are not born successful and parents much team them. Just the fact that you call asians tasks masters when in reality they have the strongest families in the worlds besides jews show how deluded you are.

>> No.16402803

Why don't your parents trust you?

>> No.16402815

>Kids are not born successful and parents much team them

this x1000

I repeat myself

>have you ever met a lawyer or doctor that wasnt forced by parents to become so at age 18?

if these 18 year olds were not forced they would just wander around aimlesslessly drinkin and fuckin...then when they go broke they go flip burgers like this sewer dweller >>16402759

he is a senile boomer i think

low iq and they already rich AF unlike me (im only upper middle class rich)

>> No.16402836

He cannot admit that parents are at fault. The fact that the societies that have the best family culture and the parents support the kids the most, Also have the most smartest and successful kids says something. America is unique and one of a kind, And it is not normal

>> No.16402841

Projecting. Eliot Rodger-tier ego without significant accomplishments to back it up. False sense of importance. Arrogant. Low IQ. Maybe you should try day trading as it doesn't involve the critical social skills needed for business that you seem to miss.

>> No.16402846

im rich . u poor. kys

>> No.16402847

If I'm projecting then why do societies with the smartest children in the world also have the strongest family values and support from their parents? Oh yea america is different and the kids here are just dumb because they were born dumb, THE PARENTS TOTALLY HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH!!!

>> No.16402927

Grow up. Sure parents can be a very good support, but at some point you have to take control. Your parents are individuals just like you and don't know shit about the world. Stop relying on others that you take for granted to make it. Build your own network.

>> No.16402941

I don't understand your problem anon.
They are living frugally apparently. Thats great for you as long as you are in the will. Its a safety net.
You can go into the world and start small-time businesses and feel secure because you know when shit goes sideways you have a family with wealth.
Also they won t live forever and inheriting a couple of those houses sounds great.

By trying to make them sell shit now you are decreasing your future inheritance, idiot.

>> No.16402957

>asian parent support
>not just making them unwilling slaves to their will
read about asan parenting as you clearly know nothing

>> No.16402960

I should know shit about the world, That's what parents are for. They are their to teach you. The only people saying parents shouldn't be teachers for you to be successful are coping boomers. Parents and their ability and attention to their kid determine their success. If parents don't teach their kids anything and expect them to get degrees that pay no money, Guess what you end up with, a generation of failed and mislead kids. Countless societies that have strong family culture in them are DIRECT PROOF that american kids are not at fault.

>> No.16402975

Asians teach their kids to be succesful and to be disciplined. They teach them skills and trades which is tradition in their cultures, Americans do not do this. Asians produce some of the most succesful kids in the world because of their discipline. American kids are not disciplined enough and do not know any valuable skills which should have been taught and ingrained by the parents. parents born from 40-60's have been worried about peace and love rather than taking care of their kids. This is a completely american thing, Stop talking out of your ass.

>> No.16402981

What if I agree with you and feel I’m a product of failed parenting but I also cringe at putting blame on someone else. I’m always at odds with myself

>> No.16402998

Kids deserve to be taught with discipline and valuable skills, They don't fucking come out of the womb knowing how to build barns and how to milk cows. American parents have royally failed in teaching their kids any skill or discipline. Now it's to the point where parents just hand their kids phones. I'm not saying the current generation of parents are better, I'm saying boomers started this catastrophe of bad parenting, Which is only going to lead to more bad, unskilled and undisciplined children.

>> No.16403000

My father failed to take proper father leader role too and never sat me down for a proper dad-talk ever. I still have a great live and they gave me a good childhood with nice vacations, a good home, education and so on.

I just think the concept of being a good father and family union has been washed out of boomers with 50+ years of socialist propaganda.

Blame the propagandists, not your boomers.

>> No.16403004

To add, This is a uniquely american and western problem. Countries that do not subscribe to american ideals like nordic or Asian cultures do not have these problems like Americans do.

>> No.16403008

those boomers by the way mostly had strict parents themselves. Then ever since the 60s they were taught that strict parenting is bad.
They think they are doing the right thing by being shitty parents

>> No.16403010


>> No.16403011

scandinavians are cucked to the brim

>> No.16403012

>to be disciplined
Now tell me how drilling a child into being disciplined looks like. You'd sperg out at the first sign of your parents trying to instill that into you as those are nothing more than millitary-drill like activities you sperg

>> No.16403014

You don't know what my parents are like, You don't know my life and in actuality my parents were very strict, Especially my dad. Problem is they didn't teach me jack shit about life or how to save money or anything.

>> No.16403015

Checked nice trips. Do you like your parents? I consider my father an enemy I have to place nice with so I don’t upset his fragile disordered brain when I see him once a year

>> No.16403021

But that's a scapegoat in and of itself, I'm a small percentage of these kids that are lost and wandering. PROOF that this is a UNIQUELY AMERICAN PROBLEM is that the countries who have strong family values where the parents support their kids in their 30's are smarter and more successful in society and this is a fact.

>> No.16403023

>you are going to upgrade everyones lives
>everyones lives
People should do that themselve
> will just fall into line
No they wont

>> No.16403028

You showed that your a pampered little shitstain who sperg rages at HINTS of forming an actually human out of you.

Your parents should cull you - you are hopeless

>> No.16403030

Your shit is all gay and sounds eerily similar to my upbringing. Father was strict and mean but instead of building me up he broke me down. Mother barely present except to tell me everything was okay. Fuck boomers

>> No.16403041

You showed that you are a massive boomer, Tell me how many hours my parents stayed at work while I was home alone if you know me so well? Please tell me how many times I was neglected?

>> No.16403042

>boomers too strict!
>boomers too lenient!
You sad sacks of shit are EXACTLY like boomers. die

>> No.16403045

Kek.You made a lot of of wagies seethe but I'm with you.

>> No.16403048

Nobody here is saying strict parents are bad, Stop putting words in peoples mouths.

>> No.16403052

low tier NEETS (not self-sufficient) are nothing but rats. It's always enjoyable too see their pathetic attempts at dopamine mining as a self-sufficient NEET

>> No.16403055

It sounds like your father didn't teach you shit then, Too bad he never used that discipline to make something useful out of your life.

>> No.16403058

this boomer mentality is so fucking cancerous its actually unreal

kys npc golem

>> No.16403060

I’m afraid I probably am very much like my father. But you are deeply sad inside and should seek help

>> No.16403061

Have you read the post I'm referring to?

>Absolute retardation of waster apes

>> No.16403064

Yea. I know they love me and would be there when shit hits the fan. However despite having had a ton of life experience and multiple big careers he never took the time to talk to me about what he thinks is important and how the wold works and all that shit. Hes self absorbed in a weird way. The only support they really give is financial, which I never really needed.
Also I suspect he got a bit jelly when I started a successful drop-shipping business which feels weird.
I'm pretty sure if they had played parenting differently we could be on our way to generational wealth instead of all 3 brothers wagecucking in different cities.

Why is your dad an enemy?

>> No.16403068

>Father was strict and mean but instead of building me up he broke me down.

Yea his father was mean and he didn't teach him shit, That does not equal discipline or teaching of a child.

>> No.16403079

OP is the one creating friction

>> No.16403091

I was talking to someone recently and I realized most people don’t connote discipline with negativity. Discipline was taught to me as “I yell at you for x” “I hit you because y” whenever I talk to people who have good relationships with their parents about shit like this I feel robbed

>> No.16403103
File: 9 KB, 195x293, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the hallmark of the boomer generation is the "all positive" bringing up of children. You want all the upsides of boomer upbringing with no negatives.

Fuck off boomer spawn

>> No.16403114

So do you love boomers or hate them? Nothing you say is coherent it’s all a fucking mish mash of retard shit

>> No.16403123

So many retard replies itt, standard biz nowadays

>> No.16403133

I don't give a shit. playing on the retarded waster ape sensibilities

>> No.16403134


OMG. Im in the exact same boat. My dad owns land worth £5m in a third world country. He won't give me a penny and gets defensive whenever I ask about his property. Dad is 76 years old.

im 32 working in a dead end job. FML

>> No.16403141

He should give it to charity

>> No.16403227

OP, i am with you! my parents have 7 houses, 5 german cars, 4 local cars, and they are still waging their souls to the banks (debts). They forgot the purpose of "working" which is to keep the family alive. Now we dont even spend time together or talk about the future since they prefer working. They dont even take days off holy shit.

I wish God invited them early to His kingdom so I can take all the wealth, sell/rent the cars, invest the profits.

>> No.16403235

Gonna be real funny when he dies and the 3rdy country repossess it. Enjoy the dead end job buddy!

>> No.16403257

Whats wrong with you? Them working means they don't diminish your inheritance.
They have those cars and houses which you may be ablse to sell because they work that hard. You will probably squander it when you get it.

>> No.16403290

>like nordic or Asian cultures
>Countries that do not subscribe to american ideals

>> No.16403325

Hes retarded. Nords are cucking almost even harder

>> No.16403343

>Thinking nordic countries have always been cucked. The majority of people in asia and nordic countries don't have the same family values as the USA for the majority of parents.


>> No.16403358

What are you trying to say with that post retard?

>> No.16403365
File: 64 KB, 552x789, 714904DC-52BC-4190-A60E-A4FB30ECC37C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Faggot work for your money, you have no legit or moral right to ask them to do something you brainlet think is financially a good idea

>> No.16403379

I'm saying you're a kike boomer for defending america and its boomer parents in any shape or form. I'm also saying you're retarded because you think because a society has got subverted it has always been that way. Also how is it this time of year in Israel?

>> No.16403386

This thread again?

>> No.16403397

Jews GTFO out of their families as soon at it is possible you tard

>> No.16403404

>you're a kike boomer
Why do you say that retard?
> defending america and its boomer parents
Where di I defend them retard?
>Also how is it this time of year in Israel?
I dunno
Im not jew and Im not from Israel

>> No.16403416

>Where di I defend them retard?
I was quoting also and talking to >>16403325, But I'm going to assume you agree with him because he agreed with what you said

False, Jews are extremely close with their family and other jews in general. A complete lie.

>> No.16403431


>> No.16403458

>part nobility
I have bad news for you. You're a legit pleb at heart, your thread is cringe.
>its easier to win the lottery than become a self-made millionaire
it's not, you can "easily" become a self-made millionaire (high-paying job, saving money, investing) and it just proved you're a fucking brainlet who has no business telling his parents what to do. no wonder they don't trust you, they know you're stupid.

>> No.16403530


>> No.16403553


>> No.16403558

Jesus this board is filled with children doing nothing thinking they are intelligent just because they «invest» their lunch money into crypto. Kms poorfag or go take a job and live like a man

>> No.16403628

have fun shitting yourself boomer scum

>> No.16403629

You need to rethink your ways
Or visit a doctor

>> No.16403648

awww no zoomers buying your harley davidson bikes? kek too bad zoomers will not be deceived by (((you guys))) anymore

>> No.16403661

That’s why you get them to sign ownership to you, you dumb shit. Damn, you’re a nigger.

>> No.16403953

You guys really think world owe you everything. You’ll hit the wall faggots. Stay poor niggers stfu and be happy with the gibs you already get

>> No.16403977
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>> No.16404141

Your parents are saving money exactly so that your ungrateful ass will have something when they inevitably pass away. In the meantime you can go do what every normal adult does and find a job. Ffs

>> No.16404478

just you wait until the demetia kicks you to the curb. You'll get what you fucking deserve

>> No.16404543

Me on the left

>> No.16404639

American parents at least had kids, which is more than can be said for the rest of the world's boomers.

>> No.16404769

Be an individual goy and make it on your own while we are extrememly nepotistic and work togeather very tribally and ensure each other’s successs while doing everything in our power to make you a poor minority in your homeland to eventually be genocide by our pet niggers

>> No.16404805

I do wonder what their endgame is, since it ends with them not having an army of goyim and non-whites seeing Jews as the last white oppressors. Are they gonna press themselves into military service? Seems unlikely to me.

>> No.16405011

Grow the fuck up you racist piece of shit

>> No.16405114

Parents aren't obliged to do much desu. At the point you turn 18, you are on your own. Good parents would still support you, but you should push to be independent on your own. It's your life. Family is great and all but it's your individual merit that will carry you forward. Count on them for emotional support, for teaching you have school and university.

I don't think you just have an idea of how Asian society works but have no actual knowledge of how it actually works.

Bad parenting shapes your personality, but luckily you have some modesty of free action. If you are clever enough, you can hustle your way to success. Uphill battle, but at least you are aware that it's cringe to blame everything on others.

Here's your (you). I'm not the wealthiest person out there, but I'm thankful that I'm well into the upper mid class. And my prospects are very nice because I took my own decisions pretty young. I suggest you stop blaming your parents for your failures and start doing something other than ranting on an Indian gambling and begging forum.

>> No.16405193
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Where I live (Italy), the biggest part of our salary goes into boomers pensions.
I won.

>> No.16405607

>I suggested trading two pieces of lower class (read: lower price volatility) real estate for one piece of high class real estate near the top of the market cycle out of the desire to improve my living situation using someone else's assets and I'm confused why my family keeps calling me a brainlet.

Your father is wiser than you think he is dumb, wise enough to know you're dumber than you think you are smart at least.

>> No.16405678

You're a underclass bitch clearly jealous of any middle class and up people. Crab in the bucket faggot

>> No.16405711

Can they do that?

>> No.16405925

This, boomers need to rot.

>> No.16406056

I have enough money to buy your entire family and make them burn in hell for eternity niggers. You’ll stay poor all live and stay beta cucks even in hell

>> No.16406136

Based boomers. They're saving that money to give to you in the future. Better than the majority of boomers who reverse mortgage their home and give their children 0 dollars

>> No.16406152

You live in soceity. You didn't make shit on your own. Boomers were given everything their parents achieved and created and then threw it in the dumpster.

>> No.16406676

Fuck reverse morgages and fuck my inheritance

>> No.16406714

Yeah lets blame old folks and not the jews that control the monetary policies of the west.

ya'll a bunch of dumb mongoloids.

>> No.16407135

Like wow! Omg like holy shit.

Im entitled to live in a world with trees and if there are no trees left i expect my parents generation to plant them despite no personal benefits of their own

>> No.16407147

>every normal adult
This poster probably also uses the term normie

>> No.16407418

Kek lel

Op here.


B-but i already have passive income...also did u imply gettinajob.bat is enough for to get a hoise

>> No.16407454

>Go do something, build something, work somewhere.
Why don't you, faggot?

>> No.16407463

>you can "easily" become a self-made millionaire
So what's stopping you?

>> No.16407466

>the world owes you nothing
You fucking old shit. The world gave you everything on a sliver platter. Go suck a fucking cock you bitch ass hypocrite. I hope your retirement care staff rape your social security leaching old fag ass with their fists daily.

>> No.16407477

Op here. Like i told him before; its easier to become stinkin rich by lottery rather than hard work...in my case boomers are gatekeeping millions and instead of living in a villa im living with wagies in a condominium.

>> No.16407482

>thinks only boomers thinks this
die boomer spawn. you are literally he very same people you criticize

>> No.16407506

>OP trolls /biz/ again
oh you.

>> No.16407515

Most boomers are so delusional about daily life any verbal diarrhea that comes out of their mouth is useless.
>just go up to the work place look them in the eye and give them a firm handshake and you too will get the equivalent of an 80k annual salary like i did.
>just go up to the prettiest girl in school and introduce yourself like i did
>just buy any asset by throwing a dart like i did 50 years ago and have it inflate with a factor of 10
>just support a family of 7 with a factory job with no education or threat of getting fired
>just move up the ladder it's not like companies hire from the out side or nepotism is a thing

>> No.16407528

Pretty fucked by my boomer parents. I was born (accident) seven years after my next oldest sibling and 13 years after the first born. Parents filed for bankruptcy a few years later. When i was 10, dad made a catastrophically poor decision to move family to a larger city. Parents divorced one yesr after that. All assets and money were burned away from their bad decisions. When i was 17 mom remarried and left me to fend for myseIf. I had to pay for university alone (student loans and some small scholarships).

37 now and puttering along. Not even close to being able to afford a house. And i'm high functioning autistic, which i attribute in part to being conceived when my parents were already middle age.

So fuck boomers, fuck globalists, and fuck my parents in particular. And fuck the military for not letting me enlist due to autism.

>> No.16407535

Why does your life suck su much cock that you're posting here if you could just be a retard like most boomers and have an easy life?

>> No.16407557
File: 821 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20180905-124638.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're exactly the same. Who do you think votes for kike monetary policies?

>> No.16407624

>I'm currently suffering a stroke, please call the ambulance
Proudly REFUSED any form of inheritance/financial support from my parents and made it into multimillionaire status after that.

Die parasitic boomer impersonator

>> No.16407665

Thankfully I descend from trash-tier gutter people so not nearly as much as you middle class whites. On the upside though I work a good job and will absolutely have the chance to shove my parents into nursing homes and laugh as niggers abuse them like they abused me for my whole childhood. Gonna be "lit" as the kids say these days.

>> No.16407682

>And fuck the military for not letting me enlist due to autism

You dont need a dozen more mental problems or ptsd. These boomers dont gibe a fuck about their older children.

This x1000

In my country basically anyone who pirchased hoises in the 80's & 90's is now a millionaire

>> No.16407699


>> No.16407714

ok boomer

>> No.16407763

>You dont need a dozen more mental problems or ptsd.
Nevertheless, it would have helped me financially. And i wanted to do it because of my grandfather (US Navy vet, WWII and Korea).

>> No.16407770

>NEETs larping as rich people ITT

>> No.16407787

NEETs can be rich people. The one teasing wage-earners aren't tho

>> No.16407812

ok boomer

>> No.16408117


>> No.16408147

How have you been fucked by jews*

You’re a retarded zoomed or a JIDF shill.

>> No.16408153

Ok faggot

>> No.16408174
File: 77 KB, 760x380, 191029-ok-boomer-2x1-cs-1056a_bc0f66732c37335399de146435e025f2.fit-760w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>now listen here you little shit

>> No.16408183


>> No.16408184
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>part nobility
I have no idea what this thread is about, but you sir, are a fag.

>> No.16408286

Ok Xer

>> No.16408408

It does exist in America it’s just that some parents just don’t do it.

>> No.16408423

If you can’t teach yourself then it’s pointless. Boomers don’t have anything to teach you and you have the internet now. Because idiots listened to boomers we have a college debt crisis

>> No.16408528

It's insane people don't see this. Especially when your entire life is largely determined by the 4 years of high school when you're just growing up and your parents are still largely responsible for you. Boomers as a generation are/were HORRIBLE fucking parents and just horrible people overall. Simple little bits of guidance would've gone a long way, but most boomers thought the next generation would have the opportunities they did so they raised their kids for that sort of world...while they let 2 planes slam into buildings in Manhattan, started a couple perma wars (and sent our fucking generation to go fight them) then deleted the global economy in the Global Financial Crisis. This was the grand finale to a lifetime of shit monetary policy and trade arrangements that basically sold the country out.

>> No.16408900


>> No.16408926

Lmao kys old kunt, dont have much time left eh?

>> No.16409498

Kill all boomers

>> No.16409669

>Your parents owe you nothing.
And neither do I owe them anything bitch. I never chose for them to have me, so don't hold some implied debt for "owing them my life" over my head