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16401480 No.16401480 [Reply] [Original]

Should I become a police officer? No college required and salary starts at $73k after the first 18 months

>> No.16401483


Do something you think you'd be good at and there you go.

>> No.16401484


>> No.16401489

Actually, you do need a college degree. The job is tenuous and mind-numbingly boring. You serve no purpose other than to waste your time dealing with dead-beat dads and crack mommas.

>> No.16401491

No, cops are pigs

>> No.16401504

I already checked and no college is required. I have to go to the police academy though. I'm pretty dumb so $73k seems great for arresting black people.

>> No.16401514

Maybe your state is different. Mine certainly requires a degree.

If you are actually dumb, go ahead and do it. It is probably the best living you can make without having a brain. It's also a lot less boring if you are dumb.

>> No.16401517

in the developed world college is the bare minimum to become an officer.

>> No.16401529

You probably think the most boring, depressing thing you'll end up doing is sitting behind a desk or writing traffic citations to young people. But no, somehow this job will find a way to demean you to something even less than that, it will find a way to be even more rote, and every single day you come in you will question why your presence is even required.

You will unironically spend most of your days talking to 85 IQ moms and dads and/or mentally ill or personality disordered deadbeats who are literally unable to care for their children. You might as well go into special education, at least as children these people are endearing.

>> No.16401536

Go to Bulgaria and become a cop. Make more then 73k off of bribes.

>> No.16401537

well know you done goofed. If you ever shoot a black person that post will resurface and you will go to jail. RIP op you missed out on $73k you could have invested

>> No.16401541
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>salary starts at $73k after the first 18 months

>> No.16401566

Thanks friend

I'm in USA. I just looked it up. Some areas require some college credits or a bachelors. My state doesn't require that.

Apply for and take the department's written exam.
Pass the physical exam.
Complete a formal application.
Pass the medical exam.
Pass the background check and drug test.
Complete police academy training.
Complete 13 months of field training as a probationary officer.
Begin working independently as a fully-sworn Chicago police officer.

No, I said arrest. Black people commit most of the crimes here.

>Probationary Chicago police officers start at a salary around $47,000. This is increased to $72,510 after 18 months of service. All officers receive competitive health and life insurance benefits as well as paid time off for vacations and holidays.

>> No.16401585

Cops are the most dishonest and despicable people on earth. You will be forced to become a criminal by your "brothers" and be nk better than the niggers you go after.

>> No.16401587

>Should I enter a job in which I'll be exterminated in 5 years by white people on the day of the rope?

>> No.16401594
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>fully-sworn Chicago police officer.
>Chicago police officer.

>> No.16401612
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Most of what has already been said is true. It can be a rewarding job, but it’ll burn you out as well. Have you looked into the job at all? I suggest talking to actual officers as well as trying to doing a ride along to get a feel for it. Policing isn’t what it used to be and if you’re in it for the wrong reasons (money, power, ego trip) it’ll get old very quickly. Where you’re working is a huge variable as well. I’m about to go to sleep but if you wanna leave some questions and this thread is still alive in 5-6 hours I can get back to you

>> No.16401625

>salary starts at $73k
FBI Agents don't start that high, anon. I would say you got your numbers backwards, but even $37k is way too generous most places.

>> No.16401627

Oooo just saw you’re talking about Chicago. I thought that 72k after 18 months sounded familiar. I live and work in Illinois. Also have friends who are CPD. Fucked state with a fucked pension. I don’t recommend it at all. Unless you want to commit to working 30 years and having to live in the city limits only to potentially not have a pension after your time is up. I’m personally trying to get the fuck out ASAP

>> No.16401635

Don't forget the part where you utterly trample individual liberties like citations for seat-belts (victimless crimes) and an impoverished father trying to get by for doing 8mph over the speed limit

>> No.16401640

>Chicago police officer.
Fair enough. That's probably one of the highest paying police officer jobs in America.
Probably because nobody wants to do it.
Chicago is one of the most dangerous cities in America. Especially after the dumbfucks banned firearms for law-abiding citizens and rendered them all defenseless and completely dependent on the cops.

>> No.16401641

Maybe he should just go the speed limit?

>> No.16401666

go to bed, grandma. it's way past your bed time.

>> No.16401669

I quit my 105k/yr job to be police. I don't regret it, personally. Just don't sign up in Baltimore lol.

>> No.16401671

To follow up on this, the last time I checked (I had applied to CPD a long time ago) you needed at least 60 credit hours if I’m not mistaken. I knew there was at least some college required. Anyway, if it’s down to no college that should tell you something. I already knew they were waiving application fees so more niggers and spics could apply. The city used to only give the test every 4 years..that’s how in demand the job was. Now it’s a test every year and they STILL can’t get enough people. Buddies who have gone through academies recently say they’re filled with young kids with zero life experience, borderline gangbangers, libshits, etc. All this coupled with the fact they’re trying to change the image of the department by making the officers more like the citizens (aka coloreds) is a recipe for disaster. If I were OP I’d stay away and test for a nice white suburb or better yet just leave this god forsaken state

>> No.16401673

You just proved biased intent. That post will be used against you in a court of law. I dont think you should be a cop you are too dumb and will probably shoot a partner or a grandmother during a traffic stop.

>> No.16401699

So what, we shouldn't have laws to keep people safe? Go to a place where traffic rules aren't enforced like Mexico City or India and people drive like chaotic animals constantly crashing into each other.

>> No.16401710
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>Begin working independently as a fully-sworn Chicago police officer.

rip OP. If the nogs don't get you, the corruption will

>> No.16401724

Who do you think corruption benefits? It benefits basically the entire public sector. Cops are included. In really corrupt countries being a cop is an extremely lucrative operation because not only are you bleeding the tax payer while doing effectively nothing you're also taking bribes.

>> No.16401807


police officers are scum

>> No.16401825

If you’ve got no other prospects and you think you can make it it’s not a bad idea. However it’s not as easy or fun as just arresting niggers and if you’re a pushover you can and will endanger yourself and fellow officers. Having said that if you’ve got no other prospects the military is a better idea.

>> No.16401859

>still need degree
>deal with clinically retarded drug addicts, single mothers, and gangbangers
>get recorded everytime you try to arrest a Proof Of Concept
>argumentative blacks
>have your family doxxed when you are forced to shoot an argumentative aspiring rapper who was turning his life around
>get shot by a nog or beaner if you don’t lose your job and anonymity from scenario above

>> No.16401905

it's normal to drive 7 over, the laws aren't the reason there isn't chaos, it's because white people aren't retarded.

>> No.16401935

>Who do you think corruption benefits?

It benefits those who are complicit. If OP becomes a Chigaco PD cop and keeps his head down, he'll be fine. If he is tries to "change the system from within" he's a dead man.

>> No.16402018


>> No.16402043
File: 77 KB, 768x1024, 1573758190648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey Chief, it's me again. I'm sorry that you received an anonymous email with screencaptures of some off-duty Internet messages. You see, I have been part of a Mongolian taurine harvesting discussion group for about 12 years now.

I deeply apologize for any problems which have arisen from my extracurricular activities.

Yours truly,
-PO Anon

>> No.16402146

Anon, you really don't want to be a cop in Chicago. Move somewhere with less crime and be a cop there. There is a reason /pol/ has (had?) a regular thread dedicated to listening to Chicago police radio. Chicago was chosen over the likes of Baltimore because it had more action. The place sounds like a war zone on hot summer nights.

>> No.16402153


>> No.16402177

This is the only guy in this thread who is actually Fire/EMS/Police.

>> No.16402194

enjoy getting killed by coked up nigs lol

>> No.16403099
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Thanks everyone. I've decided to look into joining the army.

>> No.16403163

>joining team zog
anon please..

>> No.16403173

This depends on the department. NYPD requires 60 credits.

>> No.16403685

Look into the highest suicide rate career

This job

> good luck because cops are ashamed you will never find this data unless you work for them and see yourself

Dont fkn do it

>> No.16403808


>> No.16403851
File: 41 KB, 641x530, 1548282967153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It blows my mind how hard it is to get a job working for one of those agencies and they don't pay you shit. Who are the idiots that want these jobs?

>> No.16403924

Plus if you murder an unarmed person the judge won't let the jury see they bodycam footage, and you're off the hook. PLUS you get "fired" and they still pay you $30 a year for the rest of your life.

>> No.16403935

Men with tiny dicks and women who hate men.