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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 241 KB, 1302x1842, 1574454742955.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16399656 No.16399656 [Reply] [Original]

I've unironically sucked 100 dicks this week for 10 dollars a pop. That's 10000 USD. What should I invest this money in so I can stop sucking so many big, meaty cocks.

>> No.16399668

do you swallow?

>> No.16399676

I get fucked in my sissy ass for free (only chad though).

>> No.16399701
File: 59 KB, 272x204, psychopathe-png-4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16399777

>100 dicks
>10 dollars
>10 x 100 = 1000
>cum time = 5 minutes
>100 x 5 = 500 minutes or 8.3 hours
>$120/hr sucking cock no breaks, no healthcare

Not very good OP tbqh

>> No.16399787

I bet you posted this on /r9k/ too

>> No.16399798

should've gotten some kneepads biiiiitch

>> No.16399817

unless you're a natural born female nobody cares what a queer does past go back to your containment board where other queers/pedos post >>>/lgbt/

>> No.16399955
File: 3.38 MB, 4208x3120, 33DD08C9-096F-4DF4-A4C0-38B0B4FE2B07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you fuck me?

>> No.16400026

you should invest in some dignity, and at least charge 20

>> No.16400168

That's not $10,000 though that's $1,000. Also that cute anime girl looks like Joan Harris

>> No.16400402

>toes in sexy shoes cut off

>> No.16400414
File: 163 KB, 1024x763, 1608128568.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

piss off incel

>> No.16400439

a fren of mine sucked one for $200
invest in better ads and proper pricing

>> No.16400644

I would Anon

>> No.16400686

I'll flatten your head with a shovel and take your money

I'll then buy link with it

>> No.16400717

$10? You must not be very good, or good looking. Last suckoff I paid for was $45

>> No.16400869

Assuming you worked all 7 days, that's better than 14 a day. How did so many customers find you? (Not to mention which, your jaw must be really sore.)

>> No.16401109

This for the first thing you said, but as for the second you’re clearly just low test.

>> No.16401125

Your father cares lol

>> No.16401205

you are so cute, how do you shave?

>> No.16401844
File: 23 KB, 640x853, 84DC7734-C501-458C-914A-9C018A91AC9D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exfoliate, bath in hot water and really slow passes and small passes with the razor.

>> No.16401855

Haha you freaks are mentally ill

>> No.16401916

have you had sex with any boys? i want to experiment but i always get scared and bail at the last second.

>> No.16402051

5 bladed razors or more are extremely awesome and help speed the process up a bunch
t. sissy

>> No.16402084

don't belive these faggots they have no idea what are they talking about
if you want to shave legs you either gotta use nair or wax, razor will give you bumps and burns no matter how good your razor is or how much time you took doing exfoliating meme
t. knower

>> No.16402993

Remember in case of emergences dial 8

>> No.16403366

friendly reminder this thread is propaganda to make you gay. Have 6 or more white babies to win at life

>> No.16403547

If that's true that would unironically be a good way to make money.

>> No.16403560

I want to have wholesome funtimes with this anime character and also a lot of sex, if you know what I mean

>> No.16403577

>Do your part goy! Breed the next generation of working class wage slaves!

no thanks
I ain't gay but I'm pretty content jacking off to drawings

>> No.16403668

>I'm content with surrogate activities because I'm a powerless listless slave
lick dem feet

>> No.16403884

i know that, you always have to remind you that you can die tomorrow and never even tried.

imagine being 75 and regretting not to had sex at a young age because you were too scared.
i mean do not fuck with some sperg.
chose a solid person, and if you do not like it just tell him and leave, most people are senseful and have empathy.