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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 48 KB, 512x601, Centralized.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16397863 No.16397863 [Reply] [Original]

So, let's look at Chainlink compared to Blocknet, shall we?

1) Blocknet is running on their own blockchain, which means they wont deal with blockchain bloat like LINK will (Remember Crypto Kitties? LOL)

2) Blocknet's "Oracle" solution, using their Xrouter is WAY more decentralized of a solution than LINK is because all these services are handled by service nodes who remain anonymous on the network. To run a node on LINK, you literary need to be "approved" by the "Link organization".
What's next, KYC to be allowed to run a node? Yeah, that's decentralized, LOL

3) The Blocknet XRouter can serve billions of requests per day like Infura (who is doing over 20 billion/day). If each call averages out to about 0.001 BLOCK/call, then that's about $1,000,000 going to the active service nodes. If 100 is running it equals to $10,000/day per service node that the XRouter pulls in based off a tiny 0.001 BLOCK call at $0.70.

LINK charges 0.1 LINK/call which is 0.23 cents, which is quite expensive compared to Blocknet's Xrouter.

This is FACTS btw. I'm not saying LINK is a bad "investment", but it sure as hell is overvalued, when you consider that Blocknet is valued at a ratio of 1:200, not even considering that Blocknet has developed the first functional DEX on the market, including xBridge, and xCloud.

4) Blocknet can connect blockchains AND real world applications.
Blocknet allows you to connect to external API's too, but also offers exchange capabilities and is completely decentralized. With Blocknet there's no massive 30% of circulation in the teams control. We saw just a few months ago when they dumped about $2M worth of their uncirculated supply on the market without announcement. That right there shows abuse of the community and network.

I'm sure most of you don't even understand how centralized LINK really is, so I'm gonna dump some pics for everyone to read below.

Have a nice day.

>> No.16397867
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>> No.16397873
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>> No.16397875
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>Expecting me to read all that just so you can shill your bags by likening them to LINK

>> No.16397876
File: 33 KB, 500x483, 3D4175F6-31E4-4152-8D4B-8746A030D111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you for your concerns about my financial health.

>> No.16397905

I'm not reading all that shit

>> No.16397910

Queue the blind LINK shills in


>> No.16397926

Nice try. The truth is that you can't deny any of this shit. LINK is not what everyone believes it is, sorry to burst everyones bubble here.

>> No.16397943
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>I’m like, really smart

>> No.16397953

pee pee poo poo

>> No.16397962


>> No.16397966


You're making fun of yourself and your own investment if you can't at least prove me wrong. Hope you guys wake up eventually, realizing LINK isn't what you thought it was.
It's a cool project, don't get me wrong, but the way it's handled, is beyond laughable.

>> No.16397978

>Nice try
My thoughts exactly, skimming through the OP

>> No.16397983

>you can't at least prove me wrong.
Go do your “debate” in reddit you faggot. Nobody gives a shit about you

>> No.16397991
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pee poo poo?

>> No.16398008

>shall we?

No eat a dick you fucking faggot. No one gives a shit about your fraud oracle solution. Neck yourself.

>> No.16398055

It's funny how ALL the replies I've got so far is angry LinkTARDS who can't even prove me wrong?
No wonder everyone calls this a cult. What a joke

>> No.16398058

Hallo linkie fuckbois. Pls explains why only action on Betalink is ETH price checks from thoust mostest holy of Sirgay chosen nodes paid out of the LINK dev fund...? Where did all that muhdoption and organic usage go..?

>> No.16398077

LINK can't allow real decentralization without KYC nodes because its system is natively immune to Sibyl attacks.

>> No.16398086
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>> No.16398101

fpbp, pajeets utterly BTFO and /thread

>> No.16398107


>> No.16398109

That's a long winded way of saying DR;NS

>> No.16398125


This. 20,000,000 chainlink-link like solutions when you could just buy chainlink. Hmmmmmm

>> No.16398157

There's no reason to sell your link bags, but what I'm saying is, that LINK made it's run already, and while you're holding LINK, you're missing on other moon shots in the meantime.
So instead of buying more LINK (Which the majority of you guys isn't doing anyway, because you bought low) you should look into diversifying into BTC, ETH; and a few promising low cap coins.
I'm not here to shill Blocknet, for all I care you can invest in whatever you feel like, I'm just saying that LINK is not as revolutionary as most of you guys think, since plenty of projects is adapting and doing the same thing, just cheaper and more decentralized.

>> No.16398160

chainlink is the first crypto investment i've ever lost money on. i've always had good luck until this piece of shit came along. glad i didnt buy much of it

>> No.16398174

LOL, at which price did you buy in?

Here is another project looking into the "Oracle problem" ARK.


>> No.16398274
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>> No.16398292


>> No.16398391

Newfriend, I appreciate the effort but you're not going to find here what you are looking for. We have been discussing Chainlink -and it's flaws- for over a year from late 2017 to late 2018. Now we are just chilling and waiting. Why would we bother spoonfeeding you and your inferior ChainlinkKiller3000?

The reason you are getting pee pee poo poo replies is because you're simply not worth our time.

>> No.16398434


It's because you fail to realize that LINK isn't as revolutionary as you think.
It made a nice run, and congrats on that, but it's really not that impressive from a technological view. Blocknet is miles ahead of LINK in that regard. Sorry

>> No.16398475

yes mobius too sir, very fast revolutionary tech

>> No.16398617
File: 66 KB, 571x820, chainrape.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"pee pee poo poo"
"not worth our time to reply"

These are all signs of blind followers that either know that chainlink is inferior and can't respond or are so invested that it's easier to be ignorant. Either way, they wouldn't know the difference between a hole in the ground and their asshole.

When Blocknet takes off in 2020 you'll be getting fucked like the good cuck you are.

>> No.16398683

No need to apologize, I made a shitton on LINK and feel confident I will make a lot more. I hope Blocknet does well for your sake.


>> No.16399262

LiNk = india

BLOCK = white

>> No.16399362

>Sell Link and buy BLOCK my fellow white people!
>Brown ID

>> No.16399400

Once upon a time betamax cassettes were far superior to the competing VHS tape.
Guess which one got adopted.

>> No.16399760

VHS was the cheaper solution.
Link is WAY more expensive to use compared to BLOCK. Any large scale companies would lose MILLIONS of dollars anually picking LINK instead of BLOCK.

>> No.16399793
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>> No.16399810

This just in fgs...I created all the same LINK services on BlockNet with no KYC, no effort, no brown LiNkS

>> No.16399822
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>> No.16399830

Your graphic's order of cognitive operations implies that Chaiblink is not centralized. See, the not is at the front, centralized is at the back.

>> No.16399837

Yes, and nano is better than bitcoin and literally only a handful of neckbeards who disingenuously want the world to accept thos so they can scalp it, give a fuck. Similar situation here blockneckbeard.

>> No.16399850

neckbeard > pajeet brown town link

>> No.16399899

I got 17k blocknet. Was running 3 nodes. I stopped them 2 months ago and will be dumping when the markets pick up. Worst thing is they pursued me to buy XC too and that’s dead also

Fuck the blocknet team they r arseholes

>> No.16399935

For someone with a decent bag, you'd think you wouldnt shit on an investment you're trying to offload.. You seem "smart" , especially buying XC, wtf is that

>> No.16399940

I bought 10k Chainlink when it was like $0.2. Thanks for the info OP, I've been meaning to look into Blocknet more.

>> No.16399966

Why isn't REN (Republic Protocol) on Coinmarketcap?

>> No.16399973

shill me more moonshots OP

>> No.16399976
File: 222 KB, 640x730, 625D812F-8517-4B8A-AAD7-B56B8B291C92.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>likening them to LINK

Linkoids actually believe Sergey Nazarov invented oracles LMAO

>> No.16399988

He's just a larping faggot who never owned a single BLOCK. No one with that big of a stack would FUD his own investment, lmao.
Never heard of "XC" either, whatever this guy is smoking, I want it

>> No.16400022

OK listen here HOMOs I've been out of crypto since around the top when BTC pushed 19k then suddenly got tired and died. My planned portfolio is

>60% ETH
>30% XMR
>10% low cap moonshots


>> No.16400158

He's smoking pole. That's what fag munchers do

>> No.16400178

Nice dubs.. Why not
60% BTC
30% ETH
rest in low cap alts?

>> No.16400185

You are the majority buddy

>> No.16400220

What do you mean by that?

>> No.16400377
File: 78 KB, 518x627, D2268141-9F05-44CF-804C-C0101E7829FF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Filter this scam
Its the only way

>> No.16400398

Haha, that's gonna exclude 90% of the board here. Thanks for the suggestion though, I'm sure it's worth it

>> No.16400451
File: 9 KB, 226x223, 157490056702.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


inb4 *insert shitcoin here* joins the LINK network

>> No.16400474

Except nano isnt better than bitcoin in several areas. Whereas block is only less known than link

>> No.16400574

>i shill my shitcoin through other shitcoin
yeah nah, fuck off

>> No.16400616

Cocaine bump... Snort the good anon

>> No.16401147

Nano is a meme

>> No.16401287

Blocknet is far from decentralized. Its as sketchy as Lisk. Anyone thats been following crypto knows that.
>t. Owns 3 stupid BLOCKs when they were $25 each
That one XSN or whstever its called is like a better blocknet and not as crappy. Blocknet is junk

>> No.16401374
