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File: 91 KB, 205x245, RR2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16394096 No.16394096 [Reply] [Original]

Obsessive compulsive dirsoder anon here
(also no gif no job 29 years old)
I am going to end myself
The disturb took over my life. This fucking gay shitcoin doesn't moon and doesn't set me free from pain.
It's been an honour to share 2 years with you guys. You're very funny.

See you somewhere else if any.

>> No.16394105

Don’t be gay, man. Suicide means you’ll be gay forever. You think Jesus would kill himself if his crypto dreams didn’t pan out? Probably not. Hang in there and don’t be a fag

>> No.16394134

>Hang in there and don’t be a fag
I am 29 years old no job ugly as fuc and no education. No girlfriend-
10'000 chainLinks
they lead me to obsession. This coin doesn't moon.
Leave your address here I am gonna send them to you where I am going I probably don't need them

>> No.16394150 [DELETED] 
File: 75 KB, 859x737, 1574712579355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See you on the other side, fren. You want any shrine at the yacht party as well? 0xFeB19cCF7A24bAEc72854b7538859527633A1d8a

>> No.16394158

Just to be clear- I hope you're not serious about killing yourself. You really don't believe in LINK long term and the effect it's gonna have your life after it moons?

>> No.16394165

anon rob a bank and see if you can get away with it
then move to thailand and live off ladyboys and cobra whiskey

>> No.16394167



I might KMS too

>> No.16394172

dont kill yourself you'll just split reality in half

>> No.16394186

>You really don't believe in LINK long term
Because it's impossible I will get rich with 2'000$ on a coin after the greatest bull run in crypto. The greatest and the last

>> No.16394192

Gibs me dat


>> No.16394196

Don't leave to early my brother. This world is no fun and easy, but leaving would be a shame.

If you already made your decision, cover my expenses and i will build your monument...

>> No.16394197


i kil you'reself myself every day, please give generously and don't actually an hero.

>> No.16394200
File: 183 KB, 560x612, 1570374788197.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know how it feels. It's the "it's too good to be true" FUD. The fact that good things never happen to you. Just remember that people probably felt the same way pre- '17, frenm

>> No.16394213
File: 222 KB, 640x730, 352D8307-A0A5-46E1-8398-5F9C0E0EE2A8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gib money plz


>> No.16394220

Cmon anon its just one of those days when you are feeling unusually down. In two years you will look back and laugh at it.

>> No.16394229

I used to kill myself frequently when I was a child
give money plz

>> No.16394235

Op if you send me some link I’ll totally be okay with you an hero.

No but serious homo don’t do it but do send me the $$$


Thx u suicidal bastard

>> No.16394241
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Fren, I don't want to sound like a faggot but I'm a kissless handholdless fatherless virgin who just started his first year in a new college after failing engineering for 3 years. I'll make good use of the LINK if you truly wanna give em away.


>> No.16394258

OP I think there was a mistake because I didn't get any link yet. Pls asvise

>> No.16394259
File: 132 KB, 920x474, 51-516977_view-frens-pepe-fren[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OCD bro here, don't kill yourself, fren.
But if you think enough is enough for your miserable existence, just postpone a little bit mine if you don't know what to do with LINK that unironically will never moon as people here expect (probably going back sub $1 in the next week too...), is just the official p&d token of this board, after all...


>> No.16394260

Dumbass how are you showing a picture of christ and then quitting? The man that got tortured and beaten and nailed to a cross forgave everyone around them as they were doing it. Don't give up; die for the sins of the rest of us by enduring life.

>> No.16394268

Bunch of sick greedy mongrels in this thread. It'll come back to all of u in the worst way

>> No.16394291

death is inevitable, no one knows what happens when you die and it is very reasonable that it could be orders of magnitude more painful than your current experience.

Alternatively you know that as you are now it is possible to improve your experience

>> No.16394297

Anon don't kill yourself, totally not worth it, just leave this place for a couple days. Stop reading the blackpill posts of faggot larpers and if you really hate yourself so much, try punishing yourself with workouts.

>> No.16394301

Alright OP you motherfucker listen up. YOU can make it. All your problems can be fixed with money AKA LINK. You have 10K LINK, that will make you rich beyond your wildest dreams.

Improve yourself, there is always something you can do to better yourself. If you really look like a monster then get plastic surgery.
>No girlfriend
Me either (never had one), DESU once you are rich this will be easier/harder (real GF not gold digger) But getting pussy won't be impossible.
(Yes I know we all want a cute virgin wife but it's hard, gotta start somewhere)


>> No.16394305

fucken purp bros to the rescue it seems

>> No.16394306

This song is for you anon (OP).
Listen to the whole thing


>> No.16394318

This thread as well OP.

Also, suicide is a ticket to hell, remember 100 years of pain is nothing compared to eternity of hell. (100000000000000+ years)

>> No.16394320

>Just remember that people probably felt the same way pre- '17, frenm
This time is different. There can't be too many dot.com ot crypto.com. There alreay have been 3 bubbles in crypto with the last one involving finally also boomes normies and no tech people.
This is when you know that it's the last bubble.

>> No.16394323
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>> No.16394325

LINK is the one anon. You know it to be true, look at all the evidence, the breadcrumbs, the memes, the fud. Better days will come, you must have patience.

>> No.16394333

What about if LINK starts being utilized? It could pump us at least to double digits, which is nice. You really wanna give them Linkies away, fren?

>> No.16394356

Checked. OP don't forget "WE ARE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER"

Im going to bed now, see you tomorrow fren.

>> No.16394360

Only one way to find out if this is true.
hint: it's not suicide.

>> No.16394363

If you're giving out chain link then here

But remember you can always go off the grid and live in the woods

>> No.16394373

Cash out your link and travel the world with your 20k and realise what you might have missed.

>> No.16394408

We already had this conversation anon. You are not going to take the easy way out. You are going to listen to some television and shill. Honestly, you should go to a psychologist or Buddhism group, meditation will help you. When I went close to outing myself I planned not doing it here, but just be gone in Tibet and see how things would go there. My parents and family would think I went crazy and become a monk.
I almost died many times from drinking, I tell you I been to the other side, there is only more pain and suffering. Accept your human condition and embrace the pain of been alive. There is only more pain and confusion in the other side, I tell you. But like all of us you will have to take a decision and face the consequences of it.


>> No.16394432


Are you me? I check coins all mother fucking day. I wake up at night to piss and check coins, I check them at work, when out with friends... It fucks with me, I haven't slept much since 2017. I am also ugly as fuck, never had a gf, 29 years old. My hair looks like a cross between Nick Rochefort and Fraiser Crane. I hate my life too. This is my only chance. Its not over anon. Please tell me you will try to make it.

I'm riding it out, I'm not giving up. They want you to give up. Don't. Stick it out with me, we are all in this together. We will fight for our lives, tooth and nail.

We are still early adopters. Most young men I talk to in my area still believe they can get gfs and many of them are worse looking than I ever was and shorter. They are delusional. They too will be forced to go all in on LINK as female hypergamy gets worse and wage cuckery gets more unbearable. We are still early to the game.

>> No.16394434

dont do it anon, if you've got nothing left to loose where you feel like killing yourself it also means you've got nothing left to lose when it comes to trying new things and improving yourself. You owe it to yourself to try at least. Best of luck anon, we all support you, do something that makes you happy to be alive.

>> No.16394439


I genuinely think you need to get rid of your LINK and get out of crypto, put your disorder into studying a skill or tangible hobby.

From one OCDAnon to another, I think you're gonna make it

>> No.16394442

>LINK is the one anon. You know it to be true, look at all the evidence, the breadcrumbs, the memes, the fud. Better days will come, you must have patience.
I have hears this for two years
>What about if LINK starts being utilized? It could pump us at least to double digits
When lol?
It's been 3 years and we are waiting like dumbfuckers
When? When big companies will utilize it?
In your dreams?

>> No.16394443

BTW, if you want to travel to São Paulo we can talk I would show you this city, but you will need to stay at an airbnb, you have enough to travel here. Don't send you money to this greed fuckers, donate it to a cause you believe is fair. And to all of you greed fuckers, I tell you karma is going to get you right between your eyes, this shit will paint red your trading decisions, no good trader can be greedy.

>> No.16394452

a 10k stack is big enough op, stop being depressed and get a life, the world is beautiful and you just have to look the other way.
in.case you wouldnt change your mind, ill hold some of your linkies and do good with it.


>> No.16394456

ok...if it makes you happy I will say this...
Yes anon .. we are in this all togheter. SInce two years...let's hope it ends soon and in the best way possible

>> No.16394457
File: 67 KB, 1024x962, 1565618393120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Check my trips tho fren. If you're really THAT much of a doomer and see no point in LINK or other crypto and wanna give it away then at least take a screenshot of those (You)'s so that if you regret it you could make a new thread and I swear I'll give em back to you. You don't know how much $10k LINK means to a faggot like me, even if it doesn't moon.


>> No.16394458


But seriously, from my own experience.
Whenever I stopped moving, going out on walks, to the shop, riding bike or working out. The mental and physical symptoms increased, autumn and winter were sometimes brutal. Also taking magnesium lactate helped.
If you can't run, go on a walk.
If you can't walk, just get the fuck up and sit. Do small things that will help you accomplish larger goals.

>> No.16394460

Also the utility might happen very soon, before we even know it. Even if it's not a parabolic bullrun and simply just double digits- use that money to travel and shit and reflect on life. Maybe that would clear up your mind, anon.

>> No.16394466

thank you for your story anon. I will try meditatiion

>> No.16394482

yeah, stick it out for a while anon. Do you wagecuck? Or are you all out NEET? Do you have hobbies?

>> No.16394491

Trade your link for tezos asap. Tezos is gonna super moon next year. You would have like 20k xtz. that´s more then enough to make it.I just want to help

>> No.16394495

Since you mention meditaion, try reading The Power of Now. Great book.

>> No.16394558

I am the one to thank you for taking the right decision. You will make it, life is hard just keep on keeping on. Don't attach yourself to material things and money, live life to do good to others, that is a more fulfilling life. Also don't care about how you look, you are what you do and what you think, not this transient flesh body. Try to be a better person every day, but do not let other step in you, you need to be at a good condition to help others. The hardest lesson I learned in this life is that, I am the only person that can really help me, I need to find ways to keep my mind ok, no one can save me, but myself.
Also eat fermented food, like sauerkraut and kombucha it helps to keep you gut flora healthy, you need good bacteria that kill bad bacteria. Bad bacteria eat up all the precursors of your neurotransmitters, like dopamine and serotonin. And stop eating junk food and food with chemicals preservatives they also kill your gut flora. Do some push ups and exercise daily.

>> No.16394576

tolle? more like trolle. he's just in it for the money. listen to alan watts on youtube instead.
and op, try listening to some of teal swan's spiritual talks...
she's actually quite insightful, probably has more to say than eckhart tolle. they'll both likely make you want to die though. alan watts however won't, he came at the 'spiritual' thing with a 175 i.q and a phd in divinity.

>> No.16394598

Fellow OCD here.
Don't do it.
Youve been blessed to live this life and you should take it. Hold on to those Links, mind/ matter. You don't need a gf, stop loving by others ideals of happiness, find your own. Find yourself.

>> No.16394602

>he's just in it for the money

>> No.16394606

>Hold on to those Links
>1+ year test net
>5 months main net
>nobody can name a single dapp with users using Chainlink oracles in production
>(with proof link to dapp.com/dappradar/etherscan)
>Linkers: this is bullish!
fuck off paid shill

>> No.16394656

Ive done my due diligence and I know what I'm holding. It either works and I hold the backbone of the future economy or it dosnt and all you "huur diuuur CL pnd scam" are the first ones to get the rope.
I wish you no harm but, lbh you're cucking yourself.

>> No.16394711

See you tomorrow, as usual.

>> No.16394765

i've just watched enough of his stuff to know that he's insincere. he's just a character, a facade to sell books. he claims to never be upset about anything ever for example. ridiculous, everyone is. i stopped watching his stuff when he did a livestream thing from his place, and you could clearly see a look of abject fury being forcibly hidden when a garbage collection truck outside his window made a catastrophic and drawn-out noise. he sat through it pretending it wasn't happening, looking tense as hell but having to pretend to not be because of his audience. in truth if the stream had cut at that moment, he'd have hit the fucking ceiling with fury at that noise pollution, just like everyone else would. watts would say that these emotions are normal, nobody escapes them, so just allow them to do their thing. anxiety for example is a lot less scary if you simply allow yourself to be scared, as opposed to fighting against it and strengthening it 100x in the process. as soon as you just allow fear to be fear, it's no longer fearful.
there must be like 1,000hrs of his stuff on youtube on all sorts of subjects. the creators of south park animated one of his talks on how we should approach education and business...
his vision of what god is will change your life.

>> No.16394779

please dont go anon. im almost in the same boat too, (only a year away so i know the pain.)
but i always believe theres a light at the end of the tunnel. dont let the kikes win.


>> No.16394787

Have sex

>> No.16394792

>(also no gif no job 29 years old)
>I am going to end myself

first of all you were able to accumulate 10k links, that is quite a lot, kudos to you. don't give away your hard earned stinkies.

Don't be a faggot op. even if life is shitty it can improve at some point. neither link nor crypto is over yet. Imagine how stupid it would be if you ended your life now and then 2-3 or even 5-7 years later link mooned beyond your dreams? you will have killed yourself for pretty much nothing. now I'm not saying it will happen, but it might.

if you are looking for a solution try to forget you have your linkies and focus on getting a job/income while you improve so you can get better chances of getting laid/getting a gf.

>> No.16394805

10k links?? Fuggin hell you are set for life by mid 2020. Dont kys anon, mental illness is a bitch i know
> t. also ocd

>> No.16394821


Goddamn fucking vulture pajeet niggers. Imagine if op really is sencere. Seriously beg somewhere else homos

>> No.16394844

>Imagine if op really is sencere
why would they post their addresses if they didn't think op is sincere? Check mate m8

Do a flipp op. Make it count

>> No.16394845

Indeed, kinda makes me lose faith in humanity when I see animalistic behaviour such as this during peace. Behave like a human being not a third world animal.

>> No.16394936



OP look into how almost all that try and off themselves end up regretting it often with perma damage done. Some of the most gruesome cases are where they are in the hospital bed but already fated but begging their family that they want to stay alive but they overdosed in a suicide attempt.

>> No.16394943

btw I'm 29 too just move to Asia you should be fine and get a gif easily.

anyway buy Nyzo

>> No.16394956

Don't do it faggot.

>> No.16394967
File: 48 KB, 387x516, 1568497627829.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't do it; Jesus needs you here

>> No.16394969

I'll pray for you fren

>> No.16394975 [DELETED] 


dont do it fren. if youre deadset on it, safe travels.


>> No.16395792

OK Anon. Sure thing. See you on biz tomorrow

>> No.16396548
File: 217 KB, 1024x784, 1574797539901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My sheep hear my voice

>> No.16397153


I don't think you should do it, but I promise not to sell until link is 100, and then I'll most likely wait until it's 1000. Only then, will somebody be able to rip these linkies from my iron hands