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16393228 No.16393228 [Reply] [Original]

>another 93 billion injected into the repo market

>> No.16393250
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>Providing liquidity for ethical capitalism

>> No.16393355
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That aint shit.

>> No.16393392

The west will become a comunist shithole, won't it?
Fuck, man!
We shouldn't have given women the right to vote.

>> No.16393394

The chairman of the fed called this a "glitch" assured that QE wouldn't be needed..

>> No.16393398

Ok schizo

>> No.16393464

>400% spike is a "glitch"
>won't need a bail out
>ok schizo!

>> No.16393504

>be thankful for capitalism
>capitalism isn’t perfect but ta the best we have got


>> No.16393660

Just get some silver and gold I pref silver desu.

I'm not a commie or a jew just saying we can't keep ignoring this stuff we really should push a board culture of economic preparedness, get some silver/gold, stay fit etc.

Remember when Lehmans went down 10 trillion was wiped out in a month, around 60% of the population can't afford a 1k emergency bank bail ins are a real possibility and right now 3 dollars of debt creates 1 dollar of GDP our debt is increasing faster than GDP growth this just isn't sustainable. Explain how we can sustain this and expect to pay for free medicare which will pass eventually...

>> No.16393745

>expect to pay for free medicare

>> No.16393750

I think the Boomer who knew how to keep all these balls in the air must have retired or died or something

>> No.16393801

This. Stocks are going sideways for years. The Fed going QE4 sooner than when it absolutely has to is the only reason to stay in them. The only guaranteed inflation check in these conditions is silver/gold. The EBC has announced QE infinity but nobody wants euros and nowhere is really seeing growth.

>> No.16393818

Nah, it's not that.
Simply a state that promote welfare will suffer from population collapse, cause women gain value when there is security, so they ll have less kids.
They ll also get themselves more power, up to the point where marriage will be a bad/risky deal for a man.
So, less workforce, more "diversity", thus less competent work, less honest productivity, so you need MORE deficit spending.
So, see, it's not about keeping all the balls in the air, it's about preventing these consequences.
How do you do that?
With the artificial womb, cause you then break women's monopoly over reproduction, thus their value can't become overinflated, thus you don't need immigration cause they ll stay submitted cause they ll know what's up.

>> No.16394648

Diversity is good though. It’s literally our strength.

>> No.16394666

le glowie has arrived

>> No.16394740


>> No.16394743

we ain't seen nothing yet

>> No.16394760


Well meme'd friend

>> No.16394776


>> No.16394806

Ive been making money in the stock market while you virgins keep waiting for le epic crash :)

>> No.16394817

Its the new bottom.

>> No.16394818

>how does finance work
Much of that is overnight, you're acting as if it's cumulative. I've already seen people claiming inflation is "actually" 100%+ this year when money supply growth isn't inflation.

>> No.16394977

brainlet anon here
is there a top? is there any limitation how much the FED can pump into this?

>> No.16394986

how do i profit from this

>> No.16395016

Buy crypto and PMs
No. They can print as much as they want

>> No.16395610
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I know, let's just import another six million niggers and delete Christians' YouTube accounts. That's been working for the past ten years!

>> No.16395789
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>> No.16395816

>Ok schizo
ok boomer

>> No.16395831

checked and spookdetectorpilled

>> No.16395842

The system will continue for some time. Nobody gives a shit because America has the biggest weapons. Nobody can realistically do shit.

Everything is digital now. They could print a trillion dollars in less than a nano second to pay off all our debt and usd will remain the same value

>> No.16395930

In the end society has come to the point where most people don't actually need to work at all. We can easily live in the decaying ruins built by the boomers. I mean this literally. If they halted immigration, people could literally have walked into a city and found an abandoned house or two or three to live in. So this inflation of real value can continue for a very very long time. It won't be until the real value is all gone which is being prolonged with technology. Even now a jobless American can get obese from food waste left over from restaurants. Its all so fucked

>> No.16396115

And all you retards still refuse to buy index funds and go along for the ride.

>> No.16396313

>ahhhhhhhhhhhhh we're crashing
>meanwhile made $600 in barely 2 months with just boomer ETFs

>> No.16396639

Sounds retarded.

>> No.16397809

Actually my "boomer ETFs" are growing by about $2k per month just sitting there.
If it crashes I just keep buying. In a few years it'll back where it's at. In a few more years after that I'll be richer than ever.
That's how long-term investments work.
You just keep playing with your shitcoins.

>> No.16398069

> stay fit etc
i knew you were a communist nazi. only commie nazis want to stay fit. real men degenerate and start dying from 20 to 65. why do you faggot want to do sports? are you gay? i bet you are gay. and potentially located in urugay.

>> No.16398090

what is asset inflation, sucker?

>> No.16398105
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> t.

>> No.16398124

i knew i was right. back to /pol/ with you and your degenerate antisemitism.

>> No.16398141

What repo market? The fuck does this even mean you aspie nigger

>> No.16398147

Central bank and fiat currency is not capitalism. On top of that corporate subsidies, bailouts, gigantic social programs and government spending lmfao. Anyone who labels this system free market capitalism is a fucking dumbass.

>> No.16398151
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> t.

>> No.16398161

>pay for free Medicare
Friendly reminder communists are subhuman.

>> No.16398208
File: 19 KB, 1067x600, 1574891988703.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey buddy, he said ethical capitalism. Kinder, gentler capitalism. Have a little compassion.

>> No.16398210

> posting the old bad jew memes from 10.000 bc over and over again