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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16391627 No.16391627 [Reply] [Original]

I am 30 years old, with an IQ around 140 and about $140K in savings (no debt) after working for over a decade and making a bunch of bad decisions (I am a very emotional person, TL/DR, I got an arts doctorate).
What would be the best way to become a real human being and start having serious money before I am 35?

>> No.16391632
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schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop

>> No.16391641

>how do I turn 140k into 1.4m in 5 years?
If you have to ask that question your IQ is legitimately sub 90.

>> No.16391642

All in LINK. Screencap this so you can look back and wonder why you didn’t simply listen to this post when you’re 32.

>> No.16391658

>I am 30 years old, with an IQ around 140
Stopped reading there

>> No.16391667

maybe when he is 42. nothing will happen with link in the next two years

>> No.16391676

What part of it made you feel insecure?

I am not a millennial gambling away my inheritance, I actually had to make that money, and losing it all in a ponzi scheme and becoming penniless would make me way worse than the comparative joy of being a millionaire.

>> No.16391685
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>make an account on mint.com and link all of your accounts
>watch your spending and try to get it as low as possible
>try to get your income as high as possible
>pay off your credit cards in full at the end of every month and invest all your leftover cash in dividend stocks and bitcoin
>get married so you can save half on rent

>> No.16391701

>the only way to make money is buying meme coins
Holy shit lmao, you are a real fucking brainlet. Enjoy posting the same question on a laotian scuba diving egregore in 2030

>> No.16391719

Your IQ is 95 tops

>> No.16391729

IQ over 130 is irrelevant

>> No.16391753

jesus that woman is sexy. the only thing is those milkers seem fake af. otherwise, 10/10

>> No.16391761

It is pretty relevant for all researchers and anyone in STEM, but yeah, bringing it up usually derail discussions and get people like >>16391701 and >>16391719 who feel the need to let their insecurities control them.
My purpose when mentioning it was only to signal an asset, since I don't have much more going for me at the moment.

>> No.16391766

>an IQ around 140
More like around 90 in reality

>> No.16391770

literally buy dividend stocks and ull get a comfy 20k a year
or like, use ur brain to flip 2 times and make a million in a few (but highly calculated) moves

or like, buy bitcoin

>> No.16391771

Shut up smoothbrain
Imagine unironically believing you have a genius level brain because you took a Facebook IQ test. Everyone can see by your /b/tier gif that you're a fucking coomer with stagnant neurons

>> No.16391781

Oh man, you will have some regrets

>> No.16391842

I really don't like stocks right now, I feel that there is no real reason for Dow Jones (among others) to be 100% up in five years with everything going on with the US (and world) economy.
I do like the notion of studying something enough to gamble "comfortably", and crypto look like a good environment for me, but it feels like I am really late to the party.
I suppose that, ultimately, I feel a bit insecure acting on "gut feeling" without any real research or practice to back it up.

My only real regret in life is not getting into youtube when it was easy because I was too fucking busy studying and trying to make things happen locally.

>> No.16391905

You don't think there's a reason because you don't read. Which is probably your biggest failing. Read a book, nigger.

>> No.16391912

False that's when intelligence begins

>> No.16391950

Can you not plan? Alright you need money but assets are overinflated rn what can you do to get cashflow? Start a business. You like art, be an online art dealer. Youre welcome, focus on getting confidence in solving problems for yourself. Educate yourself and surround yourself with a likeminded support group. Focus and you’ll get there...

>> No.16391953
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False, intelligence has diminishing gains. Especially in the happiness and interpersonal aspects. 130-145 is the sweet spot

>> No.16391957

If you want a business with low upfront cost start a service business

>> No.16391970

>IQ > 140
>Asking a fucking anime forum for help with your finances!
Fucking lol!!! OP why don't you spend $10 and fucking an investment or self help book

>> No.16391985

No *real* reason.
If you actually did what you are telling me to do, your reading comprehension would be above a 13 yo.

To be fair, there are a lot of things that you can't actually measure with IQ, it is sad that, with all the leftist propaganda and presence in Academia, we are behind when it comes to understanding and measuring cognitivity.

Fren, thanks for caring, but to be clear, I am not desperate or anything, I am just looking for points of view and advice.
Currently I work as a producer and teacher, but current changes in my local political climate (among other things) will make my business model inoperable in about two years.

The lifestyles that really reward 150+ IQ are pretty lonely and come with their own problems.

You do realize that you are not restricted to pursue a single venue towards a goal? This thread costs me nothing but a bit of my leisure time, and gives me access to people that I would never interact with in my personal life.

>> No.16392055

It's always mystefied me why people here feel the need to broadcast their IQ onto an anonymous board; as if that gives them some sense of authority.
It's basically the same as saying you're a female. You expect special treatment.
Well newsflash nigger, you're a failure at life (not because of your IQ but because you're lazy!!). Get off your IQ high horse and go and produce something of value for us low IQ faggots. If you really want to invest your pathetic 130k, go get some education in optimal investment allocation (i.e. so you can allocate your puny funds into maximising their working capital potential for the rest of the species). Maybe then you'll make some real money.

>> No.16392069

How would one get a big tittied girl like her

>> No.16392154

>high horse
>sense of authority
>expect special treatment
I literally was just describing myself and my situation, if I was in /fit/ asking for advice with my routine and progress I would mention my lifts.
You are projecting really hard here, in your place, I would take a moment to reflect the reasons behind this.

Same as any other girl, find one and then appear to be the best man that she can get.

>> No.16392190

>I feel that there is no real reason for Dow Jones (among others) to be 100% up in five years with everything going on with the US (and world) economy
that's me you commented to but different IP.
where else do you see the economy in 5 years? up or down? i can tell you this world is only going up, and the big corporations are just going to buy out any startups so there's really no point not to bet on the big corporations running the big economy that is only going to go up, over time; the key thing here is we are different from the past. today, you have to also bet on the COUNTRY with the right companies, as many countries and companies on those countries will see huge growth compared to just what you'll get in the states (imagine joining the 2017 crypto bullrun for india or south africa, etc, it's their time now..)

now, investing for long-term is different from gambling on the right penny stock
if you want to buy crypto, look into stellar

>> No.16392207

>I am 30 years old, with an IQ around 40 and about $140 in savings (no debt) after working for over a decade and making a bunch of bad decisions (I am a very homosexual person, TL/DR, I got an doctorate in faggotry).
>What would be the best way to become a woman and start sucking serious cock before I am 35?

>> No.16392305

If forced to voice an opinion, I would say that we will have The Biggest Recession Ever (Version 3.17) some time in the next five years.
Most of the world is running on debt, and trying to cover the problem with printed money, which only makes the crisis worse.
China is filled with literal ghost towns and soon will be unable to cover its crippling issues; Japan got negative interest and will literally go bankrupt a few months after being at +1%; Europe as a whole has yet to recover from 2008 (and also is being overrun by unskilled people fleeing war and after welfare); the next USA election will be defined by the candidate that offers more "free stuff" than his opponents... none of those things are good for sustainable growth.
Soon, governments will be forced to stop subsidizing stock markets and we should enter free-fall.
With that said, you do have an interesting point about emerging countries, Latin America is in upheaval right now and the region could easily become the "new China" (Africa and India won't be fixed in the next two decades because the current young generation in those areas just fucking suck) .
The problem when investing in emerging markets is that it is fucking impossible to figure out what is going to happen politically, and those politics heavily affect their markets (like Argentina's stocks as a whole acting like a shitcoin in the last six months).
I will read about stellar, thank you for engaging.

>> No.16392422

My IQ has been tested in the 97th & 99th percentile. It’s lonely at the top. Everyday is a struggle against myself. The dumber you are, the less ways you can harm yourself mentally.

>> No.16392430

>Most of the world is running on debt, and trying to cover the problem with printed money, which only makes the crisis worse.
this has been the norm for the last 100 years, which is why were exploding in growth on earth, due to this norm
>Soon, governments will be forced to stop subsidizing stock markets and we should enter free-fall.
this will almost never happen, due to my point above as it being the norm to buyout their debt with more civilian tax payer money (collateral damage)
>The problem when investing in emerging markets is that it is fucking impossible to figure out what is going to happen politically, and those politics heavily affect their markets (like Argentina's stocks as a whole acting like a shitcoin in the last six months).
exactly, this is the issue with getting in the big money first, it's hard
it's only easy when all the suckers and their grandmas are buying in as well

>thank you for engaging.
you as well, cheers

>> No.16392476

>this has been the norm for the last 100 years, which is why were exploding in growth on earth, due to this norm
The problem is that in the 1900s you had freer markets than today, as well as population booms (and still, you should keep in mind that the world got stuck with a bunch of recessions). It is also important to remember that we got the third and fourth industrial revolution in that century.
As a general rule, the growth of the economy is linked to increased productivity, and the current climate is not good at all for it (globally, we entered the 2000s with productivity per worker at 2.9% and are now at 1.9%).

> being the norm to buyout their debt with more civilian tax payer money
Any serious study in economical cycles will reveal that this is how governments become bankrupt - you are always setting yourself for a bigger crisis in the future (Mises/Hayek), and with dwindling population and productivity, you might not recover from it.

The major problem is finding and sustaining friendships, specially if you did not chase a "high IQ" career.
I like and appreciate a lot of people that are in my life right now, but it is a real struggle to connect some days.

>> No.16392504

double edge sword that smarter you get the harder it is to be happy, but you know being dummer would just mean you live in false delusion. There is literally no escape.

Also people generally hate you or simply can't relate to you because different things hold your attention.

Having said that you need less social interaction as most of it is wasteful and brings little new data.

>> No.16392551


>> No.16392660

never said it didnt lead to suffering brainlet

>> No.16392679

*real* isn't the operative word in your sentence, it's *feel*. If you did any critical thinking or the slightest bit of research, you would see you were mistaken.

>> No.16392713
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>> No.16392899


Make a Decision: After teaching your early 30s with nothing to your name, you have to make a decision. Do you actually want to be rich or do you want to live a simple life. This is not something we would be able to answer. A lot of people ask questions that we can’t answer as they are personal choices and this is one of them. If you’re in this position you have to decide “do I want to try against worse odds or do I want to go low risk?”.

People will read that paragraph, go watch a motivational YouTube video and say “I want to be rich I can do it too!” If that’s how the decision was made (through emotion) we’d recommend going the safe route and giving up on being rich. Anyone who is in their 30s and still has a role model/person they need for motivation will practically never make it. Now if someone simply read the paragraph and concluded that a stable life isn’t worth living then they are the ones who should actually try (a stone faced, emotionless response to trying to make it).

If you’ve decided that a stable life is good enough, then our answer is simple: government work or healthcare services. Both of these offer a lot of stability with no real inflection to get rich. Oddly, when we recommend these types of positions the response is “won’t I be giving up” and the answer is yes you are (in terms of getting rich). And. That was the point. If you’ve decided the suffering that it takes to get rich isn’t worth it then… you don’t get rich but your stress levels go down to zero: money for food, shelter, all other bills, healthcare and maybe a vacation here and there.

>> No.16392907

Decided to Try and Get Rich: If you decide to go ahead and try, you’re going to go through many years (not months) of suffering. Simplistically, you should delete everything: social media, your tv subscriptions, your common friends, all your nights out, your current girlfriend etc. Sounds extreme? Great. That is your only chance to make it out of the situation. Successful people in their 30s are already rich and still pushing hard. Maybe not 80 hours a week, but many still push between 50-60 hours.

>> No.16392911

#1 Option Real Estate: Given no information, I would go into real estate. This is by far the most common way to accumulate wealth. Again. If someone does not beleive this, they can always call a wealth management company who will confirm this as common knowledge: small business owner and real estate are the most common ways to get rich. When you’ve got nothing you go down the highest probability path which is real estate.

Why real estate? You can also earn a decent income by learning a skill associated with real estate. We don’t care which one it is as all of them pay similar amounts of money: plumber, electrician and anything related to home construction. After learning the specific skill you’ll live and breathe the real estate game for the next 3-5 years. During this period you’ll live on next to $0 in income and simply pay for food, coffee, water and the cheapest housing you can get.

Save to Get a Fixer: In an ideal situation, you’re living in an area outside of a major metropolis (San Francisco, Los Angeles and New York would not be easy, places like Cleveland or Nashville would be a lot easier for example). This is also a hint that you may have to move to make all this work (we explained it would not be fun or easy already). Also, no, we do not know the exact markets to go into. Looking at cap rates and average selling prices would give a quick view of how hard it would be to save for your first purchase.

>> No.16392919

Back to the point. After living extremely below your means with no real fun (no one deserves to have fun if they are trying to get rich and have nothing as a starting point), you buy a fixer for you to live in. Guess what? You get to fix the whole thing by working every waking hour you can while you’re not on the job. The trick here? You’re able to do a large amount of the work yourself. It will take a year or more to save money and during that time you should have an ability to spot fixable vs. unfixable situations. We have no idea how this process works as we don’t do this (we only buy lower risk projects as explained in triangle investing), but, it will always be around. No matter what happens in the future, people need a place to live and many houses need to be fixed.

Scale: At this point you begin to scale up. There are several models: 1) rentals, 2) fix and sell, 3) apartment complexes, 4) going after more dangerous assets like short sales and homes with structural issues – we consider this separate from “fixer uppers” and 5) starting a completely different real estate company focused on selling homes. There are a lot of options here and we have no idea where you’ll sit. That said, the scale is here in various forms.

>> No.16392927

#2 Option: - Internet Attempt:
In this situation you’re going to try to go down the internet route while working a government job.

This is where the big warning sign goes up. From what we have seen, individuals who cannot break into competitive fields are unable to do well on the internet. Why? Well… the internet is no longer “easy pickings”. Everyone wants location independent income and anyone is allowed to compete online. We’re not backing down from our original plan in efficiency as it is pretty much an evergreen product for people with talent. Starting late means you’re well behind the 8-ball and gave intensely competitive (and talented) people a 10-year head start.

Assuming you would like to go down this route, then you’re going to have to do the same steps in efficiency. The trick is that you also have to find an extremely easy government job with a functioning internet connection. We do not know which positions are the easiest but we’d do research in your area to find the ones with the most bureaucracy and limited oversight.

Anyone who actually makes money online knows it’s cut throat and disheartening for many months/years (depending on your skills/effort level). People with no experience only see the results and say “Hey I am smarter than him I can do it too” not realizing that they didn’t see the prior effort and may not actually be smarter.

>> No.16392933

Option #3 – Local Business: Go into location specific brick and mortar competition in a city you want to live. Why? Well competition is local and you won’t be fighting against brilliant people who decided to compete online. Online competition is reserved for people with niche knowledge and a person with no opprtunities in their early 30s probably doesn’t have niche knowledge.

>> No.16392935

go all in on bitconnect

>> No.16392941

Drop 5000$ in bitcoin and 5000$ in ethereum, link, dash and atom. Hodl till 2021.

>> No.16392950

Great posts, Anon.

>> No.16392978
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>IQ 140
Brainlet... everyone knows if you ain't at least 200 you're basically retarded
t.smartest person on biz

>> No.16393095

>two times the average American net worth
I think that you started this with the wrong postulate, anon.

> you should delete everything
That is just bad advice, sorry, in fact, that is how I got in my current predicament - I spent the last ten years becoming very good at what I do, and the demand for it dropped sharply, while ignoring the very things that could have made me wealthy.

>government work (...) offer a lot of stability
Until it no longer does. I am a professor in a local government university and my prospects of tenure just got obliterated a few months ago - in fact, I and people that got in the same time that I did will all have been fired before 2022 is over.

> I would go into real estate
Unless you are actually someone with money and friends, a civil engineer or a highly skilled craftsman (the kind that you won't become if you start learning at my age), all that you can expect are meager returns in the real estate market (which is also having its own beautiful bubble right now, for the second time in as many decades).

>government job. (,,,) cannot break into competitive fields
Government workers get paid three times as much as their competition here. With that said, I have been considering working against the odds because Patreon is a real thing in my field.

> brick and mortar competition
You will need to enter the gastronomy market (can't buy good pizza in amazon) or move somewhere really poor for this to be a good idea (so you can take advantage of the really unskilled competition)
With that in mind, I will say that investing in land for some sort of farm in a backward territory with potential would be a great road to success (if you don't care about .amenities). Get some crops going, lend money to skilled people around you, get pieces of their businesses, open stores, until you are the top man of the village.
I do disagree with the way that you see many things (which is OK, I am not from the USA after all), but thanks!

>> No.16393634

28 y/o burger here OP

>30k 401k
>70 oz. silver
>8k USD
>0.83 BTC, 12 LTC, 8 ETH, 1180 LINK

Currently back in school to finish my bachelors in business administration. In a similar situation as you. Might be catching a break as an old friend is moving back to my area and wants me to join his consulting firm. He is 2 years from a 30 y/o retirement and wants to help me also reach that point. He doesn't arrive until January but I'm cautiously optimistic. He's had success doing it for ~3 years now and the fields are up-and-coming, he is just ahead of the curve. Come to Burgerland and join us.

Also, I have my real estate license and will be trying to break into rental properties. We are gonna make it, fren. Keep forging.

>> No.16393642

Btw I'm not bragging about my tiny stacks, just giving you a relative idea of where I'm at. Spent my teens and 20s up to 26 being a degenerate fuck so I'm hoping to correct my ship. I met an honestly good women in an age where they're hard to find and she makes me want to be better. I know this board swears off women but there are some out their that can enhance your life. If I hadn't met her I'd probably be in jail or dead so I'm already seeing some returns kek

>> No.16393645

Ignore typos and errors, phone posting and my flight is about to depart. Will check back in when I land unless I don't make it; check news

>> No.16393850

You likely have autism if your THIS butthurt about what anonymous people have to say about you online.