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16390151 No.16390151 [Reply] [Original]

When will the social media influencer bubble burst?

>> No.16390164

Never as long as central banks are in power.

>> No.16390173

when incels die off which is never

>> No.16390178

when you guys have sex which is never

>> No.16390204

It really fascinates me this profession. I always wonder who exactly are the people with that much time looking through and clicking these random thots and manchildren's profiles, is it all retired boomers missing their youth? That's what it is isnt it. holy shit.

>> No.16390205

when the white man reasserts his dominance over the jew, which is never

>> No.16390212

no. normies of every age.

>> No.16390233

When the social media addicts run out of money to buy the things being advertised.

>> No.16390248

This. It’s the new “normal”.

>> No.16390250

>bro just get a gf, it's so easy lmao

>> No.16390255

normies are fucked in the head

>> No.16390277

Those are actually some nice pictures, but I agree Instagram is complete cancer.

>> No.16390287

I don't get it either.

>> No.16390306

You shills are just dog shit crazy. Nobody uses the word incel seriously except you fucking commies. Holy shit

>> No.16390314

Look at JIDF...

>> No.16390327

>>16390205 #
>>16390178 #
>>16390164 #
Look at how JIDF...just like mainstream media. They are given one verb.
In this case it’s “never”. And then they create different bants using the same verb

>> No.16390356

unironically fuck normies

>> No.16390358
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>> No.16390360

This. Mostly 25+ boomers. Zoomers are dropping Instagram for TikTok, and a lot of money followed.

I work in social media consulting, and while the industry was slowing down a bit, I can tell you now that bubble won’t burst anytime soon. TikTok pretty much launched it back to the moon.

If it makes you feel any better most influencers are just clout vampires and very high end escorts. The chick you’re stalking on insta with 2M+ followers gets flown to Dubai for a couple of degenerates to take shits on her for a free holiday. A lot of the men are gay for pay and will sell their women too. I can bump with stories and braps or answer questions if there’s interest. I’m the faggot that brap posts in all the BAT threads.

>> No.16390372

Fuck it I'll bite, tell stories of the mainstream instathots.

>> No.16390392

How do we profit from this?

Also, I have a social media account with 35k followers, no bots or anything. How do I profit?

>> No.16390395

>tfw TikTok is the first platform I don't understand

feels bad knowing that I am becoming a boomer. share stories of insta thots selling themselves. it helps me cope because I'm 23 and have not seen anything of the world

>> No.16390426

wtf is tiktok? just the next snapchat?

>> No.16390444

Story time please.

>> No.16390452

How do I make a better social media platform brapman? What works for insta, what doesnt, where does the money come from and where does it go? Is MLM prevalent?

>> No.16390460

Feel free to start here:

My IP might change due to paranoia mainly, but I'm going to try to post a few thots and stuff I've heard and known. Just know I cant expose DMs for the most part. This will be something I'll make a thread on later this week as well.

I'm really surprised nobody has reached out to you yet. We have clients with <20k followers that have secured their own brand deals, or at least have sponsored posts and stories. You should 100% be getting paid with that number of subscribers.

What kind of content do you feature? 35k should get you about $75 per 24 hour story and maybe $125-$300+ for a post depending on the sponsor.

Check the link above for now. I'll be bumping and checking on the thread. Going to gather some stuff, maybe try to edit some dms that are older.

>> No.16390488

Just fucking lmao
Doesn't even the term "influencer" just sound like a clown world meme and drive you mad?
Influencing what? Good goy cattle consumers to buy more shit?

>> No.16390500

It's mostly women. Women who are trying to live vicariously through other women or who want to gush over chads.

I've noticed that even normal women always take a shitload more pictures than normal men. It's boring to most men to look through lots of pictures, but it's an adventure to (small minded) women.

>> No.16390530

Also, I think within next 5 years there will be a massive exodus of gaming and online shit, social media etc. I've already quit gaming and fapping, only forums to go before I am completely free from the electronic Jew

>> No.16390547

Pretty much. It was originally targeted as a children’s app where they can make short clips singing to their favorite songs, act out music videos, movie/cartoon scenes but now the influencers took over doing twerks, music video mimics, memes etc.

Now you see YouTubers, boomers, big business and everything else there trying to normie meme to stay hip and relevant since Facebook is bleeding out badly and instagram is pretty saturated.

Watch this and let me know how far you made it. This is what you can expect there. Feel free to search compilations on YouTube but I’m not for you. My brain and soul are already drained enough

>> No.16390557

You’ll get a job when you act like less of a schizo which is never

>> No.16390568


Once 24/7 drone cams become a thing Chad and Stacy will be guaranteed to never have to work again.

>> No.16390574


Bingo. The Kardashians are rich almost solely due to women that watch them and consume their products.

>> No.16390624
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>> No.16390626

Pretty much. You live the life (or pretend to) that normies wish they could. The people that follow celebrities, athletes, artists, will buy anything they promote, like, share, and replay (generating the influencer, the management, and Insta) even more money and they just keep shilling fad after fad, product after product, place after place and normies kill you emulate it.

Celeb buys a G-Wagon? 300k+ likes in 48 hours and now you have people with a 35k salary going out spending a few grand to rent 1 for the weekend and get his follower count and “clout” up.

Thottie posing in a new micro bikini? Every cellulite ridden roastie is ordering 3 sets of drop shipped $9 swimwear marked up to $60+.

Random athlete holding a can of Monsrer on the basketball court? Normies go buy it up by the case and his new Instagram story is him sitting beside the 30 pound dumbbells flexing while holding the label to the camera.

>> No.16390635
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>> No.16390667

It's a nice word for sellout.

>> No.16390679

Pathetic. My existence is far better. I live a based comfy life cuddling with my gf and watching anime in bed. That normalfag shit makes me cringe. Sleeping eating and fucking are what matters in life. All else is cope.

>> No.16390716

Globalist psyop

>> No.16390746


>> No.16390834

I will never, ever, understand normies. I get it on a business/social level - but I don't know the word. Some kind of extensential emptiness? Some hyper-consumer impulse? Are normies so pathetic they actually think they will be (Finally! At last!) happy?
Society is a mistake.

>> No.16390920

theres something about tik tok thats depresssing and i cant quite put my finger on it

>> No.16390951

to me IG is just a public facebook where you can creep on anyone's bikini pics. i've never read the comments though

>> No.16390958

Mix of how badly IQ has fallen with an almost post-social media atmosphere of current internet. It's as if aliens made a social media platform

>> No.16390970

Imagine watching shit like that for 4 hours straight with no break in an office (still a wage cage). Fucking kill me, mate.

>. Some kind of extensential emptiness? Some hyper-consumer impulse? Are normies so pathetic they actually think they will be (Finally! At last!) happy

You nailed it. Plus the obsession of celebrities and influencers. They dream of living a life of what they see. Most normies binge watch reality TV like Keeping up with the Kardashians, Basketball Wives, TMZ, all that shit while following those celebrities and influencers on all platforms of social media they have.
They get fed nonstop "glamorous" and shilled content most of their waking hours while reading up on it to pass time at work only for them to dedicate their lives to be knock off copies of them.
The Kardashian's could literally shit into makeup containers on live TV and smear it on their faces, 5 minutes later shit makeup makes it to the shelves and is sold out in record time with about 4 casualties that died to trampling. Kanye can release the ugliest Yeezys ever created and now you have millions of people with bots trying to buy that $225 shoe. The poor fast food wagie that missed it due to flipping burgers will go buy them off resell for $600+, blowing his whole monthly earnings just for 20 likes and them to be out of style in 2 months.

>> No.16390976

Would be far better without the random thot and hand in it. I hope they're shopped and if so that I can find the background somewhere.

>> No.16390979

yea pretty much. its just so low quality and vapid and lacking in soul...but still addictive to normies in the same way reality tv is. its quite sad.

>> No.16391039

Its literally people degrading themselves and doing everything they can to go "viral" for that 15 minutes of fame and a few dollars. Literal boomers acting like retards, doing shit they don't even understand or like. Normie zoomers spending hours upon hours rehearsing a shitty dance routine for a 10 sec upload, you name it. Its literally being a circus clown. Some people spend thousands doing dumb shit like buying/training dogs, buying designer clothing, camera equipment, etc just to be seen for 2 days then forgotten.

You can literally see the desperation seep out in most people. Like they know they'll never make it or go viral from this shit but they can't stop trying.

>> No.16391068

Theyre all full of normie memes, incel rantings, dorks confessing their love to the influencer, bots, and people shilling their own account or random shit. Can’t forget the hashtags.

>> No.16391088

Don't blame us. It's usually horny 3rd worlders that have had sex a few times that go crazy for these bimbos.

>> No.16391098

Check her profile. Influencers will usually tag the location. Makes them seem well traveled and cultured, plus gets them tagged when people go to search that area and what’s trending there.

>> No.16391115

This. Go look at how many Pajeets are on every popular influencer page spamming emojis, confessing their love for them, or talking about how they would fuck their brains out in broken English.

>> No.16391160

absolutely haram
i will have no part in this degeneracy
such a shallow existence

>> No.16391177
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>absolutely haram

>> No.16391277
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>> No.16391329

but boomer females had the best life of everyone

>> No.16391343

The central banks will always be in power.

>> No.16391348


>> No.16391391

>When will the social media influencer bubble burst?
When we start holding people posting bullshit on social media accountable for libel and slander.

>> No.16391407
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>I’m the faggot that brap posts in all the BAT threads.

absolutely based

>> No.16391469
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Based fellow Bat Brapper.

>> No.16391494

What's your job exactly as social media consultant?

>> No.16391551

>I can tell you now that bubble won’t burst anytime soon.

I would argue the bubble doesn't exist in the way that many think it does and your post proves it. People see that shit and think all these women are making bank when in reality its a hilariously extreme pareto distribution with only a few turbosluts making all the money for getting literally shit on while most are making fuck all and in reality are simply wasting their time expecting free money without having to resort to prostituting themselves.

>> No.16391561


>> No.16391602

Oh ok, Cool!

>> No.16391611

Is it worthwhile to learn python? I only know html from high school

>> No.16391639

You have a point. Top influencers are making 6 figures monthly. Add in merch and OnlyFans and they’re raking in 250k+ a month easily.

It’s not unheard of for a <500k influencer to make 5 figures a month.

Even a few <100k influencers can pull $100k in a year.

It’s all about those sponsored posts and brand deals. It’s easy for an lowly 10k follower wannabe model to get on Dan Bilzerian’s IGNITE brand, energy drink brands I won’t mention for reasons, and etc. Those put an influencer on the map and will skyrocket their followers and get them bigger deals.

Consultant firms are the way to go now as well. It’s a lot like the modeling world honestly. It’s who you know, who you fuck, and what you’re willing to do. There’s a couple high end escorts that happen to have millions of followers as well. But yes, a lot Instagram is heavily saturated and the money isn’t what it used to if you can’t secure any decent sponsors.

>> No.16391651

the way people move is weird. it's like an imitation of reality but missing all the parts you should care about. Like a robot learned how to live by watching old scrambled tv broadcasts and is now performing its janky ass version of life for you.

>> No.16391712

If you want to get into data science positions, absolutely. A myriad of other career options as well. I highly recommend take the time to research it a bit.
It’s fucking hell lol. If you have any questions let me know.

>> No.16391759

I get surprised just how popular tiktok is, none of my friend group actively uses it but whenever I'm around kids (family or work) they're CONSTANTLY on it, and for those that don't know it started as a Vine clone but now its trying to be a big tent social media (having all features on it)

>> No.16392102

When people stop wanting to flaunt their wealth and status, which is never

>> No.16392129
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Digital Entrepreneur

>> No.16392142

Its already popping a bit. I actually work in AdTech and many advertisers are migrating budget away from influencer campaigns because they actually have a very bad conversion rate

>> No.16392362

This is certainly an interesting thread. I'm not on mainstream social media so I'm utterly clueless to how the instagram media influencer schtick works. None of this sounds healthy at all.

>> No.16392398

One thing I'd like to know is how these kids on TikTok and instagram are going to grow up to be. I suppose we know they'll be far more insecure about themselves, far more easily "influenced" . How will this translate into society then?

>> No.16392418

>people get rich off posting stupid pictures on instagram as a form of marketing
>Its just one big scam and the people following these pictures are wagies wishing they were in the pictures

Social media influencer means the person which is usually a girl that is running the account is a prostitute/has a marketing job or both

>> No.16392475

>Sleeping eating and fucking are what matters in life
Based pig

>> No.16392478

Kids >>> women > manchildren > men > elderly

>> No.16392674

how did you land the job/what's it like? in college right now looking for a side gig. I just want a comfy life that doesnt require too much work

>> No.16392786

back to pol

>> No.16392825

>letting women lead you by the hand
She's going to cheat on you.

>> No.16393331

its just a new advertising platform, once it becomes to corporate, that even retards can see it AND a new form of media emerges.

the question is, will big tech/media allow this / will they buy it up and kill it or buy and embrace it

>> No.16393630

if anything, the bubble should amplify
as automation increases, the need for real jobs decrease
the future is in personality cults. just look at this board, half of the fuckers in here invested their savings into a scam shitcoin because the founder is a manipulative sociopath who started wearing the same shirt to trick autists into thinking he was an autist genius. theranos, wework, chainlink... different audience, same shit

>> No.16393643

>when will little circle jerks stop
Never. People will forever be fellating and jerking each other in little cliques. None of these self-titled influencers influence a single fucking thing.

>> No.16393654
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>> No.16393662

As another anon said it is mostly women, look at how the pics are a women leading towards their dreamt landscape dragging the man along, that is what the brainwash jew made women believe that empowerment is, forcing their view on their partner and if you don't want the last you will see is her back because she will go anyways.

>> No.16393674

>that is what the brainwash jew made women believe that empowerment is
That’s what it is though. You seem to believe female empowerment is good; it’s not

>> No.16393685
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99% of people are normie npcs, disgusting. I'm glad we still have a few autism places like 4chan for the few intj/intps that can see right through all that bullshit just want to fap to traps, piss in bottles and flip scam coins.

>> No.16394319
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We need natural selection back again asap.

Most of the people are just degenerates who have no inner purpose or sense of self and the earth would be better off without them. This is the result of supressing natural selection with civilization, agriculture, technology, medicine where every piece of shit can reproduce. Only a small number of people actually deserve to live. Civilization has to end, natural selection must start again or we're all doomed.

>> No.16394436

>This. Mostly 25+ boomers.
25+ ... you mean millennials?

>> No.16394451
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>back to pol

>> No.16394483

If civilisation ended the first to go would be ugly virgin neets

>> No.16394484
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You think a bunch of millenials go on an anime forum to discuss what ETFs they are buying, clinical trials for heart and liver disease, what kinds of food stocks they are buying, and what kind of food they like? Not to mention how much people talk about the good old days, how the market is really good or about to crash, etc. etc.
We make smug remarks about politicians, wonder what technology the kids will be using...
face it anon... we're boomers

>> No.16394486
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Question: How do you define the social media influencer bubble?

>> No.16394489


stop projecting

some people here are unironically based and intelligent, much more than normies are. i'd be willing to best much higher % of 4chan would survive compared to normies and npcs

>> No.16394536

natural selection is always in effect, even when you think it isn't

>> No.16394547


agree, it's gonna hit us the hardest when we least expect it. things people do now cannot continue. there will be some deathly virus or some natural shtf that will reset everything. normies and conformists will suffer the most.

>> No.16394564

Not what he's saying, he's saying that in this new shitty system the natural selection choice becomes social rather than worker-based. Things will get worse, not better.

>> No.16394567
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>cant deal with women or normie bullshit
>thinks he will survive in the wilderness alone

>> No.16394578


projecting again faggot? go find a gf and stop being a cynical fuck


nature will always prevail in the end

>> No.16394580

Never as long as npc's continue to be drooling brainless retards educated by the commie indoctrination school systems

>> No.16394592
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made it through the whole video but it wasn't easy

it shows how empty people's lives are. you put your drop into the ocean and even if you get brief attention it is meaningless. so they make another one in hope of more brief attention. and again and again.

>> No.16394594

You seem based as all fuck-out

>> No.16394677

I'm 35 and just barely getting into crypto. I don't know what an ETF is and spend my time on /tg/ and /vr/

>> No.16394695

These people are one Facebook algorithm tweak away from being jobless. Change my mind.

>> No.16394698


>> No.16394717


>> No.16394724

>fell for the meyer-briggs meme
>thinks he’s not an NPC

>> No.16394746

is the same for a lot of youtubers.
funny how that site turned to shit as soon as people realised that they can earn money by playing video games etc.