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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16387850 No.16387850 [Reply] [Original]


Can your brain even comprehend the potential in this project?

>> No.16388076

Can your brain even comprehend what a big scam this project is?

You still have no money and spent all your $33M funding with nothing to show for
You still miss every deadline you ever set for yourself
You still only have 4 employees and cant afford to hire anyone else
You still have 5 Satsgang verified members running your community, fleecing everyone
You still have fake volume and bagholders couldnt get out if they wanted to.

Fuck off with your pump and dump scam of a failed business. Nothing will save you from failure and biz will never accept this shitcoin as anything but the scam it is

>> No.16388089


>> No.16388105

Stay poor! Pumping tonight

>> No.16388106

Smells like curry in here Rasheesh. Go back to telemarketing. Nobody is buying your scam coins

>> No.16388115

Smells like victory! 300 sats within reach

>> No.16388163
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>> No.16388198

Smells like overbought and due for a massive retracement. Even Quant had two big retracements so far, each at least -60%, and DAG only corrected about 25% after a 10x run. You dont have to be a scientist to know this pump wont be sustainable. Screencap this. Over the next 4-5 months there will be a retracement.

>> No.16388209

its not our fault that you missed the pump. look at dags marketcap its small af this lit boy is continuing its 1000x way to the skies

>> No.16388275

I missed nothing. I am all in QNT and thus wont complain. I just wish you would stop making other guys Fomo'ing in at ATH and losing money. No altcoin goes up 100x in a straight line without retracements of at least 50%. Once the first early buyers (whales) start taking profits, it causes a snowball effect.

>> No.16388307

ath was retraced. do you understand that this has so little marketcap that it might had its retrace already. many TA's were calling 15k and it touched 17k maybe it will go back there maybe not but what differs is the marketcap which is very low.

>> No.16388311


>> No.16388374

Look at all that fake volume. Do you pajeets really think we don't know what a pump and dump looks like? 95% fake volume, no thanks you won't be scamming me today

>> No.16388383


>> No.16388410

It keeps going up. That's all that matters. Personally I WANT the mainnet delayed because tax implications.

>> No.16388447

It is delayed until January 2020, you can pair your ETH and DAG addresses begore that but the snapshot is January 27th

>> No.16388917

Tell that to every bagholder scammed by Satsgang in the last 2 years. Going up means nothing especially with a token as manipulated as DAG.
Satsgang is the the only ones making money, everyone not in their pump group get rekt

>> No.16388973

I've made plenty of money on DAG already wtf are you talking about?

>> No.16389302

Then you are in Satsgangs pump group and a main member. If you sold a large amount of DAG at a profit you can only do so if Satsgang allows it to happen. They control all the buy and sell walls. Why do you think 5 of them are admins in their community? They aren't running a charity, they are there to fleece the suckers who buy into this failed business

>> No.16389483
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I am the CEO of Satsgang, can confirm, we completely own this coin and have been pumping and dumping for over 3 months and there is nothing anyone can do to stop us.
We control all the buy and sell walls, we control all 5 admins, and we will continue to fleece these suckers who buy into our failed business until we are done with it.

And you'll never stop us anon. No matter how many threads you tell the truth, the suckers will always keep buying DAG because we outsmarted you, we tricked them all, and we are making millions month over month. Stay jealous and stay mad. Nothing you do will ever effect satsgang and out 100% success rate at Pumps and Dumps.

>> No.16389638
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>They aren't running a charity, they are there to fleece the suckers who buy into this failed business
Welcome to literally every crypto ever, dipshit. DAG is a legit project with insane prospects and very high profile contributors and a CEO that has already ran a company with an annual profit of 45 million dollars. You can fud this shit all you want but you will not find a single project in all of crypto that hasn't got whales who bought shit up on day one.

>> No.16389751

Nice try pajeet. Not every crypto project brings a pump and dump group in to run their community channels and dominate discussion convincing people to buy while they dump on them.

>CEO ran a $45M business

According to the internet you are full of shit. No evidence this guy ever ran a big company in his life. There is evidence he is a fucking idiot that can't spell or use high school level Grammer. He also burned through $33M in 18 months with nothing to show for it, no money and 4 employees who may or may not get a salary.

There is no potential, it's a scam plain and simple. You don't have $2.5M in volume while simultaneously having no liquidity to get out of a $10K investment. That's called a manipulated pump and dump scam you retarded Indian faggot.
Get this fucking scam the fuck out of biz

>> No.16389778
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I bet you've been sitting on chainstinks for literal years you fucking loser lol

>> No.16389850

Nice response Manoosh, your IQ has to be under 70. You can stop spreading lies and misinformation about this failed business scam project now. Biz isn't buying DAG, never has and never will.

>> No.16389884
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thank you for not falling for my scam sir it is show strong character in your desire to stay poor sir
>Biz isn't buying DAG
Like I give a fuck. I'm trying to help some niggas out, not take what little pittance you all make from McDonald's away from you.

>> No.16389902

The whales dumped DAG on day one. It was a big scandal actually, the price tanked hard. The CEO found some shit investors from Asia because nobody in San Francisco would give them a penny.
Imagine being in San Francisco, running a tech company and not being able to raise investor funds locally.
Gee I wonder why? Hmmmmm vaporware scam comes to mind.
Out with you Sanjay, don't return and don't do the needful

>> No.16389923

Man that's so kind of you, Satsgang just trying to help a brother out. Definitely not pumping and dumping right? Kek GTFO faggot

>> No.16389940
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>the price tanked hard
An alt-coin tanked from ico in 2018? Say it isn't so!

Look at literally every alt chart that everyone on /biz/ is currently riding and you'll see the exact same pattern.

>> No.16389950

So I'm either satsgang or a low IQ street shitter? Which is it you walking back of regurgitated musing. Have you ever had an original thought in your life?

>> No.16389986

No, this was specifically a huge dump from a whale that destroyed the token out of the gate.

Satsgang is a bunch of streetshitters you unaware blind wannabe criminal. Back in your hut pajeet

>> No.16390048

Look at how much you care that other people are making money while you're bleeding yourself dry. Pitiful.

>> No.16390049
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>Satsgang is a bunch of streetshitters
No we aren't anon, we are rich, and have gotten Rich off of DAG, QNT, VNT, and every other coin that we've controlled. Don't act like we haven't had a 100% success rate. Quite rude to not give us our dues, we are very very successful criminals who pump and dump without flaw.

>> No.16390072


>> No.16390093

Ex-satsgang admin here. It's been great watching DAG pump and dump. But in all seriousness we can't let DAG get it's hand on the market cap

>> No.16390688

ITT Satsgang Dag shills going full retard. Biz needs real jannies dag threads are criminal in nature

>> No.16391002
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ITT Satsgang goes full wallet. Biz needs real dummies, dag threads are in fact, criminal in nature. Criminally lucrative for us, Satsgang!

Every thread we grow more influential and powerful getting more suckers to dump on because /biz/ is so easily fooled.