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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1638055 No.1638055 [Reply] [Original]

After many hours of thought, I've concluded that there are only 3 ways to get rich

>Be born into wealth
>Win the lottery
>Possess the social skills to convince other people to give you their money

These are the only ways

>> No.1638065

Your last point just describes business/trade in general but social skills isn't a requirement. At its most basic form, you just need to find a way to convince someone to give you money. Sell them something. Do a service for them. Rob them. Whatever

>> No.1638066
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>posses social skills

you mean sell out, kiss ass and suck cock(literally or figuratively)?

you forgot crime.

>> No.1638070

You forgot
>trade meme stocks

>> No.1638077

If you have marketable skills (anything from being a tradesman to rocket scientist) you are employable and can make decent dosh.

Combine that with some good decision making (saving/investing whatever), you can become rich over time.

But if you're like OP and wanna cry about not being instantly rich, then that's fine too.

>> No.1638091


requires social skills.

>> No.1638094

you forgot
>participate in online Pyramid schemes like bitcoin and ethereum

>> No.1638103

Crime requires more social skills than pretty much anything else.

>> No.1638106

You forgot:
>live within your means

You can make shit money, like $20k a year, and still get rich. Just don't move out of the house, and don't buy stupid shit like an $8 cup of Starbucks everyday. /r9k/ is full of guys who are rich in their 30s just because they have no social life and aren't consumer whores.

>> No.1638112


Unreliable and no one on the rgh threads is rich. Nor will they be.


You can retire well-off through that strategy, but you will never be rich by investing portions of your day job income.


Those opportunities are fleeting and do not fit into the purview of my theory

>> No.1638116


dude /boz/ is poorfags roleplaying, don't worry 'bout shit, cunts here don't know shit

>> No.1638118
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>sticking a gun in someones face requires social skills

quite the opposite.

>> No.1638122

>Just don't move out of the house
You didn't get rich, you only offset your cost of living to someone else.

It's literally:
>Possess the social skills to convince other people to give you their money

>> No.1638124

>>sticking a gun in someones face requires social skills
>quite the opposite.

Okay. You made like $300 that they had in their pocket.

But committed a serious crime for which you will eventually get caught and go to prison. I think when we talk about crime we're talking about something of real weight.

>> No.1638130

>>Possess the social skills to convince other people to give you their money
Well then learn to people if you don't possess those skills already.

Oooooh! Good one.

>Those opportunities are fleeting and do not fit into the purview of my theory
A lot of people have failed at life by holding onto theoretical models so tenaciously. You ability to believe in a model, and modify and adapt it to new information is how you succeed.
Just ask Ray Dalio and George Soros.
or look at the repeated successes of Sergei Lavrov on the international stage, or reinventors like Madonna, Kanye, David Bowie, Prince, Kylie Minogue.

>> No.1638136


>I think when we talk about crime we're talking about something of real weight.

you mean like the mafia?
or how us stole america from the natives?

its called antisocial behavior.

>> No.1638140


Organized crime requires social skills.

A drug dealer isn't going to gain clients by being a anxious autist.

>> No.1638141

>or how us stole america from the natives?

They traded it to us in exchange for shiny beads.

Carrying such strong negotiations as trading beads for land requires significant social skills.

>> No.1638147


crime isn't a social skill
let it go. you sound retarded.

>> No.1638151

or just dont be a faggot and get a job

i make 120 bucks a day....20k a year....5 years 100k........not fucking hard loser

>> No.1638154


Learn to read first before you post next time.

>> No.1638158

>crime isn't a social skill
>let it go. you sound retarded.

Correct. Crime is not a social skill, but it requires social skills in order to succeed in it - if we're doing anything largescale.

You have to learn to deceive people, manipulate people and work with others. That requires a lot of social skills.

>> No.1638160

Where can I learn Steve Jobs tier social skills?

>> No.1638163

uhhh... in the real world?

>> No.1638164

I think you'd learn best by learning to sell (Work a sales job for some time, guarantee it will give you a whole new perspective on life and business. I promise you.) And just getting out into the real world as much as possible.

Just try different things, learn about psychology. Learn how people react to different stimulus.

Learn how to get a favorable outcome in a conversation/negotitation. Learn how to attract women, learn how to get men interested in what you have to say.

It's a lifelong journey.

>> No.1638165

underage for sure

>> No.1638170
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do you have any proof or evidence of these claims you are making or are you just talking out of your ass about things you have no experience with?

>> No.1638173

Honestly I've been meditating on this for a while, I think it comes down to a handful of basic tennents that you need to explore on your own:
1. Mimic: Jobs learned a lot about leadership and eye-contact and dominating a room from a guy called Robert Friedman I think. He pretty much ran a cult and now he's bazzilionaire mining prospector
2. Identify when you don't need to "win over" someone. Basically if someone looks like they'll take work or effort to win someone over, don't bother. Jobs filtered out a lot of people who weren't immediately malleable
3. Sense of Purpose: when you describe your motives to others do it in a metaphor like "mission from god" or that it's "a dream" or "destiny" or "change the world"
4. Reality Distortion Field: basically this is about playing devil's advocate on anything that doesn't suite your purposes. Question everything.

But you really have to get out there, in the real world to refine these skills and find the nuances.

>> No.1638174

Yes I have several peer-reviewed, highly-cited studies that confirm a direct link between social skills and largescale crime.

Let me just pull them up.

>> No.1638954

Just find a demand and provide a supply for it.

Most business isn't some evil "hurr scam people out of their money" bs.

>> No.1638976

Hi leddit

>> No.1638980


You forgot some other options

> Train hard and with conviction and become a professional athlete
> Train hard and with conviction and become a plastic surgeon
> Train hard and with conviction and become a professional gambler

Seriously, there are free-to-play poker tournaments where you can win 10.000 dollars
There are pay-to-play poker tournaments where you can win 1 million dollars
It's no coincidence that the same poker players sit at the tables in the world series of poker year after year

>> No.1638982

>mfw casual retards think poker is all about luck

>> No.1639023
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>>mfw casual retards think poker is all about luck
the more equally skilled both players are the more it is about luck because both will play a close to optimum strategy.

>> No.1639031

Kill yourself, you retarded prick. Being part of a mafia requires a lot of social skill, you started by saying some shit about robbing people with a gun on a thread about becoming rich, dumbass.

>> No.1639039

what about that paradox where if you play the "optimum" strategy you become predictable thus making it a poor strategy

>> No.1639053

> Train hard and with conviction and become a Software Developer

Hell just come up with a decent app idea, make a craigslist add for entry level C#/Java developers and pay them like nothing but stock options.
Bam u have continuous ad revenue.

>> No.1639532


>> No.1639534



>> No.1639597

>where can I learn

>Just try different things, learn about psychology. Learn how people react to different stimulus.
>Learn how to get a favorable outcome in a conversation/negotitation. Learn how to attract women, learn how to get men interested in what you have to say.

>> No.1639667

I think it's more a matter of being born into a greasy shady house of wop with connections, then if you ever have to whack someone you go confess to the local priest and he grants you magical powers to clear your conscience but gathers that critical intel for later. If you are a problem down the road they whack your wife or kids and if still a problem they whack you. Not the glamorous life Holy Wood paints it out to be me thinks.

OP did miss one avenue but it shrinks a bit more every year. Get into a good union but much nepotism so it would be like winning a job lottery.

>> No.1639697
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>>Win the lottery
Literally the only option for me since the other 2 are not possible

>> No.1639707

If you need social skills to succeed, can you explain why so many successful people are introverts?

>> No.1639711

You forgot stealing

>> No.1639716

Once upon a time, I would have called you a defeatist faggot. But what you have said is just too true.

I've seen ass-kissing in jobs where I thought it would never, ever exist. And the ass-kissing in the corporate world is just...it's just...it's another fucking world. The only way I can describe it.

>> No.1639717

I don't think being born into wealth (implying you just get money) is as important as being born into a wealthy family who can pass their knowledge onto their children.

>> No.1639754


I said to get rich, not succeed. Look at Tesla - he succeeded, but died poor because he was autistic.

>> No.1639767

What's that Latin Proverb? something like
>While it is difficult to accumulate wealth, it is twice as difficult to keep it

>> No.1639888

What about retards like Notch who are billionaires?

>> No.1639889

What did he mean by this?

>> No.1639892

There are two ways
>get lucky by almost uncontrollable circumstances
>create your own luck by creating assets that might get you rich

People tend to bet on number 1 and ignore number 2. Which is the exact opposite of what they should do.

>> No.1639903

sometimes the most efficient way to learn skills and gain experience is to trust and give your employer utter commitment.

I can see where this "ass-kissing" is taken to extreme especially in soft skill jobs like HR or some management.

I got a finance job a few weeks ago after graduating this May working in HQ for a top fortune 5 company. Point is ass-kissing isnt bad if it has good returns, ass-kissing for the sake is ass-kissing is sad though.

>> No.1639907

Putting all your money on Trump to win over 300 votes and for him to win Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania works tooo....

>> No.1639908

I was asking where or how to do it. Not what to do in detail.

>> No.1640392

How the fuck are you this naive?
You think life is some kid's cartoon where it takes no skill to be the bad guy?

>> No.1640625


Yup, you described exactly how a modern prostitute/bitch must be. This is a key to success in many places on earth.

Next time, when you see a girl on the street, just think is you, the difference is, she is honest.

>> No.1640636

that would be considered luck, which i would say falls on op's second point.

>> No.1642313


You can be dumb and still have social skills

>> No.1643274

introversion doesnt mean you cannot have social skills.

dont let people use it as an excuse for their autism; extrovert or introvert is irrelevant in the face of actual autism (or just simple idiocy aka an unwillingness to adapt)