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16386922 No.16386922 [Reply] [Original]

Opinions on LinkPool?

>> No.16387063


>> No.16387076

I wish i could find a cute trap dressed like this

>> No.16387470

What about being the cute trap

>> No.16387475

i don't have gender disphoria, but i love a cute trap

>> No.16387484

You don't need to have gender dysphagia or whatever for that, silly
It's just crossdressing because it makes your pp hard

>> No.16387492

Linkpools team is all white guys so that’s a plus

>> No.16387924

Pee pee poo poo

>> No.16388557

Johnny rims horses.

>> No.16388565

You're better off just buying more LINK instead.

>> No.16388578

faggot kys

>> No.16388621

You gotta be squidin' me...

>> No.16388734

Cheap right now. LP shares have always traded in the 4000-6000 Link per share range, but now they're down to 2000 Link per LP.
The problem is that the number of holders has stopped increasing about 2 months ago and is now at 480 unique addresses.
LP just has a visibility problem. All the fresh money that bought into Link just doesn't know that LP exists.
But once staking goes live (LP is ready, just waiting for Sergey to get his shit together) and the normies find out that they're not be able to run a node themselves they will flock to Linkpool and the LP shares will explode.

The time to buy LP is now and the time to sell them is after staking went live.

>> No.16388790

>LP is still way overpriced at multiple thousand USD per share

Chainlink has a total market cap of $2.24 billion, while Linkpool is only at ~$17.7 million, which is about 0.8% of Link's cap.
I don't think thats overpriced for the first, largest and most trusted staking pool.

>> No.16388914


>> No.16389125

I'm still trying to get a grasp on the actual relationship between LINK and LP. Does LP make LINK staking possible or just easier?

>> No.16389256

The main purpose of LP shares has always been and still is to distribute the earnings of the pool among all shareholders.
When someone stakes with LP, they receive 75% of the reward, while 25% go into a smart contract that makes said distribution.

Currently staking isn't live for the broader public, but once it goes live all existing pools will see an overwhelming influx of people wanting to stake, way more than the network would be able to grow safely in terms of node count.
You just can't jump from running a couple nodes to running thousands of nodes in days... this takes time.
The use case of needing LP to stake in the pool was introduced later, when the founders realized that the initial investors alone were sitting on millions of Link, they want to stake with LP, they wanted to make sure that LP holders would be the one that get prioritized to be able to stake their Link.

In the long run everyone will be able to stake with Link, but for roughly one year after staking goes live people will need some LP.

>> No.16389396

Thanks, I understand much better now.
Just wish I had the money to buy LP.

>> No.16389441

who gives a shit about staking gains i want adoption by enterprises so link is $1000 and i can snort cocaine from hookers assholes

>> No.16389650

>Currently staking isn't live for the broader public

It isn't available for anyone?

>> No.16389746

Only 21 nodes currently and all are handpicked by the Chainlink team (and all are receiving 0.33 Link every 5 minutes out of the non-circulating token supply).

>> No.16389769
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What is this staking you speak of ?
I only heard of steaking.

>> No.16389949

That isn't staking. They're just being paid in LINK for supplying the price.

Staking will be when they could be penalised for failing to supply the price or supplying an input outside the parameters set by the contract creator. The penalised amount will come from the the LINK that they stake as collateral.

>> No.16390084

Is it worth buying lp if i only have 2.8k link?

>> No.16390098

Also is there a minimum buy in or can i buy fractions?

>> No.16390231

The smallest tradeable fraction is 0.04. Circulating supply is 1000 shares.
If you plan to run your own node you don't need LP at all, but I expect very few people to do this and most of the supply will end up in pools.
I think LP shares are cheap right now, given how strong Link has performed against ETH. (LP shares are traded in ETH).


>> No.16390428

>If you plan to run your own node
I don't but i also don't have the stack size to even consider it. 75% cut doesn't sound too shabby