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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16383698 No.16383698 [Reply] [Original]

How do you cope with not being a money person?
Like you're not good with money, never gonna get rich, never have opportunities...
How to cope with being a poorfag?

Asking for a friend

>> No.16383706

All in Chainlink faggot

>> No.16383718

just buy chainlink and live your life

>> No.16383748

Construction is always an option, 21 yo making 50k, I want to start myself a mulch and excavating business. Literally all you have to do is put your savings into chainlink, and any other money that you don't want in chainlink you buy gold. It's not that hard.

>> No.16383776
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my dad is so it don't matter

>> No.16383784

One part I will add is that being in a field with all guys, It's better than working with women as you meet cool dudebros and you get off work in a mannerly time. You also get a nice physique doing construction work.

>> No.16383799

>Like you're not good with money, never gonna get rich, never have opportunities...
Well the first thing is within your power to change.
You can learn to be good with money, ussually through learning to interogate your impulses and subject them to long term thinking.
Although for me I'm simply too fucking lazy to spend money unless I need to. But even then, when I head to the grocery store, you bet your ass I stare at those Oyster Mushrooms for 5 minutes but I rule out getting the fancy mustard when I cave.

>How to cope with being a poorfag?
by not spending money like a rich fag and being very careful about how you prepare for emergency expeditures by emphasizing prevention.
And for goddsakes, learn to listen to your car.

>> No.16383833

Its sad fren, im from the third world. seeing all the opportunities that could be had if I had been born in a developed country is hell. Here you get shit pay compared to the same thing in say US.

>> No.16384155

I was a min wagie retail worker until I found BTC in my late 20's. 3 years of DCA, 2 times every month, plus my tax refund. $1,000 each for the first 2 of those years, $140 the third year.

BTC taught me how to save and research investments. Got me into real estate too

>> No.16384199

>Construction is always an option

i dont know man in germany they use eastern european wageslaves and pay 9€ per hour

by the age of 45 your body is broken.

doesn´t seem wise to me

>> No.16384679

Lol all girls suck with money.
Pretend you don't have any money past bills gas n food.

>> No.16384934
File: 1.43 MB, 1280x720, Sayori_After_Story_2018-02-04_20-41-41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hang out with Sayori

>> No.16384998

>have a vagina
>learn self-defence and firearms
>apply for bodyguards agency
>become the cutest bodyguard ever
>become rich without even realizing it
damn dude. I am going to actually propose it to my dumbest ex