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>> No.16382314

First for Leon and will KHC's dividend hold?

>> No.16382326

>didn't buy spy at 290
>didn't buy spy at 300
>didn't buy spy at 310

I-it's gunna crash soon r-right guys? Trump will fuck it all up soon and I can buy the dip right??

>> No.16382330

Don’t know anon they might cut it
(to diversify the business)

>> No.16382350

Son . . . U dun goof’d . . . Quit job, no gf4u, move back farm, husbandry Old Bessy, Vermont >>> Babylon on the Hudson

>> No.16382365
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>> No.16382381

Hey can anyone here tell me how to turn 15 Sats into 1 million dollars?

>> No.16382390
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Gonna say this once. Buy December 27 SPY calls at 313. Break even is 316.62 and we are going to crush through that shit so hard it'll make you smack your mammy

>> No.16382487

Hi:) another day another doxx

>> No.16382489

You know what's funny leon, I never even saw the original post. Only the replies.

>> No.16382509
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Could Leathercraft be the next big thing

>> No.16382532

Haha yeah I fucked ul by posting an screenshot of my HL account with my account number in the screenshot, I seemed to have become some sort of /smg/ meme lol

>> No.16382538


>> No.16382614

whats the plan for today?

>> No.16382651

how come only americans are allowed to buy stocks?

>> No.16382662

>imagine believing this

>> No.16382664

Is it time to buy TVIX?

>> No.16382684


>> No.16382686

All in double down balls deep on that one stock with major breakout potential due to the uplift evident in the Bizonnaci YouTube analysis of safe funds flows and supply-demand dynamic equilibrium and geopolitical distortion creating a one-time, big-boy, no-onions GAIN opportunity!

>> No.16382696

Head back over to Crypto backed by faith someone will accept it

>> No.16382740

Because we won all the wars, we invented the internet, and we own the moon

>> No.16382778

that's kind of going to happen when you condense a bunch of europeans in one spot with lots of land and resources

>> No.16382868
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There are a bunch of articles that came out last night talking about AMRN buyout rumors. Expect the stock to pump hard today.

>> No.16382926

i'm losing a lot of money on this rigged market :(

>> No.16383000


>> No.16383005
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How can you possibly lose money in the Golden Bullrun S&P free money bonanza?

>> No.16383014
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>Stopped out twice on the NQ because price surges like crazy based on tweets
>4 straight profit trades on crypto because at least it knows where the fuck to go
Wtf is this?

>> No.16383022

stops are for pussies

>> No.16383035

are we crashing and burning yet?

>> No.16383050

Risk management is literally the only thing that keeps you from crashing

>> No.16383073
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I was just yanking your chain but you'd be surprised. I trade the big boy stuff too and have never used a stop a single time and I do very well. Admittedly my strategy is unlike anybody else's I've ever seen but, hey, it works for me as I'm sure yours does for you.

>> No.16383088

Uhh looking at the candle stick charts no

>> No.16383168

Looks like RIGL and UMRX also have important presentations at ASH next week. Gonna pick up some shares of each I think and see what happens.

>> No.16383178

The thing that some people don't understand is the fact that you're suppose to place your stop loss right above or under levels that you think will turn the tide on the price, so if your long is stopped out you expect price to keep falling even lower. So it's better that you're stopped out early rather than sitting in a trade that can put you underwater for days, weeks or more. But yeah, obviously we all have different ways of trading. I've personally been doing this for 3 years and risk management is what kept me profitable.
What's pissing me off though is that I can enter a PERFECT trade on the NQ and one tweet can just pump or dump the NQ by 20 points or whatever, which happened

>> No.16383287

fuck dis is up premarket. shit, I was hoping for a dippy. If it goes past 152 I'm fucked. Stay low! sell damnit sell!

>> No.16383388

Fuuuuuck, dunno what to do, buy some spy or wait and see if there's a dip. Every time I buy something it fricken dips like a mother fucker

>> No.16383428
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>> No.16383433

I wouldn't stress too much. Either way you're going to make money since it isn't going to stop here even if it does dip a little before heading upward

>> No.16383441

I'm really feeling March SPY ITM puts.
It feels so much like 2008. The hopelessness, the lack of anything new.
The working man is in a recession. Housing has ballooned 30% over the past 5 years while salaries have gone up around 12% if you're lucky.
All the 'free money' has gone to businesses who have been able to utilize it to buy back stocks and invest and become powerhouses. Wise boomers picked up a starter home and became a landlord who can retire now that his job got shipped over seas.
And look at historical US recessions - they were announced in the Winter before a Presidential election.
Screen cap this. Once the Impeachment stuff flies over, a Recession will fill the headlines and be the next political tactic.

>> No.16383449

And don't get me started about actual inflation ...

>> No.16383478

>It feels so much like 2008. The hopelessness, the lack of anything new.
no it doesn't, zoomer

>> No.16383516

My main concern is that there has not been a meaningful correction in months, it just keeps going up. That alone is a reason to be very cautious. The longer it goes on like this without a correction, the deeper the correction will be.

>> No.16383567

Why would there be a correction during a golden bull run?

>> No.16383577

Except its the opposite. In 2008 all the metrics were dogshit but the media was covering it all up and telling everyone things are great. Now everything is great and the media keeps trying to fear monger.

>> No.16383585
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>> No.16383587

Waiting till the RoS flops and dips Disney. Then I'll buy in to profit off the upcoming Disney Plus shows.

>> No.16383604
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>Sierra chart 1991
What the heck?

Sierra made some good games though back in the day.

>> No.16383613

They just don't make charting software like they used to, anon

>> No.16383633

When is GALT going to do a thing?/

>> No.16383654

OMG SPY is down in premarket by 1 penny. Sell everything and move it all to VXX

>> No.16383664

GDP growth is all in hole digging and filling, and unemployment and inflation stats are outright lies.

>> No.16383686

>GDP growth is all in hole digging and filling, and unemployment and inflation stats are outright lies.
If this were so obvious wouldn't the street already have priced it in? Surely if the relevant econometrics are outright lies the likes of GS and JPM are aware and acting accordingly

>> No.16383690

Ok schiff head

>> No.16383695

I'm watching heavyweight truck sales. They dived in 07 when the bubble was still going up. I saw some trucking news that transportation is in a recession right now.
My theory is markets are seeing times more like 00-01 recession than 07-08. I predict tech goes straight up very fast before plummeting like in 01. Timeframe for that, I don't know. Maybe there is a rally early next year, maybe after the 2020 election. It's going to become a game of musical chairs before long.

>> No.16383701

Wall Street doesn't 2 shits if everything west of the Hudson is Mad Max, as long as they have liquidity to keep the games churning.

>> No.16383712

The obvious housing bubble wasn't priced in in 2008 even though wallstreet knew what was going on.

>> No.16383758

DIS is going to 155 bitches. Buy calls for next month and February. Dont fuck with the mouse.

>> No.16383762

Do premiums on options get paid up front? I want to sell some covered calls to collect premiums for some immediate trades.

>> No.16383770

Hype train isn’t over, Merck about to take off again, closing out put protection and vxx hedge.

It’s time for PILL boyos. China wants Keytruda.

PILL, tough choice over LABU.

>> No.16383787

Scratch that

Major liquidity difference between PILL and LABU?

>> No.16383796

Even in golden bull markets there are corrections and shakeouts along the way. They are healthy for the market and maintain stability, there have been none.

>> No.16383801

You get paid when you sell. So yeah if you write a covered call you'll get money up front, but if you were to write a put, the broker's going to save the cash for exercise so you'll end up having less money to fuck around and trade with.

>> No.16383804


>> No.16383836
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When are those MSFT corrections coming again?

>> No.16383837

Buy the McDip also

>> No.16383840

Its going to dip when RoS doesn't break a billion.

>> No.16383846

Frozen 2: Return of Sfrozen?

>> No.16383848
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Can you make lots of money trading SPY options with an average holding period of about an hour?

>> No.16383862

>an hour
Never gonna make it kid. I sell them with millisecond holding periods.

>> No.16383872

On what exactly?

>> No.16383881

>an hour
Never gonna make it kid. I buy aeon-long SPY calls from extraterrestrials for guaranteed gains.

>> No.16383922
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Fake news. The alien investment is buying ethereum from the time traveling alien Vitalik Buretin.

>> No.16383924

Well I want to do statistical arbitrage but I don't have the infrastructure. Might come up with a few machine learning strategies for stocks and just trade that.

>> No.16383940

Damn Cramer saying it’s for real that the hard liners have finally lost this one for phase 1. Seriously... it’s time for TECL SOXL or YINN

I bought some LABU though. I like that bet.

>> No.16383941

>white house on lockdown due to airspace violation- Reuters

Its over

>> No.16383951

TBLT run today boys on news get in early up to 118% already

>> No.16383961

VXX calls today is the day.

>> No.16383976

time for me to start tripfagging

>> No.16383988

inverse baggie fund just went up other 10%. thx u!

>> No.16384005

filtered :)

>> No.16384019

Damn, CURE is also on fire.

>> No.16384044

Who's getting some NVDA calls with me

>> No.16384051

MRK is the place to be fellas.

>> No.16384055

PRNB has a presentation on the 9th and there was insider buying reported yesterday.

The data is already posted for the presenation even though it hasn't hit the news:

>> No.16384094

that turd isn't going anywhere

>> No.16384106

It's gonna shit the bed today bro

>> No.16384114

I;'m seeing that. y tho

>> No.16384123

Damn that is one ugly candle

>> No.16384127

because we bought

>> No.16384132


>> No.16384139
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>> No.16384149

Does being able to withdraw Roth contributions without penalty refer to lifetime contributions? Like if I have contributed $18k to my Roth IRA that is worth $22k total, I can withdraw $18k tax free at any time, right?

>> No.16384154

What is a good contract?

>> No.16384164

SPY is red, get your puts we're going down!!!!

>> No.16384166

After all those articles with BO rumors it makes no sense for it to heavily dip. It always morning dips a little. This is gonna be just another day until more people see those articles.

>> No.16384171
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>about to dump life savings into Alibaba
>charts turn blood red

>> No.16384190

You gotta reassess your biases my friend.

>> No.16384206

where is the pressure?
no one is selling

in this moment, I am e u p h o r i c

>> No.16384210

>have $300 laying around on RH; wholly unsure what to do with it

any good option plays to make this morning?

>> No.16384211
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>"Dude, market is going -80% in 2020, worse than the 1929 stock market crash"
>doesn't short the market

Why don't permabears put their money where their mouth is?

>> No.16384218

wtf is wrong with semiconductors. Fucking SOXL is a piece of shit. You guys lied to me. I'm about to short this bitch to the ground

>> No.16384225

It’s a weird week bruh. My LABU didn’t fly so good.

>> No.16384229

>implying the masses aren't heavily influenced by these articles
When that faggot from Oppenheimer published his $7 price target the share price took a dive within 24 hours.

>> No.16384235

Look closer, on the 1 minute candles we're fucked.

>> No.16384248

It was the day after a parabolic move. It was looking for an excuse to sell off.

>> No.16384250

I don't see it
all in UWM and SMLL
see you in late 2021 for the actual crash

>> No.16384256

never. they'll continue to whine and pout about missing the greatest bull market in history

>> No.16384262

Is trading SPY options worth the stress? I see big gains from this but seems like it's very stressful to day trade

>> No.16384277
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Ok, I'm a brainlet who doesn't understand how to effectively trade options. Very new to all of this. To those of you who are in the AMRN cult, what are your option plays? I'll just copy the one that gets the most (You)s.

>> No.16384279

Some people are so dumb that it makes me angry

>> No.16384282

The only winning strategy is buy and hold until the options expire.

>> No.16384285
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Dude... he’s getting iron hands installed, he’s gonna make it.

(That’s fucking gross bro)

>> No.16384286


>> No.16384287

Any bio plays?

>> No.16384301

the bogendoffs are pumping this because they know i got the puts. i hate those fuckers.

>> No.16384303

1/17/20 calls, various strike prices

>> No.16384305

Can someone tell me what's the deal with amarin?

>> No.16384307

I’ve got 2 $24.5 calls for 12/27
I DO NOT recommend you do this. There’s no volume and it’s a stupid move because it expires too soon.

I don’t have the heart to tell you to buy my bags. My only hope is that the hype train picks up again before the FDA meeting.

>> No.16384312

Mass delusion.
Happens quite often on the stock market

>> No.16384328

if holy buyout guy is right I'll make thousands. if he's wrong I lost a few hundred.

>> No.16384331

Holding pretty steady over 20.9 in it's standard morning dip. You sure?

>> No.16384336

Thought there was a buyout for amarin?

>> No.16384338


>> No.16384342

RIP Dollar Tree.

>> No.16384343

I work at walmart and make 11 dollars an hour because a car accident gave me brain damage and I can't work anywere else. I put my savings of 4,000 dollars into amarin and if it doesn't moon I have a 12 gauge ready to go

>> No.16384350

That you need to reasses your biases? Yes.
That my calls expires too soon?
Also yes.
What are you asking about exactly? Why are you assuming I’m bearish on the stock?

>> No.16384356
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So I bought a call option for a company and they ended up doing an 8:1 r/s. I held the option through the split and ended up making a profit selling the contract even though the newly split stock is tanking. Explain this shit...

>> No.16384357

What's your contract, and how many are you holding?

>> No.16384360

I'm already kind of well off so I can afford to be flippant with my cash. You have a lot more on the line, Godspeed.

>> No.16384366
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>> No.16384367


>> No.16384368

Start your own company helping others with brain damage work at better places.

>> No.16384371

Spy is rising on low volume and falling on volume, you can't explain that.

>> No.16384373
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Where Are Your Linkies? Present Them To Me....

>> No.16384375

I'm not. I'm saying my analysis is correct. This is a standard morning dip. I've had AMRN for months I've seen this over and over again with this stock.

>> No.16384377
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A few Dollar Tree niggas probably hanged themselves this morning.

>> No.16384395

the era of cheap china import shit is over

>> No.16384405
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>> No.16384422

hey most of the kids here don't even have a plan
so you're doing pretty well, better than most AMRN buyers

there are no sellers
they're all taking this whole week off

>> No.16384431
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I see I see, I’ll keep an open mind and see how the day plays out.

Here’s my absolutely degenerate gamble of the week :3

>> No.16384470

>bro don't start your own company, wages are better than profits
ok pleb

>> No.16384474

Dealers' long gamma position causes option decay which then results in buying as they readjust their hedge

>> No.16384489

Possible - or perhaps it'll be the bullshit companies those marketing touts nonsense marketing about AI and machine learning
>We're a high tech company with algorithms ...
>Oh, ok. Wow. Take my money.
> ... algos like 1+1=2 and .. oh, ok. Thanks.

>> No.16384494
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"Hi my name is Eric with Tardspace LLC, we work on giving demeaning jobs to damaged employees that will be a net drain on your workforce. Now I've got this young gentleman named Derrick who may be exactly what you're looking for to fill your "Burger Engineer" position, I think he could really bring value to the 5 Guys brand. I do have to warn you though, he suffers from a traumatic brain injury that causes him to drool incessantly. He will have to have a medical grade Spit Bucket at all times next to the grill. His nervous system has also been damaged and now any time he shakes someone's hand he involuntarily ejaculates. We hope that these issues do not prevent an otherwise excellent candidate from this great opportuni-....... Hello?"

>> No.16384495

>down $41 on my AMRN calls


>> No.16384505

Which people are the dumbs?
Dealers are doing the buying in this case?

>> No.16384506

Still a good time to buy ENPH.

NBRV on a good dip too.

>> No.16384510

Not even an hour in and I'm already gaped out lads

>> No.16384526

Company should have been called We Tard Did LLC

>> No.16384528

>Dealers are doing the buying in this case?
Yes, they buy back their own short position which they used for hedging when they sold puts to you and me.

>> No.16384531

Fuck time to buy more AMRN dips.

And wtf is up with dollar tree?

>> No.16384535

I own galt and AMRN, how fucked am I?

>> No.16384539

I'm sorry I don't really know anything about PFE but good luck to you anon!

>> No.16384547
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Biofags BTFO

>> No.16384553

>NBRV on a good dip too.
the fuck happened to it?

dump it, it just goes down.

>> No.16384562

audibly kek'd

>> No.16384563

Now how can you trade your own stock without stock?

>> No.16384577

nice dude

>> No.16384584


>> No.16384599


>> No.16384611
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Day trading is impossible to do consistently on all U.S. instruments because the markets aren't real per se. If you stripped away the HFTs just passing shares/contracts/whatever back and forth to each other and crushing anyone who trespasses on the game of catch they're having with themselves, the spreads would be enormous and market activity would basically be a fraction of what it is now.

The HFTs exist in no small part to make the market seem a lot more alive than it really is when most participants are corralled into mutual funds and therefore don't really participate, retail traders don't make up a great deal of volume, and institutions have predictable volume once you know what they're trading, what they're hedging, and what their overall bias is which doesn't take that long because they're all usually moving in lock step themselves.

The market would have a very different personality than it does now and you would be able to day trade it if you shut down all the "fake" activity. As it is though, you don't have a prayer. You can picture you and a friend having catch and then a stranger comes into your game of catch so you both wink at each other and either start throwing impossible tosses at them or you just don't throw the ball to them at all, but if the two of you weren't there then there probably wouldn't be a game of catch to play. That's the modern U.S. markets.

This is why everyone buys and holds and dollar cost averages on index funds and ETFs. People WANT to day trade and do crazy shit. They want to make money. They want to outperform the market, but those intraday strategies don't have any actual mass appeal because they don't work vs. the strategies that have worked. If dollar cost averaging and buy and hold didn't work, mutual funds and ETFs would be out of business. They go out of business a lot less than retail day traders which show a probability profile akin to slot machines (95% failure rate or some shit at this point lol).

>> No.16384628

Cramer club moves
>Buying Clorox
>Exiting JNJ
>Adding to VIAB

>> No.16384636

Mickey is on fucking fire today... usually with DIS they just sell the news.

>> No.16384639

Damn... didn’t notice that VIAB dipped well below where I Sold yesterday, then rallied above. I’m the tard again...

>> No.16384655

African markets it is then.
Zimbabwe here I come.

>> No.16384675

That meme is literally me, but it took 5 years. Everything, wrinkles, gaunt face, I started wearing glasses. My vision is getting worse maybe from looking at candlestick charts for hours at a time. I now have crippling depression but I'm green!

>> No.16384686

trading is a game of out-sheeping the sheeps.

>> No.16384694

AMRN is a good long but i doubt the stock is going to do much short term outside of the 12/28 meeting. too many concerns over the company's ability to manage the uptick in sales, just how much (or little) the label will actually be expanded, and the fact that a buyout seems less and less likely each day.

t. bought in last november

>> No.16384714

should i gamble my life on ILIKF?

>> No.16384726

if youre going to do something like that i would do it in crypto

>> No.16384736

Vix is at that level where it live meow jumps.

>> No.16384738

A lot of things changed. It's more about monitoring dark pool activity and estimating dealers position on hedging and stuff like that now. The main problem is that market mechanics is a huge fucking mess and no one will tell you how it works.

>> No.16384752

Australia/ASX works too. I don't know how crypto is these days, but I heard a lot of guys who knew what they were doing (once upon a time at least) were shifting over to that. Not even because they believe in crypto necessarily, but because it just presented a much cleaner price action to exploit. This shit isn't rocket science. Price goes up and price goes down. It doesn't take very long or cost a lot to recognize when you're dealing with some suspect shit. I could probably tell you in a couple of trades for the price of commission + the p/l difference of trading the smallest possible unit size. And you could do the same for yourself. I don't believe in the whole "you have to trade for 1 year then you magically become a consistently profitable trader :)" You should see tangible results fairly quickly. Don't waste time trying to find a system to play lottery tickets. Shop around for markets.

>> No.16384764

crypto is fun but it's literally a blind, guessing game. at least with ILIKF, they have something tangible to assess. with crypto, it's hoping and praying the team doesn't exit scam, while they remain in the dark "developing". ILIKF has a team of some dudes walking into work every morning researching batteries.

>> No.16384798

do you know these dudes

>> No.16384799

why the fuck did I buy and holding BITCF?

>> No.16384818

nah, literally just stumbled across this company last night

>> No.16384851
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Send the VIX your energy.

>> No.16384883

i hate amrn stock so fucking much

>> No.16384885
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They just announced they will have a live webcast on December 4th. They weren't previously going to do one.

That is bullish as fuck imo.

>> No.16384893

I’m surprised it hasn’t rallied

>> No.16384920

just dropped 1200 Canadian loonies on amrn on the dip hopefully I didn't catch the freshly sharpened knife

>> No.16384931
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It might not until we get closer to the presentation. Even the retail response has been muted so far. Butts too sore from the recent selloff.

But its a corporate update, as they put it. They haven't gone this public since I've been watching it. They are either going to clear shit up about the adaptive trial or announce something huge. They wouldn't have their share price wrecked and then publicly execute themselves with dilution.

>> No.16384958

It looks like any sort of positive news is already priced in. AMRN has way more downside risk then it does up, and it has a chance to fill the gap at the bottom if something goes wrong.

>> No.16384961

july 2020 $2.50 NBRV calls, yea or nay?

>> No.16384972

>buy QCOM
>it immediately tanks
the /smg/ curse at work again

>> No.16384990

This doesn’t seem like the type of thing you do to announce excellent results or a buyout or funding secured. On the other hand, i haven’t seen companies do this to announce they’re folding either.

>> No.16385003

I'm getting fucking ass raped on these puts. What happened to my trade war, and cancelled xmas.

>> No.16385023

Congratulations to you disney chad, your stock was just named best buy by this click bait article.


>> No.16385024
File: 46 KB, 344x353, cash.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MNK is catching my attention today. Anybody have any thots on it?

>> No.16385047
File: 79 KB, 600x800, 1524848412836.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My best guess is its either a clarification of the problems with the FDA that likely ended favorably for GALT resulting in a public press conference about it or its a partnership. They're calling it a corporate update which is interesting to me.

I don't see the case for it being a bad thing. Its either neutral/good or very good imo.

>> No.16385072

They just did a rights offering and have enough money til the end of 2020. Multiple indications. They have no chance of folding, as they could pivot away from NASH and to cancer if they wanted. Or others.

And Dick Uihlein would bail it out anyway. He's a billionaire.

>> No.16385094

Harold is going to announce he ate all the tendies and nobody is getting any.

>> No.16385112

How do you find out who owns a specific mortgage note? Say I want to buy own mortgage note so I can finish off my house for cheap, how would I go about doing that?

>> No.16385113

That's a pretty good guess. But you're wrong. I have insider information on this one.
The webcast will consist of the goofy looking president/CEO sitting in a comfortable chair, staring directly at the camera, and chanting "GALT, GALT, GALT, GALT..." in a monotone voice for three minutes. Then there will be some fancy looking images of proteins floating around. More chanting, then the webcast will end.
It makes sense if you understand certain types of protein-sugar binding.

>> No.16385123

Yeah... I don’t think that’s how you get to be a billionaire, but it’s not impossible.
Interesting. I’m probably exposed enough to this one, I’ll just sit on my hands.

>> No.16385126

just google it

>> No.16385140
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Netflix is overvalued

>> No.16385147
File: 63 KB, 226x293, Dick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uihlein put in 20 million during the rights offering and exercised his 5 dollar warrants when the price was well below that. He's sitting on this company because he knows it will pay. Thats how he got to be a billionaire.

>> No.16385149

that's a short signal

>> No.16385153

>so I can finish off my house for cheap
why would it be cheap?

>> No.16385157
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I'm fine with it. Could help the price.

>> No.16385203

vxx is trending upwards while vix is going down.

is something going to happen soon?!

>> No.16385206
File: 1.04 MB, 1000x1400, 7EC0A776-0754-4AE4-BDF6-8346F8A80635.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many times did I tell you queers to buy Merck...

You chose this.

>> No.16385307

nothing ever happens before i change my position or my options expire.

>> No.16385326

rolling the dice on 12/20 $3 GALT calls

>> No.16385335

>the market is the inverse baggie index

>> No.16385369

Anyone keeping an eye at CLVS? Why a sudden 200% movement since a month ago?

>> No.16385375

The SPY 4 hour chart just looks exactly how it always looks right before it just goes down.... I mean I would expect everybody to run for the exit.

>> No.16385409

Fuck being smart
Its all about gambling on earnings now
Get with it, get your put and call to anything over 100 that has high implied moves and just win baby

>> No.16385465

Drumpf tweeted that he was winning the rice wars tho

>> No.16385541

SPY only goes up

>> No.16385561

So I should buy the calls for Friday?

>> No.16385568

lol idk I'm just shitposting

>> No.16385574


>> No.16385578
File: 320 KB, 500x373, 1573671140482.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trimming and exiting positions today. NOT because of any bearishness, but because I need to refocus. I would love to add Clorox but there's just too many positions. Need to free up some dry powder, I'm way over extended.

Trimmed: LHX, TACO, GO
Sell: LABU

Anyone know what's up with LDOS? Shit, no, gotta focus. LMT is better.

>> No.16385586

Not that I have looked at many asx stocks now but they clearly look different. They're messy af though.

>> No.16385602

Ok I got the $314 calls for Friday.

>> No.16385612

Lmt should moon now that i sold it.

>> No.16385630

Why'd you do that? Turkey bullshit?
I should probably see if there's still time for the "short Turk" trade

>> No.16385651

Exited GO about breakeven. Fuck it, I like the company but I need to focus.

>> No.16385686
File: 9 KB, 257x196, apu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

already +10% thanks fren

>> No.16385691

I have my longs in my Fidelity Roth IRA, but I have maxed it for the year. Want to have some fun gambling now. Is Robin Hood good for options trading?

>> No.16385734
File: 289 KB, 1440x2960, Screenshot_20191126-122015_Cash App.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

50/25/25, 50% AMD, 25% INTEL, 25% DISNEY, am I gonna make it?

>> No.16385738


>> No.16385756

Just sold my amrn after buyin in at 22 per share it should moon now

>> No.16385762

Very, VERY good ui for options. If you are a godly speedster you can make bank off of robinhood options

>> No.16385763

It’s an easy enough layout, and it’s free. It’s alright.

>> No.16385766

Isn't this week kinda a meh week for stocks anyway?

>> No.16385774


All in.

>> No.16385791

the price manipulation on SNSS is Legendary level. Nearly 2M shares traded and the price has not moved, at all.

>> No.16385795

AMRN getting btfo, gamble and buy the dip or wait for next good news and ditch?

>> No.16385803


Buy the dip. Its gonna do this for a while. Go long or go broke.

>> No.16385807

Profit harvesting. Needed liquidity to concentrate on a better position. Ex-dividend date is a ways away.

>> No.16385813

I just dumped lost 10 percent on 1000, kikenheimer is fucking me, buying back in back i dont like what da bones say (candlestick charts)

>> No.16385815

Actually, its 11/29. Oh well.

>> No.16385912
File: 47 KB, 773x682, 1477176084339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol 33 dollars, didnt know we had a buncha betas in the thread

>> No.16385994
File: 24 KB, 641x404, anakin_fun_begins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just bought some HPE at 15.87 for a gambling daytrade.

>> No.16385999

When I’m gambling on just a hunch, I’d rather keep the stakes low. Especially because I have no idea what I’m doing with options.
>up 60%
I’ll take it.

>> No.16386016

Another day, another bobo killing themselves

>> No.16386038

Flipped one of my calls today. Gotta take profits sometimes...

>> No.16386056


>> No.16386075
File: 53 KB, 596x680, Trade war.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16386076

Which makes it a great week for puts!

>> No.16386082

as nature intended

>> No.16386086


>> No.16386097

>my bags has been consistently trending upwards all year

I'm OK with this situation.

>> No.16386101

Shit’s infuriating. Can’t wait for the actual deal followed by a horrendous correction.

>> No.16386103

Current holdings
>GHSI (Deep in the red but I have time to hodl)
Recently sold

Any more meme stocks to lose money in?

>> No.16386111

Spy? Everything always slumps after the morning rally. Wait for the end of day bull run.

>> No.16386126

Get some MJ 420 dudeweeds in there

>> No.16386127

>recently sold amrn
you did it to yourself idiot

>> No.16386129

VSTM rallying...
Haven’t checked on kblb in a while

>> No.16386141

Buy or sell my Disney today?

>> No.16386154

Buy high, sell low

>> No.16386174

Don’t be a pussy. It’s Thanksgiving week.

>> No.16386181
File: 19 KB, 433x440, HELLYEAH_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16386185

>No edition
no trend

>> No.16386186

Currently watching ACB, will buy if it goes under 2.2 again

Did what to myself?

>VSTM rallying
Why? Looks like I missed the boat already

>> No.16386205
File: 1.99 MB, 368x467, horsegloves.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus, the fetishes of some people.

>> No.16386217

Balls deep in geo right now and not even mad

>> No.16386247


Yeah I've heard of amputee compulsions before, independent of furry fetishism. The way I hear about it was to tourniquet yourself above the knee and blow the bottom of one of your legs off with a shotgun. The human mind can be pretty fucked up.

>> No.16386248
File: 147 KB, 1280x720, xrrs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mindless little small specs
Mindless liiitol smalll speecs

>> No.16386265

I'm not being a pussy... ((They)) actively monitor this thread to fuck me after every trade I make. It's all because when the bogendoff's agent called me I said I wouldn't be part of their syndicate to bog neets out of their tendie money. This is what I get for trying to be on all of your sides.

>> No.16386272
File: 33 KB, 640x480, 45F33FC3-724C-4B74-B92C-A9FA2CB73978.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nonon was created to fuel my fetishes and that’s perfectly acceptable.

>> No.16386281

>muh GALT calls

comfy. will hold to 12/4

>> No.16386295

You made the right choice baggie. Here's a freebie for your service: uranium futures.

Think about it

>> No.16386305

>I will think about it

>> No.16386320

3.01 seems to be rock solid support, bounced off many times over the past week. Reversal incoming?

>> No.16386324

knew youd be on board w them

cant believe after years of listening to flipper no one told me that no trend was just a better version of them

>> No.16386342

I'm going to put some money on ETFs every month. Now my work deals with innovation all day and I have a good idea which sectors are probably going to grow. I'm however quite new to investing.

Does it make sense to put a bit of cash every month on like 4 different sector ETFs that I think will outperform the world index or should I just not try to build a portfolio and just do an ETF savings plan with the world index (this is slightly cheaper as it's only one transaction per month and banks offer nice plans for this in Germoney).

Or should I just say fuck it and get a IB account and buy all the ETFs I want, however I want (and cost average with larger time intervals)?

Or should I scratch this plan and go all in on the first pajeetcoin I see shilled on the front page?

>> No.16386357
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>> No.16386372

nabbed a $3 call for .15 right before it took off hoping their conference on 12/4 pumps it, I have till the 20th of December to get rid of it

>> No.16386387

>((They)) actively monitor this thread to fuck me after every trade I make
ye m8
webcrawlers are absolutely a thing. been trying to tell /smg/ers this for a while now. if youre gonna post strikes, B/Es, position size etc, best to make it "based on a true story".
supposedly the ones for stocktalk sites can scan pics too, so those arent safe either

lel they even do the overbearingly shitty sax playing better

>> No.16386388

If you have an edge in picking sectors, why bother with the world ETF? It also depends on your fees as a % of cost of buying the stocks.

The only "flaw" of IB is that you are charged $10 every month. However this is discounted by fees incurred, hence if you are going to be paying more than $10 on fees with another broker, you might as well use IB. Also, if your account value is more than 100k the $10 monthly fee does not apply.

>> No.16386415
File: 252 KB, 1242x979, 831A1443-3F7D-40CD-94A4-E77FC4341F6C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine having like $1000 in this yesterday

>> No.16386468
File: 168 KB, 267x200, neveropen.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More meme stocks:
Though I may dump ACHV since they sell smoking cessation and people are going to be smoking more, not less, during the recession.

>> No.16386480

My reasoning is just that I am experienced in terms of technology evaluation and forecasting future markets but not experienced at all with the impact of outside factors to these markets (e.g. the impact of a recession on the battery value chain). So out of prudence, I thought I should just do the easy strategy of just parking on the world index, which is also cheaper in fees and less work. Also unsure of how taxes are deducted on these financial instruments here.

I guess it's a personal decision in the end but pointers are always appreciated.

>> No.16386487

Trade it for MO, they'll have Marlboro, Juul, and whatever new weed stuff hits the stores all under one banner.

>> No.16386495


>> No.16386498
File: 1.97 MB, 400x332, 1453311966501.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got $70 to fuck around with. Someone give me a penny stock(s) to dump it in.

>> No.16386508

>i only had one chance in life and I wasn't born a clairvoyant


>> No.16386513

Why does the facebooks frogs crash the plane?

>> No.16386516

play with options instead, you actually have a chance of making money with them

>> No.16386517

What's the tl;dr on why gopro is so low? I thought those things were all the rage with zoomers

>> No.16386526
File: 852 KB, 2400x2682, 1572479616073.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is your best ETF?

>> No.16386533

It’s just a camera with meme mounts. Anyone can copy.

>> No.16386543

It's gimmicky overexpensive shite

>> No.16386545

Since you're investing monthly, IB is probably the best bet. Also solves the fee problem as they have dirt low rates.

I don't quite understand what you mean by more work. The initial difficulty would be picking the sectors you think is going to outperform, other than that its just buying in regularly. If you are uncertain but willing to bet on your analysis, maybe do something like 50% in a world index and divide the remaining 50 among your picked sectors.

>> No.16386598
File: 3.42 MB, 1876x1850, lebane.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maymay magic.

>> No.16386660

Buy Tesla now for a quick swing?

>> No.16386691

fuck.. forgot market is open right now!! also fuck.. accidently sent my business associate porn on email FML!!!! FFUUCCKK

have an email typed out saying I got hacked and so did my computer and that they shouldn't click on those links because they might be a trap FFUUCCKK!!

LCI to $60

GME still building up


>> No.16386703

>accidently sent my business associate porn

>> No.16386711

does that include free trials and people who get it for free through verizon?

>> No.16386714

I would suggest ARWR, but its moon cylce is likely over now after it went up 17% yesterday and today. AMRN will raise but will likely be after the 28th of December anon.

>> No.16386716

Send his business associate trap porn. HAHAHAHAHAHHAA

>> No.16386727

fucking SPY isn't even $314 anymore... My calls are going to be worthless

>> No.16386740

look at futures if you want shorter holding periods but the order books on those are more complicated so it's not a great beginner task

>> No.16386751

Opinions on DIS's latest price action ?

>> No.16386759

Second guessed yourself.

>> No.16386785

I speculated that D+ was going to be a hit because I follow the Star Wars fandom and made some money but I am looking to exit now.

Unless you are buy and hold forever there are better deals to be had.

>> No.16386794

Just give me all your money and I'll pay you $750. You'll probably make more money with my deal than in any of those stocks.
That's just to name a few that you should have as a spread.

>> No.16386802

>buy high sell low and send porn to associate
/smg/- serious business general

>> No.16386810
File: 251 KB, 1660x1246, Screen Shot 2019-11-26 at 10.47.31 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Large specs went NET SHORT last week
Very curious to see tonight's update. They're still heavily short VIX at the same time. (And the short is teeny tiny)

>> No.16386819

why are you so investing in LCI?

>> No.16386824


whatever though.. I think I came up with a good excuse.. they know I'm traveling.. so I just told them it must've got hacked.. they're like 60 and will probably believe it.. it's also not bad porn.. just some nude solo girl dancing...

>> No.16386836
File: 3.00 MB, 640x532, 1569354330664.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sent my business associate porn on email FML!!!! FFUUCCKK

>> No.16386842

the absolute state of LCIfags

>> No.16386853

>the absolute state of coomers
This is the natural state of a coomer. Always in a panic, always having to cover their tracks reeking with failure. See how porn negatively effects your life? Just quit it at all costs and you'll start getting better.

>> No.16386885

>they're like 60 and will probably believe it.. it's also not bad porn.. just some nude solo girl dancing...
turns out to be their grand daughter or niece or some shit.

>> No.16386901

Its a good company.

Old management fucked it up and new management is cleaning it up. Their restructuring really good and new CEO is kicking ass!! He's really cleaning this company up and turning it around. I see a lot of growth to come for it.

I'm just happy I didn't send any subject or any text on the email. I was hoping for him to reply back to see his reaction... it was a of a girl that looked like a girl we know.. I was hoping he would respond with a "is that so and so" but when I typed in his email address it like automatically went to someone elses because I guess I write them more and it's similar?!? fucking shit

>> No.16386909

>send your associate porn
>respond in 5 seconds with "SORRY GUYS I GOT HACKED IT WAS A VIRUS PLEASE DELTE THAT!!!!!"


>> No.16386921

>turns out to be their grand daughter or niece or some shit.
oh god.. or someone that looks like them.. fml!!!

I sent an email to them.. if they bring it up i'm just gunna add onto the story then try and change the subject right after the story lol.. FUCK!!

actually I waited 2 hours to send it.. had it all written out.. but waited for that very reason.. I'm staying at an Airbnb.. gunna tell him I had to go to a Starbucks and work it out.. that it was only my computer that was fucked with not my phone lol

>> No.16386944
File: 79 KB, 249x249, 1541393700644.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shorts keep trying to hold our boy GALT down but that bitch wants to go back up.

>> No.16386951
File: 101 KB, 634x739, car.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you should have mentioned it's nsfw :)

no that too short :D and forex and commodities you need even much longers than indecies. that is why in general retailers dont benefit of algos or automated systems that implement trades without you touching the system, because only need would be higher frequency

>> No.16386964

>You'll probably make more money with my deal
But I made an average of 15% with those sold and the rest are at break even or slight profit. Only thing fucking with me is GHSI at the moment.

Also I asked for meme stocks, fuck off with your covert Disney shilling.

>> No.16386974
File: 237 KB, 276x268, 1452754650858.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope none of you are in FCEL. lmao

>> No.16387001

>you should have mentioned it's nsfw :)

luckily its with an old email account that he knows I no longer use for business. I just had to sign into it to "confirm my amazon log in" and that must've been when it happened.

>> No.16387011

that P&D was obvious

>> No.16387050

where do you work? i need a job.

>> No.16387072

That particular person is another investor... but I told him i'll be traveling around Europe.. so I think it could be a passable story

>> No.16387226

Is at&t a good buy currently for its dividend?

>> No.16387239

KEYS earnings after the bell

Big dick plays

>> No.16387248

making new standby

>> No.16387255

I would say so anon. I don't think it's too volatile either, so it should be pretty safe. If news comes out on their involvement in 5G then it should pop a little bit too.

>> No.16387261

Just finished reading Investor Z. That was a fun mango. I think I learned more about obscure Japanese business history than I actually learned about investing from it but still entertaining.

>> No.16387265

Thanks for baking the bread.

>> No.16387281






>> No.16387371
File: 164 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20191126-120150_Robinhood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which one of you fucks is playing around here? Quit fucking with my daily.

>> No.16387482


Got out earlier today. Fuck that