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File: 330 KB, 1460x2050, ari g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16381536 No.16381536 [Reply] [Original]

Are coders the dumbest people on the planet?

No tech works without a problem. These "experts" consistently fail at their profession. They can't do their job right. They think because they "can" code, they're smart in general, when most of them are undiagnosed autistics.

What will they do when AI replaces them?

>> No.16381564

fuck this is some shit bait but god i wanna coom all over that face desu

>> No.16381576

What I said is true

>> No.16381586
File: 25 KB, 358x340, homer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sure pal

>> No.16381608
File: 8 KB, 181x279, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes it is

>> No.16381630

absolute perfection

>> No.16381638

also take this over to /g/ if you want to piss off coders

>> No.16381652
File: 1.29 MB, 3840x2130, 2637153-ariana-grande-4k-wallpaper-theme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unlike coders

>> No.16381668

Yet, those coders have built systems that are running the world. You think someone else can do it? Why don't those companies hire those other people then?

>> No.16381691

Well like all professions there are like the top 5% that of elite tier. The rest of 95% are mediocre to pieces of shit when it comes to coding. The best of the best do the heavy lifting and create the foundational tools, platform and patterns that go on to be used by the pleb developers.

But yeah the reason you see so much bugs and shit in code is because the developers are either lazy as fuck or just pure incompetence. They don't have attention to detail to capture all use cases or they are just retarded and don't know how to implement the right optimal solution for the problem. Also blame the fucking testers for not catching the problem if they are used.

>> No.16381699

Everyone is stupid, everyone but me. No, really, not just coders but every field of discipline everywhere in the world is literally becoming dumber. Scientists today are a laughing stock, modern engineers are absolute dipshits compared to the true innovators from back in the day, medical staff is often times incompetent and unwilling to do their jobs and even business owners are so narrow minded and retarded, it's a miracle some of them actually make them. Universities used to be a place where academic minds would flourish and nurture themselves within their peers, but since it became a "get paper, go wagecuck, get money" the average person has infested this and replaced it by lowering standards, "why should I be smart? I only want money so I'll lower the entry bar, accomodate test scores and be really lenient with the students". Think of the dumbest person you know personally, now realize that over half the world's population is dumber than that.

>> No.16381704

gipsy grande

>> No.16381723

Aren't they doing that?
Woke diversity hiring smashing down the patriarchy or some shit

>> No.16381743

Op is a fag and obviously neet troll bait .

>> No.16381756

>Are coders the dumbest people on the planet?

Probably not. Your average normal person can barely use his iphone or operate his television.

Most of the reported bugs don't even exist, it is the user using the device against the instructions.

>What will they do when AI replaces them?

At that point all the potato-picker jobs, warehousing and other normal type of normalfag jobs have been replaced by robots. To create a self-conscious robot that could actually do problem-solving in a programming language independently would mean that level of AI that could easily infiltrate almost all below 100 iq industries on the planet.

>> No.16381767

no one cares idiot

>> No.16381784

Sick me dry cumstain

>> No.16381789
File: 70 KB, 736x736, cd49ce86b55b1bf9bcd0df7920047f84.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because you have to be retarded to become a coder with the slave pay
That's what I thought it's like bricklayers copypasting the blueprint made by some actual smart person
this makes sense. and some new science theories are like reading fanfiction
this too but i met a lot of dumb white boomer programmers
>Most of the reported bugs don't even exist, it is the user using the device against the instructions
typical coder

>> No.16381812

>Are coders the dumbest people on the planet?
27yo Coder/Coomer here, yes i can confirm

>> No.16381826
File: 443 KB, 1057x1373, 1d56cda090bafa7e6684869fa41800eb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are all coders coomers too?

>> No.16381830

I coom as I code.

>> No.16381839

The little dopamine release is what keeps me from using my helium tank

>> No.16381844
File: 556 KB, 750x1127, 1534791257_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this explains a lot

>> No.16381845

>No tech works without a problem.
this is so painfully truth especially since pajets have started flooding the space

>> No.16381871
File: 91 KB, 666x1000, ariana-grande-0135b24939ad18629bff35a6f0ec447adb535dae.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do companies really make less money not being diverse than ruining their product by hiring pajeets?

>> No.16381873

>this is so painfully truth especially since pajets have started flooding the space
Pajeets are based they give zero fucks

>> No.16381882

pajeets are a lot cheaper

they are barely evolved monkey who can't even use toilets

>> No.16381904

Masters of the copy/pasta that can never say no.

>> No.16381911

They don't need to do more, theyre hacks that push things into the direction that will make things work without giving a shit about the future they're the perfect match for abusive capitalists, as a coder/coomer i admire them and i wish i was as based as a pajeet

>> No.16381923
File: 1.32 MB, 2048x2560, Sexy-Ariana-Grande-Pictures.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then you have a trash product. Guess normies don't care as long as social media, netflix and porn works

>> No.16381932

no your product will work just really badly
but apparently that's enough for peoples today

>> No.16381945

This is literal tranny makeup

I know she is not a tranny, but these makeup trends literally came from drag queen techniques of shaping and masking. It looks terrible

>> No.16381953
File: 940 KB, 2730x3675, 2remhbo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All makeup is tranny

>> No.16382028
File: 124 KB, 1400x800, arianagrande.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If normies complain they just ignore it til they stop tweeting about it and accept it

>> No.16382104

she fucks niggers lmfao

>> No.16382109

Ariana Grenade is a literal chocolate brown pajeeta. Would eat all over ahhhh....

>> No.16382121

she is white italian which wants to be latina and fuck niggers

>> No.16382132
File: 68 KB, 400x245, feat-ariana-grande-macy-gray-leave-me-lonely.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You had sex with her? How was it?
How is she chocolate brown

>> No.16382145

any programmer can do AI, so the very last profession to be replaced.

And when they are, it's because the AIs have learned to program themselves, which means the end of humanity.

>> No.16382148

Her skin matches with all the cute pajeeta out there, just look at priyanka chopra

>> No.16382195

I've been learning supernatural shit and something tells me OP is actually Ariana Grande herself

>> No.16382213

I'm Donald Trump and I congratulate you on your newfound powers

>> No.16382234
File: 1.01 MB, 1800x2725, ariana-grande-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16382241

lets wait to see if she tweets something confirming my supernatural ability

>> No.16382247
File: 130 KB, 1000x640, 1000-ariana-grande.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she is a white, idiot

>> No.16382251


>> No.16382259
File: 1.76 MB, 2048x2048, Ariana-Grande-before-and-after.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16382268

sun tanne didnt make her pajeet girl kek

>> No.16382277

Why does she try so hard to be brown?

>> No.16382285

only present skin color matters, she is now a pajeeta

>> No.16382293

That is the most misogynistic shit I have ever read. I hope ariane grande finds you and holds you down and rapes your dick sore.

>> No.16382295

not necessarily bad, still 10/10 and out of my league

>> No.16382310

if she wont use salaries , she will a white.
anyway she is plastic doll, she did a lot surgery on face from nose to form of face

>> No.16382343

I would have fucked her when she was 14, but she's taken about 1000 miles of jew executive dick by now and is fat and messed up from surgery.

>> No.16382369
File: 30 KB, 400x396, 1511976004058.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>coders are to dumb to do their job
>coders develop perfect AI
>AI replaces coders
>coders are dumb

>> No.16382410
File: 60 KB, 633x758, 1570042204620.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16382463

>implying i wouldn't want that

>> No.16383106

Just pick one of the cleanest githubs and study it, rewrite it many times like an autistic idiot. Pray. Maybe you will be ok.

>> No.16383549

Most are

>> No.16383775

She looks incredibly young to be sexualized like that

>> No.16383802

pretty sure she’s a tranny boy

>> No.16383810


Even when was "white" she still looked non-white. She looked like an Indian who bleached their skin

>> No.16383960

Who gives a shit how she looks. She's adult you jealous roast.

>> No.16383997
File: 3.00 MB, 640x532, 1570283396811.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she hot tho

>> No.16384062
File: 13 KB, 442x293, low quality think.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What makes a man post such a shitty thread? Is it anger? Jealousy? Merely boredom? Or is it a desperate cry for help?

>> No.16384208

It's because you don't need to be smart to code anymore. The reason you see boomers doing most of the heavy lifting in most software shops is because they had to work with C and C++ in the past which require manual memory management and other big brained shit. Modern coders start with environments where 99% of the work is already done for them like Java or Python and then never progress past that, with the excuse being that processing power is so abundant now that being more efficient than whatever stock libraries you're given is unnecessary.

>> No.16384236

obvious bait but in my experience the only useful people on the teams i've worked on were software developers. everyone else was just riding the wave.

>> No.16384247


Those are pajeet coders which companies hire in droves through h1B. As a white coder, my code is elegant, beautiful and runs well. But I'm only one man.

>> No.16385046
File: 163 KB, 1400x1630, 037.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she is fucking white, she is Mediterranean race

>> No.16385154

pretty sure italy and greece are going to shit while homogeneous nordic land is consistently ranked the best place to live in the world

>> No.16385173

anyway italians and greeks more did for culture than cuck swedes

>> No.16385232

cope more while freezing your ass off instead of living in paradise (med countries)

>> No.16385264

italy, spain and greece are ok they worm country. sweden is trash cold and ahmed state , everyday rape by ahmed

>> No.16385275

its a real shame they killed her and replaced her.

>> No.16385281

that's not how it works. genetic superiority appears to almost precisely go this way:
1.ashkenazi jews
behavioral and environmental enrichment have played the main role in evolution of human mind. Humans first appeared in Africa - that is the starting point, that is where the least developed humans historically live. Then humans started to go to other places, different places with different food, fauna, weather. And the farther they travel, the more they saw the more developed they were becoming. Although it's not correct for those who traveled so far north, that there was nothing to do there except surviving winter and stay home, - those stopped developing.
You can say that, before the US, Great Britain and Japan were the countries of the most developed human brains. Then comes the US, those who traveled there became even more developed on average. This is why ashkenazi jews kindly accepted the offer to rule this country.

>> No.16385290

nah, its she . she has a lot complex, this idiot thought she is were an ugly and destroyed herself

>> No.16385302

thats not the same person.

>> No.16385325

jews run the world cuz dumb whites gave to them power. why ur grandpa didnt fought for hitler? fuck boomers destroyed white world. and americans are dumb, i talk to a lot.

>> No.16385346

Fuckfuckfuckfuck i'm gonna coom for real this time. I thought nicoposter calling me a dumb linky was hot but who knew that arianaposter calling me an autistic coder is just as good?

>> No.16385349

same, u dont hear about nose job, lips jobe, skull jobe, eye job?

>> No.16385373
File: 74 KB, 777x777, 1573566172768.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coding is no different than any other wageslave role like accounting or finance. Not bad at first then the years grind away and you're boomer tier now working for zoomies who are obviously younger than you. Did you do your picks for the draft last night hueh hueh. Have you watched that show on HBO? Fuck off I dont want to be here. Oh I'll go back to school and become management myself. Oh my company goes out of business again. Time to wageslave more. It's an endless cycle. Jews did 9/11

>> No.16385601

>why ur grandpa didnt fought for hitler?
Because Hitler was trying to summon Jesus. He was either a maniac cocaine addict or a genius
>americans are dumb, i talk to a lot
On average every nation consists of animals, it's just how things are. Deal with it. Even careful eugenics of Singapore does not work. Mars colony might become the place you need, although it's questionable.

>> No.16385997

so are north indians and middle-eastern people part of the Mediterranean race? They look the same maybe a little darker.

>> No.16386045

nah, and goebbels is pajeet , he doesnt look aryan by ur dumb classify.
she is a white, deal with it

>> No.16386104

sorry but most ignorant from USA mot other countries. most americans. dont know geography or biggest countries in europe.

who cares about kike jewsus .
and he support more cuck christianity than soviet gay union. second stop post fake rumors about hitler, he didnt use drugs. even he using cocaine or meth for relaxing brain because he was genius and political

>> No.16386578

well, partly that's because they are being fed with national pride from the very childhood. national pride is the best excuse to abandon progress for many.
but mainly because they know only one language. sounds kinda crazy and is not applicable to the extremes but on average it's scientifically correct. nobody is perfect.

it's not fake, i am your media.

>> No.16387070

ure my penis not media. idk you men

>> No.16387809


They're really not. Fucking pajeets were making DOUBLE what I was making. FUCK, they don't even want to save money to replace Americans.

>> No.16387824


>> No.16388705

>He was either a maniac cocaine addict or a genius
comedy genius to be precise. so are you

>> No.16389936

is this some nocoder cope?
you didn't make the cut faggot?

>> No.16389967

How did Pete Davidson get to fuck this chick, Kate Beckinsale and now Cindy Crawford Jr? I know this is rhetorical as there are no femanons here but what the fuck? Good for him, I guess there's hope for us all as long as you're a suicidal mongoloid on SNL.

>> No.16390365
