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File: 63 KB, 978x464, 237496237.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16372140 No.16372140[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why does no one acknowledge 9/12 as being the end of civilization when (pic) came out?

>> No.16372151

have secs, incelino!

>> No.16372163

Have sex

>> No.16372199

he's right though. Kids these days just don't realize how fucked up their game is at this point. and I'm saying that as a father, who's genuinely feeling sorry. Young ones, the society we left you IS FUCKED UP, sorry for that but we can't change it back. Use your fucking heads to realize at least that. also emancipate youself! You're missing so much - holy shit.

>> No.16372212

Real talk we know. Despite you saying that You in fact have no clue how fucked it’s gotten

>> No.16372231
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Ok Boomer

>> No.16372237

Life is crazy boys. I just recently came out of my bubble and realized I might be going no where.

>> No.16372246

downloaded tinder awhile ago and realized how lonely i am and how literally everyone my age is having the time of their life while im fucking watching charts and jerking off

>> No.16372253

my best mate is a chad and he was over my place yesterday, after some chat he was sat next to me and just started scrolling through his tinder. it was incredible to watch as an average looking man. he just had an endless catalogue of attractive women to choose from, at least a quarter of which were the ones instigating conversation with him.

I had tinder for two weeks, and didnt get a single match.

there has always been disparity between chads and average men but that disparity is now a cosmic gulf. and things are only going to get worse and worse

>> No.16372266

The problem with dating apps is that humans have never been exposed to some many potential partners in the entire history of civilization and this will have some pretty fucked up consequences. Humans are not adapted for this whole whoring dynamics because even though many people have many partners, just a very few portion is actively looking for reproducing themselves, everyone else is just having fun.

I think sex robots will be our singularity, after that no more reproduction and it will be the end.

>> No.16372271

Reminder that one of the dancing Israeli's got married on 9/11/2002

>> No.16372272


Bitches ain't nothing but hoes and tricks

Seriously tho, it's easy to fuck a lot of bitches nowadays, but finding a somewhat good one for anything other than piv is almost impossible

>> No.16372298

how? is lifting the difference or is there no point if only 5'9-5'10

>> No.16372306

>my best mate is a chad and he was over my place yesterday
i dont get guys who keep "chads" as friends. Does this "chad" hook you up with these girls? If not, hes more of an asshole than a friend.
Every guy i knew who got women, i immediately cut out of life because it feels submissive. I dont really have any friends at all except for online.

>> No.16372314

Good girls don't use tinder. Do u wanna marry a dirty feminist whore? Think about it. If you wanna get married you must accept that she has to be Christ pilled so divorce is not an option. Find god and you will find the one

>> No.16372326

Every Chad believes in bros before hoes.

>> No.16372344

>Every Chad believes in bros before hoes.
no they dont. You think chad gives a fuck about their bros because they put on an air of fake kindness? They only do that shit so you can be sub to them- popular guys try to do this shit to me all the time. They try to act overly nice to pity me, until i literally tell them to go fuck themselves.

The fact is, if this "chad" is not sharing his tinder dates with you, hes not your friend. True friends who are good with women share the girls with you.

>> No.16372352

fuck you
at least my bros are there for me
hoes on the other hand are, well.. just hoes

>> No.16372356
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>Good girls don't use tinder.
this was true 3 years ago when it was only the out right whores using tinder, but now tinder is more popular than ever. Many of the girls youve met outside the app years ago, would probably be on it now

>> No.16372363

>at least my bros are there for me
have they ever gotten you laid? when a girl was hitting on one at the bar, did he tell them to fuck you instead?
think about it

>> No.16372371

What? Sounding a bit pretentious there buddy.
Chad's swim in pussy, they give it up for bro's anyday, since it's no biggie. You don't get it becuase women are a rarety for you, so you would give up bro's for that one hit of them sweet sugar walls.

>> No.16372374

>tfw hardcore cristian girls are actually redpilled

>> No.16372377


Lifting definitely helps, not giving a fuck and cutting losses early on in the interactions is the key from my experience. If there is no mid to high interest on chicks part early on I just next that one.

t. 26yo 5.6" manlet with around 60 slay count , would be much higher if I didn't fall for the LTR meme earlier in my life

>> No.16372389

>they give it up for bro's anyday, since it's no biggie
thats just your experience. but look at people like >>16372253 whose a total cuck

I cringe at stories from guys who say
>my chad friend....
because theyre not a friend. Any "chad" would make you a chad by giving him his women to you. If he doesnt, he has nothing of value at all.

And if you dont live by this mentality, im sorry, youre a cuckold.
All my male friends are neets, and the one chad friend i got made sure to get me some lays straight away

>> No.16372418
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>trying into hook up culture when not a natural
just stop. you wont be able to do it ever.

People need to focus on their careers and save up money to bang hookers. Hookers are the best thing and much better than any tinder thots chads brag about. I say this as someone who used to frequent hookers, but now has a girlfriend and cant.
So, if you think you can improve, just stop, its not happening. Theres no such thing as a guy who became a chad, unless youre referring to those coping losers than bang 30 year olds. And most of the chad advice i see are from literal 6'5 chads with chisled jaws. Basically (pic)

Anyone who says shit like
>hookers dont count
are a fucking moron or a kike trying to make you not cheat the system.

And whatever you do, DONT fall for the plastic surgery meme. It costs $30,000 just to get good plastic surgery done on all parts of the face, and you can literally fuck over a 100 hookers with that money.
I rec if youre going to get a girlfriend, make sure she loves you for your natural looks, but also make sure to have a higher body count than her

>26, only 60 body count
thats pitiful. If you dont have a girlfriend, and focusing solely on lays, you should have a body count of a 100 by 25

>> No.16372423
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>> No.16372429

>be me (oldfag) 45y.o.
>have female friend and male friend
>(knew her for 10 years and him for about 25)
>they're both super short (he's like 5 nothing and she is about the same).
>invite them on camping./hiking trip number 1
>invite them on camping hiking trip number 2

Now they're living together for 2.5 years and despite my low-grade fear that they will implode (which may be because of modern relationship outcomes) they seem to be doing great, she's living in his house now (she has 1 kid from prior rel.) and working on his business together and frankly both are in a brighter, happier place than ever before, even after all the stresses of mortgage and job, etc.

I think this is how things are supposed to be. people met each other most reliably through friends. We all have a job to do now. Make and have female friends. Platonic relationships are key to understanding your X chromosome and providing "real" social networking effects

>> No.16372436

relationships are a completely different ball park than hook ups. How you treat a hooker/roastie is much different than a girlfriend

>> No.16372443
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The biggest problem with dating apps is that girls get access to guys in the whole city or even further.

So young men are no longer competing with their classmates or whoever is at the local club that Friday night, they are competing with all the chads in town, including those 10-20 years older than them (because girls like older men and men with resources).

So dateless young men grow up as a virgin, not getting any confidence, accumulating debt, feeling hopeless for the future. And when they reach their 30s they are not the chads that young girls are looking for. Meanwhile society keeps telling them not to act in the way that actually attracts girls (behaviour do carry over to the bedroom).

It'll only get worse as robots take over more and more and men feel their existence has less and less of a purpose. And they can't compete with 10 year older chad who has a car and a house, while you can't even ask anyone if they wanna go back to your place because you live with your mom.