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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 200 KB, 1051x485, Retards.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16370323 No.16370323[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Stay out of /pol/ retards

>> No.16370364

enjoy your reddit and twitter infested shithole, migakike. you couldn't pay me to visit that shithole.

>> No.16370376

If you had took advice from /biz/, you would have 10 times your money now from buying LINK at 20 cents.

>> No.16370429

Suck my cock fucking polcuck

>> No.16370461

based /pol/ telling it like it is

>> No.16370472

mixing /pol/ and /biz/ is like mixing hard alcohol and irish cream. It's fucking awesome for a split second and then it curdles into complete shit. Also it's something only young people would care to do.

>> No.16370475

I stopped browsing pol today and now I'm on biz fuck pol

>> No.16370479

jokes on you. 40% of biz posters are /pol/ cancer

>> No.16370484

Looks like we have a great reputation site wide lmao

>> No.16370498


the ratio was much higher in 2016-2017 when people actually made money.

>> No.16370538


Can confirm. Former poltard here.

>> No.16370561
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>> No.16370576

most based post on whole /biz/

>> No.16370678

fuck u faggot

>> No.16370685
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Sergey will win

>> No.16370691


>> No.16370734
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>is /pol/tard
>is cucked to centralized monetary policy controlled by Joo-know-whoo

Wtf man!?

>> No.16370958

we been here since the board came up niggershit

>> No.16370966

sorry bro, it's linktards and the chainlink team. please report to the SEC


Pay attention closely, this is the faggot scamming chainlink team and their promoters. No one would suck these retards dicks as hard as themselves. They also shill and shit up every thread that isn't chainlink because they are parasitic cancer. See the organized collusion in obvious false facts? LOOK GOY, THE PRICE WILL BE X AND IT HAS TO BE, JUST HAS TO BE. They're forgetting the team's inepitude, competitors, anti-monopoly clauses, the current cloud of obscurity and the fact that chainlink has ripped and stolen all of its idea, marketing and is used paid promoters. See the message and how they repeat it over and over. It's obviously paid promotions. Who else would defend a shitcoin so religiously? All the time, constantly. The linker cries in pain as he shits up your board and forces his shitty memes down your throat and drags post quality down. Religions work in similiar ways and it's precisely this that is going to have the SEC kick in the fucking doors of their office. They are a cult and they have paid promoters posting over and over. It's like the DNC and Hillary all over again, they're trying to form groupthink here and I can't believe you guys fell for it. When are you fat faggot assholes going to fuck off from this board? Is a few rupees really mean that much to you to scam innocent NEETs of their hard-earned money. Just post the screenshots of Sirgay paying you already and we can report him to the SEC.

>> No.16370971
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Time and time again the partnerships are fake, the integrations are not really full integrations, half the time it's mis-marketed, the promises are false and the hype is all fake. I have never ever met such a bunch of deluded fucking idiots in my life; not in churches, not in any other market, not anywhere else for that matter. The sheer level of hypocriscy and the fact that it's all so see-through, I mean you can literally see chainlink behind the promotion, it's like you idiots just bought the shittiest marketing stunt of all time. You're the type to cry when you see a mcdonalds commerical or see a coke billboard, that's how hard you've bought the consumerist, nonsensical tech bullshit lies of sirgay.

A prime example of that is Chainlink needs to hit almost $10bn to do another x10 from here. That's EXTREMELY difficult, especially in this bearish market, yet most Linkies are probably only sitting on a few thousand $ worth of link at most. Maybe a few tens of thousands if they're very lucky. So congrats, an extraordinarily difficult x10 from this point will net most linkies $30k-$100k. Hardly life changing for most.

>> No.16370981
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The more I argued with chainlinkers, the better I came to know their memetic ramblings. First they counted on the stupidity of their bagholders, and then, when there was no other way out, they themselves simply played up the end of the year (EOY) price. If all this didn't help, they pretended not to not read and not sell, or, if challenged, they ended the thread and reposted four hours later, quoted memes which, if you accepted them, they immediately related to entirely scammy matters, and then, if again attacked, they proposed all FUDDERs were actually chainlink holders and pretended not to know exactly why you denounced their scam. Whenever you tried to attack their beloved master sirgay, your hand closed on a jelly-like meme which divided up and poured through your fingers and they would repost the same four or five type of threads again. But if you really struck one of these bagholder idiots so telling a blow that, observed by the channers, he couldn't help but agree, and if you believed that this had taken you at least one step forward, your amazement was great the next day. The Chainlinker had not the slightest recollection of the thread before, he rattled off his same old nonsense as though nothing at all had happened, EOY, web3, swift protocol, oracles, we love sirgay and do something for a small amount of chainlink and, if indignantly challenged, affected amazement; he couldn't remember a thread, except that he had proved the correctness of his memes the previous day.

>> No.16370992
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>> No.16371050

you have to go back

but in all seriousness put everything you can into link

>> No.16371066

>lie after lie

>> No.16371074

>projecting shit about his misleading critique

>> No.16371108
File: 523 KB, 770x840, 1568496544635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah, you're totally not associated with the Link team or anything like that. LINK is for ugly faggots that in real life can't have a beautiful fine ass looking girl. And it's kinda sad but true most linkies are like that. So it is empowerment to the cucks who need something to get off on and feel like winning. LINK is always GAY. You faggot linkies need to shut your dick sucking, Nico feet-slurping mouths. You all need to be excommunicated from the living. FFS I don't give a single SHIT about your shitcoin so don't shit on anyone elses. God, I'm sorry that your hard work resulted in the birth of these stupid fuck ups. It's so simple, and yet failed abortions like yourselves who somehow weren't dropped as a child and are just THIS stupid don't get it. I'm sorry for you all, I truly am. I am sorry for your collective families much more though. Especially your mothers. You must have all hit your heads on their slutty ass cunts while being born. 0$ EOY NIGGERS!!!

>> No.16371122

most based post on /biz/

>> No.16371133

/biz/ maybe is retarded but /pol/ is a cancerous shithole. enjoy your maga kak neonazi containment board.

>> No.16371138

cool paranoic fantasies and projections

>> No.16371146

most polcucks lurk on more than one board but especially on /biz/ because they are usaully poorfags with no skills. every time the poo in loo hate threads occur on /pol/ you know those faggots lost money in crypto.

>> No.16371160

We need flags with no meme flag option

>> No.16371334

/pol/ likes to dickride /biz/ and /fit/ whenever they're doing good to ride that le self improvement spiel when they try to shill their ideologies. Anytime else they call /fit/ gay and /biz/ this shit

>> No.16371377
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>>all fud is magically the team fudding or link whales fudding
>>he spends so much time fudding
>>muh please seek help
>>i enjoy being gaslit into a vaporware bullshit scam cult and you should too!
>>false dichotomy, you're either with us or with us when you fud
>>somehow you must have an angle and must genuinely care about chainlink
>>all these memes are entirely organic, gooo chainlink!
>>we all love and worship some fatass mongoloid russian scammer, y-you should too
>>there's no way anyone can hate chainlink despite the fact we've spammed it non-stop
>>there's no way it's all paid posting
>>you can't possibly hate us
>>dr;ns triggers you so hard bro and not the chronic posting and obvious paid promotions
>>all partnerships are real and not imagined

schizophrenia the post

tl:dr; fuck you sirgay you fucking scamming piece of shit

>> No.16371383

Sergey is so hot

>> No.16371431
File: 232 KB, 3562x842, hot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i know you faggots love to run your disinfo operations.

>>how much link for a gf like this?
>>It keeps going up! (is at the same price)
>>bullshit meme photo, no context, no discussion, just a random dumbass nigger post
>>guys i have 700 tokens of shitty scam, please how do i make it thread
>>another link general, we need one every ten minutes!
>>guys my ex/gf/wife found me out, we're broke but have 50k link thread
>>all in, never selling, always HODL thread
>>just risked my entire financial stability on this token, y-you guys should b-buy too right?
>>LINK will reach 1000 END OF YEAR
>>Insider here, just keep buying!
>>Some vague company has increased profits, all thanks to chinklink!
>>some bullshit random thread to keep the link psychosis going
>>just non-stop chainlink posting
>>getting kicked out, have xbox and link, what do thread?

what other paid promotions am I missing?

This thread is solid proof of chainlink shilling from the chainlink team by Sirgay. Hurry up anons, report to the SEC, let's get Sirgay in cuffs already.

>> No.16371435

Sergey I love you, you cute little snuggle waffle funny bunny UwU

>> No.16371452
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i'll be writing letters to you sirgay, till you hang yourself in your cell, well attempt to and fail miserably several times from your fat ass weight. that is if the NEETs don't get to you first when you flee to russia.

>> No.16371461

ey yo long term /biz/nessman ere and I just wanted to say I'm propper cooked. prooper boofed. proper slooped. all three sheets DXM, THC, and some others I'm not posting on this honeypart of a board.
fuck /pol/ I go there everyday, enjoy being simp ass slow boys

>> No.16371467
File: 108 KB, 889x340, aussies are link shills.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16371476

D'awww you're so adorabe. My little pumpking munchkin Sergey you cutie :P

>> No.16371508

> implying this isn't just the fiscal arm of /pol/