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File: 57 KB, 768x768, 700981C7-83D9-4CE8-946A-6B91ADEE664E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16370172 No.16370172 [Reply] [Original]

I have unironically been shitting blood the past several weeks. Is this something to be concerned about? What could be the causes? I am serious so please let me know if this is something I need to get checked out or not.

>> No.16370180

Sounds liek cancer. RIP

>> No.16370181

Seriously or are you trolling? I need to know.

>> No.16370185

what color is the blood? is it red or black?

>> No.16370187

You need to get that looked at.

>> No.16370195

This is important. Black is worse.

>> No.16370199

Both symptoms of bowel and prostate cancer

>> No.16370201


>> No.16370220

I dunno anon, that just doesn't sound very Business & Finance related to me. Maybe if you can turn a profit from it I'll be able to take this thread seriously.

>> No.16370230

bright red = hernia

>> No.16370240

Is that something I need to see a doctor for or can I just ignore it?

>> No.16370281

Go see a gastro right the fuck now. You might have an IBD. Let him do a scope on you.

>> No.16370282

Might want to see a doctor just in case, if you can.

>> No.16370294


then you probably just tore your butthole when you were wiping. but yeah you should get it checked just to be safe.

>> No.16370295

Go to the doctor you stupid fuck.

>> No.16370305

Depends. i shat blood but it was actually a hemmheroid popping and I didn't realise it at first. If you don't have hemms though, it could be something serious

>> No.16370307

Black is upper digestive track bleeding.
Red is lower.
Congrats on your cancer nonetheless at least you can escape this market without sudoku

>> No.16370314

Also what the other anon said. If it's bright red it means that it's fresh, and likely came from either a hemmhoroid or you wiped too hard

>> No.16370322

then whatever it is isn't too bad. black blood means its inside you and bad. i have 2 perianal abscesses and have red blood in my poop everyday but it comes from the abscesses next to my butthole. the perianal abscesses came from perianal hematomas that came from pushing out huge massive turds.

>> No.16370332

Shut the fuck up nigger
How shit is your diet OP? You could just have a bit of inflammation from trash diet and sugar. If the blood is fresh and red then it shouldn't be serious, but I'm gonna be perfectly honest with you, you NEED go get a c scope.

Getting a camera in my ass was not fun, but I was very comforted knowing I dont have cancer when I had the same situation as you, just very minor IBS. Get it checked OP you'll be ok

>> No.16370353
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Proof I'm not trolling

>> No.16370373


>> No.16370391
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I even keep a couple squares of toilet paper in my asscrack because it leaks blood and sometimes puss

>> No.16370393

For OP:


>> No.16370395
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Hey OP if it's bright red blood it's usually nothing serious. I remember 10 years ago I took a shit after a night of drinking FOUR LOKO and I kept hearing drip drip drip in the toilet and I looked down and it looked like a murder scene in the toilet bowl. I fucking freaked out. It happened to me a couple times since but it's been at least 5 years since the last time it happened to me. Probably ripped your asshole with a hard and sharp turd or you ripped your anus wiping. Try using baby wipes or just switch to washing your ass with a hand held shower nozzle instead, thats what I do. That's about all, peace out.

>> No.16370401

>you NEED go get a c scope.
Yeah this. Dont fuck with your health you absolutely need to get a scope done OP. Prepping honestly isnt too bad and lucky for me I was knocked out completely during the op so I slept and woke up like a baby hopefully thats an option for you too. Are there any symptoms you could tell us about?

>> No.16370402


>> No.16370404

We're all gonna make it

>> No.16370413

Stop fucking yourself in the ass.

>> No.16370417


>> No.16370428


>> No.16370435

Get wild oil of oregano 83% carvercerol at least. Read up on it

>> No.16370439

Im a fag and have constipation issues, never have I ever seen that much blood. There is something seriously wrong, go to urgent care right now

>> No.16370444

Might be colitis.

Go see a doctor asap or you will:

-get an artificial shitty bag instead of your human system

>> No.16370450

Listen to this man OP. These degenerates will just make you panic that you have cancer like I panicked. You won't live comfortably until you get a C scope and cleared by a gastro.

>> No.16370457

I cant "f" this enough. rip op

>> No.16370493

im not op. im just another anon with a bloody ass.
but were all gonna make it

no its ok. i just have 2 perianal abscesses and ive had them for over a year because i dont want a doctor in my asscrack using a scalpel. i would post a photo of my asscrack and show you if that was allowed here but its not.

>> No.16370502

you held it too long

>> No.16370508

you can link to an imgur. thats a normal amount of blood unless its from a condition he has had his whole life

>> No.16370514
File: 3.38 MB, 4032x3024, Muh ass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Checked. Pretty rare colitis is bad enough for an ostomy bag, that's more of a crohn's thing. His symptoms would be MUCH worse if he were near that territory.

> t. IBS fag

>> No.16370519

lmao do you eat like 5 pounds of peanuts a day

>> No.16370522

this. I use Gaia Herb's oregano oil since it's a c02 extract. you probably have pylori, look it up, it causes stomach ulcers. also buy primal defense from garden of life, it's a soil based probiotic. trust me, I've gone through every fucking probiotic at whole foods, and none of them worked except for that. look into soil based vs food. unironically get well anon, i'm usually an asshole

>> No.16370527

What's it smell like?

>> No.16370550

Go to the ED ASAP. You could be having GI bleed. If it is dark melena stool, it could be upper GI bleed. Bright red stool is usually lower GI bleed. They will check your hemoglobin to see if you are anemic. They will check your stool if there is blood there (guaic study). They would make you NPO- meaning you won’t be eating or drinking until they can do a colonoscopy. They’ll put you on a antacid IV drip (pantoprazole) as well.

>> No.16370569

Stay hydrated and eat plenty of fruits and fiber, see if your asshole will heal up in a week or so, if it gets worse go to the fuckin doctor man, looks like normal blood though and not the nasty dark sludge bowel blood

>> No.16370586

>because i dont want a doctor in my asscrack using a scalpel
Why not? Wtf

>> No.16370600
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>> No.16370625
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Here's the perianal abscess that's 1.5-2 inch above my butthole. I have one on the edge of my butthole too.

I had 4oz of almonds the day prior to that


I'm not OP!!! I am OK.

It sounds awful and embarrassing

>> No.16370633

keked and checked

>> No.16370635

imagine pressing this against your face haha imagine the smell lol

>> No.16370644

>It sounds awful and embarrassing
So suffering with bloody shits every time you go the toilet sounds like a better alternative to you? You're fucked in the head bro. Go get that shit sorted. Its also probably not as bad as you think it would be, they'll give you anesthesia.

>> No.16370655

Go to the doctor you fucking idiot, shit tells you everything about your health and shitting blood is always a big cause for concern.

>> No.16370690

You probably have colon cancer. If you go to the doctor he will put you on chemo and you'll be dead in 3 months. Or you can start intermittent fasting, take CBD+THC oil, turkey tail and reishi mushrooms and eat a shit ton of raw chilli peppers every day. Good luck anon.

>> No.16370739


>> No.16371118

It’ll be this, don’t freak out OP but get a doctor to check it out. Bright red is nothing to worry about despite what these retards say.

>> No.16371232

med fag here. see a doctor as fast as possible. i neither will post in this thread again nor answer questions.

>> No.16371270 [DELETED] 

I got fecal incontinence once. You fags don’t know the first motherfucking THING about agony those crypto losses are nothing let me tell you that.

>> No.16371282

>I have unironically been shitting blood the past several weeks.
Is that something I need to see a doctor for or can I just ignore it?

Come on, dude...

>> No.16371290
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Same thing happened to me after I carried a table across San Francisco for my gf. She wanted this shitty table from a thrift store and I’m such a chad I just carried the fucking thing like 18 blocks. It ripped something inside and had blood shit for like two weeks. Now ten years later if I lift up ultra heavy shit it comes back. Moral is even you’re strong af like me don’t lift too heavy things, nothing to gain.

>> No.16371322

I’m always looking for new probiotics, I’ll try it out. Expensive af. I use activia pudding and it works well.

>> No.16371340


>aid in ID
It's over

>aid i

>> No.16371396
File: 275 KB, 580x701, 1518379168586.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Colon cancer , prostate cancer and bowel cancer symptoms , go to the doctor ASAP if that shit reach the lungs you are dying painfully.

>> No.16371403
File: 96 KB, 1200x794, 1530920028774.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go to the doctor ASAP OP biz is sending you a message.

>> No.16371420
File: 6 KB, 225x225, 1520570805224.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go to the fucking doctor and LIE tell them you are shitting tons of blood , exagerate so they analize your anus as fast as possible i am not even larping.

Shitting blood unless it's due to hemorrhoids it's serious , it can kill you very fast if you don't treat it as soon as found if it's cancer.

Ods it's fucking nothing but if it's the type of cancer that will make you shit blood you will end up dying the worse death possible as it spread to other organs from the center of the body.

Seriously go to the doctor and lie that you shit tons of blood so they inspect your ass fast don't wait weeks it's fucking serious.

>> No.16371464


>> No.16371627
File: 341 KB, 628x595, herSMILEandoptimism_GONE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Demoralization thread meant to put negative energy into the cryptospace. Sage goes in all fields-- who could be behind this?

>> No.16372005
File: 79 KB, 446x435, 1572310085193.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who's just invested into the toilet paper scene after seeing this thread?