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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 280 KB, 640x331, 1555890529614.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16363391 No.16363391 [Reply] [Original]

Fantom was an ICO scam. The gook founder doesn't know how to code, and the team were all fake. None of the original team are left. All their partnerships are fake (there is no substance behind them). Their public ICO was fake (they only let friends and family in). They sent the 100,000 people who tried to get into their public ICO a scam email telling us we were accepted and to send ETH to the wrong wallet (their personal wallet). They are criminals. They only had a white paper and that was a copy paste of Hashgraph's whitepaper.

They begged Andre Cronje to build something for them.

Fantom recently pumped and dumped their token. They used the ETH they raised from ICO to buy back Fantom tokens at the bottom after the price crashed. They then got their team and bots to shill non stop on Twitter to pump the price, and used a wash trading bot to create fake volume. They sold their tokens at ATH, and stopped shilling, turned off the wash trading bot and let the price free fall so they could buy back at under 100 sats to pump and dump again (around mainnet time in Q4).

I was the anon that shilled Fantom on biz. I misled and outright lied to you. Fantom is not "Ethereum, but without the scaling problems".. it is just a crypto for smart cities and IOT. Andre Cronje isn't "like having Vitalik as your core developer", hes just a blogger. Fantom won't have 300,000 TPS. The TPS will only be a couple of thousand at mainnet. The marketcap is 50% higher than what is displayed on coinmarketcap.

>> No.16363414
File: 94 KB, 1056x663, 300 000 TPS - total chink scam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Total chink scam
>lied about 300 000 tps
>lied about mainnet
>lied about banks (sold Goldman Sacs, got some half ass African bank, maybe)
>Lied about smart city Dubai
>No attempt to go global whatsoever, no attempt to get parnership with any global tech company
>Chink scam tokenomics. 60% of global supply to founders and friends. Now trying to hide it with a fraction of 60% to nodes, maybe. Still 45% to founders and friends.
>Get used to founders and friend to dump on you until Ethereum 2.0 and Fantom goes to zero
>Pump and dump scam by satsgang

Total chink scam, probably the mos obvious in crypto.

>> No.16363444

glad to see you're making your own threads instead of shitposting in others
i wonder how big your bag is

>> No.16363451 [DELETED] 

What kind of morons "invest" in a chink scam coin where founders and friends have 60% (!!) of total, global supply? You have to be insane to do that. Ethereum foundation had 1% and Vitalik sold his ETH at $7. Chink scammers will dump on you into oblivion. Same with satsgang

Distribution. The 3.175 billion FTM will be distributed as follows:
40% token sale
30% market development
15% advisors and contributors
15% FANTOM team and founders


>> No.16363476
File: 98 KB, 893x834, Hey hey heeeeeyyy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind of morons "invest" in a chink scam coin where founders and friends have 60% (!!) of total, global supply? You have to be insane to do that. Ethereum foundation had 1% and Vitalik sold his ETH at $7. Chink scammers will dump on you into oblivion. Same with satsgang

Distribution. The 3.175 billion FTM will be distributed as follows:
40% token sale
30% market development
15% advisors and contributors
15% FANTOM team and founders


>> No.16363491
File: 81 KB, 1259x533, 3Q 2019 Mainnet - total chink scam icodrops.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mainnet 3Q 2019. Lie. What a chink scam. Enjoy your gook coins, if you ever get them

The fact that they missed their own deadline means they made a serious mistake or misunderstanding of what they were working on.
Honestly it shows that they might blunder in many of their delusional estimations.

>> No.16363533

Have any of you fanatic Fantom fanboiz read the whitepaper? Just because something sounds complicated does not mean it will be useful or will even work. Usually the contrary. Take the chainlink idea. Brilliant in its simplicity, but anyone can see that it will work. Aggregated data combined with KYC to establish a trust-able base, and the mixicles idea is brilliant too. You can see how it makes sense, swapping up data at the oracle level for privacy.
Now take Fantom. To me it looks like a complete mess. Nothing really new in ideas either, Lachesis protocol is just a minor rephrasing of IOTA's tangle idea, which we know does not work. No proof of concept anywhere, and yet the paper devolves into complex ideas upon ideas upon this lachesis thing, leaving a convoluted mess that obscures the fact that the min protocol hasn't even been tested.
Maybe they are serious. Maybe they think they're serious. But to me it just looks more and more like another project doomed to fail.

>> No.16363546
File: 157 KB, 1008x692, Fantom Token Economy - icodrops fantom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every idiot should be able to identify a scam when the chink scammers will have 60% of all tokens. How stupid do you have to be to invest in such an obvious scam? Enjoy the team dump on you until the shitcoin is turned into oblivion by Ethereum 2.0. Enjoy your gook coin.

>> No.16363594

Fantom absolutely rekt by based dyor anon

>> No.16363603

Checked. Fuck off OP accumulation time is over

>> No.16363739

Problem is its b2b and if you use sc logic shit is slower than bitcoin lmfao
So they pivoted from smartcontract dag and smartcitys bullshit to mainets for banks really fast if you noticed.
Thats the thing everything is realtive so first red flag for for everyone should be
>comparison chart and no working product

>> No.16363757


>> No.16363767

Why is the marketcap 50% higher than wants on CMC?

>> No.16363796

Any crypto that truly mean what they say about going global will be represented hard in San Fran and eager to connect to established tech companies, especially with cutting edge technology. So what does chink scam Fantom do? They have their epic tech on the edge financial partnership with some backwater, corrupt African bank. Anyone not smelling chink scam from this deserves to get poor.

>> No.16363798

I've legit seen this pasta like 5 times. Why are shills so anti-fantom?

>> No.16363801

>I was the anon that shilled Fantom on biz. I misled and outright lied to you.

You got rekt didn't you kek

>> No.16363811
File: 465 KB, 1200x1230, B1C80722-420B-4722-812E-BE98647D8B33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based and fudpilled

>> No.16363813

Also gizem

We know it's you

>> No.16363822
File: 9 KB, 288x175, 1572551833680.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please to dumping sirs.. fantom are great scam!!!

>> No.16363823

Delusional FTM bagholders, unable to see that they have been chink scammed, ramble on about taking over ETH, well compare your FTM partnership with a corrupt African backwater bank with this:

Clearer can it not get to highlight what is a scam and what is not.

>> No.16363825
File: 418 KB, 750x1334, 9DF9611A-AE2A-4334-99BA-E37B8A72CF7F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16363864

It's one girl worried about her harmony and eth bags

Quite funny that eth bagholders feel threatened

>> No.16363871

Vitalik have had personal meetings with Putin, discussing ETH and the future of blockchain, including banking.

Your scam coin has nothing outside one corrupt African bank where scammer Andy worked.

>> No.16363877

Exactly. And don't forget how they act like releasing a public testnet without a block explorer is legit. There is no way to know what you're buying tokens for.

>> No.16363887

>eth bagholders feel threatened
Why on earth would the largest dev community in crypto be threatened by a chink scam lying about 300 000 tps, a ridiculous claim. Selling their gook shitcoin to gullible newfags?

>> No.16363901

this thread convinced me to drop 9 BTC on it

>> No.16363940


>> No.16363951
File: 262 KB, 1280x720, ftm7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

didn't read. never selling

>> No.16363961



>> No.16363962

11 posts by this i.d
Fucking kek

>> No.16363965


>> No.16363971
File: 136 KB, 360x360, 1572100637582.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We told you to buy DAG instead but you just wont listen. I really don't know how to help you people anymore.

>> No.16363978

EVERY coin is a pump and dump scam you fucking imbecile
but please continue buying

>> No.16363979

nobody would put this much effort into a coin they aren't accumulating.. sry but it's fuckin obvious

>> No.16363995

Kek have fun with your low IQ pasta fud. People had chance to do their own due diligence and research. You might scare one or two newfags but we see through your desperate accumulation attempt.

No one, in the history of the world, spends 12 hours a day spamming copy pasta fud for something they dont have a stake or interest in.

>> No.16364000

>misusing milker-grabbing apu meme
where are you fuckers coming from? who's paying you?

>> No.16364023
File: 50 KB, 666x666, D24xHt0W0AAE1Cb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I pay myself with profit, Anon. If you want to keep buying /biz/ memecoins that's your issue, but things 4chan likes are often unpopular for a reason.

>> No.16364034

>this thread convinced me to drop 9 BTC on it
Great response, couldn't be more clear what kind of chink scam this truly is.

>> No.16364041

It’s very obvious to any non newfag that OP is still trying to accumulate

>> No.16364043

>If you want to keep buying /biz/ memecoins
i do and i'll pay you 100 FTM to fuck off

>> No.16364051

Not the same thing, not even close, ching chong ding dong, sorry.

>> No.16364054
File: 778 KB, 1080x2280, Screenshot_20191124-143855_Samsung Internet Beta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hardworking little wagecuck

>> No.16364062

You don't have a dollar to your name punk-ass bitch

>> No.16364065

>It’s very obvious to any non newfag that OP is still trying to accumulate

>> No.16364074


13 posts. Keep going anon. We believe you.

>> No.16364078
File: 103 KB, 1024x1021, 3415666932120068376.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being this rustled
paid fudder got called out and he MAD

>> No.16364082

I am tired of having you newfag losers spam and shit up the board with your obvious chink scam. If you had only one thread per day with your bitconnect 2.0 scheme, I wouldn't care. Anyone falling for this obvious chink scam, lying about insane 300 000 tps, easily seen in the insane tokenomics, 60% of total supply to founders and friends, including 30% of global supply to "marketing", deserves to lose all their money.

>> No.16364089
File: 170 KB, 500x707, 9096A54D-2E99-4149-828D-727D4E328FE5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But in all seriousness, these fud threads got me bullish as fuck.
I’m just bored of waiting for altszn/mainnet/announcements.
This is unironically where the weak hands get btfo

>> No.16364095

Time for you idiots to document your trash talk.
1. When mainnet and why did they lie?
2. Why would you believe their tps number when they admit to lie through their teeth regarding 300 000 tps?
3. Why choose African bank with a supposed global cutting edge tech company? That one of the fake devs worked there before smacks of corruption and fake partnerships
4. Why not burning their tokens instead of proposal of maybe blah blaha but STILL have 30% of total supply to "marketing" and STILL a total of 60% to teams and friends with just a fraction maybe to node reward, but certainly not burning any of it, like normal non-scam projects do.
5. Why only shitty fake scam partnerships? Compare that to Ethereum: https://entethalliance.org/members/

You have been chinked, morons. When mainnet you idots?

>> No.16364099

holy shit this is word-for-word the same exact thing that was posted in that "FTM is actually holding up pretty well" thread we had! what are you a fucking fud bot?

>> No.16364106

stop copy pasting the same staleass fud you jizz gargling faggot. at least be original

>> No.16364107
File: 44 KB, 470x470, D_I1MIfUYAAcP55.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are the odds of someone being PAID to fud a shitcoin on 4chan? You are such a schizoid. Who do you think I work for exactly? Also that sounds like an amazing job if it actually exists.

>> No.16364108
File: 44 KB, 399x385, 1561320304137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ignore any thread with over 10 replies.. scam btw

>> No.16364116

He’s trying to shake out plebbitors, and frankly I’m glad he’s doing it

>> No.16364236

Sirs do not fall for this OP he is scammer. He is trying to scam you into not buying Fantom token.

Truth is this is just scam so he can has more Fantom token for himself. Do not fall for this oldest scam. Convert your USD and Ethereum into Fantom token immediately and ignore this thread.

>> No.16364258
File: 11 KB, 1404x74, $$.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically buying another 100k right now

>> No.16364270

Well done sir it is important to not let these scammers win by scamming you out of your future riches. I bet OP will be so mad when he sees this.

>> No.16364274
File: 264 KB, 760x400, carlos-bitconnect.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16364288


FTM is SCAM you fucking retard shill

>> No.16364310

Here we have another scammer trying to scam anons into not buying Fantom token. Classic scam. "Do not give these people your money, they are trying to scam you" - oldest scam in the book. Anyone who says this just wants more for themselfs and is trying to scam you from your deserved riches you will have when you purchase many Fantom tokens.

>> No.16364335

Based OP btfo

>> No.16364444

Lol OP wagecucks fudding FTM on biz all day with 0 effect on price.

Good job OP

>> No.16364458

Blessed quads squared.

OP eternally irrevocably BTFO

>> No.16364464

Damn and that ID

>> No.16364472

yeah the fact that "fudding" on /biz/ has 0 effect on anything almost makes the claim that "anyone who calls this a scam is actually just trying to suppress the price" a little dubious




Do not fall for OP's scam. Buy Fantom token immediately.

>> No.16364475

It's barely even fud

The supply is all out on the open market or reserved for staking and node rewards and the price is well under ico and private sale. So it's a.completely level playing field

If she's pissed off that fantom are getting traction with banks in parts of the world he doesn't like that's just personal shit. Who cares

>> No.16364517

just ignore this post and keep loading up.. I have 800k already and buying more

>> No.16364525
File: 901 KB, 1350x1080, 64171A03-B6EC-48ED-806F-29D753963DC0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ftm threads get the godly digits

>> No.16364528
File: 73 KB, 640x470, 1459396625256.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

scam or not the price has done nothing but drop since binance
i keep it on my favorites just to remind me of how pathetic
>F A N T O M
posts are

>> No.16364554

>I was the anon that shilled Fantom on biz. I misled and outright lied to you. Fantom is not "Ethereum, but without the scaling problems".. it is just a crypto for smart cities and IOT. Andre Cronje isn't "like having Vitalik as your core developer", hes just a blogger. Fantom won't have 300,000 TPS. The TPS will only be a couple of thousand at mainnet. The marketcap is 50% higher than what is displayed on coinmarketcap.


Im so fucking proud my pasta found way in

And yeah ftm is shit kek

>> No.16364618

I'm just glad idiots aren't buying.

>> No.16365041

>I was the anon that shilled Fantom on biz.
You have never shilled Fantom. You were in a thread a few days ago spreading the exact same fud you are doing now. Stock up on ropes if you're legit not just accumulating.

>> No.16365055
File: 1.06 MB, 160x194, IMG_0370.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based digits. we will make it fellow fantomians

>> No.16365594

OP, take your meds plz

>> No.16365853

>17 posts by this ID
How's schizophrenia treating you OP?

>> No.16365926
File: 142 KB, 1280x720, 354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The retarded and delusional Fantomboys are just the same as Bitconnectboys. Even the same arguments. The red flags are there for all to see.
Fantom Team:
>lied about 300 000 tps
>lied about mainnet
>lied about banks (sold Goldman Sacs, got some half ass African bank, maybe)
>Lied about smart city Dubai
>No attempt to go global whatsoever, no attempt to get parnership with any global tech company
>Chink scam tokenomics. 60% of global supply to founders and friends. Now trying to hide it with a fraction of 60% to nodes, maybe. Still 45% to founders and friends.
>Get used to founders and friend to dump on you until Ethereum 2.0 and Fantom goes to zero
>Pump and dump scam by satsgang

Yet the Fantom idiots will not see and keep on rambling about "moon now", "how much to make it" etc etc. No need to wonder where the bitconnect idiots are, they are here shilling for Fantom. Pic related.

>> No.16365985

imagine not going all in on fantom. it's like you guys actually want to stay poor

>> No.16365991

Have sex

>> No.16366004

So much evil do they have to make us miss a good mega moon opportunity, just to see pink wojaks?

>> No.16366008

Oh it's actually Gizem from harmony trying to shitpost

>> No.16366016
File: 131 KB, 956x1237, 13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is now a fantom thread

>> No.16366019

i would give gizem my jizzum. she a cute CUTE!

>> No.16366210

k bro lmao

>> No.16366289

The dag schizo is back!

>> No.16366315

Satsgang is clearly in this thread and it is clearly you. Still scamming people over the internet for money? Pump and dump is a crime faggot

>> No.16366378


>> No.16366433

Ive hired people to FUD and shill coins and know vast networks doing the same. Remember MITX? lol

>> No.16366761

To be fair Chainlink still holds the majority of there tokens so I dont see the...."the hold 60% as a viable argument" mainnet delay if not out by dec 31st will kill ftm. That being said does the erc 2p token even have a use? Heard you might have to switch over to there stable coin to use if someone can debunk that

>> No.16366823

no you haven't

>> No.16366838

Switch to there stablecoin to stake*

>> No.16366842

correction, you haven't hired them to fud shit. Hiring people to shill something I would believe, because obviously that makes sense. You hire someone to shill some shit so they buy it and you make money

Only accoding to scammer clownlogic does hiring someone to "fud" make sense. Because you're SUPPRESSING DE PRICE TO ACCUMULATE MORE CHEAP TOKENS"

I'm sure "fudding" a token on /biz/ has such a massive effect on the price
