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16363236 No.16363236 [Reply] [Original]

>take the blue pill and be a beta cuck the book

Tell me again why /biz/ recommends this book so much?

>> No.16363249

because if you don't agree with 95% of its content then you are a total sperg who should be locked away from society. Consider it the first filter after basic literacy.

>> No.16363268

Well Carnegie lived in an age before commodified friendship, so....

>> No.16363348

This is true. Useless now

>> No.16363389
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>> No.16363408

Simple tricks to pass for a normie
>Hey Stan, how are the kids? Does Debbie still need braces?

>> No.16363435

this is what you autists don't really get: leadership is about forceful service. there is no real independent asshole Chad. that guy gives his friends free weed and takes the initiative to invite them out, he goes out of his way to make opportunities for himself and those around him.

leaders are waiters, they tell you what is and isn't on the menu, but other than that they're the ultimate beta cucks. if you want to be a leader all you have to do is be what you think of as incredibly, truly beta while preventing people from driving themselves off cliffs.

that's the ironpill on managing people

True, but a good chunk of the content is echoed by Piaget's childhood development theory, and those parts could still be useful.

>> No.16363436

No, he really did. He lived in an age where being sober and a pleasant companion was enough to qualify you as friendship material for almost everyone who was also sober and pleasent. Now if someone doesn't like you they can just retreat into their favorite TV and internet personalitys arms.

>> No.16363441


This may come as a surprise but most people outside of /biz/ aren’t so cynical that they can barely get out of bed in the morning. People haven’t changed much in a few millennia and respond well to basic decency and positive reinforcement along with genuine care/concern for their wellbeing.

>> No.16363577
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>> No.16363609

holy cope ITT
you fags still don't realise being a chad is about aloofness above all
keep lifting plates and scamming people, that'd surely get you a loving qt wife

>> No.16363642
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>> No.16363667
File: 2.19 MB, 4032x3024, C1190900-661C-4A03-86DE-B0DBD6951FBC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate my foot

>> No.16363726

Looks like an faggots foot.

>> No.16363753
File: 2.14 MB, 4032x3024, 803B9ADC-2C57-48E3-8C8B-A13B4C261644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why thank you

>> No.16363752

will inseminate you multiple time qt

>> No.16363795


The book works for most situations however if you take it too far you become a push over beta cuck. If someone crosses the line, you tell them and confront them. The book teaches you to avoid arguments lol.

>> No.16363884

Fpbp and certainly underrated. Its skills are so basic that if you don't have it you think its stupid, but I shouldn't be surprised most people ITT on this board are as autistic as they are.

>> No.16363913

Because an faggot walks with him ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

>> No.16363926

I was told I have the most beautiful feet. Suck on my toes bitch.

>> No.16363945

Who ever told you that lied.

>> No.16364731

interacting with normies is one of the most important skills to learn

>> No.16364759

It is a good book. Don’t read it literally and maintain a critical mind but many lessons are applicable today. I had to read it during my MBA and it honestly made a lot of sense.

>> No.16364839


Do you have polystyrene ceiling tiles?

>> No.16365148

Dale is a Boomer retard with cringe insight
How to win friends and influence people more like how to be a faggot

>> No.16365219

that's the point, normies are absolute faggots and the book teaches you how to pretend to be one

>> No.16365253

This and other PUA books are guides on how to be a supreme sociopath.