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16363289 No.16363289 [Reply] [Original]

If I make $10 an hour how do I even live off that? That’s like $1450-1500 a month take home after tax. How am I supposed to rent a 1br apartment or have a car to get to work when it costs 2k+ month just for those 2 things alone?

>> No.16363307

>how can I afford nice things with a shitty job? I thought I was supposed to have a new car and my own place without ever putting any effort into making myself hireable for higher paying positions. I bet drumpf did this!

>> No.16363310
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you got to save for a year before you can get there, and get a second job when you have gotten there. unless you get a better job.

>> No.16363336

You walk or get the bus. You share an apartment. It's fucking easy. I spend less than that and I'm renting a place on my own.

>> No.16363347

>If I make $10 an hour how do I even live off that? That’s like $1450-1500 a month take home after tax. How am I supposed to rent a 1br apartment or have a car to get to work when it costs 2k+ month just for those 2 things alone?
I did it but my girl was making min wage too. We worked up in wage and saved a lot. Bought shitty toyota and nissan and I got 2 jobs while we stacked BTC and boomer investments. BTC eventually reached our retirement point, I trade this and she got her real estate license recently. Only took a few years to buy a townhome, car etc. 3 years as a waggie and 1 as a trader, not that hard

>> No.16363384

You don't. You slowly take on debt while enjoying no parts of life, and spend all your birthday and christmas money on catching up on bills. Then you suck some old Jews dick and hope he makes you a shift manager of the macdolans just in time to get a severe grease burn on your face that shackles you to health care payments like a slave forever. Maybe if your lucky you'll die with only a slightly negative networth. But see, if you get yourself addicted to heroin and have 4 children you will get free gibs from the government without working. See, don't you feel dumb for trying to compete with illegal immigrants and provide services for society

>> No.16363402

If you’re going to stay at a minimum wage job you should move to some super based small town in the country that has all the amenities of modern civilization but without the big city bullshit

>> No.16363409

Steal from work

>> No.16363416
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The redpill is that those jobs are only supposed to be meant for high school and college kids aged 18-23 so that they have pocket money to go out and party. No self-respecting adult is supposed to be doing those jobs unless they're some retired older person that got bored and wanted a part-time job.

>> No.16363443

>common sense
Clown world indeed

>> No.16363461

Min wage is not living wage, but you can rent private garage space

>> No.16363472

What the fuck have you been doing the past 18+ years of your life? You don't have a single marketable skill? You don't deserve to live.

>> No.16363571

>Steal from work
it can be huge, depending on where you work, learn to do this

>> No.16363589


>> No.16363656
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try being disabled and unemployed in the u.k, literally just being left with nothing and dying in their hundreds of thousands.
those who do get 'personal independence payment' as opposed to literally committing suicide, are given £500/month, for everything.

>> No.16363880

I don’t understand how there are so many of you retards. It doesnt cost $2k a month for a house and a car. The fuck is wrong with you? Move somewhere in the midwest. Small towns are good but not too small that there isnt a Wal-mart supercenter. Yes, that actually is a good indicator. These billion dollar corporations have done the research for you already. They know where there are enough people with disposable income to make their store more likely to turn a profit. If there isnt a Wal-mart within a 10 minute drive, there probably arent any jobs. If you find government subsidized housing(which requires you make less than a certain amount per year) you can get an apartment for $200-$350 a month including utilities. If not, you can find multiple boomers willing to rent out half a converted duplex for $450 a month. Your car SHOULD NOT COST YOU MONTHLY. I am going to say that in a different way so you retards can understand. CAR LOANS ARE FOR PEOPLE WHO ALREADY MAKE GOOD MONEY. If you have a shit job, buy a shit car. Take an uber to work until you can afford a beater for less than or equal to $1k. They are fucking everywhere. Look for a chevy cavalier or a toyota corolla. They are good on gas and last forever. Car insurance should just be liability. Pretty sure Geico or the General will provide that for less than $75 a month. A single person can easily live off of $150 a month in food. LEARN TO COOK. It will improve your quality of life significantly. So all together thats $675 a month. Plus a phone bill, mine is $35 a month. Making $7.50 an hour working 40 hours a week you will have $900 a month after taxes. $710 in monthly expenses leaves you with $190 a month to buy drugs you fucking failure degenerate. Dont tell me this is inaccurate because I FUCKING LIVED IT. You arent entitled to nice things. Quit whining about how life isnt fair. If you dont like it, fucking quit then. Rope costs significantly less than everything I listed.

>> No.16363900
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tfw i get more that than on welfare

>> No.16363916

I spend 1200€/year.

>> No.16363929

no reason at all to work for that little in 2019

amazon starts at $15 an hour with work that a 90 IQ monkey can do. Go work at a warehouse

>> No.16364007
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>How am I supposed to live off that
You aren't supposed to, that's the point. Look at malthusian eugenism, and you'll understand minimum wage is how the elite is culling what they consider the unfit homo povertus : if you are too poor to sustain yourself, chances are high you'll never be able to sustain kids thus never reproduce. It's their way of applying societal darwinism : genocide the proletariat generation by generation.
But there is a major flaw in their evil plan : niggers. They didn't expected niggers would be so careless and devoid of any mental projection in the future.

>> No.16364052

you don't. you either live with parents/supporting spouse or get foodstamps and gubberment housing.

white people used to get a new car and their own place with just a mindless factory job. now we can't because (((somebody))) degraded our standard of living. kys

>> No.16364067

>But there is a major flaw in their evil plan : niggers. They didn't expected niggers would be so careless and devoid of any mental projection in the future.

>> No.16364154

the flaw is a feature. why else would the welfare system be set up the way it is? they know how easy the schwartzes are to control and dispose of later.

>> No.16364209

>But there is a major flaw in their evil plan : niggers. They didn't expected niggers would be so careless and devoid of any mental projection in the future.

They keep saying it is for high school kids but the over abundance of those jobs plus high requirements and outright catch 22s for better paying jobs in general (not all) says otherwise. Then theres the people who defend this with getting a roommate(s), okay why not live at home and save way more? Oh right there's also the group of people that mock you for living with your parents. Lol ill keep living at home.

>> No.16364295

Neat id

>> No.16364307

Holy burning niggers this is based

>> No.16364319


The high school thing is a fucking lie. When I was in HS during the recession it was HARD to get even a shit Starbucks job. Tons of places were only hiring college students and up.

>> No.16364348

Kek, good plant/factory/mill jobs still exist, I have one. They just dont stand on the street handing them out anymore.

>> No.16364569
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>factory job

Ease up on the tie pods. Blue collar jobs and trades like machine working and welding are still very much available and they will pay a lot more than $10 an hour. However they require effort and dedication and the people you work with would most likely call you an entitled faggot so I understand why you dont apply to them.

>> No.16365396

Fuck off boomer. Factory jobs pay min wage and you work long hours and sweat the entire time from the heat from the machines.

>> No.16365621

good advice.

>> No.16365769

>factory jobs pay minimum wage
>oh no the work is hard
>everyone that knows more than I do is a boomer

Factory jobs are harder than being a starbucks barista, and they pay much better. The jew cries out in pain as he strikes you.

>> No.16365779

they pay something like $17-35 unless you have a lot of seniority in a union, and that's a shadow of what it once was

>> No.16365799
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So literally starting at double the minimum wage and going further than what most people with bachelors make on their first few years at work? Thanks for proving my point. Also
>what is overtime

Try harder lazy piece of shit. Stick to minimum wage working at starbucks kek

>> No.16365815

1br apartment is like $500 a month

if you're on min wage MOVE to a cheaper location

>> No.16365890

its because of the joos im not successful in life its not my fault at all

>> No.16365940
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>> No.16365969

As someone suffering in this situation - PIP is also based on how much the government wants to ass fuck you.

I get about a third of that and it goes immediately to family who spend it on themselves. I pretty much just get by on a part time job in retail that i arguably am not physically or mentally qualified for.

>> No.16366032

Roomate(s) and a bus, low effort faggot.

>> No.16366067
File: 357 KB, 631x724, 9A749FE2429A43D0A5A0CB4AECCA7E6C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nooooo what do you mean I cant have a brand new car and my own apartment and order uber eats every day while working at McDonald's the boomers did this you could raise a family and have a 4 bedroom house on minimum wage just 20 years ago honk honk

>> No.16366531

I made car parts for 8 USD an hour. Maybe it's different here in Canada but factory work is no dream job.

>> No.16366723

Move to Oklahoma. $500 a month for an apartment or 30yr note on a 1,800 sq ft home built in the 80s. Buy a used Camry

>> No.16367388

include me in cap

>> No.16368178

You can get a new car at $300 a month for seven years, not that i'd recommend it. Obviously you could just buy a $1000 clunker which you should do. As far as rent goes I guess it varies, personally I only pay $450 a month for a 2000 sq ft house but judging off your post your a fucking retard so good luck man you'll need it.

>> No.16368290

>That's like 1450 a month

Is this assuming you work 40 a week? Because if you're getting paid min you're very likely going to get 20-25 a week unless you have a second job.

>How do I live off that
you don't, the system is designed for you to fail, you need have experience to get a better job, but you have to suffer there, and yet you'll see people who have been there 10-12 years never leaving and other nonsense.

It's fucking ridiculous, wageslavery is a real concept and I am legit jealous for NEETs. Having my own money is amazing, but not when I'm giving up most of my waking hours serving some dipshit who would pay me pennies if legally allowed and only tolerates my existence because I have a pulse and my job isn't automated yet.

Gee, why is depression so prevalent in america? It's a goddamn mystery

>> No.16368335
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Wageslaves aren't supposed to live, they are just supposed to survive. $1450 is enough for water, beans and rice. That's the American dream!