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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16349187 No.16349187 [Reply] [Original]

How can I earn money in Africa (Ghana)?

I currently got around $6000 to play with

>> No.16349325

Start small, buy a a small, very small amount of inventory of something you can resell for a small business. Also, value added products are good. A value added product would be like a cookie, you take flour, sugar and chocolate chips, bake them and now you have a cookie that is worth more than the ingredients you put in.
Honestly food is always a good business if you can find a recipe that you can really master. Become known as the cookie guy, or the smoothie guy. Do one thing right, and if you make money you can reinvest and scale up slowly.
Also, if you have a backyard grow some vegetables that are popular in your area and sell them. You don’t even need to buy seeds, look up how you can take the seeds from a tomato and have a bunch of tomato plants.
Don’t go buying any of the crypto shilled here, everything but link, btc and eth are either scams, or pointless projects.
Look at what happened to btc today, you’d feel so bad if you spent all that money on bitcoin and then it dumped.
Honestly, maybe buy a few hundred dollars of chainlink, never tell anyone, i repeat NEVER TELL ANYONE. Then use the rest of your money to start generating income from a business you can control and grow. When you’re making good money you can always later invest in stocks or put more money in link. 100 or 200 dollars of link will be enough for you to be happy if it goes to the moon, and not too much that if link fails short term or permanently you didn’t lose all your money that you could have used to start a business you control.
Don’t spend your money from your business on stupid stuff, reinvest in the business and yourself.

>> No.16349331

If you aren’t local stay the fuck out

>> No.16349368

Marketing water filtration techniques and products. Helping recycle trash and debris. Growing superfood plants to malnourished families.

>> No.16349486

Thanks for both of your posts, I've screenshotted them and i'll keep them in mind

>> No.16349504
File: 14 KB, 428x312, 1572532407997.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really brother?
You don't know?

>> No.16349529

Your welcome fren. If you ever one day buy land or just grow food, remember that agriculture is the only industry where more input does not create more gains. In agriculture pesticides and fertilizer make your soil weaker. Try to make growing things as cheap as possible for you. Hold onto those screenshots, one day I want to grow food in africa and if you figure out who I am I’d love to partner with you, like in 20 years. Don’t count on anyone else or anyone elses business though, count on your ability to be creative, frugal, and relentlessly obsessed with bettering your life.
For growing food, multicropping is great, look it up, the animals and insects will take care of pests for you, the diversity will prevent disease from ruining your entire crop, and you won’t need pesticide because you won’t care if you’re corn gets disease and dies, because you’ll have tomatoes, herbs, nitrogen fixing plants like legumes. Look up green manure too. If you start a food food business and later invest in multicrop farming you will be able to provide many of your own ingredients.

>> No.16349745

Sounds good mate, if you evenually decide to go for it hit me up at leonltg2017@gmail.com

Always good to have contacts in Africa, I'll assist you where I can.
The think is growing and selling food in Africa will be vastly difficult because your competing locally. I want to export something and make money to live well in Africa. I have already made a product but it's not selling well in the UK