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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1634489 No.1634489 [Reply] [Original]

Hi newfag here to this board. If it matters my choice of boards are /tg/ and /g/

But my question is, as a businessman have you become more skilled at detecting other peoples lies? If so do you have any stories?

>> No.1634579

Just look for body language and eye movement. Unconscious facial ticks or an inability to look you in the eyes. Sometimes the pitch of their voice, or scratching of the nose can give away someone lying. The more you engage with people, the stronger your bullshit detector will be.

>> No.1634601
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as a christian i get this power.
str8 up

>> No.1634686

This board isn't what you think it is. Spend enough time here and you will realize it's mostly 15-20 year olds. I was really disappointed when I figured it out.

>> No.1634691

Lie detection isn't a monolithic skill, it's basically attentiveness. Pay attention to inconsistencies in body language, tone, and most importantly what someone says.

after all all the skilled liars have heard about all the "tells" and body language stuff, the only way you can find them out is by paying attention to everything they say and do and becoming aware of when things don't add up.

Oh, and asking questions when facts don't add up in a non-accusatory, preferably sideways manner

>> No.1634779

One technique I've found helpful is watching how someone uses illustrative body language when recounting an event. Their account is generally more credible if you observe a person "acting out" past actions through their body language (pantomiming, essentially). You generally won't see this with people who are just making shit up. The most reliable indicator is still whether or not their story passes the logic test; does it "add up?" Trying to detect deception through body language is inexact and mostly pseudoscience. The "no eye contact = lying" meme is unequivocally bullshit. Google "Reid technique" if you're interested in learning more about it. I'm a cop and attended a training class a few years ago. Itms pretty much the standard for investigative interviewing in the US.